Slovenija, Murska Sobota
... new clients and will work hard day and night for you.We will help you to always be up to date with marketing strategies, software for your website and Google algorithm changes in this fast-paced world of web technology and digital marketing.Designing a website here at Nomiscom is based on growth. This means that your website will be designed with strategy in mind. Which helps you to grow your...
Slovenija, Celje
...Allbatron provides a wide range of services, which includes the construction and maintenance of websites and IT solutions and designing different applications and databases. We also design desktop applications tailored to the client's wishes, software applications for graphic design and different applications and programs for e-learning.In today’s market the benefits of having a professionally made web page are immense for any thriving business. We offer quality services and solutions at a low cost and gladly accept any new challenges coming our way. ...
Slovenija, Maribor
The company Solve-x specializes in development of complex systems for data collection, display integration and consolidation of various forms of data. Rich experiences in the field of data processing enable us to offer our clients implementation of competitive solutions and comprehensive consulting. Developing system in different areas: - Geographic information systems - Advanced surveys - Marketing automation tools - Call centers - Human resource management - Custom CRMs and more... Platforms: - Web applications (browsers) - iOS (mobile application) - Android (mobile application)...
Slovenija, Ljubljana-Šentvid
Team of young and creative graphic designers combine their knowledge with internet tools. We create corporate graphic, new logos, restyle logos, web pages, on-line shops, web communications, adds, illustration, studio and creative photography, and many more. We are small company and our benefit is personal relation to each customer and creation of unique solutions. Our response time and support are superb.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
We are exclusive Kubota dealer, distributing industrial diesel engines, gas engines and spare parts. You will find us working in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia, where you can find subsidiary distribution web and servicing facilities. Zastopnik industrijskih motorjev, originalnih rezervnih delov, motornega olja in maziv japonskega proizvajalca Kubota...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... help you to focus on your core business 5. Reduce your cost by 50% and time to go to market by 40% to 60% What We Do We are a custom software service provider focused on web applications using Ruby on Rails, PHP and mobile applications on iOS, Android. We also provide support to our clients in front-end design. Ruby on Rails framework involves rapid development cycle and a strong ecosystem. You can get a lot of things done in a very limited time and budget. This is especially helpful for fast growing startups.
Slovenija, Studenec
...If you want unique, high quality and effective website, you are in the right place Web Development(In several languages ​​- SLO, CRO, ENG, FR, AR, GR, P, L )Graphic Design(Logos, business cards, advertisements, posters, price lists, .. )Optimization(The process of designing web pages in a way that the Web search engines Google, Bing, Najdi, yahoo, Ask, ..., as efficiently as possible to find)Web site maintenance(We provide new upload on your site, web site reconstruction)Uni-Splet Metrouni help you to improve your company's corporate identity.
Slovenija, Logatec
... independence of business from propritary payable software platforms.We work on:-Web Services (REST, SOAP)-Web applications (HTML, Javascript)-Backend applications on Java servers (Tomcat, Glassfish)-Mobile applications (Android, Windows CE).
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...Arahne is specialized for development of CAD/CAM systems for dobby and jacquard weaving.ArahWeave - CAD/CAM for jacquard and dobby weaving ArahPaint4 - jacquard oriented paint program, for drawing images in repeat ArahDrape - 3D texture mapping - show off your product before making the fabric ArahWeave3D - web application with 3D fabric display Program texts are translated in 12 languages...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... kg • gross weight: 20,90 kg Packing on container : • 1,080 boxes, on 20 pallets of 54 boxes each ( palletized ) • 1200 boxes , break bulk. For more information check our web :
Slovenija, Murska Sobota
... supplying Codex products to their customers. No other company is allowed to sell Codex products to the distributer's area. All questions, enquiries or direct orders are redirected to the nearest distributor. All distributors are displayed on Codex website. Distributors can daily place an order through web portal Potissimus, that is translated into 10 different languages. It also offers fresh stock on click, future deliveries (possibility of creating a reminder on items, that are comming on stock), delivering goods to different addresses and much more.Orders are not limited.
Check our web site.
Slovenija, Ljubljana Črnuče is a business directory that helps to elevate the positions of your web pages in the search engines. also offers web site optimization. Firstly, the contents about your firm and products are written for business directory, afterward link building with your web page and external links begins. This brings you more potential customers and bigger amount of success than classical marketing techniques. Through the whole process of optimization we work together, which ensures yours and ours success.
Slovenija, Koper
... področju kulture je pomorski sektor in evropska strategija "Blue-Growth" in dostopnost za vse, ker so vsi posamezniki lahko za ustvarjanje učinkovitih omrežij.Even the best web-site, blog, post or text loses its effectiveness if it contains errors that can be avoided. We offer: proofreading for drafts and texts, printed or electronic form, on-line with mother-toungue translators), for web-site...
Španija, Galdakao
...fx-media Smo vodilno podjetje v avdiovizualnem sektorju v Španiji. - Dobljenje - Postprodukcija - Kopije/dupliciranje - Storitve slike - Prevajanje/prilagajanje - Podnaslavljanje - Mešanje 2.0-5.1 - Glasbena produkcija - Efekti prostora - Ustvarjanje zvočnih skladb - Oglaševanje - Glasovne storitve - FTP/web - Najem opreme - Mobilne enote - Povezave Naše storitve so usmerjene k...
Španija, Arenys De Mar
... družbenih omrežij in ustvarjanje strategij digitalnega marketinga za promocijo blagovne znamke in privabljanje strank. - Vzdrževanje in posodabljanje spletne strani, kar zagotavlja njeno pravilno delovanje. MM Design Web je podjetje, ki je nastalo iz strasti do spletnega oblikovanja in digitalnega marketinga. Od naših začetkov smo se osredotočili na zagotavljanje učinkovitih in kreativnih rešitev...
Združeno kraljestvo, Cardiff
Pri The Web Designer Cardiff se specializiramo za ustvarjanje osupljivih, odzivnih spletnih strani, ki dvignejo vašo blagovno znamko in pritegnejo vašo publiko. Naša ekipa združuje strokovno oblikovanje in razvojne veščine za zagotavljanje brezhibnih uporabniških izkušenj. Poleg oblikovanja lepih spletnih strani ponujamo zanesljive gostiteljske storitve, da zagotovimo, da vaša stran deluje gladko...
Združeno kraljestvo, Stratford, London
Boss Cat Web Design London Ltd, nudi popolno rešitev za postavitev vašega podjetja na svetovnem spletu. Oblikovanje in razvoj spletnih strani, Google rangiranje, ustvarjanje in upravljanje družbenih medijev, oblikovanje logotipa in oblikovanje blagovne znamke. Imeli boste spletno podjetje, kar pomeni, da vam bomo pomagali razumeti, kako se vaše podjetje obnaša na svetovnem spletu. Poleg tega bo ta predstavitev popolnoma integrirana v vaše podjetje. Nadalje, ta napredek je lahko razporejen, kar vam pomaga razumeti vsak korak naprej.
Slovenija, Koper
... culturali, intellettuali e sociali. I nostri prodotti sono:-SOLUZIONI WEB COME PRODUZIONE DEI SITI (SEMPLICI e ESIGENTI), -SOLUZIONI MARKETING COME SUPPORTO ALLE AGENZIE PUBBLICITARIE,-MOBILE SOLUZIONE PER LE CAMPAGNE PUBBLICITARIE e PER LA CURA DEI CLIENTI, -DESIGN (WEB e STAMPA), -DIVERSE SOLUZIONI SOFTWARE SU MISURA (CRM e tecnologia per programmi di fedelta),- APPLICAZIONI (Android, Apple, Windows Mobile7, Facebook).La nostra dita opera su vari mercati Croatia, Italia, Slovenia, Ingilterra, India, America e Macedonia e siamo apperti alle proposte interessanti.
We are Web Company that exists more than 10 years. We have made more than 200 sucesfull web projects.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...We develop custom built or tailor made web / online solutions and native iOS / Android mobile applications. From premium single pages with “on the fly” text editors, A/B testing and Call To Action elements, to advanced personalised CRM / HRM or mobile applications with one goal - increased sales and production or optimised service. Within our service there is continuously developing 112 (dispatch...
Our company is dealing with roofing. We are making new roof, carports, log cabins,...Also we have Printigshop. We print T-shirts and also all other type of clothing, bussines gifts, unique gifts.We also have everything needed for school...Check our web page for more INFO!
Slovenija, Gračišče
... professional projects that will provide a memorable virtual experience to your clients, visitors and other target audiences. OUR SERVICES: • web design and development, • modeling and 3D animation, • corporate identity & print design • aerial video and photoshooting, • panoramic photography and virtual tours, • fashion, sports, and commercial photography, • documentaries and advertisement video.
Slovenija, Šempeter v Savinjski Dolini
... ML Dom d.o.o. (reference, vision, standards). Also We are performing low energy renovation of older buildings. On our web-site You can see some of our type-houses and technical details. We are looking for a business partner for the territory of the EU. With ours products would like to increase presence in the EU. With potential business cooperation between Your and Our firm we can give reality to Your and Our ideas.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Danes je zelo pomembno, da ima vsako podjetje svojo spletno stran, saj lahko s tem pridobite več strank, vaš profil podjetja je dostopen po vsem svetu, potencialni kupci pa lahko takoj vidijo, kaj vaše podjetje ponuja, in najdejo več informacij. To je najlažji način, da svoje podjetje predstavite svetu.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... - Ljubljana), assistance at registering the company in Slovenia or just renting a meeting places or business premises, all the way to accounting services, marketing support, including the web promotions and the assistance at employing the foreign employees. At the same time, we are dedicated to upgrading our knowledge, competences and consequently our offering on the regular basis and establishing long-term partnerships with our clients.
Francija, Neuilly Plaisance
... specializiranih ponudbah proti kibernetskim napadom, medtem ko naša strokovnost na področju ITSM optimizira notranje procese. SaaS platforme, ki smo jih ustvarili, kot sta in, pričajo o naši sposobnosti inoviranja na področju digitalnih rešitev. Ponosni smo, da omogočamo nepozabne virtualne dogodke in izstopamo pri ustvarjanju 3D rešitev za Web 3.0. Na področju blockchaina...
Nemčija, Ratingen
... "izločevalnega postopka" za prikaz "vzrok-učinek načela" je tukaj osrednji del mojega dela, saj gre v bistvu za vaše denar, vaše zdravje in vaše življenje, za kar želite kakovost in končne rešitve. Pogosto gre za vzroke z razumevanjem logičnih zaključkov, da iz trenutne situacije ustvarimo preventivo za zdravo uporabniško okolje v prihodnosti. Christian Lemiesz ‘Zdrave stavbe - zdravi ljudje’ Holistična storitev v baubiologiji, arhitekturi in zdravju (Web, eMail, SMS, Whatsapp, telegram, Skype)...
Združeno kraljestvo, Peterborough
Pomagamo ljudem v podjetjih vseh oblik in velikosti rasti in uspevati na spletu z izkoriščanjem moči digitalnega. Naša mantra? Bodi boljši na spletu. Od leta 2012 se Echo trudi izkoristiti digitalno okolje, da omogoči ljudem enostavno odkrivanje najboljših izdelkov in storitev. Izvajamo vplivne digitalne marketinške kampanje, ki našim strankam omogočajo dosego njihovih ambicioznih ciljev ter ust...
...ONLINE KATALOG: Prodajamo vrhunske majhne boile za ribolov na ščuko in zdrave sidra za ribiče ščuke. Prisotni smo v 7 različnih državah in iščemo več trgovcev v Franciji! Do leta 2020 bomo na evropskem trgu predstavili več kot sto različnih izdelkov. V državah, kjer ribiči uporabljajo SEDO Fishing, imajo veliko...

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