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Eu - Izdelovalec Proizvajalec - Slovenija



    The company was founded in 1991. At first, it only operated in the field of house electrical installations. Due to the increased demand for various electrical installations, it was necessary to expand the field of operation to other areas of electrical installations. In 2011, we started entering to foreign markets. Due to the economic situation, we have started to expand our offer to other areas, such as construction, where we can now offer services from the beginning of construction to installation and completion of construction – this means that we offer services from floor to roof. Staff: Our employees have different job profiles: workers; electricians; machine installer; engineer; electrical technician; master of electrical installations; Bachelor of Electrical Engineering; Bachelor of Civil Engineering.



    UVC SOLUTIONS D.O.O., je podjetje tipa Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec, ki deluje v panogi Sterilizacija in dezinfekcija - medicinska oprema. Deluje tudi v panogah medical devices, uvc rays, disinfection systems. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Celje, Slovenija.

  3. EKTEN, D. O. O.


    We are a global provider of air filtration systems, technological equipment for quarries and separations, equipment for the insulation materials industry, equipment for glass furnaces and equipment for the transport and storage of powder materials. We produce comprehensive and innovative turnkey solutions for our customers. The development of solutions takes place in close cooperation with the client: from planning and production to transport and installation. After the completion of the work, we take care of the service of our devices. We offer complete solutions, which allows us detailed insights into all the challenges posed by complex systems. The devices and sensors are connected and controlled from a central digital control system. Each of our products is unique. We manually make individual custom pieces, which are then assembled into complex systems in accordance with the customer's requirements. We are connected by caring for a cleaner environment, teamwork, constantly upgrading our knowledge and following the latest trends in our industry. At Ekten, we will continue to pursue the vision of becoming a global development partner that offers sustainable technological and ecological solutions for various industries. All in concern for a cleaner environment for our and future generations. The preparation of the presentation of the company Ekten at Europages was co-financed by EU funds (www.eu-skladi.si).



    NEST Systems develops Innovative solutions in the field of acoustic signal processing and acoustic monitoring. Our products are developed for: - wood industry, where we offer autonomous and user-friendly products for diagnostics and control of band and circular saws, - environmental monitoring, where we offer both simple and advanced systems with 24/7 environmental monitoring, - work safety testing equipment and - security segment, where we offer systems for safe speech zone determination, where intelligible speech can no longer be understood. Research and development activity is the guiding principle of our company. We are dedicated to development of specialized technological products, which are the result of our own knowledge and many years of experience in providing optimized and tailored solutions for our customers. Continuous upgrade of our knowledge and use of latest technologies, provide a comprehensive professional approach to our clients’ problems. A comprehensive approach and out-of-the-box thinking are key preferences of our business model, giving the company technical superiority and higher added value. Our business model allows us to research, develop, evaluate and produce specialized products, tailored to the individual clients’ needs. The preparation of presentation for company NEST Systems at Europages was co-financed by EU funds (www.eu-skladi.si).

  5. JE & GR D.O.O.


    JE & GR d.o.o was established in 1993 and employs 60 permanent workers and has over 70 close subcontractors. Our primary activity is production of products for customer contracts in Slovenia and in EU countries, especially for the european defence industry. This represents more then 80% volume of the total production output. For the needs for production of weapons and army equipment, company has government consent for the production of military weapons and equipment. Company has manufactured more then 10.000 different products. We are producing items from a wide range of materials using different types of manufacturing. These are the products: -Metals (castings, welded, forgings, steel workpieces, non-ferrous metals, …) -Rubber (seals, shock absorbers, rubber products combined with steel parts) -Plastic (for different purposes and from different materials) -Goods (bags, pallets, packing boxes) -Various other articles of wood, cork, etc..

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  1. ALPLES 3E D.O.O.


    We are a company with a rich tradition in the design and production of mechanical equipment. The company specialises in the production of hydraulic elevators (lift tables) and transport devices that are intended for the lifting and transportation of all types and sizes of cargo. We place great emphasis on the development of new products, modern production capacities and HR. This represents our mission to become the best in this field. The strategy of Alples 3E Strojegradnja is to offer high-quality products at fair and competitive prices. All products are tailor-made, ranking us at the very top in the area of machine manufacture. We also offer professional assembly and repair for all of our customers. One of our top priorities is adaptability as we strive to realise each customer’s wishes and needs. We can do this thanks to the high level of our employees’ expert knowledge, which is being continuously upgraded. We have vast experience in cooperating with Slovenian and foreign companies. The majority of what we manufacture is exported to EU markets, Austria and Germany in particular. We are also an intermediary part of a chain of companies engaged in machine manufacture and the metal processing industry, and we also act as a supplier of technological equipment for the automotive industry. Content preparation for online promotion is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.

  2. STELEM D. O. O.


    At Stelem, we manufacture sustainable self-regulating ceramic heating elements and temperature sensors of various shapes and sizes. In accordance with the wishes of our customers, we create a wide range of products for different levels of voltage and temperature ranges. As a global company, we are present in the automotive industry, industrial applications, control technology, heating systems, white goods, control systems, medical technology, temperature protection of electric motors and transformers, and many other devices and machines. The development of our products takes place in close cooperation with customers. Together we develop quality and technologically advanced solutions. Stelem products are distinguished by proven top quality, which is achieved through precise manufacturing, careful processing and control at various stages of production. Most of the production is fully automated, and certain operations are still performed manually. We are focusing our development on sustainable solutions for a green future, which is why we are also entering the field of electromobility and smart homes with our products. The values that connect our employees are a guarantee of our mission as a global provider of smart and sustainable solutions. The preparation of Stelem's presentation at Europages was co-financed by EU funds (www.eu-skladi.si).



    Podjetje Macte Animo d.o.o. sestavlja ekipa strokovnjakov z namenom, da diplomantom polepša dan slavnostne podelitve diplomskih listin. ​Na področju razvoja in promocije akademskih insignij smo v EU eno izmed prvih podjetji. Z lastno proizvodnjo in razvojem produktov (akademskih kap in tog) ter storitev našim strankam ponujamo edinstveno ponudbo na trgu. Tako vam skupaj s poslovnimi partnerji ponujamo celostno, profesionalno ter trajno rešitev. ZAKAJ UVESTI AKADEMSKE INSIGNIJE? - ​​​Enotnost in bratstvo med diplomanti - Ne glede na finančni status, nacionalnost in religijo so vsi diplomanti na podelitvi diplom združeni v enakih togah, barvah in simbolih (grb) univerze. - Večji ponos in pripadnost diplomantov k visokošolski ustanovi. - Vizualno razlikovanje diplomantov od obiskovalcev - Diplomanti se vizualno razlikujejo od obiskovalcev in so tako glavne zvezde svečanega dogodka.​​​ - Večja svečanost slavnostnega dogodka podelitve diplom - S to vizualno komunikacijo se zviša svečanost dogodka, česar se vsi udeleženci zavedajo in tako prilagodijo tudi svoje obnašanje. - Profesionalnost in imidž fakultete oz. univerze - Z njimi se poudari veljava končni izobrazbi. - Večja privlačnost dogadka - Večji obisk na slavnostnih podelitvah diplom. Promocijski učinek - Diplomanti objavljajo fotografije iz slavnostne podelitve diplom na socialnih omrežjih, kot so Facebook in Instagram.



    Lokve d.o.o. z zavidljivo tradicijo v lesno predelovalni industriji, celostno zaokroženim proizvodnim procesom (od razreza hlodovine do končnega produkta), strokovno usposobljenim kadrom ter računalniško podprto proizvodnjo (CAD-CAM) predstavlja vodilnega proizvajalca lesenega stavbnega pohištva na Hrvaškem ter prepoznavno izvozno blagovno znamko na trgih EU (Italije, Slovenije, Francije, Španije, Švice, Grčije, … ), kot tudi Rusije, Južne Koreje ter Japonske, … Poslanstvo: s kontinuiranim vlaganjem v tehnični in tehnološki razvoj ter znanje zaposlenih želimo izboljševati kvaliteto naših proizvodov in storitev ter povečevati zadovoljstvo naših kupcev. Vizija: s predanim delom pri izdelavi visokokakovostnih in tržno aktualnih izdelkov s prepoznavno identiteto ter nudenjem najboljših izvedljivih rešitev našim kupcem želimo postati vodilni regionalni proizvajalec lesenega stavbnega pohištva ter spremljajoče opreme. Izredno kakovostne izolacijske značilnosti oken zagotavljajo in omogočajo prvorazredno bivalno okolje. Nudimo vam širok izbor vrhunskih oken LOKVE. Zato naročite LESENA OKNA, LES/ALU OKNA ali PVC OKNA še danes! Inovativna tehnologija in moderen dizajn.

  5. EKOP D.O.O.


    EKOP d.o.o. is a manufacturing company with head office and production in Ribnica, SLOVENIA, EU; Years of experience in the manufacture of machinery and equipment for processing of secondary raw materials date back to the eighties and serial production at the factory Riko in Ribnica. Cooperation with related companies and the requirements of different markets guided our development efforts and competitiveness in the market. Te company holds certificates according TO ISO 9001 and environmrntal ISO 14001 certification. Our products can be found at the customers in Europe, Asia, South America ... PRESSES HYDRAULIC SHEARS CONVEYOR BELTS SORTING LINES ROLL CUTTERS SCRAP BALERS PAPER BALERS Our advantages: Own developmentt and production Providing of consultancy to customers for the best technical solution We provide optimal solution for the customer in terms of functionality, cost of servicing, maintenance and price Servicing and supply of spare parts

  1. TS LAB D.O.O.


    Our company TS LAB d.o.o., started as producer of first organic sport supplement manufacturer. In 2015 we opened modern manufacturing facility that operates according to EU Regulations, HACCP system and have Organic certification. We can produce whatever product or formulas you would like in small or large quantities. We help with our knowledge in development and establishment of new brands. Few items from our range: -protein powders -pre workout products -fat burners -diet shakes -vitamins and minerals -organic supplements -customized formulas We offer one of the best prices in Europe so feel free to contact us on our email or call us on +386 41 671 039. Best regards, Tilen Suhadolnik, founder and director TS Lab d.o.o. Slovenia, EU



    Pospeševanje prodaje živil s kritičnimi roki pred iztekom uporabe (najmanj do) z uporabo rešitve FoodPlus, ki pokriva različne EU države kot tudi specifične kanale za odprodajo. Rešujemo težavo uničenja hrane ter pijač, ob tem imamo močan vpliv na okolje kot tudi družbo katera si ravno takšnih živil ne more privoščiti za mesečno preživetje. Opravljamo tudi dejavnost zastopanja, svetovanja na področju FMCG industrije ter izdelave okoljskih poročil. Skupno več kot 20 let izkušenj, izdelovanje rešitev ter svetovanje za največja svetovana podjetja.



    Akrobat has established itself as one of the leading European manufacturers of trampolines and trampoline parks with more than 16 years of experience in trampoline manufacturing. We pride ourselves today as one of the top European suppliers of trampolines focused on qualities that bring real value to our customers. All our products are made in accordance with the highest EU standards. Akrobat trampolines have been laboratory tested for their ability to absorb jumps and the intensity of the G-force they subject the body to. Results demonstrated a more even deceleration of the jump, slowly bringing the body to a halt and softly absorbing the landing, compared to mainstream competitor products. Akrobat trampolines are synonyms for lasting quality, unpaired performance, and guaranteed safety. We are always striving to find the highest quality materials offering maximum safety and minimum maintenance. Akrobat is One-Stop-Shop for trampoline parks investors and owners all over the world. We believe active play enriches children’s lives and allows them to build a healthy body that will contribute to their overall development and help them achieve their full potential in adult life. We worship diversity, that’s why our complete range of trampolines comes in all shapes and sizes and covers a wide spectrum of needs for different customer profiles.



    Hempika je specializirani proizvajalec organskih CBD izdelkov s sedežem v EU od leta 2016. Uporabljamo samo ekološko certificirano pridelano konopljo iz različnih delov EU, kar nam omogoča, da dosežemo širši spekter kanabinoidov, terpenov in drugih učinkovin v naših izdelkih kot drugi . Smo certificirani za GMP, zato so vsi naši izdelki farmacevtske kakovosti. Naš cilj je ustreči vsem potrebam, zato ponujamo: - maloprodaja - razsuti tovor - bela etiketa - podružnica - dropshipping - B2C Specializirani smo za proizvodnjo CBD olj, ekstraktov in kozmetike s celotnim spektrom. Poleg tega nudimo tudi izolate CBD in CBG, pa tudi različne CBD izdelke za hišne ljubljenčke in vape tekočine. Analizo kanabinoidov izvajamo tudi s HPLC metodo za podjetja in posameznike, kjer analiziramo 10 različnih kanabinoidov. Kakovost ni nikoli nesreča. To je naša navada. Zato želimo, da je dostopna vsem. Pomagamo vam tudi pri ustanavljanju in širjenju poslovanja - naš cilj je dolgoročno sodelovanje in kar je najpomembnejše - vaše zadovoljstvo. Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja, posebna vprašanja, ...

  3. TOMOS D.O.O.


    Tomos operates four product lines, always focusing on its customers’ needs and their desire to experience the spirit of freedom or simply own an economical and environmentally friendly means of transport. PRODUCT LINES a) Two-wheel mopeds L1e-A (25 km/h, 15 m.p.h.) b) Two-wheel mopeds L1e (45 km/h, 30 m.p.h.) c) Electric Scooters d) Delivery vehicles for institutional users All vehicles meet the high standards concerning noise pollution and harmful emissions. The vehicles have the following certificates: EEC (EU), DOT and EPA (USA). Selected models have EUR.1 movement certificate. Most of our 2017 models will have a serial electric start, automatic oil injection pump and EURO 4 emission standard. This will make your ride on a new Tomos vehicle an even more pleasant, comfortable, and safe experience.

  4. ROBUST D.O.O.


    Pod registrirano blagovno znamko ROBUST izdelujemo in tržimo HIDRAVLIČNE CEPILNIKE z nazivno močjo od 13 do 25 ton lastne zasnove, DROBILNIKE lesa, lesnih odpadkov, palet in podobnega materiala. Leta 2018 smo gozdarski program še razširili z OVIJALCI DRV in PLATOJI. Naša ekipa razvoja, proizvodnje in montaže skrbi, da se izdelki ponašajo z inovacijami, patenti in modelnimi zaščitami, so izdelani po EU standardih ter izpolnjujejo vse varnostne in zdravstvene zahteve. Neprestano stremimo k izboljšavam in dopolnjevanju naših izdelkov, kar zagotavlja produktivnost strojev in zadovoljstvo njihovih uporabnikov.

  5. WRAVOR D.O.O.


    Podjetje se je rodilo in zrastlo v osrčju pohorskih gozdov kjer je ukvarjanje z lesom ljudem v krvi. Iz manjšega podjetja, ki je nastalo iz ljubezni do lesa in njegove predelave je nastalo uspešno podjetje s tradicijo in izkušnjami, poznano po celem svetu in s trdnimi temelji za naprej. Glavna dejavnost podjetja je projektiranje in proizvodnja lesno obdelovanih strojev. Nosilni proizvod so horizontalne tračne žage, ki so postavljene samostojno ali povezane s transporterji in krožnimi žagami v žagalno linijo, ki je kombinacija visoke tehnologije z minimalnim številom delovne sile in optimalno kapaciteto razreza. Veseli smo, da naši stroji zagotavljajo delo in zaslužek malim žagarjem, srednje velikimžagarskim obratom in so tudi del velikih žagarskih podjetij širom sveta. Pohvalimo se lahko, da so naši stroji razrezali ogromne količine raznovrstnega lesa, od našega domačega do trdega eksotičnega. Kar nas pa še posebej navdaja s ponosom pa je, da ko se kupci enkrat odločijo za naše stroje, to odločitev tudi ponovijo. Več kot 90% celotne proizvodnje je namenjeno za izvoz. Izvažamo na področje bivše Jugoslavije, EU, Ukrajine, Rusije in tudi na področje Afrike in Malezije. Na področju vzhodne Evrope in nekaterih državah EU imamo tudi svojo zastopniško mrežo, ki nudi našim kupcem tudi montažo in hiter servis v primeru kakršnih koli okvar in težav. Podjetje je leta 1997 pridobilo certifikat kakovosti ISO 9001.

  6. KONAL D.O.O./S.R.L.


    Podjetje KONAL d.o.o./s.r.l je družinsko podjetje, na trgu več kot 10 let. Ukvarja se s predelavo in konzerviranjem zelenjave. Asortiman zajema uloženo zelenjavo; rdeči radič, artičoke, mešane gozdne gobe, suhe paradižnike, šampinjone in tartufato. Vsi izdelki in dodatki so pridelani in pripravljeni v skladu z normativi in načeli EU, ne vsebujejo mononatrijevega glutamata in potencialno alergenih sestavin ter so brez GSO.


Rezultati za

Eu - Izdelovalec Proizvajalec - Slovenija

Število rezultatov

18 Podjetja