Italija, Caravaggio
Leta 1999 smo ustanovili naše podjetje z namenom zagotavljanja visoko specializirane in široko razširjene globalne tehnične podpore na področju vakuumskih tehnologij in peči za toplotno obdelavo. Izkušnje naše ekipe, ki se že desetletja ukvarja s storitvami po prodaji in načrtovanjem industrijskih rešitev, so nam omogočile, da smo združili kompetentno znanje z kakovostjo izdelave naših strojev. TA...
Združeno kraljestvo, Plymouth
Lubrikanti SW so vodilni neodvisni dobavitelji specializiranih lubrikantov, aerosolov, olj, maščob in opreme v jugozahodni Angliji. Delujemo v širokem spektru sektorjev in postali smo dobavitelj izbire za številna podjetja, zahvaljujoč naši obsežni ponudbi izdelkov, odlični storitvi za stranke in zanesljivosti. Ustanovljeni sredi devetdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja kot družinsko podjetje, Lubrika...
Francija, Chaponnay
Od svojega ustanovitve leta 2003 je glavni cilj podjetja OMS Industrie zagotavljanje kakovosti, odzivnosti in storitev svojim strankam na vseh področjih, povezanih z njegovo dejavnostjo. OMS proizvaja natančna orodja: za sledenje, preoblikovanje, fino rezanje, prenos ali tipa "švicarsko". Naša strokovnost zajema tudi brizgalne in kompresijske kalupe. Prinašamo svoje znanje: novi kalup, razvit pred...
Nemčija, Heppenheim
KLN Ultraschall AG je eden vodilnih svetovnih proizvajalcev strojev, naprav in orodij za varjenje in povezovanje plastičnih delov ter industrijsko čistilno tehniko. Kompleksne tehnologije povezovanja plastike ter ultrazvočne in brizgalne čistilne tehnike so glavna področja delovanja našega podjetja. Na dveh lokacijah v Heppenheimu obravnava ekipa strokovnjakov, ki šteje trenutno 280 zaposlenih, na...
Litva, Vilnius
Glavna specializacija in jedrna kompetenca podjetja KERTEX ENERGIJA je industrijsko čiščenje, storitve ravnanja s katalizatorji, splošno vzdrževanje in popravila v rafinerijah, kemičnih, energetskih in kogeneracijskih obratih, tako načrtovanih kot nujnih. Oprema in osebje sta na voljo 24/7 za izvedbo dela v najkrajšem možnem času. Stalna naložba v nadgradnjo opreme in razvoj veščin osebja nam omog...
Francija, Clermont-Ferrand
Ustanovljen leta 2013, REOVIZ je agencija za digitalno privlačnost. Naša naloga je, da povečamo vaše vsebine in izpostavimo vaše sposobnosti, posebnosti, talente, z uporabo vseh naših znanj na področju potopnih tehnologij in novih načinov interakcije. REOVIZ, podjetje za virtualno resničnost: Specialist za obogateno resničnost in virtualno resničnost v službi podjetij in skupnosti. Popolna ponudba...
Belgija, Mouscron
Power Lube Control, zgodba o pristopu, ki temelji na brezžičnem nadzoru industrijskega mazanja po naslednjih smereh: Enostavnost Zanesljivost Ekonomija obsega Varnost Trajni nadzor Optimalno mazanje Z več kot desetletnimi izkušnjami na področju industrijskega mazanja je postalo neizogibno, da se razvije izdelek, kot ga je zasnoval Power Lube Control. Ustanovitelji Power Lube Control, potopljeni ...
Francija, Tilh
HygroTop Sušenje se specializira za obravnavo patologij vlage in upravljanje s higrometrijo v zraku in materialih, tako v gradbeništvu kot v industriji. Proizvajalec in distributer geomagnetnega postopka za sušenje struktur, ki jih prizadene vzpenjajoča se vlaga (pogosto imenovana kapilarna vlaga). Ustvarjalci, investitorji in terenski akterji imamo skozi različne blagovne znamke številne referenc...
Francija, Bonchamps-Les-Laval
Ustanovljeno leta 1977 in z 40-letnimi izkušnjami, je podjetje SAS VAUGEOIS specialist za lesne obdelovalne stroje v celotnem zahodnem delu. Prav tako prodajamo širok spekter izdelkov, namenjenih mizarjem, stolarjem, tesarjem, oblikovalcem, ...
Francija, Nanterre Cedex
TotalEnergies je svetovni vodja v proizvodnji in distribuciji maziv, ki ima 42 proizvodnih obratov po vsem svetu in združuje več kot 5.800 zaposlenih v 150 državah. Dejavnost Maziv podjetja TotalEnergies ponuja inovativne, učinkovite in okolju prijazne izdelke in storitve, ki izhajajo iz dela njegovih raziskovalno-razvojnih centrov, ki jih sestavlja več kot 130 raziskovalcev. Dejavnost Maziv podje...
Nahajamo se v Adani/Turčija (južni del Turčije) kot BMF IMPORT EXPORT COMPANY. Smo distributer tako Nutri pasteriziranega tekočega sladkorja kot tudi Tekno gradbenih kemikalij, ki je največji proizvajalec gradbenih kemikalij v Turčiji. Iščemo nova partnerstva, s katerimi bomo lahko sodelovali za izvoz naših izdelkov na debelo kot BMF import export company. Naše sladkorne izdelke lahko preverite t...
Francija, Nantes
Ujemajoči se izdelki
brez panike IT podpora
IT podpora
Francija, Paris
Poljska, Salon de Provence (13300)
Združeno kraljestvo, Otley
Ujemajoči se izdelki
Penmann Ltd
Slovenija, Šentjernej
1981 is the year of the beginning of our family business, where we have been dealing with toolmaking and metalworking since day one. In all these years, we became experts in the field of development, design and manufacture of all types of tools for punching and transformation of metal products and semi-finished products, production of preparation and control devices and their maintenance. With...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
The wireless waiter call system allows an immediate call to the waiter to pay the bill or a new order. It help you with higher efficiency, better customer service and increased revenue as well profit. Call Waiter Buttons Europe is a distributor of wireless communication devices based in Slovenia. We perform sales, installation and maintenance.
Slovenija, Novo Mesto
...We are always striving to find the highest quality materials offering maximum safety and minimum maintenance. Akrobat is One-Stop-Shop for trampoline parks investors and owners all over the world. We believe active play enriches children’s lives and allows them to build a healthy body that will contribute to their overall development and help them achieve their full potential in adult life. We worship diversity, that’s why our complete range of trampolines comes in all shapes and sizes and covers a wide spectrum of needs for different customer profiles.
Slovenija, Žalec
We are one of the leading companies for moulding plastic masses (rotomoulding) in Slovenia and its direct vicinity. Our basic task is a development of high-quality plastic products that contribute to maintenance of a healthy planet, environment and raising the quality of life. We are building the position of one of the leading plastics transformation companies in Central and Eastern Europe. We...
Slovenija, Ilirska Bistrica
... towel dispensers, personal protective equipment and disinfectant for hands and surfaces. Content preparation for online promotion is cofinanced by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund. We put our experience to our customer's service and adapt to their requirements to meet their needs regarding hygiene and maintenance of cleanness. We develop...
Slovenija, Solkan
... co-operation with the customers in the most demanding gaming environments. More than 50.000 modules of different Advansys products are currently installed on more than 20.000 slots and hundred tables, allocated around more than 250 gaming floors worldwide. Advansys dedicates special attention to customer relations. Besides offering professional maintenance around the clock, the company ensures...
Company Saksida d.o.o. is a family-owned company founded in 1993. For the last 20 years, we have been present on the Slovenian market with the sales of domestic and foreign professional stainless steel kitchen equipment. We are also preparing the whole turnkey projects and service and maintenance of the equipment. Since 1993 we have successfully completed and furnished over 450 institutional...
Slovenija, Maribor
... that enable you to monitor your machines and help you achieve better material efficiency, control devices such as fans, screwdrivers, automatic flow scales, reversing devices and cardboard sewing machines, and maintenance services on all machines by a highly qualified team that prevents, detects and eliminates all errors thanks to the latest technologies and equipment. We also provide metal...
Slovenija, Ilirska Bistrica
... maintenance on the assets of the company to make sure that both - the drivers and customers are safe. On top of that, Laris sees itself as a sustainable transport provider who takes care of the environment. Most of the vehicles in the driving park have Euro 5 and Euro 6 type of engines, which are recognized to be highly environmentally friendly. Another great asset of Laris are their drivers. Most...
Slovenija, Markovci
... technology, in the automotive industry, rack storage, postal centres, airports. In the workshop we assemble and perform the wiring of switching blocks and individual assemblies, and in the field we carry out the assembly of low-voltage and medium-voltage devices, which includes installation, testing and commissioning. We also carry out on-site overhaul and repair work, including maintenance...
Slovenija, Kranj
... ensures a significantly longer life span of devices, which means that investors can save money. In last years we have specialized in repair and service of servo motors, spindle motors and in rewinding of spindle motors. In the future, we intend to expand our offer to services ensuring a highly efficient preventive maintenance, and continue to create success stories together with our customers.
Slovenija, Koper
... culinary industry. At present, we are commercializing a wide variety of fresh truffles, beginning with the month of january, till the end in December. At the same time we can offer a wide range of Truffle specialities: sauces, creams, oils and many others, all prepared following the traditional handicraft manners but with the modern techniques of maintenance, to always guarantee absolute freshness and quality. ...
Slovenija, Celje
...Allbatron provides a wide range of services, which includes the construction and maintenance of websites and IT solutions and designing different applications and databases. We also design desktop applications tailored to the client's wishes, software applications for graphic design and different applications and programs for e-learning.In today’s market the benefits of having a professionally made web page are immense for any thriving business. We offer quality services and solutions at a low cost and gladly accept any new challenges coming our way. ...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... serviced office might be a good choice. No hassle over office fit-out and maintenance so you can fully focus on what is important — your business. Renting an office space in a business centre creates opportunities for networking and you can establish mutually beneficial business contacts with other entrepreneurs and companies.

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