Slovenija, Krsko
... interdisciplinary knowledge. In our work, experts combine knowledge from the field of: • chemistry, • electrical engineering, • and various branches of mechanical engineering, from sophisticated process technologies to steel processing technologies. Engineering includes consulting, design and production of comprehensive technical documentation. Because we want our systems to fully serve the needs of the client, we carry out the introduction and training of staff to use our devices. ...
Slovenija, Jesenice
... process into wear-resistant products. We manufacture customer-specific wear parts such as rackets, funnels, slides, hammers, knives, screens or linings made of highly wear-resistant Hardox sheets. We also process Hardox rods and manufacture bolts, shafts and bearing bushings.
Slovenija, Ljutomer
...On CNC machining centres, we produce elements made of iron, stainless steel, grey cast iron and aluminium. Non-ferrous metals and plastics can also be processed. The controllers on the machining centres also allow us 3D processing. We process both serial pieces as well as individual parts and prototypes in the highest tolerances with our machine park. Our qualified experts can provide you even with the most demanding construction elements.
Slovenija, Markovci
...We have been active in the industrial automation segment for many years. We offer integrated digital system and process management services, i.e. control, system integration and support. In industrial automation, we follow the latest trends and needs in the market. We implement complete projects with the latest technology and tools on the market. We are a company that can carry out a project from conception to commissioning, whether it is automotive, logistics, process technology or automation of buildings.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... components are mainly used in large energy plants. The company’s radio interference suppression capacitors and filters range are used in electronic household appliances such as washing machines, vacuum cleaners, tumble driers, etc. Equipped with state-of-the-art automated manufacturing and testing facilities, Iskra produces its capacitors to the latest international standards; strict quality control is maintained throughout the entire manufacturing process. Iskra is committed to working with customers to satisfy their project needs with the best product solutions.
Slovenija, Bostanj
...Noise Protection System (NPS) with extremely precise sound reading keeps the saw performance under strict surveillance and checks whether it ids operating optimally. The product continuously communicates with the machine control system and uses fast adaptive algorithms to detect even the smallest anomalies in the sawing process. Before the quality of your product is affected, stopping the work process quickly, or reducing the feed speed, protects your saw from damage and noticeably extends its life span. ...
Slovenija, Grosuplje
...• Anodising is a surface treatment process used to transform the upper aluminium layer into oxide coating which is compact, firm and matches very well with the basic material. Oxide coating serves as excellent protection against corrosion, tear and wear and acts as an electrical insulator. By selecting different electrolytes, current types and bath parameters we can achieve oxide coating with...
Slovenija, Celje
...Xypex Gamma Cure is a curing agent designed specifically for Xypex crystalline waterproofing products. Gamma Cure may be used as an alternative to water curing for certain Xypex applications. It is also used to accelerate the Xypex Crystallization Process. Xypex Gamma Cure acts as an evaporation retardant by retaining the maximum amount of moisture in the Xypex coating. It also provides a catalyst for the reaction with the Xypex crystalline waterproofing treatment. It is a self-disappating (2 - 3 days) non-film forming product.
Slovenija, Slap Ob Idrijci
...The company has multiple storage facilities located across the country. The warehousing facilities are used for storage of goods when they cannot be dispatched immediately. The facilities are in excelent condition which guarantees that goods and products of our clients are not damaged in the process and remain in perfect shape.
Ujemajoči se izdelki
Drugi izdelki
Consulting services
Consulting services
Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd se posveča raziskavam, razvoju, oblikovanju, prodaji in podpori strank za keramične vžigalnike in komponente iz metalizirane keramike, bor nitrida, aluminijevega nitrida in aluminijeve oksidne keramike. S pomočjo različnih oblikovalskih procesov prav tako dobavljamo aluminijevo oksidno keramiko, silicijev nitrid, keramične reflektorje, porozne keramičn...
Francija, Chapareillan
...Reakcijski okusi (Process Flavors), juhe in brozge v prahu ali pasti. Ti so idealni za dodajanje značilnega okusa živilom, kot so pripravljene jedi, omake itd. Reakcijski okusi se proizvajajo z uporabo nadzorovane Maillardove reakcije iz izbranih, visoko kakovostnih beljakovinskih snovi. Reakcija se nadzoruje, da se dosežejo različne variacije okusnih profilov, kot so pečeno, ocvrto, sočno...
Turcia, Istanbul
... oblačnosti okoli 2°C-5°C.","RBD Palm Olein is obtained from the fractionation of RBD Palm Oil which undergoes the process of crystallization at a controlled temperature in which RBD Palm oil is chilled until crystals are formed.":"RBD Palm Olein se pridobiva iz frakcioniranja RBD palminega olja, ki poteka skozi proces kristalizacije pri nadzorovani temperaturi, pri čemer se RBD palmovo olje ohladi...
Švica, Geneve
...Projekte izvajamo hitro in brez izgube kakovosti. Imate kratkoročne projekte, kar omogoča znižanje stroškov in hitro vračilo naložbe. Kontaktirajte nas za prvi razgovor! Naši projekti pogosto združujejo tehnične in regulativne vidike: •Tehnologija in prenos tehnologije (prilagajanje, izboljšanje tehnologij) •optimizacija proizvodnje •Projekti kakovosti (Quality by Design "QbD", Process...
Francija, Montrevel-En-Bresse
Frédéric Fauvet - Vaš SEO svetovalec za povečanje vašega poslovanja. Ste podjetnik in želite ustvariti vidnost ter pritegniti stranke preko vaše spletne strani? Ne iščite več, tukaj sem, da vam pomagam. Kot SEO svetovalec je moj cilj, da vas spremljam v tem ključnem procesu za vaše podjetje. Tukaj je moja receptura za podporo, prilagojena vašim specifičnim potrebam: - Osebne delavnice: Naučili...
... Process":"Sušeno na zraku","Standard storage conditions for Barberry":"Shranjujte v embalaži na hladnem, temnem in suhem mestu, stran od svetlobe, sonca, hišnih ljubljenčkov in insektov pri 5-10 stopinjah Celzija.","Other usable parts of Barberry":"plod, koren","Packaging":"V razsutem stanju, 7-10 kg na karton","Shelf Life":"1 leto"}...
Turcia, Kocaeli
... industrije, občutljive na higieno. Učinkovit prenos toplote: Reaktorji s plaščem zagotavljajo natančno nadzorovanje temperature za optimalne reakcijske pogoje. Zanesljivo delovanje: Robustna konstrukcija in kakovostne komponente zagotavljajo zanesljivo delovanje in dolgo življenjsko dobo. Izberite Aces Process za vaše potrebe po reaktorjih iz nerjavečega jekla in izkusite razliko, ki jo lahko prinese kakovost in prilagoditev.
Avstrija, Fürnitz
... koda: 283711","Sodium cyanide is a common agent in the leaching process for the majority of gold extraction operations. The primary reason for the use of Sodium cyanide in the extraction of gold is the higher affinity of gold towards cyanide. Sodium cyanide separates gold through oxidizing it and dissolving gold in the presence of oxygen and water. The most important strengths of sodium cyanide in...
Francija, Antony
...please consult us for more information. Minimum quantity: 1,000 pieces Delivery time: From 30 days Weight: 120 gr/m2 (also available in 140 gr/m2) Finish: Matte or glossy Handles: Short (handheld) or long (shoulder carry) Number of printing colors: 1 to 6 Pantone colors or four-color process Printing method: Flexography (Europe) or Gravure (Asia) Maximum printing percentage: 100% Formats: Standard...
Švica, Felben-Wellhausen
...New Process vzdrževalni spreji so vaš mali pomočnik z velikim učinkom v vsakdanjem življenju. Izpopolnjene formule z visokokakovostnimi dodatki zagotavljajo učinkovito uporabo za hitro, zanesljivo in trajnostno delovanje. Zasnovani za profesionalno uporabo, naše izdelke najdete v delavnicah, obrtnih podjetjih ali v gozdarstvu.
Kitajska, Zhejiang
... mehanske trdnosti in odlične kemične odpornosti.","Manufacturing Process":"Proizvodni postopek","CNC Machining & Injection Molding":"CNC obdelava in brizganje","Mechanical:High Mechanical Strength":"Mehansko: Visoka mehanska trdnost"}...
Romunija, Bucuresti
Process Color Srl proizvaja v svojih delavnicah:Plastične in kartonske embalaže: oblikovane, posodice, škatlice, kalupi, blisterji, valji, darilne škatle, plastične škatle, kartonske škatle, jajčne škatle za kokoši ali prepelice. Prav tako proizvajamo ali prilagajamo različne promocijske materiale s serigrafijo, tampografijo, tiskom, folijo, suhim žigom, embosiranjem, izsekavanjem, perforacijo, te...
...De Dietrich Process Systems vam poleg klasičnih toplotnih izmenjevalcev v obliki tuljav ali cevi ponuja vrsto procesno specifičnih aparatov. Naša procesna tehnološka ekipa vam z veseljem pomaga pri načrtovanju. • Tuljavni toplotni izmenjevalci (brez tesnilni toplotni izmenjevalec za GMP uporabo) • Cevni toplotni izmenjevalci (steklene ali silicijeve karbidne cevi z enostavno vzdrževano tesnjenjem...
Nemčija, Heiningen
...Probe Buddy™ je pametna testna naprava, ki preverja integriteto in zdravje kisikove sonde podjetja United Process Controls ter drugih proizvajalcev. Uporablja se tudi za posnemanje izhodnih signalov delujoče sonde, da se preveri skaliranje in delovanje sistema za nadzor procesov. LASTNOSTI IN PREDNOSTI • Odpravljanje težav s svojo sondo in nadzornim sistemom • Ocena uporabnosti in zmogljivosti...
Kitajska, Sichuan Province
...{"Wiring":"Ožičenje","The bus extended master module is used to extend the bus. The bus extended master module has no process data and configuration parameters.":"Modul za razširitev avtobusa se uporablja za razširitev avtobusa. Modul za razširitev avtobusa nima procesnih podatkov in konfiguracijskih parametrov.","Bus extended cable requires 5 core shielded cable, IBS+ and IBS- must use twisted...
Francija, Bruges
BERISMA SAS. je podjetje, specializirano za trgovanje z agroživilski sestavinami, kot so arome, eterična olja, emulgatorji in stabilizatorji. Zavezani smo k zagotavljanju visokokakovostnih izdelkov, ki ustrezajo potrebam naših strank v živilski industriji. Naša strokovnost nam omogoča, da ponudimo široko paleto sestavin za izboljšanje okusa, teksture in trajnosti živilskih izdelkov. V podjetju BER...
Nemčija, Beselich
... na voljo za prodajo in so last njihovih lastnikov.","Disclaimer:":"Zavrnitev odgovornosti:","Production Process of plastic block bottom bags with zipper":"Proizvodni postopek plastičnih vrečk z blokirnim dnom in zadrgo","E: Lamination":"E: Laminacija","C: The MOQ is 10,000 pcs, the more the cheaper":"C: Minimalna količina naročila je 10.000 kosov, več kot naročite, ceneje je.","Thickness:120...
Turcia, Istanbul
... so vključene v naše oznake za brezhiben videz.","Symbols: Our internationally accepted standard symbols for washing, drying, and ironing procedures simplify the care process.":"Simboli: Naši mednarodno sprejeti standardni simboli za pranje, sušenje in likanje poenostavijo postopek nege.","A perfect option for promoting your products! Highlight your brand with our quality fabric label varieties...
... predlog, kot so: - 2D delavniške risbe - 3D podatki v vsakem običajnem formatu, npr. Creo, Step, IGES, JT, AutoCAD, - Inventor, CATIA - Originalni deli - Fotopredloge Uporabljamo naslednja CAD in grafična orodja: - CorelDraw Technical Suite - Adobe Illustrator - IsoDraw CAD Process - Creo Parametric - Adobe Photoshop - Corel PHOTO-PAINT - Adobe InDesign...
... storage systems\nNajbolj varen način shranjevanja zelo občutljivih komponent je pod vakuumom. V vakuumskem okolju so vaše komponente zaščitene pred vsemi zunanjimi vplivi.\n\nControl and process control\nNaš posebej razviti kontrolni program ponuja ne le možnost nadzora, temveč tudi programiranja in shranjevanja različnih procesnih zaporedij.\n\nHigh and ultra-high vacuum\nOd tlaka grobega vakuuma do finega vakuuma in ultra visoke vakuumske tehnologije, smo sposobni zadovoljiti vaše procesne zahteve z našimi sistemi."}...

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