Nemčija, Herne
... Maritime Organization, IMO), Agencije Združenih držav za varstvo okolja (US Emission Protection Agency, EPA), EURO itd. Ustvarili smo različne konstrukcijske zasnove hladilnika glede na različne zahteve za EGR hladilnike za 2-taktne in 4-taktne motorje. Patentirana zasnova za 4-taktne motorje z visokotlačnim sistemom EGR omogoča hlajenje izpušnih plinov, od katerih nekateri presegajo temperaturo 700 °C, na temperaturo 50 °C.
Turcia, Istanbul
SOGA Spaces je vodilni v inovacijah pisarniškega pohištva, ki delovne prostore preoblikuje v elegantne, funkcionalne in ergonomske zasnove. Naša ponudba vključuje modularne delovne postaje, ergonomske stole, rešitve za shranjevanje in pisarniške dodatke, ki so zasnovani za trajnost in sodoben slog. Ponudba izdelkov • Pisarniške mize: Od upravnih miz do modularnih delovnih postaj, ki prihranijo pr...
Podjetje ShenZhen PromoStar Hardware Co.,Ltd se specializira za CNC obdelavo kovin, struženje, frezanje, stiskanje in varjenje izdelkov za vse industrijske panoge. Pri tem uporabljamo materiale, kot so nerjaveče jeklo, aluminij, titan, medenina ali ogljikovo jeklo. Zadostimo vsakemu industrijskemu povpraševanju, npr.: električni aparati, elektronika, avtomobilski deli, LED razsvetljava, pohištvo, ...
Slovenija, Šempeter Pri Gorici
RESPED LOGISTIKA D.O.O. is a Slovenian company. We are a trusted logistics and transport partner with more than 20 years of experience in the field of international transport, customs brokerage and warehouse service. We have built a European and global network of partners that provide a comprehensive offer. Local market experience with global market knowledge. We find the most appropriate and fav...
Italija, Aprilia
AGENTURA ZA KOMUNIKACIJO IN LICENCIRANJE BLAGOVNIH ZNAMK Vaš partner pri idejah in licenciranju blagovnih znamk Oblikujemo, izvajamo in merimo strategije blagovnega vsebinskega marketinga v več formatih. Blagovne znamke morajo postati generatorji vsebin in pripovedi, ki se povezujejo z njihovo publiko. Pomagamo blagovnim znamkam graditi glas njihove vsebine, jo distribuirati in amplificirati v ...
Bolgarija, Gabrovo
Magnito EU Ltd je ponosen družinski posel s sedežem v Bolgariji. Že več kot 30 let imamo izkušnje na področju obdelave jekla. Ne glede na to, ali želite dokončati hotel, učilnico, pisarno, čakalnico, prostor za sprostitev ali prijeten prostor za druženje, bo čist in sodoben videz navdušil tudi najbolj zahtevne goste. Razvijamo, proizvajamo in dobavljamo dostopne jeklene osnove in jeklene noge za ...
Nemčija, Wadern
Kot GMBH skupine AVA vas naš najtesnejši profesionalni poslovni partner podpira pri izvedbi vaših projektov po vsem svetu. Naši partnerji nudijo projektiranje in podporo strankam za: LED-zaslone, integrirane sisteme, digitalno signalizacijo, zvočne in svetlobne sisteme. Od leta 1976. Glavna: Nemčija, Turčija, ZDA Naši partnerji / distributerji: Nemčija, Francija, Italija, Nizozemska, Španija, B...
Nizozemska, Rotterdam
Spoznajte Gorillz: pohištveno podjetje, ki počne vse Ste naveličani brskanja po neskončnih možnostih pohištva, ki se vse zdijo enake? Ne iščite več kot Gorillz, podjetje, ki se ponaša s ustvarjanjem edinstvenih in funkcionalnih pohištvenih kosov. Gorillz je enotna trgovina za vse vaše potrebe po pohištvu. Naša ekipa notranjih oblikovalcev trdo dela, da ustvari kose, ki niso le stilni, ampak tudi...
Nemčija, Sundern
Družinsko podjetje Gebrüder Schulte GmbH & Co. KG je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1921 s strani bratov Franza in Josefa Schulte. Na lokaciji Sundern (Sauerland) poteka proizvodnja na najsodobnejših proizvodnih napravah. Skupna proizvodna in skladiščna površina znaša več kot 45.000 m². Kakovost "Made in Germany" ter izrazit občutek odgovornosti do naših 400 zaposlenih sta nas pripeljala do tega, da smo ...
Portugalska, Oeiras
... usposabljanja ITIL Foundation izjemno uspešen pri pripravi strokovnjakov na izpit ITIL. Tako smo prejeli številne pozitivne povratne informacije naših študentov, ki pričajo o učinkovitosti tečaja. Naša zavezanost k zagotavljanju odličnega usposabljanja nas je tako postavila med vodilne v usposabljanju ITIL. Nazadnje, XPM Consulting je od leta 2014 akreditirana kot ITIL Authorized Training Organization...
... idej kot pogodbeni proizvajalec za živila, prehranske dodatke ali kot Contract Manufacturing Organization (CMO) je naše ekipo navdihovala posebna narava Schwarzwalda. Zaradi naših obsežnih izkušenj pri predelavi mlečnih in nemlečnih izdelkov ter obsežnega tehničnega znanja vam na področju sušenja s pršenjem ponujamo najvišjo strokovnost z inovativnimi in individualnimi rešitvami. Pri predelavi lahko izkoristite našo celotno storitveno verigo od predpriprave do končne obdelave ali pa samo sušenje s pršenjem.
Slovenija, Skofljica
... with a load capacity of 1400 kg. The goal of our company is to provide quality transportation organization and implementation, as well as continuous response to our customers' needs with vehicles that meet the most stringent environmental criteria.
Slovenija, Vipava
At Transport Curk, we carry out reliable transport of various goods, including the groupage goods system, with quick response and respect for the agreed deadlines. With excellent organization, we enable the transport of both large and small quantities of freight goods. We offer international road freight transport to all EU countries and outside. Transportation is safe, fast and on time. We regularly maintain a vehicle fleet that meets all expected international standards and regulations.
Slovenija, Cerknica
... circuits and laser stencils in Slovenia. In addition to the production, we also offer customers technical support, which includes designs of printed circuit boards, preparation of the necessary data, advice on the choice of materials and the organization of soldering. We thus offer our customers an extremely high-quality and comprehensive solution - all in one place and in an extremely short period of time.
Francija, Masevaux
... Research and Development service has all the calculation and testing means to size your transmissions or develop products suitable for your application. Our structure, resources, and organization allow us to assist you in emergencies (prices and deadlines via phone or through our mobile application NaSQaH). Production of internally designed products for specific applications.
Slovenija, Lovrenc Na Dravskem Polju
... and efficient in all areas of sales, production and analytics while using the Pantheon program. We focus on add-ons that support more efficient company operations (organization of sales, production, company logistics, sales processes, production planning and management). Due to our long-term experience in the field of Pantheon, we know the requirements of customers and their challenges. Our...
Slovenija, Petrovče
... faster than regular hours, so conciseness and efficiency are key from the idea stage up until its execution. An exquisite taste is the element that makes for a superior event. Expert organization and execution are elements that ensure a special culinary experience anytime and anywhere. ...
Slovenija, Jesenice Na Dolenjskem
... meters of production facility. Every year sees us exceed our goals, as the number of employees has grown, by 1700% in 4 years. 2020, is turning out to be our biggest year yet, we’ve transferred ourselves from an s.p ( sole trader ) to a d.o.o ( limited liability company) and renamed the MARSI group d.o.o, becoming a fully competitive organization on all aspects of our business performance. Nowadays...
...The Slovenia-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce was established in 2013 in the Republic of Slovenia. It is a non-governmental, bi-lateral organization created with the aim to build, promote and facilitate trade and investment activities between Slovenia and Nigeria and countries in the region (WA & SEE), while also including members from other countries and helping them increase their businesses. When...
Slovenija, Brezovica
Quantum Chimica is an European Contract Research Organization (CRO) offering regulatory affairs services worldwide. We have many years of experience in preparing CMC packages for CEP, DMF, ANDA and other applications within global regulatory environment. Our experience derives from very experienced and dedicated team of regulatory affairs managers, scientists and managers with in-depth knowledge...
Slovenija, Rakek
... center provides support in the development of various products and services, technologies and support solutions. Especially for smaller companies in the industry, it also acts as a support organization for the introduction of modern technological solutions such as CAE (computer aided engineering), the introduction of robotics, mechatronics, the use of modern materials, consulting in introducing unified IT solutions and connectivity.
... application; Direct and indirect representation at customs procedures. We organize transport all around the Europe through the main transport routes. We offer complete solutions for your goods in the field of storage, customs representation and transport. This include: Storage; Organization of transport; Goods tracking; Container booking. We provide and arrange all required imort/export documentation.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... organization, utilizing the latest software and analysis tools. Our highly skilled workforce is dedicated of ensuring the highest quality standards through the complete production process. All departments of our production are ISO 9001 certified.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... main activity is organization and implementation of return (circular) routes between EU countries, as well as the implementation of single (full truckload) FTL-transports. We offer our customers a wide range of different types of transports and provide the necessary number of trucks with all the necessary technical characteristics. TVN Logistic guarantees the quality of its service. ...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
integrated event agency specializing in multimedia and video production, lighting, sound and scenography. We take care of the entire organization and implementation of the event...
Priljubljene države za to iskalniško poizvedbo

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