Francija, Lieusaint
... correct et souple qui vous offre en outre un aperçu complet. Des processus souples, un aperçu complet Dès qu’un client passe une commande, grâce au scanning, nous veillons à ce que les bons produits soient sortis du stock et qu’ils soient prêts à être expédiés dans les 45 minutes. Une fois prélevés, nous apposons une étiquette afin que l’ensemble des informations nécessaires soient présentent pour le bon déroulement de la logistique finale. Elles sont ainsi bien reconnaissables par vos clients. Nous vous offrons un aperçu optimal du processus.
Nemčija, Alsbach-Hähnlein
...iCAM kamere so optimal zasnovane za optični nadzor kakovosti na pakirnih strojih. Pri tem vrsta tiskanega materiala skoraj nima vloge. Laetus iCAM kamere so optimal zasnovane za optični nadzor kakovosti na pakirnih strojih. Pri tem vrsta tiskanega materiala skoraj nima vloge. Materiali z najrazličnejšimi površinskimi lastnostmi so za nadzor z iCAM najbolj primerni. Napake v izdelkih se pri visoki proizvodnji zanesljivo prepoznajo. Glede na posamezne zahteve naše modularne sisteme vedno ponujajo popolno kamero z optimalno osvetlitveno enoto.
WoBa Natančna obdelava se specializira za proizvodnjo natančnih enotnih in serijskih delov. Gradnja posebnih strojev, izdelava kalupov, gradnja prototipov, CAD/CAM programiranje, struženje in frezanje.
Belgija, Auvelais (sambreville)
... mouvement. Les batteries avancées Li-ion LXT constituent le top absolu en rapport poids/puissance. Livrée avec deux batteries Li-ion puissantes 3,0Ah, à protection électronique contre la surcharge, la surchauffe et les décharges profondes et aux contacts auto-nettoyants assurant un transfert optimal du courant. Le chargeur performant détermine une trajectoire de charge individuelle en fonction de la condition de la batterie, assurant la pleine charge en 22 minutes seulement.
O nas Gipea izhaja iz potrebe po zasebnosti in ustvarjanju lastne identitete. Zasebnost in individualna identiteta za lastnike hiš z vrtovi, ki so od javnega prostora ločeni z ograjo. Gipea se je začela leta 2014 iz našega doma, Viviane Vissers in Remco de Groot, Gipea Dober v zasebnosti in zaključni obdelavi S potrošniku prijaznim spletnim podjetjem in sodelovanjem z DHL, da bi lahko naročila hi...
NESKOM e. U. trži telefonske sisteme Unify, mrežne proizvode Extreme Networks itd. in se osredotoča na dosego optimalne uporabnosti in koristi za končnega uporabnika.
... optimal dosage and superior cleanliness, compromising is never an option. We are a trusted and well-experienced brand that focuses on providing high-end lab dropping supplies which are meant to make your job easier, without interfering with your safety or comfort. We rely exclusively on premium materials and carefully screened manufacturers, in order to live up to every customer’s rigorous quality expectations. Don't hesitate to contact us for more!
Slovenija, Lovrenc Na Dravskem Polju
... vision is to provide the optimal solution and help customers develop their full potential. We are a development partner of Datalab d.d., creating add-ons for the information program Pantheon. We are present in trading and manufacturing companies in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Serbia. We have successfully implemented our add-ons such as CRM, WMS, MNF, MES, ANL, PLN, INVENTURA and others to support more efficient operations of the companies. Our vision is to simplify work and increase business efficiency for companies using Pantheon.
Slovenija, Begunje Pri Cerknici
... various products, manly made from chipboards and fibreboards in combination with solid wood. The industrial way of manufacturing enables a large serial production. Our trump card is the paint shop, which provides us with various technologies for the application of environment-friendly surface materials (varnishes) in diverse color shades. Together with our partners, we offer an optimal method of packing products in terms of transportation, handling and use of the final costumer. All the materials that we use fulfil the highest global standards of quality and ecology.
Slovenija, Solkan
... regular consulting to its customers. It grants optimal support to business processes with the NEXIO CMS, which can be upgraded according to the customer’s needs and wishes. NEXIO is advanced CMS platform delivering ultimate user experience across all system modules. Supported modules are: Accounting&Cage, TITO, Jackpots, Player Tracking, Cashless, Reception, MultiSite. Advansys products meets...
Slovenija, RADOMLJE
...PP, PVC in PET-G) and sizes (from 5ml to 1500ml), which enables flexibility and adaptability on shorter delivery times. We ensure comprehensive plastic packaging solutions to our customers. We consult at development of products from idea to realization and at development of concept of the project (plan design, mould production, production of samples) and at selection of plastic bottles, closures, prayers, pumps, printing, etc. AERO-POLYPLAST treats each customer individually and we help them to find optimal solution based on needs and wishes.
... create an efficient and competitive service, capable of providing to its customers an optimal an price – quality ratio, though retaining a maximum efficiency and expertise. Our vehicle fleet is in step with time and ecology. We operate with 40 Euro 6 tractors and 40 semitrailers (20 refrigerated trailers with all types of cooling regimes, 10 container and 10 tarpaulin trailers). In all of our...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... customer. In addition, we will be happy to install the optimal software and assist in migration of your resources to a new platform. We will be also happy to support your business in case of any other emergencies. For example, if your system administrator is temporarily unavailable, we will be able to maintain the smooth operation of all your services during this period.
Unior Special Machines is a Slovenian manufacturer of special purpose CNC machines for OEM and Tier 1 suppliers in the automotive, aerospace and tooling industry. The core business is creating flexible, high quality, optimal solution special machines. With 40 years of experience in the automotive industry, we have designed and created countless special solution for a variety of component for...
Slovenija, Škofja Loka
... high-quality production are the main features of Odeja. They enable us to adapt to each individual customer in terms of materials, methods of production and quantity of products. We help our business partners to realize their idea and develop very specific products for niche or wide market. They swear by checked source of materials, high-quality production and optimal ratio between the quality of products and their price. We have our own network of retail stores in all major Slovene cities a...
Slovenija, Ribnica
... competitiveness in the market. Te company holds certificates according TO ISO 9001 and environmrntal ISO 14001 certification. Our products can be found at the customers in Europe, Asia, South America ... PRESSES HYDRAULIC SHEARS CONVEYOR BELTS SORTING LINES ROLL CUTTERS SCRAP BALERS PAPER BALERS Our advantages: Own developmentt and production Providing of consultancy to customers for the best technical solution We provide optimal solution for the customer in terms of functionality, cost of servicing, maintenance and price Servicing and supply of spare parts...
Slovenija, Grosuplje
...-how and support of our suppliers, education for architects, project designers and assemblers and increase with that the level of technical culture in our area of operation. We cooperate with foreign and domestic companies who stand out with their tradition, knowledge and cutting edge technologies. We assist you with the selection of optimal solutions, high quality materials, correct installations and adequate maintenance of mechanical installations.
Slovenija, Šmartno Pri Litiji
We are a reliable manufacturer of demanding metal products employing turning, milling and 5-axis machining. Our production relies on high-quality machine tools manufactured by Mazak. The unified machinery enables optimal operation and maintenance of the machines, which results in the stability of our production process. 80% of CNC lathes are connected to the feed devices. Our organisation and the...
Martinik, Fort-De-France
Podjetje LNBJ PARTNERS je dobavitelj izdelkov za živali. Litière en Silice pour Chats - Haute Qualité pour un Confort Optimal Ponujamo vam litière en silice MIAOSSI vrhunske kakovosti, zasnovano za zagotavljanje optimalnega udobja za mačke, hkrati pa zagotavlja higiensko, praktično in trajno rešitev. Zaradi svoje ultra hitre absorpcijske sposobnosti naša litière učinkovito nevtralizira vonjave...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Banking business and information engineering, developing comprehensive and integrated information systems by using various tools of modern technology, continuous improvement of our own solutions, implementation of new products; Integration of diverse solutions, representation and advice about the implementation of leading foreign IT systems; Building data warehouses and developing advanced analytical solutions in the area of financial management; Optimal transfer of knowledge through the education of users; Maintenance and user support.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... clients requires an individual approach. Our most important goal is to find the best and most optimal solution for every one of your challenges. Our highly committed employees constantly attend different courses and training to stay at the top of the industry trends so we can offer the best possible solution to each of our clients. We carefully attend to every order and make sure that ordered products are delivered immaculately in the requested time. Our customer satisfaction is our top priority. Germateh Adria. Your partner for high-quality lubricants and oils. ...
Nemčija, Braunschweig
Najboljši ponudniki osebne zaščitne opreme in medicinskih pripomočkov Smo inovativno, agilno podjetje, osredotočeno na trgovino z osebno zaščitno opremo (OZO) in medicinskimi pripomočki. Naša interdisciplinarna ekipa vključuje med drugim tudi certificirane varnostne pooblaščence za medicinske pripomočke in svetovalce za medicinske pripomočke. Naš cilj je, da ne ponujamo le kakovostnih izdelkov, ...
Španija, Yecla
Smo prodajalci izdelkov Fitline, nemškega podjetja z bogatimi izkušnjami na področju zdravja in lepote. Ti izdelki so idealni za preventivno zdravje. Izpostavljamo set, ki predstavlja 80 % prihodkov podjetja, imenovan optimal set bar, ki je sestavljen iz treh izdelkov, zasnovanih za zagotavljanje energije čez dan, boljšo cirkulacijo in jasnost uma ter minerale, potrebne za obnovitven počitek ponoči. Poleg izdelkov za zdravje ponujamo tudi izdelke za lepoto. Dostavljamo na dom s brezplačno dostavo po vsej Španiji.
V našem pohištvenem salonu v Werltej boste našli raznoliko pohištvo za vsak bivalni prostor in vsak stil opremljanja - široka izbira pohištva Wilken Opti-Wohnwelt ponuja ustrezno izbiro za vsak okus. Poleg klasičnega pohištva pri nas odkrijete tudi prosto načrtovane kuhinje, inovativne ideje za osvetlitev in kreativne dodatke za dom. Z obiskom našega pohištvenega salona v Werltej boste doživeli tu...
Norveška, Bergen
Naše podjetje se specializira za trgovino z morskimi sadeži in iskanje optimalnih rešitev za vse vpletene strani. Našim strankam nudimo najboljše cene in najdemo najbolj cenovno učinkovite logistične rešitve, ki so na voljo.
... pozornost namenjamo poštenemu, zanesljivemu in hitremu poslovanju. Prepričajte se sami o naši raznoliki ponudbi, veselimo se vašega stika. Ne glede na to, za kaj gre – Optimal Products si vedno prizadeva najti najboljšo rešitev za vas!
Francija, Launaguet
Podjetje OPTIMAL-IT SYSTEM ponuja inovativne storitve, ki se osredotočajo na celovito upravljanje informacijske tehnologije in novih tehnologij v malih in srednjih podjetjih. Delujemo na daljavo brez omejitev ali na terenu v roku 4 ur na zelo učinkovit način (90 % incidentov je rešenih v 15 minutah). Vsak dan sodelavci Optimal-IT odpravljajo težave, zagotavljajo preventivno vzdrževanje...
Optimal-Choice je inovativno podjetje iz Bremna, ki se ukvarja z razvojem in prodajo avtoelektronike in dodatkov. Cilj je, da udobje in varnost višjega razreda postaneta dostopna za vsako vozilo. Z modulom AutoRetract Comfort se stranska ogledala vašega vozila samodejno zložijo in razložijo z daljinskim upravljalnikom ali sistemom Smart-Key. Modul za zlaganje ogledal ponuja naslednje koristi za...
Švica, Menziken
Optimal 3D je švicarsko 3D studio za vizualizacijo izdelkov, ki deluje v širšem območju Züricha. Pomagamo podjetjem krepiti njihove blagovne znamke in navduševati stranke s fotorealističnimi 3D-renderji. Naša ponudba vključuje med drugim 3D-modeliranje, osvetlitev in renderiranje 3D-vizualizacij izdelkov za maloprodajo, medicino in industrijo. Prepričajte svoje stranke o idejah in izdelkih na eleganten način s 3D animacijo!

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