Slovenija, Novo Mesto
...Predstavljamo rEbankMini—edini prenosni polnilec, izdelan v celoti v EU, ki združuje nekompromisno trajnost in stil. Izdelan iz reciklirane baterijske celice in ovit v čudovito odpadno orehovo les, rEbankMini ni le polnilec—je izjava o vaši zavezanosti okolju. Z vsakim proizvedenim enoto prihranimo več kot 5,3 kg emisij CO₂ v primerjavi s proizvodnjo podobnih izdelkov. To je enakovredno sajenju...
Slovenija, Maribor
...Starlife NMN proizvaja slovensko farmacevtsko podjetje (EU) z več kot 25-letno tradicijo in priznanjem kakovosti izdelkov. Starlife dodatki so certificirano čisti in testirani razred. Starlife NMN obnavlja vitalno raven NAD + v telesu in posledično povečuje dolgoživost, obnavlja poškodovano DNA, energizira celice in povečuje vitalnost celic. Podpira zdravo delovanje možganov, celo povečuje...
Slovenija, Mengeš
...Layoners sončna očala in očala za modro svetlobo - Več kot 500.000 strank po EU - Sončna očala blagovne znamke Layoners nosi več kot 500.000 zadovoljnih strank širom Evrope. Ker želimo blagovno znamko narediti še bolj dostopno po celotni Evropi iščemo partnerje, ki jih zanima prodaja sončnih očal in očal za modro svetlobo znamke Layoners. S svojo vzpostavljeno logistično mrežo zagotovimo dobavo artiklov v več kot 20 dražav znotraj 1-3 delovnih dni. ...
Slovenija, Kranj
...LUXTELLA ulične svetilke so zasnovane in proizvedene v Sloveniji (EU), s poudarkom na visoki energetski učinkovitosti, brezkompromisni zanesljivosti in popolni porazdelitvi optične svetlobe. Te lastnosti naredijo Luxtella ulične svetilke idealne za uporabo pri osvetlitvi javnih cest, kolesarskih stez, parkirišč, trgov, pešpoti in drugih.
Slovenija, Vipava
...Glavna storitev podjetja je prevoz blaga v domačem in mednarodnem prometu. Cestni tovorni prevozi se izvajajo predvsem v Sloveniji, Italiji, Avstriji in Nemčiji. Po predhodnih dogovorih se seveda prevažajo tudi na druge destinacije znotraj in zunaj EU. Podjetje razpolaga s floto 27 vozil EURO VI. Flota je brezhibna, podjetje jo redno vzdržuje in posodablja, prav tako flota podjetja Transport...
Ujemajoči se izdelki
Prevoz blaga
Prevoz blaga
Drugi izdelki
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...Mobilna hiša SimplHaus - lesena konstrukcija - nizkoenergetske lastnosti - možna dostava EU - Evropska Unija...
Odvetniška pisarna Stušek d.o.o. je inovativna odvetniška pisarna, ki pri poslovanju uporablja sodobne tehnološke rešitve. Odvetniške storitve in svetovanje s tem postanejo hitro in enostavno dostopne uporabnikom širom po svetu. Pokrivamo vsa področja odvetniškega in pravnega zastopanja. Uredimo vam lahko strategijo zasnove blagovne znamke, vodimo postopke registracije, sodnega varstva in nudimo c...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Imagine that you are selling products or services under your own Trademark. Are you sure you own it? In order for you to prove it, you need to register it. In IPRC (Intellectual Property Rights Consulting) we believe that only through valid legal protection of company’s core assets individuals and companies can grow their business. IPRC is a specialized company who offers individual consultations,...
Ujemajoči se izdelki
Registracija blagovne znamke EU
Registracija blagovne znamke EU
Slovenija, Litija
...Skodelica za čiščenje tačk, ki vam pomaga hitro in učinkovito očistiti tačke vašega ljubljenčka. Narejena je iz nežnih silikonskih ščetin, ki odstranijo umazanijo in blato s tačk ter zadržijo umazanijo znotraj skodelice. LASTNOSTI: Tip izdelka: Pripomoček za čiščenje tačk psov Material: silikon Barva: modra Dimenzije: 15 x 10 x 8 cm Za večje količine ponujamo poseben popust. Kontaktirajte nas za več informacij. Zaloga v EU - pripravljeno za distribucijo.
Slovenija, Kranj
... is baes on many years of experience in the field of tank transportation. During this period, we have gained experience in cooperating with European leading companies in the bussines and successfully working with companies within EU and outside of EU. In enabling whole logistic service we are offering knowledge, trust and tradition which also includes tank container and road tanker transportations throughout Slovenia and ex Yugoslave republics. Our task is to provide great customer service and quality transportation. We'll be pleased to answer all your questions. Contact us for more information! ...
... supplements and super foods. Our natural supplements include: Plant based skin nutrients, multivitamin supplements, vegan supplements and probiotic & prebiotic complex. Our company complies to the highest EU standards for food production, processing, storage and distribution. We are ISO 22000 and EU Organic Certified. We insure you get a perfect product with your label delivered at your door. Our...
Slovenija, Sežana
... rešitve s hitrimi dobavnimi roki. Naš cilj je graditi win-win partnerstva z zagotavljanjem preglednih poslovnih pogojev, nadpovprečnih marž na izdelke in odlične podpore strankam. Ponosni smo, da smo zanesljiv in prilagodljiv partner, ki spodbuja močne odnose, temelječe na komunikaciji in zaupanju. Vsi naši filamenti so proizvedeni v Sloveniji, večina surovin pa je pridobljenih znotraj EU, kar...
Slovenija, Šempeter v Sav. Dolini
TermoPlus has been manufacturing exceptional heat pumps in the EU since 1992. TermoPlus is very different to other heat pump manufacturers as we are the only heat pump manufacturer that offers customisation - this increases the installation efficiency significantly. Secondly, our support to installers, specifiers and resellers is the absolute best available. PARTNER PROMISE: Our partners...
Slovenija, Solkan
Founded in 2003, Advansys is committed to the development of top-of-the-line systems for gaming industry. On a global scale, ranks among the leading global companies producing an integrated Casino Management Systems (CMS) for slot machines and gaming tables. Advansys excels in reliability, modularity and scalability. The company’s products are developed and produced in Slovenia-EU and tested in...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
PANDASSPOT.COM is an online apparel distributor for the business-to-business market that currently provides appeal for well-known Slovenian businesses including PIRNAR, ELEKTRO GORENJSKA, FROMITAS, MITRAS and numerous other smaller businesses. Our primary goal is to provide clothing and accessories at the greatest costs available, and we accomplish this by sending orders straight from factories or warehouses in the EU or the UK. ...
Slovenija, Prebold
Ograje Kočevar is a family Business with 12 years of experience in the manufacturing of fences and fencing Gates. Our customers are fencing installers as well as end-users. We have spun of from a company with more than 40-year tradition in the production of resistance welding machines. We expanded Business from Slovenia to other EU markets like Austria, Italy, Croatia, France and in the wider...
Slovenija, Ankaran-Ancarano
...Podjetje KONAL d.o.o./s.r.l je družinsko podjetje, na trgu več kot 10 let. Ukvarja se s predelavo in konzerviranjem zelenjave. Asortiman zajema uloženo zelenjavo; rdeči radič, artičoke, mešane gozdne gobe, suhe paradižnike, šampinjone in tartufato. Vsi izdelki in dodatki so pridelani in pripravljeni v skladu z normativi in načeli EU, ne vsebujejo mononatrijevega glutamata in potencialno alergenih sestavin ter so brez GSO.
Slovenija, Maribor
Spoštovani, Imate pomanjkanje strokovnjakov za vaše prihajajoče projekte? Naše podjetje, Advan d.o.o., iz Maribora (Slovenija) deluje na mednarodnem trgu že več kot 10 let in zaposluje več kot 100 MAG varilcev (žal nimamo WIG varilcev), ključavničarjev in monterjev. Vsi naši zaposleni imajo dovoljenja za delo in prebivanje v EU, A1 potrdila, potrebne certifikate, licence za upravljanje s kranom...
Slovenija, Orehova Vas
Company Active d.o.o., established in Maribor, Slovenia, EU in 1990, is a sustainability-focused manufacturing and trading company. We specialize in high-quality perlon straps and batteries business. As the official distributor of Maxell, we have built a reputation for reliability and excellence. Vision: We aim to be a leading and responsive business partner, recognized for our adherence to...
Slovenija, Krsko
... ecological solutions for various industries. All in concern for a cleaner environment for our and future generations. The preparation of the presentation of the company Ekten at Europages was co-financed by EU funds ( ...
Slovenija, Celje
We are European leaders in hospital-grade UV-C disinfection. Since the founding of our company in 2016, our goal has been to reduce hospital-acquired infections. Hospital-associated infections (HAIs) impact around 3,2 million people annually - just in Europe. HAIs in the EU cost €5,5 to €7 billion per year and are responsible for 37.000 deaths annually. With the help of our device SteriPro, we...
Slovenija, Bostanj
... tailored solutions for our customers. Continuous upgrade of our knowledge and use of latest technologies, provide a comprehensive professional approach to our clients’ problems. A comprehensive approach and out-of-the-box thinking are key preferences of our business model, giving the company technical superiority and higher added value. Our business model allows us to research, develop, evaluate and produce specialized products, tailored to the individual clients’ needs. The preparation of presentation for company NEST Systems at Europages was co-financed by EU funds (
Slovenija, Škofja Loka
... (cattle, pigs and sheep).in the field of logistics, we offer sliding rails, belt conveyors and rolling conveyorsequipment for washing and sterilization of work equipmentvarious auxiliary equipment in meat plants .We are no stranger to ritual slaughtering in the areas where religion prescribes animal processing in a different way than is customary for the European area. For this purpose, we offer a special box for stunning among our products.All lines are constructed according to the EU regulations and norms in force. We supply new lines or reconstruct old ones.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
We are a Slovenian lift company, with 50 years of experience, that only uses products of the highest European quality, compliant with EU standards EN-81. Today we cooperate with numerous countries worldwide and we are keen on growing internationally. We deliver all components for all types of lits as well as entire lifts (MRL, MR, hydraulic, electric). For our products, which are all made in EU...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
We offer quality translations from all EU languages into Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian and vice-versa. Our main services are written translations, sworn translations, conference interpreting and language school.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
We are specialists in teather curtains and blackout fabrics. We are mainly in contract buisiness, but we act also like wholeselers. We mainly import fabrics from EU countries.
Slovenija, Radlje Ob Dravi
... automotive)-products made from materials, which contains up to 50% of glass fiber-making production from PA, with or without GF, ABS, PC, PP, PEI, TPS,PPS, Ryton, Ultem etc.We are export-oriented company, we export 98% of our products. The main buyers are from EU countries France, Germany, Austria etc. Buyers from Slovenia represent only 2%. Why customers choose us? We can fullfill your orders from making a tool for injection, making frst samples with measurements, searching technical solutions if necessarly, injecting quality plastic parts and ensuring quality control of plastic parts.
Slovenija, Brezovica
... of Organic and Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry and Genetics, Pharmacy, HR and Sales management. Our team of experts holds university and post-graduate degrees and is efficient, professional and goal-oriented. We speak many foreign languages. Quantum Chimica is a trust-worthy partner that can help you set regulatory strategies and research activities as well as organize sales and marketing operations on local (EU) and international markets. We guarantee quality, efficient, fast and professional services following current good practices (GxP) and latest regulatory requirements.
PEKO-a joint stock co. established Peter Kozina in 1903. It manufactures and sells only leather classic and fashion shoes under its own brand Peko and offers high quality, comfort and elegance shoes for all ages. Peko has a wide spread retail network of 90 stores, mostly in Slovenia, Croatia Bosnia, Serbia and Macedonia. Own production facilities in EU (Slovenia) and in Serbia, and own production...
Slovenija, Petrovče
... po EU standardih ter izpolnjujejo vse varnostne in zdravstvene zahteve. Neprestano stremimo k izboljšavam in dopolnjevanju naših izdelkov, kar zagotavlja produktivnost strojev in zadovoljstvo njihovih uporabnikov.

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