Izdelki za kozmetika (1730)



Cellucare C Line is an exceptionally balanced cocktail for the treatment of even most severe forms of cellulite, consisting of hyaluronic acid, caffeine and trace elements. These are the three key ingredients that help reduce subcutaneous fat deposits and orange peel look as well as correct the silhouette. The treatment consists of even point or line injections of the areas of the body affected by cellulite with a visible excess of adipose tissue. Cellucare C Line is recommended for use on areas of the body where cellulite usually occurs – abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, knees even the facial area. SKU:CLCR-0000 Brand:REVITACARE Concentration:Hyaluronic acid (non-crossed) Caffeine Trace Elements Indication:Cellulite and fat reduction Modelling the silhouette Smoothing and firming the skin The Pack Includes:10 x 5 ml Vials Results' Duration:When using CELLUCARE®C Line, fat cells usually disappear permanently as long as the patient leads Manufacturer:REVITACARE
Cesta Duga

Cesta Duga

Hydroponic cultivation, 100% biomass Certified and organic cannabis obtained through authorized cultivation Carefully selected to ensure high standards of quality and uniformity. Do not ingest THC value less than 0.2%.
Popoldanski Potovalni Zvezek Pariz Mesto (Modra) - Pansydaisy Pisarniški Material

Popoldanski Potovalni Zvezek Pariz Mesto (Modra) - Pansydaisy Pisarniški Material

160x210x6 mm, 111g, 80 illustrated pages. Handmade Stitch binding. Illustrated journal pages (ruled notebook) Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: Handmade Stitch binding Reference:LM-CV-PAR-02
Popoldanski Mali Potovalni Dnevnik Pariz Notre-Dame - Pansydaisy Papirnica

Popoldanski Mali Potovalni Dnevnik Pariz Notre-Dame - Pansydaisy Papirnica

140x160x4 mm, 59g, 48 illustrated pages. Staple binding. Illustrated journal pages (ruled notebook) Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: Wire Staple binding Reference:LM-pTJ-PAR-02
Zvezek XS - Bald Square 03 - Siva - Pansydaisy Pisarna oprema

Zvezek XS - Bald Square 03 - Siva - Pansydaisy Pisarna oprema

75x105x5mm. 26g, 60 graphic pages. Lies flat and rips neatly mix of deskpads and color pop items handmade binding. Graphic pattern notebook pages Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: Wire Staple binding Reference:PW-N-XS-BS-3
Kalijev sorbat

Kalijev sorbat

Il sorbato di potassio è un conservante alimentare altamente efficace, sicuro e non tossico. Sebbene il sorbato di potassio sia uno dei tanti conservanti presenti sul mercato, è uno dei migliori perché è innocuo e versatile. Il sorbato di potassio è in gran parte prodotto sinteticamente. È una polvere insapore e inodore. Secondo la FDA, è considerato sicuro da usare perché si scompone nel corpo in acqua e anidride carbonica. È nell'elenco dei conservanti che possono essere utilizzati nei prodotti cosmetici con restrizioni. La sua concentrazione massima consentita nel prodotto finale è dello 0,6%, calcolata come acido sorbico. Funziona meglio in un ambiente acido, altrimenti le sue proprietà sono molto più deboli.
Zvezek XS - Črtasto ob robu 03 Temno modra - Pansydaisy Pisarna

Zvezek XS - Črtasto ob robu 03 Temno modra - Pansydaisy Pisarna

75x105x5mm. 26g, 60 graphic pages. Lies flat and rips neatly mix of deskpads and color pop items handmade binding. Graphic pattern notebook pages Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: Handmade Pasting Binding Reference:PW-N-XS-ER-3


Vainillin to wysoce aromatyczny organiczny związek chemiczny (glukozyd waniliny) odpowiedzialny za wyjątkowy i pyszny waniliowy zapach i smak, który występuje naturalnie w lasce wanilii. Jest organicznym związkiem chemicznym składającym się z pierścienia benzenowego zastąpionego trzema grupami funkcyjnymi: aldehydową, hydroksylową i metoksylową. Jest jednym ze składników zapachu waniliowego. Syntetycznie otrzymywana z gwajakolu, wanilina jest otrzymywana z ługu wytwarzanego przy produkcji papieru. Smak jest najważniejszą cechą odróżniającą wanilinę od wanilii. Syntetyczny substytut wanilii ma bardziej intensywny smak niż naturalny owoc rośliny. Ma postać drobnych białych do lekko żółtych kryształków.
Zvezek XS - Bald Square 02 - Morsko zelena - Pansydaisy Pisarniški material

Zvezek XS - Bald Square 02 - Morsko zelena - Pansydaisy Pisarniški material

75x105x5mm. 26g, 60 graphic pages. Lies flat and rips neatly mix of deskpads and color pop items handmade binding. Graphic pattern notebook pages Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: Wire Staple binding Reference:PW-N-XS-BS-2


La teanina è un particolare aminoacido naturale, dalle proprietà rilassanti, sedative e ansiolitiche, la sua fonte principale è rappresentata dal tè.


Può risultare utile come tonico-adattogeno, in particolare nei casi di affaticamento fisico CENTELLA Può contribuire alla funzionalità del microcircolo, particolarmente in caso di pesantezza alle gambe Amamelide Può favorire la funzionalità delle vene circolazione Confezione:30 compresse


- Amla-Mazerat - Arnika-Mazerat - Bananen-Mazerat - Beinwell mazerieren - Eichenrinden-Mazerat - Gersten-Mazerat - Goji-Beeren-Mazerat - Guarana-Mazerat - Johanniskraut-Mazerat - Kaktusfeigen-Mazerat - Kamelien-Mazerat - Karotten-Mazerat - Lavendel-Mazerat - Ringelblumen-Mazerat - Rosenblatt-Mazerat - Schwarze Seife - Traubenkern-Mazerat - Trüffel-Mazerat
Creed Aventus

Creed Aventus

Creed Aventus
Komplet Kralja Opic

Komplet Kralja Opic

Monkey King Kit


La vainillina es un compuesto químico orgánico altamente aromático (glucósido de vainillina) responsable del exclusivo y delicioso aroma y sabor a vainilla que se produce naturalmente en la vaina de vainilla. Es un compuesto químico orgánico formado por un anillo de benceno sustituido por tres grupos funcionales: aldehído, hidroxilo y metoxilo. Es uno de los componentes de la fragancia de vainilla. Derivada sintéticamente del guayacol, la vainillina se obtiene de la lejía producida en la fabricación del papel. El sabor es la característica más importante que distingue a la vainillina de la vainilla. El sustituto sintético de vainilla tiene un sabor más intenso que el fruto natural de la planta. Se presenta en forma de finos cristales de color blanco a ligeramente amarillo.


REVITAFILL Xtra3 is a monophasic, sterile, non-pyrogenic, injectable hydrogel for the correction of soft tissue deficit. The hydrogel is highly purified, cross-linked sodium hyaluronate-based, of non-animal origin, and produced by bacterial fermentation. REVITAFILL Xtra 3 is a volumizing filler designed to correct and restore volume in different face areas where needed. SKU:RVTF-0001 Brand:REVITAFILL Xtra Concentration:Cross-linked HA 26mg/ml Amino acids (Glycine and Proline) Indication:Promotes collagen production Smoothens and plumps skin Hydrates skin The Pack Includes:2 x 1 ml Syringes 4 x 25G Needles 16mm Results' Duration:REVITAFILL Xtra3 provides long-lasting and natural results. The results may vary individually Manufacturer:REVITACARE
H4cbd destilat

H4cbd destilat

This H4CBD distillate was obtained from CBD isolate powder by hydrogenation reaction. The result has been purified several times to remove any traces of the heavy metals, D-8, or THC. Our H4CBD distillate is rich on isomer, free from heavy metals, organic solvent, and pesticides. For laboratory testing result and more information about this product, please feel free to contact us CBD Content:95% – 99% Minors Content:ND THC content:ND
Indijski Charas

Indijski Charas

Indian Charas
Handbärte Mleko osla - 100 ml - Handbärte Mleko osla

Handbärte Mleko osla - 100 ml - Handbärte Mleko osla

"Suchen Sie eine effektive und natürliche Handcreme, die Ihre Hände ohne Mineralöl, Parabene und Vaseline weich und hydratisiert hält?Dann ist die Eselmilch -Handcreme genau das, was Sie brauchen!Formuliert mit dem Geheimnis der uralten Schönheitsgeheimnisse - Eselmilch - Diese Handcreme ist reich an Nährstoffen, die die Haut nähren und schützen. Eselmilch ist traditionell für ihre heilenden und feuchtigkeitsspendenden Eigenschaften bekannt und ist reich an Vitaminen und Mineralien wie Vitaminen A, B1, B2, C und D, Calcium, Magnesium und Kalium.Die Handcreme von Eselmilch wird nur mit der höchsten Eselmilch hergestellt, die direkt aus ethisch behandelten Eseln stammt, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die besten Ergebnisse für Ihre Haut erzielen. Mit seiner 100 -ml -Röhre ist Eselmilch -Handcreme perfekt für den täglichen Gebrauch und einfach zu unterwegs.Die Creme wird schnell absorbiert und hinterlässt keine fettigen Rückstände an den Händen.
Afganistansko zlato

Afganistansko zlato

Afgan Gold
Zvezek S - Črtast 2 02-Rumena - Pansydaisy Pisarna oprema

Zvezek S - Črtast 2 02-Rumena - Pansydaisy Pisarna oprema

90x150x5mm. 43g, 60 graphic pages. Lies flat and rips neatly mix of deskpads and color pop items handmade binding. Graphic pattern notebook pages Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: Handmade Pasting Binding Reference:PW-N-S-ER-2
Balzam z Mlekom Oslice - 250ml - Balzam z Mlekom Oslice

Balzam z Mlekom Oslice - 250ml - Balzam z Mlekom Oslice

"Fijne conditioner ezelmelk, verrijkt met vitamine B5.De ingrediënten in de conditioner voeden het haar, verzachten en zorgen ervoor.De conditioner met ezelsmelk maakt het haar niet zwaar, maar licht en luchtig. Deze conditioner bevat ezelsmelk en vitamine B5.Deze ingrediënten helpen het vocht in de haarstreng te herstellen, waardoor het gemakkelijker is om te kammen.De conditioner zorgt voor de haarstreng en de haarwortel en haaruiteinden.Goed gevoede haar breekt minder snel en ziet er stralend uit, gesplitste punten worden ook voorkomen. Donkere melk is hypoallergeen, antibacterieel, vol vitamines en mineralen en is daarom geschikt voor een droge huid.Als u lijdt aan rode vlekken, psoriasis, eczeem, acne of gevoelige huid, zijn ezel melkzorgproducten ideaal voor u.Donkere melk kalmeert de huid en zorgt ervoor dat deze opnieuw kan genezen."
Filter z Aktivnim Ogljem

Filter z Aktivnim Ogljem

MASCOTTE active carbon filter Filters for all types of roll-ups Reduces tar intake Pleasant, fresh and smooth taste
Kombinirani pokrovi + Mlinček Kralj Opic

Kombinirani pokrovi + Mlinček Kralj Opic

Combo Shrouds + Grinder Monkey King
Ô Vermillon Mini Zvezek Mont-Saint-Michel Galeb - Pansydaisy Pisarna oprema

Ô Vermillon Mini Zvezek Mont-Saint-Michel Galeb - Pansydaisy Pisarna oprema

125x15x3 mm, 49g, 48 ruled pages. Staple binding. ruled notebook Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: Wire Staple binding Reference:OV-mNB-MSM-03


Vainillin ist eine hocharomatische organische chemische Verbindung (Vanillin-Glucosid), die für den einzigartigen und köstlichen Vanille-Duft und -Geschmack verantwortlich ist, der in der Vanilleschote natürlich vorkommt. Es ist eine organisch-chemische Verbindung, die aus einem Benzolring besteht, der durch drei funktionelle Gruppen ersetzt ist: Aldehyd, Hydroxyl und Methoxyl. Es ist eine der Komponenten des Vanilleduftes. Synthetisch aus Guajakol gewonnen, wird Vanillin aus der Lauge gewonnen, die bei der Papierherstellung entsteht. Der Geschmack ist das wichtigste Charakteristikum, das Vanillin von Vanille unterscheidet. Der synthetische Vanille-Ersatz hat einen intensiveren Geschmack als die natürlichen Früchte der Pflanze. Es hat die Form von feinen weißen bis leicht gelben Kristallen.
Surova Črna Klasična + Nasveti

Surova Črna Klasična + Nasveti

Raw black rolling papers Natural unrefined rolling papers 1 1/4 size + Tips
Zvezek S - Bald Square 01 - Modra Korenina - Pansydaisy Pisarna

Zvezek S - Bald Square 01 - Modra Korenina - Pansydaisy Pisarna

90x150x5mm. 43g, 60 graphic pages. Lies flat and rips neatly mix of deskpads and color pop items handmade binding. Graphic pattern notebook pages Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: Handmade Pasting Binding Reference:PW-N-S-BS-1
Arnikino Rastlinsko Olje

Arnikino Rastlinsko Olje

Arnica vegetable oil is obtained from the flowers of the arnica plant, known for its medicinal properties for centuries. This essential oil is prized for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits. It is commonly used to relieve muscle pain, bruises and joint discomfort, thanks to its ability to reduce inflammation and soothe pain. Additionally, arnica oil is known for its ability to improve blood circulation, making it a popular choice for relieving swelling and bruising. Its topical application is also used in the treatment of various skin conditions, such as eczema and insect bites, due to its soothing and healing properties. CONTAINER:25 kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg. INCI:Arnica montana flower extract CAS:68990-11-4 EINECS:273-579-2
Set Nalepk za Oznake Paperways Palette La Vie en Rose - Pansydaisy Papirnica

Set Nalepk za Oznake Paperways Palette La Vie en Rose - Pansydaisy Papirnica

90x150mm, various colorful label sticker, set of 4 sheets, 20g Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Reference:PW-S20-003