TRADE NÉGOCE MAT PIE - Des solutions personnalisées pour vos transactions en matières premières


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At Trade Négoce Mat Pie, we are highly skilled fair and sustainable trade relations professionals in the field of raw materials. Our mission is to create solid links between suppliers and buyers, and ensure transparent, fair and beneficial transactions for all stakeholders. We aim to introduce suppliers with top quality raw materials with demanding buyers, who make no compromises when acquiring exceptional products. As facilitators, we strive to ensure that every transaction is conducted in a climate of trust and mutual respect. We work exclusively with well-known suppliers and wholesalers, renowned for their expertise in raw materials production such as cashews, sesame, soy, peanuts, okra, palm oil, mangoes, pineapples, and many, many more. All the products we carry meet the strictest standards, and so guarantee our customers' total satisfaction. We will not negotiate on quality; it is the cornerstone of our success and the trust placed in us by our partners. At Trade Négoce Mat Pie, we undertake to be more than intermediaries; we are the guarantors of a responsible supply chain, where each transaction contributes to fairer and more transparent trading.


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4, rue des PRUNUS

45400 Fleury Les Aubrais - Francija

Št. za DDV

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Dejavnosti podjetja TRADE NÉGOCE MAT PIE

  • Uvoz - izvoz - poljski pridelki
  • Riž
  • Pravična trgovina
  • Posušeno sadje
  • Hrana - uvoz-izvoz
  • international trading
  • Råmaterial
  • foodstuffs - import/export
  • fair trade relations
  • International trade