Slovenija, Tržič
... and most reliable hand control on the market. 162 carefully designed or selected components = B.D.F. hand control. The hand controls are made of anodized aluminum and stainless steel. B.D.F. hand controls are available in different colors. Assembly or disassembly of the hand control does not leave any traces on the car.Expect only the best from us! We are looking for dealers for the sale and installation of our B.D.F. hand controls worldwide.
Slovenija, Koper
...fertilizers, alumina, ores, minerals, concentrates, aluminium and other metals, steels, timber etc. We offer agency services at the ports of Koper (Slovenia), Rijeka, Split, Ploće (Croatia), Trieste (Italy) and Istanbul (Turkey). Vessels under our agency load/discharge general cargoes such as steel products, aluminum products, fruit, timber products, wood pulp, pvc etc.; dry bulk cargoes, such as coal...
Slovenija, Zagorje Ob Savi
... government consent for the production of military weapons and equipment. Company has manufactured more then 10.000 different products. We are producing items from a wide range of materials using different types of manufacturing. These are the products: -Metals (castings, welded, forgings, steel workpieces, non-ferrous metals, …) -Rubber (seals, shock absorbers, rubber products combined with steel parts) -Plastic (for different purposes and from different materials) -Goods (bags, pallets, packing boxes) -Various other articles of wood, cork, etc.. ...
Slovenija, Podnanos
NIKO is a family company founded in 1994 which operates in the area of production of stainless steel products. Originally focused on the production of pneumatic presses, the company eventually expanded its range of activities to manufacturing all kinds of fruit processing machinery. Today our company offers a wide range of products with different capacities for the production of wine, fruit...
Slovenija, Limbus
... suitable standard filter-plate 20x20cm must be selected. Filter is made of stainless steel and other materials for use in food industry. It is suitable for join on pump operated by electric drill, wine pump or other suitable pump. MILL FOR FRUIT; It is not a conventional mill for fruit, but a device that effectively replaces the mill, it is significantly cheaper and gives a excellent result. It is suitable for small growers. Cutter-mixer may be made of ordinary steel or stainless steel. This sketch shows the recommended size, other sizes on the special request. Hook for catching octopus.
Slovenija, Trzin
The company was founded in 2010 as Indigo Inženiring d.o.o., being an enterprise for execution of steel constructions and pipelines. In order to keep the best employees in company and to develop their skills from project to project, we included qualified manpower rental to our business portfolio in 2011.Between the years 2011 and 2013 Indigo took part in the execution of steel constructions for...
Turcia, Yenimahalle/ Ankara
Steel Defence je dobavitelj oklepov ter balističnih plošč in vrat za vojsko in obrambne sile v tujini, ki se uporabljajo za oklepne transportne vozila, oklepne kabine tovornjakov, balistične strukture in druge balistične aplikacije. Imamo vojaško kakovostno jeklo ter vojaške, oklepne in balistične jeklene plošče. Pomagali vam bomo pri vaših vprašanjih glede izdelave oklepov in ponudili rešitve iz vojaškega jekla na podlagi naših proizvodnih izkušenj.
Združeno kraljestvo, Birmingham
... označevanjem in uporabljamo le jeklo najboljše kakovosti iz Tata Steel ali Arcelor Mittal, tako da ste lahko prepričani v kakovost izdelkov, vendar po izjemno konkurenčnih cenah. Nahajamo se v središču West Midlands, kar nam omogoča enostaven dostop do vseh avtocest, kar nam omogoča, da ponudimo osebno dostavno storitev po vsej Veliki Britaniji.
Slovenija, Koper
Euromark d.o.o. Koper was established in 1993 in Koper, Slovenia. Our offices as well as our warehouse are located in the immediate proximity of the Port of Koper. We trade with minerals for steel production, foundry and refractory industry, which we import from China, South Africa and Mexico.The quality of the materials we sell is of top priority, this is why we analyze it regularly together...
Slovenija, Slovenske Konjice
...Insulation materials production lines Machines and parts for cast & steel industriy Transport devices Machines and parts for paper industry Devices for automotive industry High quality mechanical tooling...
Slovenija, Vipava
The annual processing of materials (wires and steel tapes) into spring products and springs is around 350 tons or 90 million products.Our production includes all types of springs and bending of two and three dimensional wire products from wire diameter from 0,2 to 16 mm. We also produce spring products and standard products made of steel plate up to a thickness of 2 mm. The company head office:VRC d.o.o.Goriška Cesta 5h5271 VipavaSloveniaPhone number: + 386 (0)5 366 47 00Fax number: + 386 (0)5 366 47 04...
Slovenija, Novo Mesto
... media, soda, dry ice and ultrasound, and research and development of surface treatment technology. We also work with engineering, manufacturing and installation of industrial equipment. In addition to the metal industry we are strongly present in the pharmaceutical industry, where we have long experience in the manufacturing and installation of equipment made of stainless steel.
Nemčija, Puschendorf
Izguba hladilne tekočine? Izguba olja? Izguba moči? Vas čaka drag obisk servisa? Ne z izdelki Steel Seal in PowerMaxed. Naša misija je, da voznikom avtomobilov s pomočjo inovativnih rešitev za samostojno uporabo prihranimo denar za drage popravke. Ponujamo kakovostne izdelke za končne uporabnike. Informirajte se zdaj in prihranite več sto evrov stroškov. ,
Poljska, Tychy
...Smo ekskluzivni predstavnik v Evropi za Steel Shot Works - ekskluzivnega proizvajalca litih jeklenih kroglic in jeklenih abrazivov v Ukrajini, v obratih, opremljenih z vodilnim svetovnim proizvajalcem abrazivnih naprav "Wheelabrator Allevard". V industriji jeklenih abrazivov smo prisotni že 16 let in uspešno dobavljamo jeklene kroglice in jeklene abrazive po vsem svetu. NAŠA STORITEV BO...
Slovenija, Logatec
Expert in stainless steel welding. Company located in Slovenia working with German companies for more than 10 years. High knowledge in all operations from laser cutting, bending, turning, welding (our core business), painting, final assembly, etc. If you have a need to outsorce some of this operations we are right company to help.
Slovenija, Hoce
Mibra d.o.o. has been involved in the wholesale and retail of stainless materials (stainless steel - rostfrei) and aluminium since 1992. The product range includes sheet metal, pipes, solid steel, fittings,welding and machining materials, screws, nautics and more.AtMibra, we will advise you on the most appropriate material for your needs based on years of experience. This will ensure a care free...
Slovenija, Celje
...Our business is in the following fields: Casting from nodular, grey and steel cast iron and forging, raw materials & equipments for foundries, foundry and metallurgical coke, sea salt, packing materials and international transport. Employees of SIMATERIAL d.o.o. have more than 11 years of experience in the foundry business and international transport.
Slovenija, Radenci
JERNEJA TROFENIK S.P. is a company in the metalworking industry. JERNEJA TROFENIK S.P. is engaged in the manufacture of metal wrought iron fences and gates, welding, metal processing, steel semi-finished and finished products.
Združeno kraljestvo, Huddersfield
... pri delu s spiralnimi, ravnimi, koničastimi in črvnimi zobniki. Stranke, kot sta Tata Steel in Heineken, se zanašajo na Highfield Gears za svoje potrebe po natančnem inženiringu in popravilu. S poudarkom na inovacijah in storitvah za stranke podjetje ponuja 24-urno nujno popravilo in prilagojene rešitve, kar zagotavlja minimalne zastoje za podjetja, ki se zanašajo na njihove zobniške sisteme. Za podjetja, ki iščejo zanesljive rešitve za reduktorje, se Highfield Gears izstopa po svoji tehnični strokovnosti, najsodobnejši opremi in zavezanosti k odličnosti.
... & Steel","Ezik ve kırıkları engellemek / Prevent dents and fractures":"Preprečevanje udrtin in zlomov / Prevent dents and fractures","İnşaat / Construction":"Gradbeništvo / Construction","Mobilya / Furniture":"Pohištvo / Furniture","Tekstil / Textile":"Tekstil / Textile","Toz ve pisliği önlemek / Prevent dust and dirt":"Preprečevanje prahu in umazanije / Prevent dust and dirt","Kullanılan...
Združeno kraljestvo, Sheffield
... na pomoč MSP-jem. "Najboljša B2C marketinška kampanja" - Drum Search Awards "Zmagovalec marketinške učinkovitosti" - Summit International Awards "Odličnost v profesionalnih storitvah" - Chambers of Commerce Awards "Platinasta nagrada za B2C" - AVA Digital Awards Ključni naročniki: Rab, Denby, NHS, Zippo vžigalniki, Rolang DG, Tata Steel, Univerza v Sheffieldu, Lowe Alpine, Mondaine, OS, Chambers of Commerce, Yogi Shoes, Faber Hoods, Hawkin's Bazaar, Tata Steel, Peter Werth...
Nelpa Iron and Steel GmbH je družinsko podjetje, ki se ukvarja z rezanjem in oblikovanjem pločevine in kovinskih cevi za avtomobilsko industrijo, kmetijske stroje, proizvodne stroje, transportne škatle in številna druga področja.
Statele Unite ale Americii, Staten Island
Strukturna jeklena obdelava TURČIJA ZDA Strukturna jeklena konstrukcija za stavbe ZDA TURČIJA Strukturna jeklena proizvodnja mostov ZDA TURČIJA Strukturna jeklena proizvodnja težkih prečnikov, nosilcev ZDA TURČIJA Strukturna jeklena proizvodnja arhitekturnih struktur TURČIJA ZDA Strukturna jeklena proizvodnja energetskih stolpov za prenos ZDA TURČIJA Proizvodnja elektro zakovanih jeklenih galvaniz...
... tehnologijo. Zaradi tehnološkega napredka v motorjih je naše podjetje vključilo večplastna jeklena tesnila MLS (Multi layer steel gasket) v svoj asortiman, pri čemer tudi sama proizvaja jeklene kalupe za ta tesnila, kar ji omogoča hitrejši in kakovostnejši razvoj izdelkov. Naša podjetja vedno skrbi za kakovostno uporabo materialov in nikoli ni odstopila od kakovostne proizvodnje. Kakovost in zadovoljstvo strank sta naši nepogrešljivi vrednoti in, kar je še pomembneje, načela našega podjetja.
Srbija, Sremska Kamenica
Smo edino podjetje, ki reciklira z obnovljivo energijo v Republiki Srbiji. Letno zberemo in recikliramo 100.000 ton odpadkov. Ponujamo HMS1 in HMS2 jeklarjem iz naše železne divizije. Ponujamo vroče oprane PET kosmiče (živilska kakovost) za industrijo pijač in tekstila. Ti so v 1-tonskih bigbagih. Ponujamo gumijaste granulate in plošče iz končne faze recikliranja pnevmatik. Dimenzije so 100x100 cm...
Španija, Barcelona
Smo podjetje, ki se ukvarja s prečkanjem mehkih jeklenih žic. Smo dobavitelji nerjaveče žice (stainless steel wire), pocinkane žice (galvanized wire), svetle žice (bright wire) in žice za recikliranje (black annealed wire, baling wire) za stiskalnice. Zadovoljstvo strank in spoštovanje standardov kakovosti sta prioriteti v organizaciji. Uporabljamo vse znanje, pridobljeno v zadnjih 30 letih, da ponudimo rešitve, prilagojene potrebam vsake stranke.
Turcia, Kayseri
Korporativne informacije Naša podjetje, ki je vstopilo v gradbeni sektor z železarskimi deli leta 1974, je leta 1990 začelo s proizvodnjo in trženjem jeklenih vrat pod imenom ASMEK STEEL DOOR. Proizvodnjo nadaljuje v Kayseri Organize Sanayi Bölgesi s svojo obstoječo integrirano tovarno in strokovnim osebjem ter povprečno letno proizvodno kapaciteto 15.000 enot. Naša podjetje si prizadeva svojim...
Združeno kraljestvo, Suzhou
Suzhou Zhongnan Steel Structure Co., Ltd je profesionalni proizvajalec, ki se ukvarja z razvojem, proizvodnjo in storitvami kontejnerskih hiš in prefab kit hiš ter različnih sendvič panelov. Podjetje je pridobilo certifikate ISO9001, ISO14001 in CE. Nudimo sestavljene hitro pakirane kontejnerske izdelke z stabilnimi, varnimi, udobnimi in okolju prijaznimi lastnostmi. Vedno zagotavljamo nove...
Turcia, Osmaniye
Medtem ko se svetovni viri vsak dan zmanjšujejo, verjamemo, da je naša primarna dolžnost izbrati neskončen vir, kot je sonce. Prav zaradi tega prepričanja Nova Steel proizvaja od Şanlıurfe do celega sveta in dostavlja zdrav vir energije vsemu svetu. Proizvodni obrati za električno energijo iz sončne energije (GES), sistemi infrastrukture iz jeklene konstrukcije, težka jeklena konstrukcija in...
Združeno kraljestvo, Liaocheng
Shandong Xinyinrui Shandong Xinyinrui Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. se nahaja v Jinan, Shandong, na ugodni geografski lokaciji z enostavno dostopnostjo. Gre za podjetje, specializirano za proizvodnjo in prodajo jekla. V prodajo jeklenih izdelkov je aktivno vključeno že več kot 20 let. Glavni izdelki podjetja so ogljikovo jeklo, nerjaveče jeklo, brezšivne cevi, jeklene plošče, koluti, okroglo jeklo...

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