Izdelki za svetovni dan nutel (24)

Bio indijski oreščki 250g Vivio

Bio indijski oreščki 250g Vivio

<Span Style = "Font-Weight: 400;"> Bio cashew nuts from Vibio are characterized by high quality, freshness and excellent taste. They come from ecological crops in Vietnam. </ Span> Casual nuts are seeds of a tree fruit called Western Naner or Western Casual. They are cousins ​​of mango and pistachios and grown in most countries of the tropical area. Acquiring cashews is complex and time consuming. Cashews are a real mineral mine - magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, selenium, potassium, calcium and vitamins - K1, E and B group vitamins. Thanks to the high content of vitamins from group B and magnesium cashews have a positive effect on, among others the nervous system. The high potassium content means that cashews have a positive effect on maintaining proper water and electrolyte management and prevent excessive accumulation of water in the body (thanks to which they reduce swelling of the feet, hands and face, water cellulite, etc.).
Indijski orešček

Indijski orešček

La noix de cajou de Guinée est un produit agricole de haute qualité, cultivé principalement dans les régions du sud-est du pays, où les conditions climatiques et les sols sont particulièrement favorables à sa production. Les noix de cajou guinéennes sont reconnues pour leur goût délicat et leur texture croquante, qui les distinguent sur le marché international. Les noix de cajou sont extraites des pommes de cajou, un fruit en forme de poire qui pousse sur l'anacardier. Après récolte, les noix passent par un processus de séchage, de décorticage, et de torréfaction pour être prêtes à la consommation. Les noix de cajou de Guinée ont une forme réniforme caractéristique, une couleur beige clair à doré, et une surface lisse. En termes de saveur, ces noix offrent un goût légèrement sucré, crémeux et subtilement beurré, avec une consistance croquante qui les rend idéales pour une consommation directe, en collation, ou comme ingrédient dans diverses recettes culinaires.
indijski orešček

indijski orešček

Hindistan'dan kaju fıstığı tedarik ediyoruz Bütün boyutlar W180 W240 W320 W450
Orehovje lešniki na debelo

Orehovje lešniki na debelo

La avellana a granel de Lord Spices Group es una delicia natural que combina sabor y nutrición. Este producto ha sido cuidadosamente seleccionado y procesado para garantizar su calidad y frescura. Es ideal para aquellos que buscan una opción saludable y deliciosa para sus necesidades culinarias o de snack. Nuestro compromiso con la calidad se extiende a cada aspecto de nuestro proceso de producción. Desde la selección de las mejores materias primas hasta el empaquetado y transporte, nos aseguramos de que cada avellana mantenga su sabor y textura únicos. Además, ofrecemos un servicio personalizado que nos permite adaptarnos a las necesidades específicas de nuestros clientes, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
Praženi Oluščeni Lešniki

Praženi Oluščeni Lešniki

Le gustose nocciole sgusciate e tostate le riconosci subito per il loro profumo delizioso. Ne esistono davvero tante varietà e differiscono per la loro particolare forma che può essere tonda o allungata. Tutte le nocciole hanno, però, un comune denominatore: fanno gola al palato e sono delle vere protagoniste in cucina, essendo perfette sia nei piatti dolci che salati. Le puoi aggiungere ai cereali, alle insalate, alle salse, ai budini o utilizzarle per conferire croccantezza e gusto a primi piatti, secondi di pesce e di carne. Oltretutto, sono veramente preziose in pasticceria e in gelateria perché costituiscono un ingrediente base di tantissime creazioni, come creme, gelati e torte. Le nocciole sgusciate e tostate, oltre ad essere squisite ed irresistibili, sono anche benefiche per il nostro organismo: sono ricche di vitamina E, un antiossidante utile per la prevenzione di alcuni tipi di tumore e sono un’ottima fonte di fosforo, potassio, calcio e proteine.
Surovi Oluščeni Kikiriki s Kožo - KITAJSKA - 25 kg - Ekološki*

Surovi Oluščeni Kikiriki s Kožo - KITAJSKA - 25 kg - Ekološki*

Autres conditionnements VRAC et SACHETS : 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg - L’arachide est plus communément appelée cacahuète, qui est en fait la graine de l’arachide. C’est une «pistache de terre» qui se cultive dans les régions subtropicales et tempérées. Les Arachides crues VIJAYA, toutes rondes et rosées, sont de variété Baisha et ont ce goût croquant inimitable de petit pois. Retrouvez également les arachides crues émondées VIJAYA, ainsi que les arachides grillées salées. Référence:23001
Nužne namaze

Nužne namaze

Sweet spreads from vegan milk free ingredients, packaged in glass or plastic jars. Either from your existing recipe, or we help develop a new product just for you.
Kikiriki olje

Kikiriki olje

Peanut oil, also known as groundnut oil, is rich in monounsaturated fats and is known for its stability and robustness. It has a characteristic, slightly nutty taste while remaining odorless, making it a versatile choice for cooking and frying. Peanut oil's high temperature stability makes it ideal for manufacturing pourable dressings and as a substitute for olive oil in salads. Its ability to keep solids in suspension for longer periods makes it a preferred ingredient in mayonnaise and margarine production. Peanut oil is a reliable and flavorful option for both home and professional kitchens.
kokosova oreh - sestavina

kokosova oreh - sestavina

ingrediente pentru cofetarie si patiserie
Ekološki oreščki - Oreščki s in brez lupine

Ekološki oreščki - Oreščki s in brez lupine

1.kalite paketli yada dökme ürün
Naravne marelične koščice

Naravne marelične koščice

-Kayısı çekirdeğinin içinde A, D, K ve E vitaminlerinin yanı sıra kanserle mücadele önemli bir etki sahibi olduğu söylenen B17, başka bir isimle laetril adı bir madde de yer alıyor. Bu nedenle kayısı çekirdeği birçok konuda vücudun yanında yer alabiliyor. -İçindeki B17 sayesinde kanserli hücrelerin oluşumunu, oluşmuş olanlarınsa genişlemesini engellediği söyleniyor. -Bolca vitamin barındırması sayesinde kayısı çekirdeği bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirici bir etki de yaratabiliyor. -Bu özellikleri dışında yüksek kan basıncını dengelemede yardımcı oluyor. Bu sayede yüksek tansiyonu olanlara destek oluyor. -Kayısı çekirdeği, yağ olarak kullanıldığına selülitlerin görünümünü azaltıp oluşumunu önlüyor. -Bununla da kalmayan kayısı çekirdeği yağı, cildi nemlendiriyor, kırışıklık karşıtı bir etki yaratıyor, cildin yaşlanmasını geciktiriyor. -Sivilcelerin hızla geçmesine destek oluyor. -Kayısı çekirdeği yağı, ağrıları dindirmede de önemli rol oynuyor.
Ditalini - Testenine

Ditalini - Testenine

Ditalini - Pâtes


Peanuts, which are consumed the most among the nuts and used as the main ingredient in various desserts, are grown very frequently in our country. It is especially known for its energy providing feature. However, it also offers numerous benefits for your health. Peanut varieties are also known over 30. You can find them categorized according to harvest time or regionally. You can contact Bayçelik to order peanuts.
Orehovo jedro - OREH

Orehovo jedro - OREH

Walnuts, which are especially popular in winter, contain a lot of useful nutrients for our health. It is an essential element of both traditional and reform nutrition. The walnut or nut tree is a genus belonging to the Nutaceae or Nutraceae family. It is native to Hungary as well, and in the Carpathian basin you can find two types more often: one is the edible ordinary walnut, and the other is the black walnut planted as an ornamental tree in Europe. It has spread in folk medicine due to its blood purifying effect, and is used in cases of gastritis and enteritis. Externally, it is used to treat skin diseases, acne, ulcers, and eczema. Rich in minerals. The calcium content helps maintain the health of bones and teeth, contributes to the prevention of osteoporosis, and plays a role in the proper functioning of nerves and muscles. Zinc is necessary for the production of insulin, growth and the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.


Polno mleko - sladkano

Polno mleko - sladkano

Mini tube de 60g de gourmandise. Existe aussi en boîte de 12 mini tubes. Et dedans il y a quoi ? Lait entier, sucre, arôme naturel de vanille. Allergènes à la loupe Lait. Bien le conserver c’est pas compliqué Le lait concentré sucré en tube se conserve 1 an avant ouverture et 3 semaines au réfrigérateur après ouverture. Tube et bouchon : à jeter avec les déchets ménagers.
Datlji Brez Koščic 1000g

Datlji Brez Koščic 1000g

Daktyle są bardzo zdrowym wyborem żywieniowym. Stanowią dobre źródło błonnika pokarmowego, składników odżywczych i przeciwutleniaczy. Zawierają witaminy: z grupy B, A, K i wiele składników mineralnych. Są jednym z najwyżej sklasyfikowanych źródeł potasu. Składniki odżywcze w daktylach wiążą się z wieloma korzyściami zdrowotnymi.Polifenole, związki zawarte w daktylach, mają właściwości przeciwutleniające i przeciwzapalne. Chronią komórki przed stresem oksydacyjnym, co pomaga w zapobieganiu wielu chorób i infekcji.Daktyle dostarczają potasu, niezbędnego elektrolitu dla układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Potas ma dobrze znany wpływ na obniżanie wysokiego ciśnienia krwi. Daktyle mają niską zawartość sodu i dostarczają błonnik. Wszystkie trzy z tych czynników przemawiają za spożywaniem daktyli dla zdrowia serca.Owoce daktyli są również bogate w minerały, takie jak wapń, miedź i magnez. Ponadto zawierają mangan i żelazo.
Kikiriki - Povečan Kikiriki, Java Kikiriki, Blanširan Kikiriki

Kikiriki - Povečan Kikiriki, Java Kikiriki, Blanširan Kikiriki

Ние доставяме фъстъци: Смел фъстък Ява фъстък Бланширани фъстъци
Catar Orehova Pasta 330G

Catar Orehova Pasta 330G

Les noix décontractées doivent leur nom à une forme spécifique qui rappelle le rein. Contrairement aux autres noix, ils sont caractérisés par une douceur et une douceur claire. La pâte de noix de cajou, en raison d'une composition simple, est en mesure de fournir un certain nombre de vitamines et de minéraux de valeur pour le corps humain. Les acides gras insaturés sains méritent une attention particulière. De plus, les noix de cajou nous fournissent une dose de vitamines nécessaires: A, D, E et K, ainsi que des minéraux tels que: calcium, phosphore, potassium, cuivre et fer. Les noix de cajou ne sont pas seulement une excellente source d'énergie, vitamines et minéraux, mais aussi protéines. Par conséquent, cela peut s'avérer un complément précieux au régime alimentaire des personnes qui abandonnent quotidiennement de la viande et des produits d'origine animale. . Il peut être utilisé avec succès pour les sauces et les pansements de salade et pour la cuisine asiatique sèche.
Kikiriki - Kikiriki

Kikiriki - Kikiriki

Wir liefern Erdnüsse: Mutige Erdnuss Java-Erdnuss Blanchierte Erdnuss
Pasta iz lešnikov

Pasta iz lešnikov

La pasta di nocciole è un alimento altamente versatile in cucina. Utilizzabile per lo più in preparazioni dolci, il suo impiego è preminente nella realizzazione di prodotti da gelateria, ma si presta bene anche alla preparazione di creme o nella farcitura di prodotti da forno. Il motivo del largo impiego nelle preparazioni dolci si deve al caratteristico aroma, capace di esaltare ulteriormente il gusto di creme, dolci al cucchiaio o le farciture di torte e di bignè. Ti consigliamo di utilizzare la nostra pasta di nocciole anche per dare un tocco speciale al caffè o alla cioccolata! Alleata per eccellenza della nostra salute, la nocciola è un alimento ricco di “grassi buoni”, tra cui gli omega-6 e gli omega-3. Inoltre, essa si rivela un’importante fonte di nutrienti, quali calcio, rame, manganese, ferro, vitamina E e B. Concedersi ogni tanto uno sgarro, godendosi questa deliziosa pasta di nocciole in una preparazione dolce non può che giovare al tuo umore!
Nutadella orehov krem Anka Dziedzic 300g Vivio

Nutadella orehov krem Anka Dziedzic 300g Vivio

Nutadella was founded in cooperation with Vivio from Anka Dziedzic. It is an excellent replacement for chocolate cream creams, does not contain sugar or palm oil. Carefully selected ingredients make the product rich in nourishing ingredients, full of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. <Span class = "Apple-Converted-Space"> </span> The cream includes shea fat, hazelnuts, cocoa and cocoa and erythritol as a sweetener. Smerly Shea (also called shea butter or karite butter), we associate with body care, however . Shea oil gives cream a similarly creamy, silky consistency as palm oil, but it is better due to the protection of the natural environment at risk of extinction of species. Shea is used as an alternative of butter by vegans and, unlike cow's milk butter, has up to 50% more unsaturated acids fatty. Berskin contain vitamin E, called "vitamin of youth and fertility." They also contain large amounts of B vitamins, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.
Orehova krema Nutadella Anka Dziedzic 300g Vivio

Orehova krema Nutadella Anka Dziedzic 300g Vivio

Nutadella fue fundada en cooperación con Vivio de Anka Dziedzic. Es un excelente reemplazo para cremas de crema de chocolate, no contiene azúcar o aceite de palma. Los ingredientes cuidadosamente seleccionados hacen que el producto sea rico en ingredientes nutritivos, llenos de proteínas, fibra, vitaminas y minerales. <Span class = "manzana-espacio-espacio-espacio"> </span> La crema incluye grasa de karité, avellanas, cacao y cacao y erythritolol Como edulcorante. Smerly Shea (también llamado mantequilla de karité o mantequilla de karite), asociamos con el cuidado corporal, sin embargo. El aceite de karité le da a la crema una consistencia similarmente cremosa y sedosa como el aceite de palma, pero es mejor debido a la protección del medio ambiente natural en riesgo de extinción de especies. El kary se usa como alternativa de mantequilla por veganos y, a diferencia de la mantequilla de leche de vaca, tiene hasta un 50% más de grasa de ácidos insaturados.
kikiriki - Drzen kikiriki, Java kikiriki, blanširan kikiriki

kikiriki - Drzen kikiriki, Java kikiriki, blanširan kikiriki

Προμηθεύουμε φυστίκι: Τολμηρό φυστίκι Java Peanut Φιστίκι ασπρισμένο