Izdelki za sveže (2871)

Banane - Sveže Sadje

Banane - Sveže Sadje

Premium Class A 18 kgs pack 12-18 clusters Sound and Plump Free from any disease Skin Clear Fingers Minimum 7.5 (L) x 1.3 (W) 105-115 fingers per 18.14 kgs/box Each hand of banana without stem and be washed clean Fresh Banana shall be Green 97% min and Yellow 3% max Not matured. Not stored or transmitted together with yellow bananas Min10 weeks Max.14weeks old fruits Min 38 – Max 49 calibre/finger
Mleko Milkyland 1,5%

Mleko Milkyland 1,5%

Enjoy the light and refreshing taste of Milkyland milk 1.5%, a lower-fat option that doesn't compromise on flavor. This milk is perfect for those who prefer a lighter alternative while still enjoying the creamy goodness of milk. Whether you're using it in your morning coffee, cereal, or as a standalone drink, Milkyland milk 1.5% offers a delicious and nutritious choice for the whole family. Milkyland milk 1.5% is sourced from high-quality dairy farms, ensuring a fresh and natural product with every bottle. With its reduced fat content, this milk provides a healthier option without sacrificing taste. Packed with essential nutrients like calcium and vitamins, Milkyland milk 1.5% supports bone health and overall well-being. Incorporate this light and creamy milk into your daily routine and enjoy the benefits of a balanced diet.
Lasagna al Ragù

Lasagna al Ragù

La lasagna al forno è un classico cult e uno dei piatti che rende famosa la cucina italiana in tutto il mondo. Questa versione, la più famosa di tutte, è condita con il tipico ragù di carne bolognese e salsa besciamella. Una lasagna dal gusto rustico, proprio come quella fatta nelle case italiane, pronta per essere gustata e che necessita solo di essere riscaldata.
Kamilica v prahu

Kamilica v prahu

Purity: 100% pure flower with short stems, no foreign substance Packaging: Flowers in Carton boxes 12.5 kg, in polypropylene bags, paper bags Overview The daisy-like flower is cultivated in North Africa and central Europe. Although it is mostly used as a tisane, it is also a very important ingredient in beauty products and teas. Chamomile aids relaxation and sleep, and it also improves digestive problems. Common Uses The flower is infused in creams to get the flavour into elegant desserts. Chamomile oils are used in seafood dishes due to its acidity and herbal flavour. Chamomile is also used in alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. The most common use is to mix chamomile powder in a cup of hot tea. One can also sprinkle the powder over soups and stews for an acidic element. In baking one can add the chamomile powder to cookie batter, scones batter and even muffins – to add a delicate floral aroma. Recommended Storage The most important point is that dried herbs and spices can never go bad if they are kept dry. Yes, the potency is lost, but it will still influence the flavor of your cooking. Seeds, roots, leaves and flowers last longer than crushed or ground herbs and spices. When you are preparing to store your dry herbs and spices it is vital that they are completely dry. A good indication is to rub it with your finger to check if it crumbles. As oxygen degrades dried herbs and spices over time, you should store them in airtight containers. Glass jars with sealable lids are perfect, and so are metal tins. Plastic won’t do for long terms storage. Sunlight also degrades dried herbs and spices; therefore, it should be stored in a dark cabinet that is both cool and dry. If your spice rack is near the stove or cooker, steam will degrade your herbs and spices each time you open the container while cooking. When buying in bulk, you should always store only some of the dried herbs and spices in a glass or metal container. Each time you open it, it is exposed to the elements. When buying in bulk it is useful to label your containers with the purchase date and discard date.
Brazilske Papaje

Brazilske Papaje

Premium papayas sourced from Brazil, offering vibrant color and rich sweetness.
Čebula - sveže sadje in zelenjava

Čebula - sveže sadje in zelenjava

Suministramos frutas frescas y hortalizas de calidad directamente a nuestros clientes de manera rápida y eficiente. Ofrecemos una amplia gama de productos frescos tanto orgánicos como convencionales, garantizando siempre productos frescos de temporada. Nuestro compromiso es proporcionar frutas y hortalizas frescas de alta calidad, adaptándonos a las necesidades de mayoristas y distribuidores que buscan proveedores confiables de productos agrícolas.
Črna tartufa (Tuber Melanosporum) na debelo

Črna tartufa (Tuber Melanosporum) na debelo

Segortrufa vende trufa negra, también conocida como Tuber Melanosporum, se trata de un hongo que se encuentra bajo el suelo (hipogeo), posee un aspecto exterior negruzco o gris con tonos violáceos. Tiene forma irregular, la piel es muy fina y está recubierta de verrugas. Mide de 3 a 12 cm de diámetro y un peso entre 20 y 200 gramos, aunque excepcionalmente pueden superar los 600 gramos. Su cuerpo es carnoso y compacto, al principio es gris – violácea y en la madurez pardonegruzca recorrida por venaciones estériles blanquecinas, de tonalidades rosadas al contacto con el aire. Disponemos de gran cantidad semanal de Trufa para abastecer tanto a proveedores, restaurantes y cliente final. Exportamos trufa fresca de gran calidad a Europa, Asia y América.
Čebula 40/60 - Majhne čebule

Čebula 40/60 - Majhne čebule

FlevoTrade sorteert uien in verschillende maten. High-tech apparatuur gecombineerd met vakmanschap zorgt ervoor dat de uien in de juiste conditie verwerkt worden. Op zoek naar een specifieke maat? Neem direct contact met ons op voor meer informatie.
Tuber Borchii

Tuber Borchii

Premium Greece White Truffles


Sous vide carton de 20 kg
Češnje - Ekološko Sadje

Češnje - Ekološko Sadje

At Niovit, we adhere to the highest standards in fruit production, managing every stage from seedling selection to fruit harvesting with meticulous care. This ensures top-quality produce for our customers every season.
Obnovljivi Surovinski Materiali - Sveže Vlaknine - Celuloza (FSC® Certificirana)

Obnovljivi Surovinski Materiali - Sveže Vlaknine - Celuloza (FSC® Certificirana)

It‘s clean, it‘s smooth, it‘s natural. Faserguss-Verpackungen aus nachwachsenden und FSC®-zertifizierten Rohstoffen als nachhaltige Alternative zu Plastik, EPS und aufwendigen Kartonagen.
Sistem za meglico, pripravljen za namestitev - Premium serija - Pro omara 10 šob

Sistem za meglico, pripravljen za namestitev - Premium serija - Pro omara 10 šob

Les gammes de brumisation haute pression PREMIUM sont spécialement conçues pour des installations permettant une utilisation intensive. Photos des produits non contractuelles.
Skodelica za Svež Sok 250 ml

Skodelica za Svež Sok 250 ml

Neu im Sortiment seit 2017 sind unsere ultrafrischen, saisonalen Fruchtsäfte, die direkt in unserem Betrieb täglich frisch gepresst werden! Aus besten sonnengereiften Früchten – natürlich, unbehandelt, ohne Zusatzstoffe. Nicht pasteurisiert. Praktisch im 250 ml Becher „to go“.


Egyptian garlic is a well-known and popular variety of garlic, known for its unique taste, use in cooking and historical significance.
Grasselli OSL Vertikalni Rezač za Porcioniranje Svežega Mesa, Ribi, Perutnine in Rastlinskih Proizvodov

Grasselli OSL Vertikalni Rezač za Porcioniranje Svežega Mesa, Ribi, Perutnine in Rastlinskih Proizvodov

Die Zukunft des vertikalen Schneidens auf Gewicht. Schneidemaschine zum vertikalen Portionieren / Egalisieren von knochenlosen und frischen Produkten. (betrifft keine Fischgräten und kleine Wirbel) 1. Leistungsstarkes Schneiden nach Gewicht und Dicke OSL ermöglicht die Aufteilung des Produkts in verschiedene Teile und bietet perfekte Portionen nach Gewicht oder Dicke, je nach vorgegebenem Rezept. 2. Erweiterte Rezeptparameter für höhere Genauigkeit OSL bietet verschiedene Funktionen und Rezepte, die es ermöglichen, den Schneidprozess mit höherer Leistung und besserer Schnittqualität zu optimieren. 3. Extreme Gewichtsgenauigkeit OSL erkennt die Form, Größe und besonderen Merkmale des eingehenden Produkts und kann so eingestellt werden, dass das gewünschte Gewicht ausschließlich innerhalb eines bestimmten Satzes von Abmessungsparametern gesucht wird.


Découvrez le kiwi, un petit fruit à la chair verte éclatante et aux graines noires croquantes. Son goût unique, à la fois sucré et acidulé, en fait une véritable explosion de saveurs.
WC Fresh Sanitarni Čistilec

WC Fresh Sanitarni Čistilec

Flüssiger Sanitärreiniger für alle säurebeständigen Flächen WC-Fresh reinigt aktiv mit reiner Zitronensäure alle säurebeständigen Flächen. Er eignet sich besonders gut für die Reinigung von Wannen, Becken, Kacheln, Armaturen und Edelstahl, entfernt neben Kalk auch Rost und Fettverschmutzungen sowie Kesselstein und Zementschleier. WC-Fresh ist ungefährlich für Chrom.
H1 Palete Higienične palete za mesno industrijo in druge sveže izdelke

H1 Palete Higienične palete za mesno industrijo in druge sveže izdelke

H1-Paletten besitzen ideale Voraussetzungen für den Transport von Fleisch- und Frischeprodukten. Stabil, waschbar und mit allem ausgestattet, was den Transport sicher macht, wie beispielsweise Arretierungen für E2-Kisten. Die H1-Palette ist DER Kunststoff-Ladungsträger im Euroformat und millionenfach im Umlauf. H1-Paletten können bei uns gekauft und gemietet werden. Darüber hinaus stehen spezielle Pooling-Konzepte für bundesweite Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung.


Granatno jabolko

Granatno jabolko

Melona - MelioraFresh

Melona - MelioraFresh

Can be provided in plastic or carton boxes
Rillettes iz prepelice v kozarcu

Rillettes iz prepelice v kozarcu

Sur devis A servir bien frais, sur une tranche de pain. Température ambiante, à conserver à l’abri de la chaleur et de l’humidité. Après ouvertures : conserver au réfrigérateur et consommer sous 3 jours.
Paradižnikov koncentrat - Paradižnik

Paradižnikov koncentrat - Paradižnik

Tomato concentrate, also known as tomato extract, is derived from heated tomato juice, from which a certain amount of water is then subtracted. The amount of water extraction determines three different types of concentrate: single concentrate, double concentrate and triple concentrate. Tomato concentrate has many uses in cooking, especially in long cooking of meat or sauces. The concentrate can be added directly to the preparation during cooking, diluted with water to preference. It can also be used to give more body to a tomato sauce, or as a substitute for similar products like béchamel and ketchup. The concentrate is not harmful to health but, on the contrary, has antioxidant properties due to its high lycopene content. This is a natural substance, one of the carotenoids, and is found in many foods. In fact tomatoes are the largest source of lycopene, and cooking increases its beneficial effects.
Sveže Sladke Liège Vaflje

Sveže Sladke Liège Vaflje

Produit Best-seller pour nos clients professionnels. A réchauffer au four à micro-onde pendant 30sec ou à la salamandre. Pour une expérience de dégustation optimale, nous vous conseillons de les réchauffer avec les gaufriers compatibles suivants : Gaufrier HVD 4x7 LIÈGE (ou 4x13 trous) Gaufrier Krampouz 4X7 LIÈGE (ou 4x13 trous) Gaufrier Gedelec 4X7 LIÈGE (ou 4x13 trous) Poids:130g
Tuber Melanosporum - Sveža zimska tartufa, Tuber Melanosporum

Tuber Melanosporum - Sveža zimska tartufa, Tuber Melanosporum

Distribuidor de Trufas frescas, Tuber Melanosporum, Tuber Aestivum, Tuber Uncinatum y Tuber Magnatum.
SVEŽE KITAJSKE NUDLJE - Francoska pšenica

SVEŽE KITAJSKE NUDLJE - Francoska pšenica

Nos nouilles fraîches PÏNJA sont de qualité traiteur à base de Farine de blé: 30%, EAU, SEL. On les dégustent sautées nature, aux légumes ou à la viande, bien assaisonnées et accompagnées de toute sorte de bouillon. Saveur et fraîcheur à chaque bouchée ce plat chinois par excellence. Poids net sachet:200g Quantité de sachet par colis:30 sachets de 200g Quantité de colis par palette FR:67 colis Quantité de colis par palette EXP:57 colis Ensachages selon le client final :3kg, 1 kg, 0.6kg, 0.4kg
Fileti s kožo

Fileti s kožo

Filets avec peau
DuaProof Membrana za Povezovanje Svežega Betona

DuaProof Membrana za Povezovanje Svežega Betona

Frischbetonverbundfolie nach DIN V 20.000-202