Slovenija, Grosuplje
Company Medas is a full - service and costumer focused logistic provider of innovative supply chain services and integrated logistic solutions. Medas provides total value chain solutions, from orders to fulfillment. Our supply chain solutions have been specially engineered to improve flexibility and reduce risk for its clients. We can improve customer satisfaction, decrease costs and reduce...
Slovenija, Griže
...We are proud of more than 20 years of combined experience in translation, consulting, marketing, customer service, selling and cooperating with partners all over the world. Core business: Retail merchadnising, shelf management, retractable signage, translation services, marketing. Contact us for: - VISUAL MERCHANDISING - ADVERTISING - IN-STORE-MANAGEMENT - DESIGN & PRINT - BRANDING and/or BRAND MAINTENANCE - RETAIL DEVELOPMENT - RETAIL DISPLAY SOLUTIONS - POS & RETAIL DISPLAY INSTALATION ...
We offer electrode design, mold design for plastic injection molding, JIG design with the latest CAD technologie PTC Creo. Design services includes complete 3D mold design and 2D drawing also sometimes plastic part design, development, and solid modeling. Range of Complexity Whether you need a simple open and shut mold or the complexity of a multi-action automotive instrument panel, our Design...
... grains , we also export organic fruits and vegetables (with all certifications necessary ) besides the above we also trade in petrochemicals and much more With our huge resources in and around the country we can provide everything according to your requirements and our reach ,interested clients are welcome contact us for more details and we will be happy to assist you with our services .
Slovenija, Murska Sobota
NORAN Plus d.o.o. je podjetje, katerega glavne dejavnosti so elektro in montažna dela. Na področju elektro in montažnih del vam ponujamo storitve, kot so: - mehanska montaža, - montaža za procesno tehniko - transportna tehnika, - transportne naprave, - elektro-mehanska montaža strojev, npr.: za proizvodnjo valovite kartonaste embalaže - naprave za valovito karton in še druge splošne montaže. Na ...
...Chauffeur & Services ponuja vrhunske transportne rešitve za vsako priložnost. Naše zanesljive in udobne storitve vam omogočajo sproščujoče potovanje od vašega kraja prevzema do vašega cilja. Rezervirajte svojo naslednjo vožnjo še danes. Nudimo prevoze do letališč, povezave od točke do točke in storitve šoferja na uro po vsej Evropi. Naša ekipa visoko usposobljenih, večjezičnih šoferjev vas bo...
Nemčija, Kammerstein
PME Services je svetovni dobavitelj in ponudnik storitev za stroje za laminiranje in encapsulacijo papirja in kartona. Naša dolga izkušnja in delovanje v industriji končne obdelave tiska ter strojništvu sta temelj za vaš uspeh. Nudimo zanesljive in visoko zmogljive stroje ter strojne komponente za laminiranje papirja in kartona, pa tudi stroje za nadaljnjo obdelavo. Mokri laminirni stroji, termo...
Združeno kraljestvo, Bradford
UR CAD Services je vodilno podjetje za zunanje CAD storitve, ki ponuja storitve oblikovanja in CAD risanja v gradbeništvu. Ustanovljeni smo, da ponudimo široko paleto nizkocenovnih, visokokakovostnih CAD storitev za projekte civilnega inženiringa, vključno s projekti oblikovanja zemljišč, projekti strukturnega inženiringa, projekti prometa in transporta ter arhitekturno vizualizacijo, kot so...
Belgija, Leuze-En-Hainaut
Od leta 1964 Eurakor, podjetje za prilagojeno delo, nudi storitve po meri podjetjem vseh sektorjev in velikosti. Eurakor services vam ponuja več različnih, fleksibilnih in prilagojenih storitev, ki ustrezajo vašim občasnim ali ponavljajočim se potrebam, pri vas ali pri nas: pakiranje, čiščenje, sestavljanje, sortiranje, nadzor, proizvodnja, manipulacija,... Eurakor production vam ponuja...
PPS Sheffield je podružnica podjetja Pennine Pneumatic Services Ltd v Južnem Yorkshireu, ki ponuja celovite storitve stisnjenega zraka iz svoje baze v Dinningtonu. Ustanovili so si ugled pri pomoči podjetjem pri optimizaciji njihove uporabe stisnjenega zraka, zmanjšanju stroškov energije in ogljičnega odtisa s pomočjo najsodobnejše tehnologije. Ponosni so, da nudijo hitro, vljudno in strokovno...
Nemčija, Kirchenthumbach
...• Sprejemanje klicev, upravljanje terminov • Obdelava pošte, e-poštnih sporočil, kontaktnih obrazcev • Zajemanje naročil • Priprava ponudb za prodajo • Računovodstvo / nadzor / izterjava • Izstavljanje računov • Obvladovanje carinskih zadev / logistika • Vzdrževanje osnovnih podatkov • Priprava statistik Vineo Services je BPO podjetje, ki prevzema različne backoffice aktivnosti vašega poslovanja...
Slovenija, Semič
... own tool shop, to establish the production of stamping or injection molding products and to supply them to the end customer in the long term. The company also operates on a demanding international market, where it exports more than half of its products or services. With the growth of the volume of business, the company increasingly defined its market niche, which it discovered in the planning and implementation of technologically demanding automation processes in industry. ...
...Rhyme&Reason Language Services je ponudnik jezikovnih storitev, certificiran po standardih ISO 17100:2015 in 9001:2015, s sedežem v Grčiji. Naša obsežna paleta storitev vključuje prevajanje, DTP, podnaslavljanje, lektoriranje, transkripcijo in lokalizacijo v več kot 90 jezikovnih kombinacijah. Poleg tega nudimo tudi storitve tolmačenja, bodisi osebno bodisi na daljavo preko našega sistema za...
Francija, St Cyr Au Mont D Or
Isolation Technologie Services (ITS) je podjetje, ki deluje na področju boja proti hrupu in akustičnega udobja v industriji, okolju in gradbeništvu, s sedežem blizu Lyona (regija Auvergne Rhône Alpes, Francija). ITS trži rešitve za zvočno izolacijo po meri z garancijo rezultata, ki temeljijo na študiji primerov težav, povezanih z zaščito delavcev pred hrupom, ohranjanjem zvočnega okolja, izvedbo...
Bolgarija, Sofia
Europa i-Services Ltd. se posveča zagotavljanju merljivih rezultatov preko strateških, inovativnih in na uspešnost usmerjenih digitalnih rešitev. Uporabljamo skrbno izvedene taktike, specifično prilagojene edinstvenim potrebam vaše blagovne znamke. Naša zaveza je osredotočena na spodbujanje pospešenega rasti in izboljšane učinkovitosti za podjetja z izkoriščanjem našega znanja na področju plačanih medijev, SEO in družbenih medijev.
Združeno kraljestvo, Tipton
Midland Medical Services je bila ustanovljena sredi 80-ih let prejšnjega stoletja. Osnova našega poslovanja so instalacijski cevovodi za medicinske pline in njihovo vzdrževanje. Iz naše prvotne strokovne usposobljenosti smo uspeli razviti poslovanje z instalacijami medicinskih plinov in ponuditi celoten paket, od načrtovanja do končne komisije in validacijskih storitev. Podobno smo uspeli naše...
Slovenija, Ancaran/ancarano
... competition would be different and more productive. Focusing on services with the highest price difference and defining those services that should be avoided due to low income. • How to organize salon employees in such a way to increase their work productivity and spend as little time to perform that work as possible. Each procedure is based on specific calculations. How to work with clients so that they themselves opt for using new or additional services or products. The presented ways of working in salons completely transform the business to the next, higher level.
Slovenija, Koper
DEBERNARDI CONSULTING deals with tax counselling, legal counselling, financial services and corporate legal services.
We offer the best high-pressure cleaning service across Slovenia.Our services include:- Paving cleaning- Paving restoration - -Facades Cleaning -Roofs Cleaning -Natural stone cleaning-Sandstone cleaning-Concrete cleaning -Ceramic tiles cleaning -Unblocking Drains-Wooden decks cleaning-Gutter cleaning -Unblocking gutters cleaning -Coating Surfaces -Impregnating surfaces -Endoscope pipe inspection...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
The Szilágyi foundry is a family business founded in 1970 by engineer Ernő and Ilona Szilágyi. A craft that was originally based on the manual chill casting of aluminium, zinc and brass grew over the years and soon incorporated high-pressure casting using smaller machines and developed into a foundry equipped with modern technology. It offers a wide range of foundry services. The new generation...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...Mrva Law Firm focuses on commercial and real estate & property law.We provide legal advice, draw up documents as well as represent our clients before courts and other state authorities. Our services are based on strict respect of confidentiality and high professionality in protecting legal interests of our clients.We are well aware that companies work in a complex and competitive business environment where solutions not only have to be legally sound, but also cost efficient. Therefore our lawyers and assistants also attend programmes of renown business schools at home as well as abroad.
Slovenija, Novo Mesto
Blast Tehnik d.o.o. was founded in 2009, when J BLAST Jernej Črtalič s.p. outgrown their frames and the establishment of Ltd. was indispensable for the further rapid and successful business growth and to satisfy customer needs. Blast Tehnik d.o.o. in addition to maintenance and servicing of sandblasting and air filtration equipment also offers services of sandblasting or cleaning with abrasive...
Slovenija, Portoroz
... the local destination, local community and region.Being locally present makes our products alive. We know each secret hiding in the destinations, bringing it closer to our guests. Our mission is to offer the guests an active interaction on all levels of the destination and remember their experience with all their senses. Tour Program, Incoming, Day Tours, Incentive, DMC, Landtransportation, Guide services, Group Leisure, Bleisure,...
Slovenija, Ljubjana
Zian Designs offers you custom, cheap website designs. We can also provide you with hosting and maintenance plans for your website as well as SEO and marketing strategies that will rocket your business. Even though our offer starts at only 250€ for a basic design website you will also receive a second to none customer care services as we aim to ensure that all of our customers are 110% satisfied with their new website!
Belgija, Aarschot
...Smo A&J services in delamo na področju čiščenja. Imamo ekipo kakovostnih strokovnjakov z mnogimi odgovornostmi. Z veseljem bi delali z vami. Opravljamo čiščenje oken, vhodov v stavbe, pisarn, trgovin, restavracij in še več. Na voljo smo vam, ne izgubljajte časa! Kontaktirajte nas in dali bomo vse od sebe za vas. A&J SERVICES se zahvaljuje za vašo pozornost. Hvala.
Slovenija, Koper-capodistria
meridiana shipping,broker and logistic agency from koper slovenija our agency is providing full range of services for all types of liner and tramp vessel in all slovenian port...
... years, from technical repair assistance,to selling different products.Our vision of upgrading leads us in development and constant assurance of highest possible quality for proper price.Our vision and plans for constant growth of services and products is to gain high productivity and reduce warranty requests and to ensure best technical achievements in yachting world.We are aware of a fact, that that knowledge is the only benefit, which brings good cooperation on long term. We believe that our company will be succesfull,because we have built our grounds on key matter of longtrust in our services.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Avia TF is a company providing international business products and services for successful business in Slovenia, tax optimization and accounting services. Our goal is to satisfy customers on a global scale with our business solutions.
Slovenija, Gračišče
... professional projects that will provide a memorable virtual experience to your clients, visitors and other target audiences. OUR SERVICES: • web design and development, • modeling and 3D animation, • corporate identity & print design • aerial video and photoshooting, • panoramic photography and virtual tours, • fashion, sports, and commercial photography, • documentaries and advertisement video.

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