Slovenija, Šentjur
Our company has been on the market for a number of years and has extensive experience in cooperative services for various Slovene and foreign companies. The orders are accepted in smaller and larger quantities and long-term strategic business partnership is also welcome . An ideal partner would be another manufacturing company in need of a parner to help in the production process either due to...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...Our webstudio is the best place in cyber world to build remarkably absolutely remarkable corporate identity for your business. We will help you from the very scratch to create the web page which will be the most desirable identity for you and your business. Our services also include promotion on social media, e-commerce, development of your web products, content writing, creating corporate identity, search engine optimization (SEO/SEM), design of business letters and business cards. The visual graphic design services also include the service of infographics design.
Slovenija, Koper
... pages, social, blog, landing pages, flyer etc; draft proposal and work-packages for european projects; correction of degree dissertations, official documents. reating effective networks and partnerships today is the key-factor for each successful, good european project. In many cases, good projects fail because of a group of unmotivated partners. Over 10 years in european projects-development and...
Estonija, Tallinn
... company Vitaforest is the group of experts in the production and supplying of powders and dry extracts from wild plants, berries, fruits and mushrooms. We carefully collect raw materials in ecologically save regions of Siberia to preserve the most powerful complex of biologically active substances and share with you the pristine unbridled power of the wild nature of this unique region.":"Mednarodno...
Slovenija, Portoroz
... the local destination, local community and region.Being locally present makes our products alive. We know each secret hiding in the destinations, bringing it closer to our guests. Our mission is to offer the guests an active interaction on all levels of the destination and remember their experience with all their senses. Tour Program, Incoming, Day Tours, Incentive, DMC, Landtransportation, Guide services, Group Leisure, Bleisure,...
DOM-TITAN is a leading Slovenian company in the production of mechanical protection of doors and locks for the furniture industry. TITAN conceives, produces and sells European profile cylinders, master-key systems and locks for all type of doors (wooden, PVC, metal). Since 2004 TITAN is a Member of SECURIDEV group (specialized in locking systems and equipment). ...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...Pontess d.o.o. is a Slovenian company that sells press brakes, laser cutters, punch brakes, plasma cutters, robot automation units for custom needs of our customers.We represent and sell the machinery from the world's biggest manufacturers and industry leading companies such as LVD, Frascio Group, Starmatik, Teseo and Ferrari tools. For more information please visit our website
Slovenija, Velenje
Gorenje Group is one of the leading European home appliance manufacturers with a history spanning more than 60 years. Our vision is to become world‘s best in design-driven innovations of home products.Technologically perfected, superiorly designed and energy-efficient home appliances branded Gorenje, Gorenje+, Atag, Asko, Pelgrim, Mora, Etna, Körting and Upo elevate the quality of living for the users of our products in ninety countries around the globe.Our mission is to create innovative, design-driven and technically perfect products and services that bring simplicity to our users.
Slovenija, Skofja Loka
...SIBO G develops closure solutions for tubes, bottles and other packaging systems, also develops demanding technical parts for the pharmaceutical, medicine and E&E industry. Upgrading the knowledge in our own tool shop and with our own specialists for R&D, we are able to provide our customers with almost any demanding products. With more than 40 years of successful work in this industry, we have acquired a great reputation and the confidence of our many customers all over the world.
Nemčija, Herrsching
... s certifikatom IFS. Poleg tega je LIMBUA certificirana tudi za Fair for Life, Bio Suisse, NOP, košer in halal. Poleg celih in polovičnih makadamijinih oreščkov portfelj vključuje koščke, pasto, moko in olje. Prav tako je mogoče oreščke pražiti, soliti, začiniti ali sladiti z medom. Nadalje ponujamo tudi avokadovo olje ter suhe mango iz lastne proizvodnje.
...specializirana za sintetične in modularne trakove. 3. Arca Mechanical for Conveyors, vzdrževanje in mehanske obdelave za transportne trakove. Spletna stran podrobno predstavi vse divizije, izdelke in storitve, ki jih podjetje nudi, ter storitev pomoči in popravila transportnih trakov. Podjetje deluje v Italiji in tujini od leta 1976.
Združeno kraljestvo, Bicester
...amenitetno razsvetljavo, signalizacijo in LED komercialne razsvetljave; do oblikovanja in proizvodnje celovitih solarnih svetlobnih rešitev. Pri Zeta Specialist Lighting se ponašamo s sodelovanjem s strankami pri oblikovanju, proizvodnji in dobavi inovativnih izdelkov, ki ustrezajo njihovim specifikacijam po konkurenčnih cenah. Stranke vključujejo Transport for London, Wasabi, Mercedes Benz in Eurosigns, pa tudi številne lokalne oblasti in izobraževalne ustanove. Zeta Specialist Lighting je podjetje, certificirano po standardu ISO9001.
PODJETJE ZA TRGOVINO in TURIZEM SL ali AZAHARA GROUP je podjetje za veleprodajo živil in pijač. Naše skladišče se nahaja v industrijski coni Barcelone, SANT BOI DE LLOBREGAT, z več kot 3 leti izkušenj, visokokakovostnimi uvoženimi izdelki in brezplačno dostavo po vsej regiji Katalonija z našimi komercialnimi prevozniki. Naši glavni izdelki so ... SUHE DATLJE, sveže in visoke kakovosti, uvožene iz...
Francija, La Bruffière
... partnerjev. Skupina se opira na 2 blagovni znamki: Rollix, specialist za usmerjevalne kroge z linijami izdelkov Bearings for Industry in Wind Solutions ter Defontaine, opremljevalec visoke natančnosti z linijami izdelkov Aerospace & Industry in Automotive Components.
Nizozemska, Den Bosch
Skupina Care for Food ponuja dokazano celovito rešitev na področju kakovosti in varnosti hrane v živilski industriji. Sem spadajo upravljanje procesov kakovosti in varnosti hrane, laboratorijske raziskave, avtomatizacija QA, fleksibilna uporaba vodij kakovosti, nenehen izobraževalni načrt in nadzor etiket. Vsaka disciplina ima svojo specializacijo in avtonomijo. V skupino Care for Food spadajo Urad za kakovostno oskrbo, BK Usposabljanja, CareNet Spletna QA Programska oprema, Microcare Laboratorij, Strokovnjaki za hrano in
...Orient Group za pogodbeno delo, dekoracije in naložbe v Turčiji Model Restavracija Dekor Izvršni Orient Group vam nudi najvišje storitve na področju naložb, oblikovanja ter notranjega in zunanjega oblikovanja za vse stanovanjske objekte, vključno z apartmaji, vilami, stanovanjskimi stolpi, administrativnimi pisarnami, trgovskimi kompleksi in restavracijami. Naše vodilo je vedno "Vaša zaupanje...
Turcia, Konya
... implementation of their projects.":"Smo obsedeni s zadovoljstvom naših strank; so naši pravi partnerji; njihove cilje uresničujemo in podpiramo izvajanje njihovih projektov.","Addisoon, through a group of experts, is a pioneer in studying and implementing integrated projects. Its field of work also extends to developing and marketing computerized systems for the modern management of all agricultural...
ESLI je vodilni proizvajalec in veletrgovec sistemov za obratno osmozo in komponent, tako za industrijske kot komercialne aplikacije. Izdelki ESLI so si pridobili ugled po vsej industriji zaradi svoje visoke kakovosti. ESLI se je leta 2001 povezal s podjetjem EURAQUA EUROPE, ki pripada skupini POLLET WATER GROUP, ki ima 40-letne izkušnje na področju sistemov za obdelavo vode v Evropi. Srečanja in...
Francija, Moirans En Montagne
PureLab Plastics, located in the Plastic Valley of the Jura, has been a plastics expert for over 40 years. It belongs to the Gilson group, which allows it to better meet the needs of industrial players in the life sciences. It is both a service provider and a manufacturer of high-quality plastic parts and consumables. Its products are intended for medical plastics, biomedical, surgery, laboratory...
Od ustanovitve prve družbe Thaleck Group 5. januarja 1990 so raziskave in razvoj novih rešitev in izdelkov bistven del naše podjetniške filozofije.
Poslovni svetovalci, strokovnjaki za head hunting, menedžersko in specializirano usposabljanje, napredno e-učenje, graditelji procesov, integracijski in funkcionalni sistemi. Ocena notranjih/zunanjih človeških virov in head hunting.
Združeno kraljestvo, Liversedge
Finančni svetovalci, Aktivnosti, ki niso drugače razvrščene in so pomožne pri finančnem posredovanju...
Italija, Treviso
Združeno kraljestvo, Manchester
Priljubljene države za to iskalniško poizvedbo

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