... are committed to fulfilling the company’s mission. We strive to comprehensively and responsibly meet the interests of all stakeholders in the process. We strive to provide customers with quality services at competitive prices. We perform transportations diligently and accurately, and we put customer satisfaction first. The company's goal is to increase productivity and profits. We strive to reduce...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
ART-LEG d.o.o. deals with the designing and manufacturing of pretentious medical devices. At our work we confronted with a lot of new challenges, which require from us a high degree of innovation, speciality, accuracy and flexibility. We are directed to the user’s needs and we want that the final satisfaction is on both sides. In the context of our team, in addition to certified prosthetists and...
Slovenija, Murska Sobota
... are aware that the buyer is the one who decides who is good and competitive on the market. In this spirit we are expanding our knowledge and educate ourselves, all with a view to making a better understanding of customers and to satisfy their expectations and needs. Customer satisfaction is our highest value.OUR OBJECTIVESIn short we can say that our goals are continued business growth, expansion of sales network, search for new marketable manufacturers and suppliers, finding market niches and constantly improve the quality of our services.We think that we can satis...
Slovenija, Grosuplje
Company Medas is a full - service and costumer focused logistic provider of innovative supply chain services and integrated logistic solutions. Medas provides total value chain solutions, from orders to fulfillment. Our supply chain solutions have been specially engineered to improve flexibility and reduce risk for its clients. We can improve customer satisfaction, decrease costs and reduce...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... clients requires an individual approach. Our most important goal is to find the best and most optimal solution for every one of your challenges. Our highly committed employees constantly attend different courses and training to stay at the top of the industry trends so we can offer the best possible solution to each of our clients. We carefully attend to every order and make sure that ordered products are delivered immaculately in the requested time. Our customer satisfaction is our top priority. Germateh Adria. Your partner for high-quality lubricants and oils. ...
Slovenija, Hoce
...The company is looking for development opportunities in sales and in its own transformation processes. The effects of this are evident in the stable and lasting performance of the business.The mission of our company is to expertly and professionally meet the requirements and expectations of our customers, while maintaining their satisfaction and long-term partnership. Content preparation for online promotion is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund. ...
Združeno kraljestvo, London
... kraljestvu, ZDA, Evropi in Dubaju smo zaupanja vredno ime za zanesljivost in kakovost.","Quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction are our core values. Our rigorous quality control and dedicated support ensure your project's success.":"Kakovost, inovacije in zadovoljstvo strank so naše temeljne vrednote. Naša stroga kontrola kakovosti in predana podpora zagotavljata uspeh vašega projekta...
...Biologija in prehrana 2 d.o.o. "Bynsa 2" je podjetje s 100% španskim kapitalom, ki trži različne vrste ekstrudiranih krmil za pse in mačke, namenjenih specializiranemu distribucijskemu kanalu. Naši vrhunski izdelki so na trgu že več kot 20 let, trenutno pa mnogi vodilni svetovni vzreditelji hranijo svoje pse s Satisfaction, najljubšim krmilom med španskimi vzreditelji.
Turcia, Konya
... and to achieve their desired goals.":"Naša vloga je osrednji akter v študijah in zaključevanju projektov, preko nabranih izkušenj, pomagamo upravičencem, ne glede na velikost njihovih projektov, doseči raven njihovih ambicij in uresničiti njihove želene cilje.","We are obsessed with the satisfaction of our customers; they are our true partners; we make their goals a reality, and we support the...
Turcia, Istanbul
... spletno rezervacijsko platformo z imenom bedsclick.com; ki bo zadostila potrebam potovalnih agencij in jim omogočila dostop do različnih virov podatkov posteljnih bank preko ene platforme, primerjavo, rezervacijo in nakup.","For all projects that were developed in different sectors until present day, we were very sensitive about innovation, high technology, quality and customer satisfaction issues...
Švica, Geneve
... la régénérer avec un peeling.Le métier de coiffeur est un métier où la technique ne s'improvise pas. C'est pourquoi chez Berbhair, tous nos collaborateurs sont sélectionnés avec attention et formés aux techniques de coupe "Berbhair" pour que la satisfaction client soient la plus grande possible. Ainsi messieurs, que vous souhaitiez faire un dégradé "classique" ou un modele coiffure homme, nous...
Turcia, Malatya
...{"To achieve the customer satisfaction we have achieved in the Turkish market by producing firsts in the world in the bakery and pastry sector, in the world market,":"Doseči zadovoljstvo strank, ki smo ga dosegli na turškem trgu, z izdelavo novosti na svetu v pekarskem in slaščičarskem sektorju na svetovnem trgu.","To turn BLUE BEAD, PELİKANO brands into world brands with our innovative, rational...
Poljska, Siedlce
Drew-tom se ukvarja s celovitim upravljanjem, povezanim s sečnjo dreves in gospodarjenjem z gozdovi, prav tako pa nudi {strokovno|profesionalno} nego zelenih površin. V ponudbi imamo prodajo {kurilnega|kaminskega} lesa. Prodajamo tudi sadike gozdnih dreves. Nudimo tudi sajenje, pripravo {zemlje|tal} za zalesitev skupaj z nakupom sadik. Naša podjetje {odlikuje|značilnost} visoka kakovost prodajanega {kurilnega|kaminskega} lesa ter visok nivo nudjenih storitev. Dolgoletne izkušnje v panogi zagotavljajo {zadovoljstvo|satisfaction} naših strank.
Francija, Les Fosses
Rastlina na koži! Naša blagovna znamka naravne in veganske kozmetike. Pravi rastlinski ščit, naša linija izdelkov vam ponuja edinstven "lepotni ritual" za zaščito vaše kože pred zunanjimi vplivi. Naši izdelki so znani po tem, da vlažijo, obnavljajo in pomirjajo kožo, ki jo prizadenejo urbana okolja in škodljive posledice onesnaževanja. Naš cilj je ponovno povezati mestne ženske in moške z rastlins...
Francija, Aire Sur L Adour
Francija, Reze
Francija, Marseille
Priljubljene države za to iskalniško poizvedbo

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