Poljska, Warszawa
Podjetje Bitdom Ltd., ki deluje pod blagovno znamko Python Agency, je že vrsto let izkušen dobavitelj programske opreme po meri, specializirano za programiranje v jezikih Python in PHP. Smo strokovnjaki za upravljanje strežnikov in varnost, ki zagotavljajo trdne in varne operacije za spletna podjetja. Naša ekipa profesionalno upravlja platforme e-trgovine, ki temeljijo na motorju Magento podjetja ...
Slovenija, Maribor
... - enhance memory and combat cognitive decline. Starlife supplements NMN Powder works as an energy booster, metabolism booster and supports mitochondrial health in the body. NMN may support heart health, increase energy & decrease recovery time, promote muscle quality & strength and improve muscle endurance. It may also improve skin function, increase skin elasticity and decrease premature signs of aging. If you add the NMN supplement to a healthy diet, you can contribute to the increase of the longevity gene Sirtuin and thus enjoy all the capabilities your body has.
...We fill different types of collagen in jars, pouches or sachets. No additives or preservatives. It can be natural taste and aroma or a bit of lemon, orange, grapefruit or other taste. Collagen can be mixed with vitamins, minerals, pro&prebiotics or other organic extracts. We carefully choose taste, solubility, texture and aroma. If you would like to develop your own product, send us an e-mail to: development@privatevitamin.com. We are happy to support you. ...
Slovenija, Markovci
...We have been active in the industrial automation segment for many years. We offer integrated digital system and process management services, i.e. control, system integration and support. In industrial automation, we follow the latest trends and needs in the market. We implement complete projects with the latest technology and tools on the market. We are a company that can carry out a project from conception to commissioning, whether it is automotive, logistics, process technology or automation of buildings.
Ukrajina, Kyiv
...9) Namestitev nadgradenj, posodobitev in nove programske opreme......... 10) Optimizacija zmogljivosti za najboljše rezultate......... 11) Preverjanje računalnikov in strežnikov za računalniške viruse ter njihovo zdravljenje......... 12) Svetovanje o informacijski varnosti in zaščiti informacij......... 13) Ustvarjanje varnostnih kopij kritičnih podatkov......... 14) Upravljanje in nastavitev sistemov IT varnosti in video nadzora......... 15) Upravljanje in nastavitev korporativnih telekomunikacijskih sistemov...
Ujemajoči se izdelki
IT podpora
IT podpora
Italija, Ozieri
Z obsežnimi izkušnjami in certificiranim partnerstvom z Oracle se specializiramo za zagotavljanje rešitev za oblačno infrastrukturo in sisteme baz podatkov, nudimo prilagojene storitve, podporo 24/7 in pristop, osredotočen na stranke, da zagotovimo uspeh vaših projektov. Specializirani smo za rešitve Oracle Database, tako v oblačnih kot tudi v lokalnih okoljih. Kot strokovnjaki za upravljanje baz...
PODPORA NA DALJAVO vam omogoča, da svojo informacijsko tehnologijo zaupate strokovnjakom, na daljavo in po zelo konkurenčni ceni. Spletna stran, računalnik, programska oprema, e-pošta, ne izgubljajte več časa. Posel je pustolovščina, ki jo zmagamo v ekipi. Obkrožite se s tistimi, ki nikoli ne obupajo. Več informacij: Ohranjanje vaših informatičnih orodij v dobrem delovnem stanju je danes postalo...
ufs.country_names.RU, Moscow
...maloprodajne trgovine, proizvajalci vin/trg vina, brezcarinska prodaja, HoReCa, potovanja, lepota.","What is Jetbottle for B2B and B2C?":"Kaj je Jetbottle za B2B in B2C?","Carton:100 pcs each":"Karton: 100 kosov na vsak.","SAFE FOR BOTTLES AND SAFE FOR ALL YOUR BELONGINGS.":"VARNO ZA STEKLENICE IN VARNO ZA VSE VAŠE STVARI.","2.Scratch-resistant layer + zip-lock – even if your bottle is broken – it will not...
Italija, Fraz. Mollaro-Predaia
...{"estended frontal walls with support structor":"podaljšane sprednje stene s podporno konstrukcijo","dust collection bin":"posoda za zbiranje prahu","spark proof fan":"ventilator odporen na iskrice","The cartridges are installed vertically and the compressed air consumption is optimized thanks to the cleaning managed by reading the pressure loss of the filter elements. The maintenance of the...
...Tehnična podpora strankam. Z našo usposobljeno tehnično telefonsko linijo za trge potrošniške elektronike in gospodinjske elektronike lahko pokrijemo vse področja prve in druge ravni podpore. Sodobne IT-infrastrukture nam omogočajo najboljšo možno komunikacijo po različnih kanalih. Od videokonferenc do interaktivnih klepetov ali klasične podpore preko telefona/e-pošte, lahko vaše stranke podpiramo na več kanalih. Z individualno prilagojenimi časovnimi okviri storitev za vaše stranke prispevamo k visoki stopnji zadovoljstva vaših strank.
Združeno kraljestvo, Brierfield
...V Computer Support Centre se specializiramo v vrhunskih IT storitvah, ki spodbujajo inovacije in učinkovitost. Naša strokovna ekipa ponuja prilagojene rešitve, ki ustrezajo vašim edinstvenim poslovnim potrebam in tehnološkim izzivom.
Ujemajoči se izdelki
računalniška podpora
računalniška podpora
Belgija, Bruxelles
...Izkušeni ponudnik IT storitev in tukaj smo, da vam pomagamo pri vseh vaših računalniških težavah. Sposobni smo izvajati popravila ali diagnostiko neposredno na daljavo, po potrebi pa se odpravimo tudi na dom, da vam ponudimo hitre in učinkovite rešitve. Ponujene storitve: • Popravilo in vzdrževanje računalnikov (PC, prenosniki in Mac) • Namestitev in konfiguracija programske opreme...
Ujemajoči se izdelki
Oddaljena IT podpora
Tehnička pomoč
Slovenija, Logatec
... and new technologies. We are ecologically conscious and want to make an important contribution to the low-carbon economy. For that reason, we strive towards successfully completing at least one development project in the field of low-carbon technology per year, in addition to other market activities. We enthusiastically share our experience with you and utilize them to accomplish your goals. A challenge motivates us, by overcoming it, a company learns, develops, and grows. ...
Slovenija, Šempeter v Sav. Dolini
... prefer us over any other heat pump manufacturer mostly because we genuinely care and do so much more than any other supplier. CLIENT PROMISE: - Our priority is your overall installation performance, not just production quality - You can always expect tailored support for custom systems - Your TermoPlus heat pump really is designed to outlive it’s stated lifetime - Our installers and partners...
Slovenija, Solkan
... regular consulting to its customers. It grants optimal support to business processes with the NEXIO CMS, which can be upgraded according to the customer’s needs and wishes. NEXIO is advanced CMS platform delivering ultimate user experience across all system modules. Supported modules are: Accounting&Cage, TITO, Jackpots, Player Tracking, Cashless, Reception, MultiSite. Advansys products meets...
Slovenija, Crnomelj
... flexibility are the cornerstones of attractive business partner, therefore our team consists of highly professional, flexible and productive individuals. In our own R&D and production department we create tailored products specific to your business and your special requirements. We are ready to support you! EKI team ...
Slovenija, Kranj
We provide regular inspections, scheduled maintenance and quick and efficient motor servicing to companies looking for a long-term and comprehensive maintenance support in order to improve their manufacturing processes and to avoid interruptions in production. Our approach reduces risks due to motor failures resulting in unwanted interruptions in production, and also reduces costs since it...
Slovenija, Murska Sobota
... business faster. Together with digital marketing services, business support, and tools that we can provide, you will make the next step in making business. Connect the dots between you and your audience, from the time of first impression right to the buying decision...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... customer. In addition, we will be happy to install the optimal software and assist in migration of your resources to a new platform. We will be also happy to support your business in case of any other emergencies. For example, if your system administrator is temporarily unavailable, we will be able to maintain the smooth operation of all your services during this period.
Slovenija, Rakek
... center provides support in the development of various products and services, technologies and support solutions. Especially for smaller companies in the industry, it also acts as a support organization for the introduction of modern technological solutions such as CAE (computer aided engineering), the introduction of robotics, mechatronics, the use of modern materials, consulting in introducing unified IT solutions and connectivity.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...deployment and maintenance. We practice Scrum (Agile) to manage your projects. Why Us? By choosing us as an outsourcing partner you can get the following benefits. 1. Scale up or down the size of the team quickly 2. Leverage a large pool of experienced talent with cross dimensional skills 3. Get one stop solution under the same roof 4. Get rid of hassles for hiring, training, and retaining talents. It will...
Slovenija, Skofja Loka
... specifications, drawings, requirements and needs. We do not rely solely on superior quality products that we offer, but we enable active participation in solving your problems and projects and support the customer in achieving its objectives. It feels good that we offer, you can at all times rely on our expertise and experience, we know how to listen and correct advice is invaluable. Constant...
Slovenija, Maribor
... constantly work on new and inovative products, so whatever challenge you may have, we can hadle it. Our sales network is wide spreade in EU and wordlwide, but we are allways open for new companies and their special demands.
... such a big Freight transport Market it is crucial to cooperate for maintaining high quality of service.Becose of Industrial importance of Germany, we offer improved Freight-Cargo transport and logistics Services to support heavy Industry demand for efficient and quick transport of raw Materials, Goods and finished Products. We offen transport spare Parts, shipments ordered on Ebay and other poppular internet stores. As we are well aware that the smooth functioning of the supply chain is crucial to your company, we offer you an express delivery of the necessary raw Materials and Goods.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Banking business and information engineering, developing comprehensive and integrated information systems by using various tools of modern technology, continuous improvement of our own solutions, implementation of new products; Integration of diverse solutions, representation and advice about the implementation of leading foreign IT systems; Building data warehouses and developing advanced analytical solutions in the area of financial management; Optimal transfer of knowledge through the education of users; Maintenance and user support.
Slovenija, Celje
... surroundings, with no burning of dust particles and without a fan. Stone heaters are manufactured in different sizes and many colors - marbles, sandstone, limestone, possible granite and quartz materials. The product does not need any maintenance and is easy for fitting, it plugs either directly into regular power supply socket or through a room thermostat. We are looking for local distributors across Europe countries or smaller territories to whom we will help research the local market, help start the distribution suitable for specific market and offer support from our experience.
Slovenija, Peje
... your cattle comfort it offers enough support, durability and it's easy to clean. Increase your productivity, cleanliness and cattle’s health by improving your farms grounding support. We offer as well cast iron water drinking bowls designed for the cattle’s comfort, easy to access and durability.
Združeno kraljestvo, Orpington
Upravljana IT podpora in IT rešitve za podjetja v Združenem kraljestvu. S sedežem v Londonu in Kentu zagotavljamo hitro odzivnost za vse IT storitve ter izjemne čase reševanja vseh IT težav po vsej Veliki Britaniji. Popolno upravljanje IT za vaše strežnike, računalnike, prenosnike, wifi in vse IT naprave. Celovito upravljanje IT za poslovne oblačne storitve, vključno z Azure in Microsoft Office 365. IT podpora UK nudi IT storitve britanskim podjetjem od leta 2004. Certificirani smo po standardu ISO27001 in Cyber Essentials.
Združeno kraljestvo, Denton
...Prenehajte delati okoli tehnologije in začnite narediti, da tehnologija deluje za vas. V podjetju Inology IT Support z vsem srcem cenimo več vlog, ki jih morate prevzeti kot lastnik/manager podjetja SME - vrsto operativnih, komercialnih, tehničnih in skladnostnih obveznosti na vašem krožniku. Že več kot 10 let ponosno obravnavamo to 'slona v sobi' tako, da zapolnjujemo vrzeli, ki obstajajo med...
...-infrastrukturo, rešitvami v oblaku, nastavitvijo strežnikov in omrežnimi komponentami ter lahko svetuje o različnih poslovnih sistemih, kot so Dynamics NAV, SAP Business One in mnogi drugi. Sosebno in fleksibilno pristopom k delu Arne ponuja prilagojene rešitve, ki zagotavljajo, da IT-sistemi strank delujejo optimalno z minimalnim časom nedelovanja.
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