Slovenija, Trzin
... organic packaging materials that meet requirements for contemporary, environmentally-friendly products. Environmental responsibility is at the core of our development and production. We therefore use environmentally-friendly plastic (PP, PE) as well as 100% biodegradable cellulose material and have introduced the environmental management system according to the ISO 14001 standard. The waste...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...GS Composite Carbon Gangways With the numerous testing's and searching for operation designed to insure the safety for it's users GS Composite has over the years developed perfect structure hi-tech ultra light and resistant carbon gangway. Gangways are an innovation in the nautical area, as they are the first gangways, which are manufactured by VARTM system. It is a unique manufacturing...
Slovenija, Radomlje
We are one of the few companies in Slovenia and in Europe with our own entire and high-quality supply chain for the production of teas, infusions and dietary supplements, from conceptualisation and development of recipes, laboratory testing of products, mixing of raw ingredients, to the packaging and graphic design of the final products. We established a highly efficient traceability system and keep track of quality control records. With such strict control over the entire supply chain, we managed to obtain numerous quality certificates and long-term customer trust.
Slovenija, Medvode
...Dimas offers turn key project on the field of automatic lubrication systems for any kind of industry. We are an SKF lubrication solutions partner. We offer: engineering and consulting, training and education, designing and calculations, system proposals and options, turn key projects, delivery, installation / installation supervision, start up, manuals, maintanance and we also have a stock of spare parts based in Slovenia...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... customer. In addition, we will be happy to install the optimal software and assist in migration of your resources to a new platform. We will be also happy to support your business in case of any other emergencies. For example, if your system administrator is temporarily unavailable, we will be able to maintain the smooth operation of all your services during this period.
Slovenija, Ravne
... have been an integral part of all workflows at Oromat for years. As well as the general market requirements, our management system meets the requirements for the ISO 9001 standard and other requirements in the fields of environmental protection, safety, and health at work.
... across Europe, our patented innovation continues to reap awards from all around the globe - from TÜV certificate and Best European Innovation award of Bank of Austria to successful Springfield Neurological and Spine Institute USA trials and medical equipment certifications in the Czech Republic and Slovakia... We even took part in a Guinness world record! We have launched a franchise system that we successfully started to expand throughout Europe. Interested? Our franchise leaflet, presentations and all other information are just an e-mail away – contact our business development manager!
Slovenija, Podplat
... vehicles operate in international transport with a maximum transport from Slovenia to Germany, occasionally also to Austria, Belgium and Netherlands. We offer transport services from Germany to Austria (also further to Slovenia and Croatia), Slovenia and Croatia. We offer transport services of full loads, collective transports and transports of partial consignments. Transport services are carried out...
Slovenija, Šmartno Pri Litiji
... information system support the manufacture of products meeting high requirements regarding quality and traceability which we prove with all the necessary documentation. From the very start, the Company’s policy has aimed at the continuous improvement of the quality of products and services, employee training, creating the best conditions for work, fair long-term cooperation with customers and suppliers and the introduction of modern organizational methods. This has resulted in our growth and has been integrated into the culture of our business in all respects.
Slovenija, Semič
... 250 t of pressure force. We also have the possibility to test plastic injection tools on a machine with 125 t closing force. FUKS Orodjarna constantly updates the machine park, software and maintains the competence of the staff. The company operates according to the ISO 9001 system. When acquiring new projects, the company has a tendency, in addition to developing and manufacturing tools in its...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
A reliable and trusted Roofing Specialists in Ljubljana who can install and repair roofs in the Ljubljana area. If you are planning to renovate your roof or have a new roof or if your roof needs to be fixed ... You’re in the right place now! In able for you to have a new roofing system, you must seek professional help in planning the perfect roof for your home or business. To understand more about Roof Installation in Ljubljana, you can ask for an appointment with our contractors and let them assess or check your roofing system.
Slovenija, Ankaran
CONSOLEA D.O.O. helps you with design, preparation of project documentation, obtaining a building permit, obtaining approvals and easement rights, legalization of buildings (extensions and alterations), manufacture subdivision Master Plan, land registration, engineering and technical consultancy. CONSOLEA D.O.O. also helps you with physical planning and urban design, conversion Surveying, system boundaries, parcelling, surveying and Mapping Plan, compensation limits, registration of land in the building and place building in KST.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
WEKER WATER ECONOMIZER, is an world patented apparatus designed for recuperating and cooling water flowing out of coolers with temperature up to 80 oC and reutilising it cooled on 10 oC. It eliminate the cost of water. It change open water cooled system, to closed glycol cooled system.Advantages: easy to install, low electricity consumption, eliminate water consumption, resolves problems of...
Slovenija, Šempeter v Savinjski Dolini
...We are a family company that builds and manufactures high quality prefabricated housing and commercial buildings, and smaller objects, such as weekends and chalets. Through twelve years practice and collaboration with domestic and foreign partners We have developed our own system for low-energy prefabricated ecological houses/buildings. On attachment of e-mail intercede our presentation of firm...
... industries making Slovenia an excellent spot for investors to fill the talent. The quality of Slovenia's educational system allowed the workers to reach a high level of professional training. Other advantages include adaptability of companies and the workforce, business legislation, investment incentives, 19 % corporate income tax rate and investment tax allowances. Foreign investors perception of...
Italija, Milano
...La società «KULIK SYSTEM®» è la società ultra-moderna, che grazie alla grande esperienza nel campo dell'ergonomia, ha brevettato tutte le aree del sistema di controllo della colonna vertebrale. Fabbrica innovativa, oggi leader nella produzione di sedie ergonomiche esclusive. Il marchio «KULIK SYSTEM®» è associato a un particolare comfort, alta qualità e approccio individuale per ogni clientе. I...
Italija, Monticelli Brusati
...Altea je specializirana za načrtovanje in izdelavo sistemov in naprav za suho mazanje kalupov za: _pressofusione (cink, aluminij, magnezij) _fusione a gravità in nizkem tlaku lahkih zlitin _ekstruzijo aluminija in medenine _kovanjem aluminija. Patentirani sistemi Altea se tržijo pod registriranim imenom "DRY LUB SYSTEM", ki ponuja celotno paleto prašnih ločil. Naš glavni cilj je razviti...
Drugi izdelki
Danska, Hasselager
Od leta 1998 podjetje Door System razvija, proizvaja in namešča vrata in vrata za evropska industrijska podjetja. Naša filozofija je vedno bila, da proizvajamo rešitve za vrata najvišje kakovosti. To pomeni, da naše rešitve niso vedno najcenejše. Door System ostaja prepričan, da visoka stopnja operativne zanesljivosti, velike energetske prihranke in nizki stroški vzdrževanja naredijo naša vrata...
Nemčija, Frankfurt Am Main
...Od svoje ustanovitve pred 40 leti je INTERFAS prilagodil svojo strukturo z znanjem in inovativnostjo. Interfas razpolaga z obsežnim parkom 13 rotacijskih tiskalnikov, povezanih z "Prepress System" zadnje generacije, na 7000 m2. PrintID, podružnica Interfasa, se specializira na področju svetovanja in prodaje tiskalnikov ter dodatkov, črtnih kod, 2D in RFID. Značilna lastnost INTERFAS-a je naša...
Poljska, Sępólno Krajeńskie
... się do różnych szerokości blatu. Każda rama wyposażona jest w panel sterowania i system antykolizyjny, a elektryczne silniki działają cicho, dzięki czemu są odpowiednie zarówno do biura, jak i do domu. Ponadto oferujemy produkty na zamówienie, dostosowane do konkretnych wymagań użytkowników. Dzięki zaawansowanym maszynom i doświadczonemu personelowi, który nadzoruje każdy etap procesu produkcyjnego...
Istniejemy od 1986 r. Tak to już 30 lat, ale wciąż czujemy się młodo i atrakcyjnie a doświadczenie sprawia, że przede wszystkim profesjonalnie. Na początku było nas 5 osób. Teraz jest 125 i mamy apetyt na więcej, chociaż nie wielkość lecz jakość jest naszym priorytetem. Temu służy wprowadzony przed 20 laty i systematycznie odnawiany System Zarządzania Jakością ISO 9001:2008 oraz AQAP 2110:2009...
Italija, Milano
...{"CISME implements and maintains since 2002 a Quality Management System which fulfils the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.":"CISME od leta 2002 izvaja in vzdržuje sistem upravljanja kakovosti, ki izpolnjuje zahteve ISO 9001:2015.","OUR MISSION":"NAŠA MISIJA","CISME is constantly working in partnership with a network of raw material suppliers selected on the basis of their ability to provide...
Francija, Marseille
...Best Espresso je bila ustanovljena leta 2010 s strani članov, ki imajo številne leta izkušenj na visoki ravni v proizvodnji in trženju kave ter kapsul Lavazza A Modo Mio, Nespesso, Nescafè Dolce Gusto, Caffitaly in System Uno. V kratkem času je postala protagonist na nacionalnem in mednarodnem trgu z novimi patenti/blagovnimi znamkami in novimi koncepti v svetu združljivih kapsul, razvijajoč...
Španija, Coruña
Discefa je vodilno špansko podjetje za prodajo zamrznjenega hobotnice na debelo, ki trži v več kot 30 državah Evrope, ZDA in Azije-Pacifika. Discefa ima sedež v Cambreju, A Coruña, in ima obrat za predelavo velikosti 11.000 m2. Vsi izdelki Discefa so najvišje kakovosti, kar potrjujejo certifikati FSSC 22000 Food Safety System Certification in ISO 22000, standardi mednarodnih organizacij, ki...
Italija, San Gennaro Vesuviano
Nemčija, Rodgau
...nakupovalni center Arkad v Budimpešti, zastopnik Audi v Budimpešti, Romai terasa - višji stanovanjski kompleks v Budimpešti), je bila leta 2013 sprejeta odločitev, da se proizvode in pripadajoče storitve tržijo v Nemčiji. Kot posledica gospodarske krize, ki je močno prizadela madžarski gradbeni trg, je bil to tudi nujen korak. Ustanovljeno je bilo podjetje Lambda System. To je bil nov začetek na...
Zentek Pool System je specialist za inovativne in prilagojene storitve večkratnega pooling-a. Sistem upravljanja nosilcev tovora ZEPRA (EPCIS sistem) ponuja - v kombinaciji s pametnimi nosilci tovora (RFID, črtna koda, GS1 GRAI) - možnost spremljanja in upravljanja procesov v dobavni verigi. S tem je mogoče izvesti optimizacije in avtomatizirati procese. Zentek Pool System zagotavlja enotno...
Danska, Aalborg
System Cleaners je globalno vodilni proizvajalec, ki se posveča izboljšanju higiene po vsem svetu z močnimi rešitvami za čiščenje odprtih obratov. Naše visokokakovostne avtomatske in ročne rešitve so tako trdne kot enostavne za uporabo ter vam omogočajo, da izkoristite krajši čas čiščenja in priložnost za zmanjšanje porabe kemikalij in vode.
Podjetje System Frigo snc se predvsem ukvarja s prodajo in tehnično podporo hladilnih sistemov v sektorju hrane, gostinstva, pekarstva, farmacevtske industrije, metalurške industrije, klimatizacije itd. In zahvaljujoč sodelovanju z največjimi proizvajalci na trgu, smo sposobni nuditi hitro in učinkovito večznamensko tehnično podporo. Delujemo predvsem v osrednji Lombardiji v provincah Milano, Varese, Como.
Že več kot 30 let razvijamo in proizvajamo po meri prilagojene rešitve za železniško tehniko, industrijsko merilno tehniko in močensko elektroniko pod vodilnim načelom »Ideje v elektroniki«. Posamezna podjetja skupine A.S.T. (Angewandte System Technik) so pri tem razvila svoje specifične poudarke. Spoznajte nas. Izberite iz našega spektra storitev.

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