Slovenija, Cerknica
Vision: We want to become a leader in our municipality and at the same time remain respectable and trustworthy an accounting service that provides its customers with integrated solutions in the field accounting, bookkeeping and tax consulting. Mission: We see our mission in developing knowledge in accounting and tax advice for their clients, whose needs are day by day more demanding and in...
MARIBOR DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (MRA) is a non-profit professional development institution serving the Podravje (Maribor) region as a regional development agency. For more than 14 years is acting as organizer and co-ordinator of the regional strategy for economic development with the following priority fields of activities.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Potuj nekam is a tourist agency which can offer a lot of different exotic destinations which will inspire you. In addition to exotic destinations like Zakynthos, Crete, Morocco you can also find a different apartments on the Croatian coast which they have in their offer, if you like more to travel with car and not airplane.
We are Web Company that exists more than 10 years. We have made more than 200 sucesfull web projects.
Slovenija, Poljčane
For the last forty years our company is specialized in designing and producing wooden childrens furniture. The products introduced in our website are the fruit of our long lasting experience. The birth of a baby is the most important and one of the more beautiful periods in your life. This is why we are trying at our best to offer you a selection of the finest, best quality products which every...
Nemčija, Hamburg
... promocijski material. Poleg GOTS-oznake so večina modelov torb podjetja more presents tudi iz FAIRTRADE-certificiranega bombaža. Da bi lahko naše stranke oskrbeli tudi na kratki rok in z manjšimi količinami, smo na naši lokaciji v Nemčiji vzpostavili skladiščni program s šestimi modeli torb. Te promocijske torbe z GOTS-oznako individualno tiskamo z vašim motivom, logotipom podjetja in vašo promocijsko sporočilo v GOTS-certificirani tiskarni v Nemčiji.
Turcia, Efeler
... skladu z naraščajočo močjo, 36-letnimi izkušnjami v industriji ter željo in vizijo po globalizaciji. The More je edina vodilna blagovna znamka, ki združuje proizvodnjo kuhinjskih, kopalniških, vratnih in garderobnih izdelkov pod eno streho, kar ponuja več storitev in več izdelkov.
Nizozemska, Den Bosch
Vera je odprla svoj salon leta 2009 in danes dela skupaj s skupino žensk, ki so vsaka posebej strokovnjakinje za lepoto. Tako Ms More ni le salon, temveč koncept lepote in obravnava, ki presega zgolj lepšanje ljudi. Z nudenjem široke palete storitev, od gel nohtov do trajne ličila in od sušenja las do sproščujoče masaže, se pri nas kot oseba dobesedno in v prenesenem pomenu počutite bolje v svoji koži, kar je naš cilj! Želite tudi vi občutek samozavesti? Rezervirajte si obravnavo in nas hitro obiščite, naj bo to tudi le za skodelico okusne kave ali čaja.
Nemčija, Mühldorf Am Inn
Posredniška agencija Hadi je podjetje s sedežem v Mühldorfu ob Innu. V tesnem sodelovanju z našimi strankami nenehno prilagajamo naše izdelke novim spoznanjem in zahtevam ter kontinuirano razvijamo naše proizvodne procese. Danes nobeno gospodinjstvo v Nemčiji in po vsem svetu ne more več brez pralnega sredstva. Zato je še posebej pomembno zdravstveno zavarovanje in pravilna uporaba, da se pranje...
Our company is dealing with roofing. We are making new roof, carports, log cabins,...Also we have Printigshop. We print T-shirts and also all other type of clothing, bussines gifts, unique gifts.We also have everything needed for school...Check our web page for more INFO!
Slovenija, Logatec
Expert in stainless steel welding. Company located in Slovenia working with German companies for more than 10 years. High knowledge in all operations from laser cutting, bending, turning, welding (our core business), painting, final assembly, etc. If you have a need to outsorce some of this operations we are right company to help.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...Pontess d.o.o. is a Slovenian company that sells press brakes, laser cutters, punch brakes, plasma cutters, robot automation units for custom needs of our customers.We represent and sell the machinery from the world's biggest manufacturers and industry leading companies such as LVD, Frascio Group, Starmatik, Teseo and Ferrari tools. For more information please visit our website
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... space. It is intended for: butchery, dairy, bakery,ice cream shops, pastry shops,food processing laboratories, Mc Donalds ..Water consumption in smal ice cream production shop with: ice creamer, 12 taste showcase, pasteurizer it consum medium 1,4 m3 water / hour. Air cooled compresors spend up to 50 % more electricity than water cooled. We transform them to water cooled.In historic centres, being dependent on the supply of water, water shortage may mean slowing down or even blocking ice cream production.Average investment in water economizer shall be paid almost within 1 year.
...elements for palletsSolid wood lamellaes we can offer from Slovenian and Croatian producers, but we need more informations about dimensions, quality and quantity.2. Fromwork panels:We represent Bosnian producer of formwork panels. 3. Standard planks for scaffold:We represent Slovenian producer of standard planks for scaffold4. Solid wood panels:We can also offer solid wood panels from Croatia...
Slovenija, Velenje
Gorenje Group is one of the leading European home appliance manufacturers with a history spanning more than 60 years. Our vision is to become world‘s best in design-driven innovations of home products.Technologically perfected, superiorly designed and energy-efficient home appliances branded Gorenje, Gorenje+, Atag, Asko, Pelgrim, Mora, Etna, Körting and Upo elevate the quality of living for the users of our products in ninety countries around the globe.Our mission is to create innovative, design-driven and technically perfect products and services that bring simplicity to our users.
Slovenija, Bled
... services. Rapid development and effective growth are the result of highly qualified employees, their loyalty to the company and team work. Today, Perftech employees more than 100 professionals from all fields of information and communication technology who with their extensive experience deliver effective solutions to our customers. High quality fulfilment of commitments and the responsibility of individuals to fulfil their duties and vital objectives ensure satisfied customers and the possibility of investments in new knowledge in the field of technological and business novelties. ...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...relaxation exercises and motoric skills development. Our Sandbox is therapeutic, educational and entertaining all at the same time. We also constantly update the product and develop brand new games every month so the Sandbox never stops evolving. Our product range also includes other interactive equipment, environmentally friendly wooden toys. With office representations in USA and Russia, we hope to start partnerships all around the world and look forward to working with you. Don't hesitate to contact us for more information!
Slovenija, Celje
...Our business is in the following fields: Casting from nodular, grey and steel cast iron and forging, raw materials & equipments for foundries, foundry and metallurgical coke, sea salt, packing materials and international transport. Employees of SIMATERIAL d.o.o. have more than 11 years of experience in the foundry business and international transport.
Slovenija, Litija
We are wholesaler from Slovenia and we offer wide range of products. We offer personal care and beauty products, such as magnetic eyelashes, nail accessories, hair straighteners and curlers. We also offer different home and garden decorations; solar lights, led sensor lights, water fountains. You can also find different pet products. If you are looking for sports clothes and other sports accessories we are the right address. Please feel free to contact us for more informations.
Slovenija, Peje
We are a company specialized in livestock business, specifically live cattle trading and farming equipment of highest quality with highest standards. We currently cooperate with companies from Europe. We have more than 10 years of experience as ‘Agrouni NPT’ Europe-base firm. For farming equipment we offer rubber mats flooring solution of highest quality for cattle, specifically for cows. For...
... najtežjimi pogoji. Na voljo je 5 velikosti (format plošče 470/630/800/1000 in 1200). V primerjavi z našimi konkurenti se razlika kaže v številnih podrobnostih in predvsem v definiciji popolnoma avtomatskega delovanja. Tukaj je naša definicija: AF filtrni avtomat kontinuirano proizvaja in prazni filtrne kolače brez prisotnosti operaterja. Zagotovljeno je, da nobeno sredstvo (*) ne more neobvladano...
Španija, Alicante
... različic ne uporabljamo jajc, niti njihovih derivatov, zato ne more priti do nobene kontaminacije ali sledi tega izdelka v oblatih. Brez laktoze V nobeni od različic ne uporabljamo mleka, niti njegovih derivatov, zato ne more priti do nobene kontaminacije ali sledi tega sestavine v oblatih. 100% vegansko Naši izdelki so 100% veganski, celoten izvor naših izdelkov je naraven in rastlinski. Oblati na kolutu Krožni oblat Oblat po meri Gastronomski oblat Oblat za turrón Oblat za sladice...
Francija, Nice
... (optika, 4G, 5G) Naše ekipe so vam na voljo, da skupaj preučimo vaše projekte, analiziramo vaše izzive in odgovorimo na vaše potrebe. Novo = vaš priključek optičnih vlaken je neuspešen? Imate težave z notranjim omrežjem? Vaš operater vam ne more pomagati? Kontaktirajte naše strokovnjake, obstajajo rešitve, ki vam omogočajo dostop do optičnih vlaken in rešitev vaših težav na vašem zasebnem območju.
Nemčija, Steinfurt
... neposredno na motor. ECO POWER PILL® deluje neposredno na gorivo in le posredno na motor. Spremenjena goriva, tako dizelska kot bencinska, so bila obsežno testirana v mednarodnih testnih laboratorijih, ki potrjujejo, da ustrezajo strogim zakonodajam EU o gorivih, kar pomeni, da ECO POWER PILL® ne more poškodovati nobenega motorja. Postopek popolne mešanja z gorivom, medtem ko je še v rezervoarju, ima...
Italija, Maiolati Spontini ( An)
Ukvarjamo se z elektronskim poslovanjem na dveh področjih: Informatika in Elektronika, Oblačila, obutev in dodatki. Ukvarjamo se z uvozom in izvozom evropskih izdelkov. Vedno iščemo nove sodelovanja v sektorjih in segmentih, s katerimi se ukvarjamo, saj menimo, da lahko partnerstva pomagajo svetu trgovine, da se specializira in vedno bolj povečuje vrednost, ki jo ponuja. Nihče sam ne more biti...
Turcia, Gebze
... cost-effective. Buying wholesale dresses can be more affordable than purchasing dresses individually, as you can get them at a discounted price. As a result of this you can save money, and that can help to boost your profits. In addition, buying wholesale can help you purchase a wide range of dresses that can cater to different budgets, preferences, and styles.":"Ena največjih prednosti izbire...
...Smo „PAM“. PAM pomeni Perfumes and more. Našim partnerjem je bilo to ime vedno predolgo. Vedno so nas klicali kratko in jedrnato „PAM“. Nam je bilo to všeč, zato ostajamo pri tem. PAM s sedežem v Gradcu razvija in proizvaja blagovne znamke na področju Perfumes & Scents, Colors & Care ter Glamour & Style za trgovske verige, parfumerije in drogerije, pa tudi za oblikovalce in modne blagovne znamke...
Srbija, Majdanpek
...Potovalna agencija "Mirno More" je bila ustanovljena kot družinsko podjetje leta 2008 - skozi leta je rasla in se širila. Mirno More je organizator enodnevnih avanturističnih izletov v vzhodni Srbiji. Naši izleti so: - Vlaška magija (Vlach Magic) - Lazarev kanjon (Lazars Canyon) - Planina Starica, Majdanpek (Mountain Starica, Majdanpek) - Valja Fundata in kanjon Peka (Pustinjac and river Pek...
...Iz račjega mesa, maščobe, jeter in perja se pridobivajo različni izdelki. V tem smislu je proizvodnja zelo pomembna. Še posebej, ker se prehranjujejo organsko, je raven holesterola skoraj nič. Tisti, ki enkrat poskusi, se ne more upreti. Račje meso se običajno uporablja v hotelih in restavracijah. Poleg tega imamo na voljo tudi očiščene in narezane izdelke po želji. Prodaja in trženje Belgin Kılınç +905421414944...
Nizozemska, Groningen
Smo Møre. Naravna kakovost in trajnost. To je tisto, kar predstavljamo pri Møre. V svetu, kjer se vsak dan pojavljajo novi izdelki za nego, ki obljubljajo spektakularne rezultate, vas z veseljem vrnemo k osnovam. Osnova čistih in organskih izdelkov brez vseh vrst dodatnih sestavin, da lahko ponovno doživite moč narave. Lepo je, če verjamete v naše izdelke, ker vidite, da je vaša koža in lasje v...

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