Slovenija, Petrovče
... Villa Široko are monuments of the past, which are seen through the eyes of the present. We take care for our heritage and upgrade it with our work. The prize is we can spend our working days in these mystical environments. We create our tastes responsibly. Our development is our motivation. The team consists of individuals whose characteristics and values are the quality of our service. Friendship...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
We are a licensed travel agency in a lovely Slovenia (Europe). Our passion is dealing with gourmet trips through Slovenia. We are foodies and our offer includes boutique hotels, quality wine tastings, golf courses, restaurants with top food, sights... We would love to create an individual trip to meet your expectations. ...
Slovenija, Kranj
... ensures a significantly longer life span of devices, which means that investors can save money. In last years we have specialized in repair and service of servo motors, spindle motors and in rewinding of spindle motors. In the future, we intend to expand our offer to services ensuring a highly efficient preventive maintenance, and continue to create success stories together with our customers.
Slovenija, Ljubljana-Šentvid
Team of young and creative graphic designers combine their knowledge with internet tools. We create corporate graphic, new logos, restyle logos, web pages, on-line shops, web communications, adds, illustration, studio and creative photography, and many more. We are small company and our benefit is personal relation to each customer and creation of unique solutions. Our response time and support are superb.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Our main activities include development, manufacture, marketing and maintenance of all types of lubricants which we produce. We also advise their proper instalation and long term ussage. Our main market is South - East Europe. We are producing the quality products and professional services we guarantee the complete supply of our lubricant users and we create contenredness of our partners with...
Slovenija, Skofja Loka
... attention to the satisfaction of our clients, we create on a partnership basis and with the help of invaluable personal contact, expanding the circle of clients who trust us. We want to offer our customers the best, which is also the motto of our company.
... created a safe and effective network for our clients. And let us tell you, it’s going great. We can proudly say we’ve completed more than 50 projects around the world, with a 100% success rate. Be it small businesses or major companies, we have yet to receive a complaint about our services, and we are very proud of that. Don’t let your importing go terribly wrong, let us help you and create a successful long-term partnership. Let’s have a virtual coffee together and talk about possible collaborations.
Slovenija, Cerknica
The En Krajcar guest house is family-owned. The director and manager of the plant is Irena Krajc, who transfered her many years of experience in catering to her own company. Rich experience and a great heart create a pleasant atmosphere in the restaurant. The building was built in 1999 and started as a bar. The needs of the surrounding companies and own conceptual design have expanded the...
Slovenija, Žužemberk
At Stelem, we manufacture sustainable self-regulating ceramic heating elements and temperature sensors of various shapes and sizes. In accordance with the wishes of our customers, we create a wide range of products for different levels of voltage and temperature ranges. As a global company, we are present in the automotive industry, industrial applications, control technology, heating systems...
Slovenija, Koper-capodistria
...To have a competitive and innovative spirit, it doesn't require a whole army. Carrying it onto a more personal level it persuades you and your company of getting away from typical mediocricy. DESTUDIO design sets you out-of-the-box thinking to create powerful and multidisciplinary solutions in presentation design. Make it personal, innovative and fresh.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...Our webstudio is the best place in cyber world to build remarkably absolutely remarkable corporate identity for your business. We will help you from the very scratch to create the web page which will be the most desirable identity for you and your business. Our services also include promotion on social media, e-commerce, development of your web products, content writing, creating corporate identity, search engine optimization (SEO/SEM), design of business letters and business cards. The visual graphic design services also include the service of infographics design.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Lenenamel is specialized in the production and supply of enameled products for use in architecture, construction, interior design and visual information. Our product range has been specifically designed to provide solutions needed to create aesthetic and functional results. We are widely recognized by industry professionals as an innovative and trusted brand. Our specific products are: - Enamel...
Slovenija, Koper-Capodistria
... respect for natural fresh and local ingredients. Our confectioner Ana likes to create different, sometimes very daring desserts, where she uses atypical ingredients such as lavender, cactus, black vanilla, olive oil and rosemary.
Slovenija, Velenje
Gorenje Group is one of the leading European home appliance manufacturers with a history spanning more than 60 years. Our vision is to become world‘s best in design-driven innovations of home products.Technologically perfected, superiorly designed and energy-efficient home appliances branded Gorenje, Gorenje+, Atag, Asko, Pelgrim, Mora, Etna, Körting and Upo elevate the quality of living for the users of our products in ninety countries around the globe.Our mission is to create innovative, design-driven and technically perfect products and services that bring simplicity to our users.
Slovenija, Hoce
... and successful purchase.The company's vision is to strengthen the role of a leading entity in the marketing of stainless materials and aluminium in the market areas of Slovenia and other neighbouring countries. The company pursues the fundamental business objective to create a comprehensive management of the quality of business and this is what the business plan is adapted to in the coming years...
...Luce's Create je francoski specialist za izjemne in profesionalne storitve grafičnega oblikovanja, s sedežem v Reimsu in deluje po celotnem nacionalnem ozemlju. Pri Luce's Create razumemo, da je vaša blagovna znamka ključna za vaš uspeh. Zato sodelujemo z vami, da ustvarimo edinstvene in prilagojene oblikovalske rešitve, ki odražajo bistvo vašega podjetja. Ne glede na to, ali potrebujete...
Portugalska, Trofa
... industrijskih procesov je temelj našega poslovanja, ki se povezuje z našimi partnerji z zanesljivim in učinkovitim znanjem.","We project and deliver pervasive and optimized solutions to answer a wide range of requirements.":"Načrtujemo in zagotavljamo široke in optimizirane rešitve za različne potrebe.","At moobo, we create, develop and manufacture customized solutions, combining an efficient technical...
Združeno kraljestvo, Colchester
Naš fokus je na razvoju prilagojenih spletnih strani in digitalnih izdelkov, ki podpirajo naše stranke pri njihovih potrebah za rast poslovanja. Ponujamo širok spekter storitev, od oblikovanja povsem novih spletnih strani in logotipov do zagotavljanja stalnega vzdrževanja in podpore. Nudimo reševanje težav, da podpiramo podjetja pri doseganju rasti, ki jo iščejo. Osredotočamo se na izdelavo trajno...
Združeno kraljestvo, Leicester
Želite opremiti svojo trgovino za najboljšo postavitev in upravljati z dodatki? Potem nas pokličite na 0116 240 2228 ali pošljite e-pošto na Create A Display Limited je družinsko podjetje s sedežem v Midlandsu.
Nemčija, Wiesbaden
We Create ponuja prilagojene, ekskluzivne avdio produkcije in oblikovanje zvoka za oglaševanje, televizijo, splet, aplikacije, blagovne znamke in še več. Pri tem vključujemo naše stranke v vsak korak, od briefingov do produkcije, da dosežemo odlične rezultate. Profesionalna ekipa glasbenikov in skladateljev uresničuje želje najrazličnejših strank po vsem svetu. Hitro, odlično komuniciranje in zelo široka mreža ustvarjalcev omogočata uresničitev projektov na avditivnem področju. Kontaktirajte nas, z veseljem vam bomo svetovali.
Združeno kraljestvo, Exeter
Create Circus je digitalna agencija, osredotočena na Shopify in e-trgovinske posle. Do sedaj smo pomagali pri prilagajanju, oblikovanju in razvoju ambicioznih in prizadevnih podjetij po vsem svetu.
... spent thriftily. Our targeting team stays up to the latest trends to achieve the lowest possible CPC of only €0,01.We provide a full range of digital services.Social Media Marketing.At SMMJAM, we opt for cost-effective social media marketing on a turnkey basis. We conduct audits of your brand’s presence on social platforms, develop strategy, create relatable social media content, promote and...
Otipljiva multimedijska izkušnja, nekaj fizičnega, nekaj, kar morate doživeti. To je naša specialnost. Ne omejujemo se le na pametne telefone ali tablice. Veliki zasloni, sinhrone projekcije, senzorji, vmesniki, video mapping na predmetih ali interaktivni prostori. Naše stranke vodimo skozi celoten postopek. Kreativna zasnova, znanje o strojni opremi, razvoj in videoprodukcija pod eno streho. Naš...
Italija, Portomaggiore
Supermarket of iron and color, present since 1975, is an important reference point for the province of Ferrara for companies and private individuals passionate about DIY. We sell paints for construction wholesale and retail, for professional uses and for do-it-yourself; we also offer a tinting service: with our tintometer we can create any color. We deal with the retail and wholesale sale of...
Moodz je agencija za nepozabne dogodke. Organiziramo dogodke z festivalsko vzdušje, ki očarajo. Z našimi dolgoletnimi izkušnjami v poslovnem sektorju razvijamo inovativne poslovne dogodke, ki presegajo pričakovanja. To dosegamo tako, da sodelujemo le z strastnimi, izvirno mislečimi strokovnjaki. Kreativna duša Moodza - Sharon van Engelen - za vsak dogodek sestavi edinstveno ekipo. Pri Moodzu vaše ...
Francija, Lezoux
...INESIUM je mlado inovativno podjetje z družinsko atmosfero, zelo odzivno in avtonomno ekipo. Naše prednosti: certifikacijski tečaji ITIL4 v slovenščini! ✅ ITIL4 Foundation ✅ ITIL4 Specialist: Create, Deliver & Support (CDS) ✅ ITIL4 Strategist: Direct, Plan & Improve (DPI)...
Avstrija, Velden
...elden24 ponuja lepe in moderne sobe v Velden am Wörthersee po dostopnih cenah. Po načelu 'Create your own stay' je mogoče bivanje prilagoditi individualnim potrebam gostov.
Nizozemska, Tilburg
... dele, da oživimo pametni telefon ali tablico vašega stranka in ji damo novo življenje. Če že imate račun pri nas, odprite vrata naše spletne trgovine tako, da se prijavite. Še nimate računa? Registrirajte se zdaj v 5 minutah! Pri nas lahko naročate vsak dan do 18. ure, vaša naročila pa bodo obdelana in odposlana še isti dan. Nudimo neomejeno garancijo na skoraj vse naše izdelke! Različne kakovosti, da zadovoljimo vse stranke: Original New, Pulled, OEM, Obnovljeno, In-Cell, Aftermarket, Oled Hard, Oled Soft.
Italija, Padula
... più esigenti della clientela. Il mercato nazionale ed internazionale oggi richiede alle aziende una flessibilità che le permetta di operare a 360°. Costruire una porta, partendo da stipiti, coprifili ed ogni altro singolo componente, rifinirla nei minimi dettagli, adottare tecnologie e ferramenta di ultima generazione, a nostro avviso, non soddisfa a pieno la totalità delle esigenze di clienti ed azienda. Pertanto, grazie alle sinergie create nel corso degli anni, attualmente disponiamo di una vasta gamma di articoli correlati da affiancare ai nostri prodotti, a condizioni vantaggiose.
Italija, Spirano
Od leta 1998 Onis Sportswear proizvaja in trguje s tehničnimi športnimi oblačili. Specializirani so za dobavo ekipnih športov ter promocijskih oblačil, merchandisinga in gadgetov. V sedežu v Spiranu pri Bergamu deluje laboratorij za proizvodnjo made in Italy: športna oblačila, izdelana s sublimacijskim transferjem, delovna oblačila, sitotisk, vezenje, digitalni tisk. Onis sprejema naročila tudi za manjše proizvodnje, izdelujejo kolekcije Private Label, Create Your Style.
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