Slovenija, Ribnica
EKOP d.o.o. is a manufacturing company with head office and production in Ribnica, SLOVENIA, EU; Years of experience in the manufacture of machinery and equipment for processing of secondary raw materials date back to the eighties and serial production at the factory Riko in Ribnica. Cooperation with related companies and the requirements of different markets guided our development efforts and...
... such a big Freight transport Market it is crucial to cooperate for maintaining high quality of service.Becose of Industrial importance of Germany, we offer improved Freight-Cargo transport and logistics Services to support heavy Industry demand for efficient and quick transport of raw Materials, Goods and finished Products. We offen transport spare Parts, shipments ordered on Ebay and other poppular internet stores. As we are well aware that the smooth functioning of the supply chain is crucial to your company, we offer you an express delivery of the necessary raw Materials and Goods.
Slovenija, Šempeter Pri Gorici
... our own warehouses in Vrtojba and Zagreb and through an agent in Mostar. Our large range includes ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, rare metals and a variety of metal and intermediate chemical products. In addition, we trade in scrap metals and (secondary) raw materials of various types. With our cranes, fork-lifts and other vehicles, we easily manipulate and load our cargo of different shapes and weight. We individually approach every demand and make sure that your order arrives on time and without any mistakes. Primet. Your partner in metal trading. ...
Estonija, Tallinn
... podjetje Vitaforest je skupina strokovnjakov za proizvodnjo in dobavo praškov ter suhih ekstraktov iz divjih rastlin, jagodičevja, sadja in gob. Skrbno zbiramo surovine v ekološko varnih regijah Sibirije, da ohranimo najmočnejši kompleks biološko aktivnih snovi in z vami delimo prvinsko neukročeno moč divje narave te edinstvene regije.","We do not stimulate growth of raw materials anyhow and do not...
Slovenija, Celje
...Our business is in the following fields: Casting from nodular, grey and steel cast iron and forging, raw materials & equipments for foundries, foundry and metallurgical coke, sea salt, packing materials and international transport. Employees of SIMATERIAL d.o.o. have more than 11 years of experience in the foundry business and international transport.
Francija, Saint Angeau-Val De Bonnieure
... from production to delivery of the product. This way, we provide our clients with a single point of contact, and they can know at any time what stage their orders are at. Each production site has at least two different suppliers of raw materials, several production machines to ensure continuity of production, as well as numerous 3.5 T and 19 T heavy vehicles, all owned by the company. This...
Francija, Châtillon-Sur-Chalaronne
Specialist in custom formulation, the laboratory SPLP supports you in the development of your dietary supplements in soft capsules and gummies. It is a dynamic and experienced team that conducts all your projects with you at 360°. We expertly follow the entire process of creating your product and advise you on sourcing raw materials, using claims, the regulatory framework, manufacturing...
Nemčija, München
... lastnosti in sestavin je odlično primeren kot surovina za pijače, jedi ter prehranska dopolnila. PLANT BASED RAW MATERIALS: Kaljeni polnozrnati riž kot nadomestek mleka - izdelki in surovine iz kaljenega polnozrnatega riža (npr. nadomestek za smetano, sir) za množično proizvodnjo rastlinsko osnovanih živil in pekovskih izdelkov, tudi za slaščičarne in patisserie. INFUZIJE: Naravni rastlinski...
Italija, Milano
... and forge the best performing raw materials with the most adequate, and cost effective production process, to satisfy each specific application at best.":"Naša strategija se začne s poudarkom na specifičnih potrebah naših strank in oblikovanjem najboljših surovin z najustreznejšim in stroškovno najučinkovitejšim proizvodnim procesom, da najbolje zadovoljimo vsako specifično aplikacijo.","Product...
Španija, Gilet (valencia)
Trženje in distribucija za industrijo chia semen in njene derivate, bogate z Omega-3.
DKR Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kreislaufwirtschaft und Rohstoffe mbH je eden največjih trgovcev z raw materials v Evropi. Trguje z metali, steklom, plastiko in drugimi materiali.
Nemčija, Porta Westfalica
...Chemie-Plast Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG je srednje veliko podjetje, ki se je specializiralo kot prodajni partner uglednih mednarodnih proizvajalcev plastike. Chemie-Plast prodaja široko paleto izdelkov, kot so: -Raw materials -Tehnične plastike -Standardne plastike -Kompoundi -Dodatek -Barvni koncentrati...
Smo globalna mreža, osredotočena na dobavo specializirane kave in premium kakava neposredno iz najboljših izvorov v Kolumbiji, z popolno sledljivostjo vsakega izdelka in procesa. Na podlagi trajnostne dobavne verige v ALMA spodbujamo pošteno trgovino, priznavajoč trud kmetov, dobre kmetijske prakse in skrb za ekosistem, saj kupujemo neposredno od proizvajalcev in podpiramo družine ter skupnosti, k...
Tehnična surovina, poliesteri, smole, orodja, industrijski lepil, ojačani plastiki, kompozitni materiali in kemični aditivi.
Švicarska družba Swiss Raw Materials GmbH se specializira za trgovino z surovinami: tantal, trdi kovini, molibden, niob, pa tudi posebne in super zlitine ter kovine, ki se uporabljajo v letalstvu in vesoljski industriji.
Združeno kraljestvo, Maidenhead
Gumijasti in plastični izdelki - Proizvajalci, Proizvodnja drugih gumijastih izdelkov...
Dobava surovin za papirno, avtomobilsko in plastično industrijo. Hkrati to podjetje ponuja dobre možnosti recikliranja proizvodnih odpadkov.
ENHANCED RECYCLING UNIT with a focus on recycling materials and recovering raw materials for the plastics industry. The unit processes recyclable plastics (such as pipes reinforced with polyester fibers, flexible hoses made of soft PVC, garden and industrial hoses, suction hoses, bottles, containers, agricultural crates, etc.) and produces regenerated plastic raw material in the form of granules or flakes (PVC, HDPE, LDPE, PP, PET, etc).
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