Slovenija, Ljubljana
...“BUILDING DOSSIERS NOT WALLS” Regulatory affairs environment can be very complex depending on the type of product. From our experience medicinal products are on the top of complexity. Many times we also face that certain products are borderline and our knowledge on different types of legislation certainly gives you assurance that your product will be placed on the market under the applicable...
...At Bsource, we specialize in advising and supporting innovators and businesses in developing their innovations, packaging, and branding. We assist you in developing a strategy, product design, pricing, selecting marketing channels, and building a recognizable and successful brand. By using our knowledge and experience, we help you achieve your goals and improve your business success.
Slovenija, Krsko
... combination for successful and efficient implementation. For custom projects, the installations are specific, as each is a challenge in itself. If possible, we inspect the terrain and examine the building before the implementation. We can then prepare a plan for optimal implementation. Safety comes first with us. Working with lifts, forklifts and lifting baskets is often involved. We are specialists in working at height, which requires special knowledge and care. We place equipment weighing from a few kilograms to tens of tons. Total systems often exceed 100 tons in weight.
...Aluminij prelakiran Reynolux® je kontinuirano prelakirana aluminijasta pločevina. Lahko je pobarvana v široko paleto barvnih premazov. Prednosti aluminija prelakiranega Reynolux® Building so številne: poleg odpornosti na UV žarke in vremenske vplive je tudi enostaven za obdelavo in oblikovanje. Aluminij prelakiran Reynolux je vsestranski izdelek. Odlično se prilega streham, oblogam fasad in...
Prodaja visokokakovostnih suhih malarskih sistemov, izdelanih v Nemčiji, na zanimive in dobičkonosne trge z razumnimi zaslužki za vključene osebe.
Slovenija, Stari Trg Pri Ložu
ARX Brand is built on more than 67 years of foundation and experience of Kovinoplastika Lož, Slovene company, recognised as reliable European building hardware producer and manufacturer. Due to longstanding tradition and huge experience, ARX building hardware is one of the leading suppliers of high-quality window and door hardware, which products meet the highest requirements of design, comfort...
... main value is building a long-lasting bond with our customers & partners. Constant communication and an excellent customer support along with one of the fastest production times in the industry is what makes us and our products unique. Please do not hesitate to visit our website or contact us directly for any inquiry ...
... became a leading provider of industrial solutions. Our customers come from different fields such as automotive, electro, white goods, hydraulic, pneumatic and machine building industries. We use a wide variety of materials : stainless steel, aluminium, carbon and hardened steel or brass for example. We are also specialized in plating, heat treatment and griding. We develop products based on...
Slovenija, Žalec
We are one of the leading companies for moulding plastic masses (rotomoulding) in Slovenia and its direct vicinity. Our basic task is a development of high-quality plastic products that contribute to maintenance of a healthy planet, environment and raising the quality of life. We are building the position of one of the leading plastics transformation companies in Central and Eastern Europe. We...
Slovenija, Šoštanj
... for various crafts, and much more, to satisfy the specific demands of our customers. Our products are known for their reliability, accuracy, and quality. All our products are manufactured in Slovenia following European standards such as: EN 407 - Protection against thermal risks (heat and/or fire) and EN 388 - Mechanical protection. Due to the COVID 19 Pandemic we are also supplying other PPE...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
EZS D.O.O. is a Slovenian company producing rockwool insulation ropes. The major advantage of EZSs products is very good rope shield, what guarantees easiest build-in in every place and it maintains the form for a long time. Rockwool in general is excellent fire protection (having melting point over 1000 °C) and thermal efficient material, ensuring time prolongation in case of building people...
Slovenija, Žalec
... - drawings creation for manufacturing (revision controlled) - parts list creation - engineering calculations and analysis with help of CAE software - prototype building of small hardware products with help of various cooperants - prototype testing We have two pricing options: Price per hour or Price per project. The price depends on type of work and the amount of work that needs to get done on a...
Slovenija, Kranj
Savatech d.o.o. was formed in 2002 and continues the tradition of manufacturing industrial rubber products and tyres whose beginnings date back to remote 1920. Savatech manufactures a wide range of industrial rubber products : rubber profiles for the building industry,conveyor belts for various industrial applications and moulded products for automotive and other industries. Savatech’s programme...
Slovenija, Železniki
Niko Zelezniki is a specialist in producing large series of mass produced metal products, intended for the use in offices, wood industry, upholstery, building industry and machine manufacture.Products for use in office business: mechanisms for files, mechanisms for folders, metal rods for hanging files, paper clips and drawing pins.Construction industry products: steel fibres, pneumatic staplers...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... environment. The development of the company is based on its own products and services.In Semenarna Ljubljana we preserve indigenous Slovenian varieties, domesticated varieties and we develop new Slovenian varieties. We take care of varieties that are typical for our climate and eating habits. This contributes to the richness of Slovenian gene vegetable material. All varieties that are specific for us are...
Slovenija, Ljubljana Črnuče is a business directory that helps to elevate the positions of your web pages in the search engines. also offers web site optimization. Firstly, the contents about your firm and products are written for business directory, afterward link building with your web page and external links begins. This brings you more potential customers and bigger amount of success than classical marketing techniques. Through the whole process of optimization we work together, which ensures yours and ours success.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Banking business and information engineering, developing comprehensive and integrated information systems by using various tools of modern technology, continuous improvement of our own solutions, implementation of new products; Integration of diverse solutions, representation and advice about the implementation of leading foreign IT systems; Building data warehouses and developing advanced analytical solutions in the area of financial management; Optimal transfer of knowledge through the education of users; Maintenance and user support.
Avstrija, St. Georgen Im Attergau
Avstrijska holding družba ABEXA se ponaša s 30-letno zgodovino delovanja! Glavne dejavnosti našega holdinga: - Avtomatski požarni sistemi - certificirano specializirano podjetje Uvoz in izvoz: - Trgovina s gradbenimi materiali. - Les in lesni materiali - Leseni izdelki - Okenske in vratne sisteme - Kovina in kovinski izdelki - Barve in laki...
Združeno kraljestvo, Leicestershire
... slog, od blokovnega tlaka do naravnega kamna. Najdite popoln izdelek za vaš dovoz ali vrt z Brett Landscaping in stopite v stik še danes. Brett Landscaping in Building Products tesno sodelujejo z nacionalno mrežo kakovostnih trgovcev z gradbenim materialom, odobrenih izvajalcev in gradbenih strokovnjakov, da ponudijo široko paleto rešitev za trdo krajinsko ureditev. Vključujejo zbirko trajnostnih...
Belgija, Meeuwen-gruitrode
... obdelave. Jansen products: Proizvodnja povišanih tal je naša glavna dejavnost. Poleg tega izdelujemo prefabrikate iz mavčne plošče za dekorativne notranje zaključne obdelave. Jansen Real Estate: Profesionalna ekipa nepremičninskih posrednikov. Cleanroom Systems Belgium: Vaš specialist za dobavo in namestitev čistih prostorov. Poskrbimo tako za stene kot za stropne in talne obloge.
Združeno kraljestvo, Blackburn
Smo specialistični uvozniki, proizvajalci in tehnični distributerji z več kot 90-letnimi izkušnjami pri dobavi izdelkov za gradnjo, odvodnjavanje in strehe v Združenem kraljestvu in na Irskem; - EBPDrain™ Domači linearni kanalni odvodnjaki - ULMA™ Linearni kanalni odvodnjaki - Pave-A-Drain™ Mini odvodni kanal - EcoParking™ Ojačitev tal - Sobrano™ Naravne strešne skodle - Firestone RubberCover™ EPD...
Izvoz specialnih gradbenih materialov, vodoodpornih sredstev, dodatkov za beton, desalinizacije in drugih gradbenih materialov. - ponujamo sodobne rešitve za strešne sisteme, toplotno izolacijo ter hidroizolacijo vodnih rezervoarjev. Prodajamo priljubljene izolacijske materiale na poljskem trgu, ki vključujejo membrane (strešne folije) EPDM, TPO ter toplotno izolacijo PIR proizvajalca Firestone Building Products. Firestone je eden najboljših proizvajalcev sistemov ravnih streh z EPDM in TPO/FPO...
Združeno kraljestvo, Solihull
Belgija, Antwerpen
Združeno kraljestvo, Oadby
Združeno kraljestvo, Dromore
Arhitekturne storitve, arhitekturne in inženirske dejavnosti ter sorodne tehnične svetovalne storitve...
Združeno kraljestvo, Belfast
PVC-U Izdelki - Proizvajalci in Dobavitelji, Proizvodnja gradbenih materialov iz plastike...
Trgovci z gradbenimi materiali, agenti, vključeni v prodajo lesa in gradbenih materialov...
Priljubljene države za to iskalniško poizvedbo

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