Slovenija, Žalec
... achieve this by actively penetrating the wider European market for the past 20 years and maintaining the advantage we have in existing markets. All products are the result of our own development department, which combines all the necessary expertise, from design and construction to product implementation. In addition to the standard program, we are a development partner and supplier to various...
Francija, Masevaux
... Research and Development service has all the calculation and testing means to size your transmissions or develop products suitable for your application. Our structure, resources, and organization allow us to assist you in emergencies (prices and deadlines via phone or through our mobile application NaSQaH). Production of internally designed products for specific applications.
Slovenija, Lovrenc Na Dravskem Polju
At SmartBit we can help you to simplify work and increase your business efficiency. The SmartBit team consists of experts from production, sales, and accounting, as well as a development and programming team. We cover all areas of business, mobile and web solutions along with business analytics. Our team looks for new challenges and develops applications that help companies to be more organized...
Slovenija, Slovenske Konjice
... of our first truck 2005 Purchase of the first truck for international transport 2016 Construction and relocation to new business premises (Warehouse, parking, and offices) 2018 Purchase of a helicopter and establishment of a flight school Content preparation for online promotion is co- financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.
Slovenija, Šempeter Pri Gorici
... technology—from engine systems, filtration, and electrics/mechatronics through to thermal management. The group supports manufacturers as early as in the development of new vehicle generations, not to mention the continuous improvement of series production applications. Proof of our technological leadership is not least to be seen in our successes in motorsport—be it in Formula 1 or in Le Mans...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... a full range of products and services based on bar coding and RFID technology. If you add our own Repair Center and a Custom Software Development Team, the tally grows even further. Our innovative Mobile Data Collection Applications (MOBOS) consist of: Route Accounting, Direct Store Delivery, Mobile Order Management with Merchandising, Asset Management and WMS. This innovative programming platform for Mobile Data Collection Applications is ready to be used in industries like Manufacturing, Retail and Wholesale Trade, Logistics and Transport, SCM, Healthcare, Government ...
Slovenija, Maribor
The company Solve-x specializes in development of complex systems for data collection, display integration and consolidation of various forms of data. Rich experiences in the field of data processing enable us to offer our clients implementation of competitive solutions and comprehensive consulting. Developing system in different areas: - Geographic information systems - Advanced surveys - Marketing automation tools - Call centers - Human resource management - Custom CRMs and more... Platforms: - Web applications (browsers) - iOS (mobile application) - Android (mobile application)...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... help you to focus on your core business 5. Reduce your cost by 50% and time to go to market by 40% to 60% What We Do We are a custom software service provider focused on web applications using Ruby on Rails, PHP and mobile applications on iOS, Android. We also provide support to our clients in front-end design. Ruby on Rails framework involves rapid development cycle and a strong ecosystem. You can get a lot of things done in a very limited time and budget. This is especially helpful for fast growing startups.
Slovenija, Logatec
... independence of business from propritary payable software platforms.We work on:-Web Services (REST, SOAP)-Web applications (HTML, Javascript)-Backend applications on Java servers (Tomcat, Glassfish)-Mobile applications (Android, Windows CE).
Združeno kraljestvo, Manchester, United Kingdom
...Vešč v zagotavljanju izjemnih digitalnih rešitev - spletnih in mobilnih, Zimble Code je najboljša podjetje za razvoj mobilnih aplikacij v Združenem kraljestvu, ki pomaga rasti vašemu podjetju. Za več podrobnosti obiščite -
Smo podjetje z več kot 20-letno tradicijo na trgu, s strankami v več državah, specializirano za razvoj programske opreme po meri, mobilne aplikacije, spletne aplikacije, avtomatizacijo procesov, obogateno resničnost, klepetalne robote, virtualne asistente z umetno inteligenco, oblačne storitve in back-end. Naša specializirana ekipa združuje izkušnje z navdušenjem, da ustvarimo uporabne in enostavn...
Smo dolgoletno izkušena podjetje, ki deluje v Istanbulu / Turčija, specializirani smo za razvoj mobilnih aplikacij in spletnih strani. Naše podjetje je bilo ustanovljeno leta 2013 na podlagi izkušenj našega osebja, naš cilj pa je postati #1 na turškem in globalnem trgu, odvisno od naših delovnih vrednot in izkušenj. Ponosno nudimo naslednje storitve: Razvoj mobilnih aplikacij za iOS in Android. Pr...
IT CRAFT je podjetje za razvoj IT storitev, ki se osredotoča na vrhunske mobilne in spletne aplikacije. Že skoraj 17 let IT Craft nudi dostopne, strokovne storitve programiranja programske opreme strankam po vsem svetu. Trenutno imamo več kot 30 dolgoročnih strank v 17 državah, od inovativnih zagonskih podjetij do dobro uveljavljenih mednarodnih podjetij, vključno z Intelom in Pepsijem. Razvili...
Naše storitve smo začeli v Istanbulu / Turčija leta 2003 kot majhno podjetje za razvoj programske opreme, nato pa se je podjetje razvilo pod imenom Yarin Ajans (Agencija Jutri v angleščini). Specializirani smo za razvoj spletnih strani in mobilnih aplikacij. Naša ekipa je sposobna razviti kakovostne spletne strani in mobilne aplikacije svetovne ravni. Osredotočamo se na zagotavljanje najboljše dol...
Združeno kraljestvo, London
Engelsk in Dansk baseret Mobile App Developer tilbyder services indenfor mobile apps. Professionel udvikling af mobil apps med mere end 1100 forskellige apps udviklet for mere end 350 forskellige virksomheder, heriblandt BMW, Carlsberg og Faxe Kondi. Vi arbejder med skræddersyede mobile app development løsninger, og opererer på alle de største platforme, såsom iOS, Windows og Android. Du kan være sikker på at din mobile app vil være optimeret, og at dine brugere for den maksimale brugeroplevelse, uanset hvilken mobil enhed de benytter.
EitBiz ali Extrovert Information Technology Pvt. Ltd. v Greater Londonu je hitro rastoče in dinamično podjetje za programsko opremo, mobilne aplikacije ter oblikovanje in razvoj spletnih strani, ki se širi v več držav. Razumemo nenehno spreminjajoče se tržišče in si prizadevamo dostaviti edinstvene in praktične IT rešitve, prilagojene vašim posebnim potrebam. Z več kot 15 leti izkušenj v industrij...
Združeno kraljestvo, London
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