
Office Building Outline icon Ponudnik storitev

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MIERDA VIDA, je podjetje tipa Ponudnik storitev, ki deluje v panogi Državljanska društva. Deluje tudi v panogah social and market studies. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Madrid, Španija.

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Airtag for car

Airtag for car

Lansiranje izdelka ・ 8. apr. 2022 preberite več Open In New icon

New car, fear of thieves... Yes, we all have a super comprehensive insurance that covers the value of the car 100% for the first few years, but it's a shame if one day it disappears from the car park. Any iOS device can listen to an AirTag in "lost mode", and send the location to its owner. All without you having to know the gentleman sending you the signal, or even know he sent it, securely in theory via iCloud. The system has been working for a while now to find lost iPhones, iPads or Macs that were offline, actually.

Domain icon Ponudnik storitev


6, Calle de Sevilla 6, JD1

28014 Madrid - Španija

Št. za DDV

Podatki o podjetju

Ključne številke

  • Številu zaposlenih
    1 – 10


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    Ponudnik storitev

Dejavnosti podjetja MIERDA VIDA

  • Državljanska društva
  • social and market studies
Office Building Outline icon
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