METALPACK® - Custom metal packaging solutions


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Welcome to METALPACK®! As premier specialists in metal packaging, we cater to diverse industry needs with our customizable solutions. Whether it's shaping your unique concepts into reality or crafting bespoke packaging tailored to your specifications, we're dedicated to enhancing your product's appeal and driving sales. At METALPACK®, environmental sustainability is a top priority. Our commitment to eco-friendliness is reflected in our 100% endlessly recyclable packaging, ensuring both quality and conscience. Versatile and adaptable, our metal packaging options span various formats and customization possibilities, making them ideal for a wide range of industries. From small objects to culinary delights like spices, biscuits, pasta, and beyond, our collections cater to diverse consumer demands. In addition to packaging, we also specialize in crafting accessories for the Horeca Channel, including bar trays, napkin holders, and more. With METALPACK®, innovation knows no bounds. Whether it exists or not, we'll create it.

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Nova referenčna stranka ・ 14. avg. 2023 preberite več Open In New icon

Arluy, empresa líder no fabrico de bolachas saudáveis optou pelas embalagens METALpack para as suas mini-bolachas em forma das personagens dos simpsons. Embalagem bolachas ARLUY. Embalagens com acabamento a brilhante e cores vibrantes que combinam com o target do seu conteúdo. As embalagens de metal além de transmitirem uma aparência mais premium ao produto, têm como primeira função a proteção do produto, garantindo a sua integridade física e qualidade do produto. Também neste ponto as embalagens de metal ganham pontos, pois apesar de leves, são resistentes e as suas caraterísticas de opacidade e proteção ao oxigénio e humidade são ideais para a proteção dos produtos.



Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


Rua do Espinheiro, 641

4400-450 Gaia - Portugalska

Št. za DDV

Podatki o podjetju

Ključne številke

  • Številu zaposlenih
    11 – 50
  • Komercialne
    1 – 10
  • % izvoznega prometa
    90 %


  • Leto ustanovitve
  • Vrsta podjetja
    Sedež podjetja
  • Glavna dejavnost
    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

Poslovni podatki

Tržno območje

  • Check Circle Outline icon Mednarodno

Načini plačila

  • Virman Swift



Dobavni pogoji (incoterms)

  • Kupec
  • Deljeno
  • Prodajalec

Dejavnosti podjetja METALPACK®

  • Posebno pakiranje
  • Pločevinke in kovinske škatle
  • metal packaging
  • customized cans
  • advertising cans
  • crates for packaging
  • metal tins packaging
  • tins
  • metal tins for foods
  • cans