Slovenija, Maribor
... can offer you engineering support, full integration with your team, or we can work standalone, providing a complete product development service. Customer satisfaction, full transparency, security, sustainable engineering are our highest priorities.
Slovenija, Stari Trg Pri Ložu, and energy efficiency. The brand radiates reliability under the umbrella of a certified quality, Lifetime Warranty, business excellence, social and environmental responsibility. ARX certificates present company dedication to the verifiable quality standards for processes and products. In every certificate, undisputed proof of long-term commitment to partners, employees, and...
Slovenija, Stari Trg Pri Ložu
... standards, we proudly hold certifications such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and IATF 16949. Specializing in diverse industries, including automotive, sports, electronics, security, agriculture and construction, we are a trusted partner for manufacturing excellence. Our proficiency and cutting-edge technologies enable stellar performance across our core in-house product lines. These encompass the die casting of Zinc alloy, mechanical transformation of steel, deep drawing, toolmaking, galvanic surface treatment and assembly. Our commitment to precision and satisfaction fuel our success in diverse sectors. ...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... installations Traffic Telecommunications Security, supply and facility management We are proud to be one of the most recognized companies in Electroplating industry by delivering world class finishing services and products for our customers worldwide since 1958. Being ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified and using Modern Technology, we can help you with all of your surface finishing requirements...
... to information security in its broadest sense – both in terms of day-to-day operations of the company and in terms of preparation of software solutions and cooperation with clients. As ISO / IEC 27001 standard guidelines follower, we have been a holder of the ISO/IEC 27001 standard certificate.
Slovenija, Celje
... expertise and experience. We provide you with services in the fields of : -Accounting services -Tenders -Financial advisory services -Business advisory services -Legal advisory services -Valuation Formal education, many years of experience as well as professional education are the foundations of our expertise. We are always available when you need us. A high level of security and...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... consumption- Control of heating, cooling, blinds or shades,- Access control, burglary operation- video monitoring, parking management,- Lighting control,- Fire protection,- Condition monitoring via computer and telephone network4.) UPS - Uninterruptable Power Supplies - A small network and server UPS- Larger UPS systems for data centers5.) SAFE DATA CENTERS- Planning- Power- Cooling- Security and surveillance- Careful selection of a contractor and equipment OUR PARTNERS:- APC By Schneider Electric- AST Secure IT infrastructures- Brand Rex - LANCOM Systems - Raritan...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... MANAGEMENT - Electronic security - Maintenance and Management of Business Premises - Thermal energy - Electric Energy Supply - Business Logistics SERVICES - Certified Calibration - Uncertified Calibration - Electroplating Our Products: Capacitors Low Voltage Switchgear Electrical Measuring Instruments Professional Batteries Antenna Systems Cores Potentiometers...
Slovenija, Bostanj
... testing equipment and - security segment, where we offer systems for safe speech zone determination, where intelligible speech can no longer be understood. Research and development activity is the guiding principle of our company. We are dedicated to development of specialized technological products, which are the result of our own knowledge and many years of experience in providing optimized and...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Our company is producer of PVC-aluminium and aluminium entrance doors, of modern design, of high quality and competitive prices. We produce doors in different designs, RAL and wooden colours, equipped with security or biometric unlocking systems, Hardware is MACO, profiles are aluminium and pvc, of 85 mm thickness, high insulation values. We produce all size of orders, 1- 100 pieces...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
We are pleased to offer our customers a full range of services to ensure the smooth operation of the IT component of their business. You can no longer care about the technical part of the process. Just entrust this to ServersHill. We can always assist you in almost any technical matter, be it recommendations to protect your information from unauthorized access or data security itself using multi...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...settlements of claims, reconditioning of goods, and other survey-related services. The listed services relate to various areas of our operations such as fruit and vegetables, coffee, rice, grains, veg oils, cereals, feedstuffs, sugar, fertilizers, wood, liquids, minerals, ores, and marine surveys. Agroinspekt d.o.o. works closely with its clients, especially in the ordering phase and directly throughout the inspection. We firmly believe that Agroinspekt d.o.o. is well-positioned and able to provide our clients with a professional survey that adds value, safety, and security to the business.
Slovenija, Logatec
...Whether you are looking to build a completely new playground or just upgrade an existing area, we have the product range to match your needs. We manufacture and install everything from classic playground equipment, such as swings, slides and climbing frames, to thermoplastic playground markings and sports equipment. We also offer all of the 'finishing touches' to complete your playground, with products such as indoor and outdoor furniture, fencing, shelters, instruments and security features.
We offer complete logistic services and Cargo transport. We are aware that good logistic services are of key importance for undisturbed process of company and establishment work. The quality, security and economics of our Freight transport services are always our top priority.Dealing with Internacional Cargo-Freight transport, we cooperate with many recognized Logistics Partners from Europe. With...
Slovenija, Žalec
Sells firefighting equipment protective equipment for the security service protective equipment for the emergency service labor protective clothing and footwear PROTECT THE BEST!
Slovenija, Sezana
We are a newly founded transport company from Slovenia and we conduct transportation of refrigerated and non refrigerated goods throughout Europe and the Balcan. Our main vision is the absolute efficacy of the service we offer, which combines the rapidity of the transport and the security of the freight, all at a competitive price. All that is achieved trough a highly qualified staff with years...
Slovenija, Podnanos
... juices and purées. Our products are made from the finest materials and meet various security requirements and standards, which we are proud of. This is also recognised by our satisfied customers. It is important for us to justify customers' confidence. We strongly believe that quality, reliable and durable machines for fruit processing lead to excellent final products. Flexibility is our distinction. We listen to customers' desires and needs about their final products, we discuss them and try to respond with the best possible solution. The solution has to be reliable and environmentally friendly.
Slovenija, MARIBOR
... forklifts; repair and overhaul of gas appliances for all types of forklifts (IMPCO, LAVATO, Algas); installation of forklift tires (solid rubber); repair and sales of hand pallet trucks and their spare parts; repair of electric motors for forklifts; general repair diesel and gasoline engines for forklifts ; repair chargers for forklifts; restoration rod for forklifts; exhaust gas measurement; regulation of security checks for forklifts; renovation of all types of contactors brands: ISKRA INDOS, ALBRIGHT, and CABLEFORM; other services .
Belgija, Wemmel
... vašega podjetja. Za vse vaše potrebe po osebni zaščiti in nadzoru premoženja ter stavb se obrnite na storitve European Security in uživajte v brezhibnem varnostnem sistemu ter optimalni pozornosti po skrbno preučevanih in konkurenčnih cenah. Z močno, večnamensko, dinamično in predano ekipo so naši varnostniki in agenti statičnega varovanja vsi prejeli visoko raven začetne usposobljenosti in dodatno usposabljanje, ki jim omogoča učinkovito soočanje z vsemi napetimi situacijami.
Združeno kraljestvo, London
... storitve nudimo že več kot 25 let. Če imate sum, da vas prisluškujejo, takoj stopite v stik z nami preko nove predplačniške telefonske številke in nikogar ne obveščajte, da nameravate stopiti v stik. QommuniQa Vortex security je tudi vaš zasebni detektiv. S sedežem in glavno pisarno v Londonu, Velika Britanija, ter storitvami iz Nizozemske, delujemo po vsej Evropi.
Združeno kraljestvo, Bristol
Thornhill Security so zaupanja vredni ključavničarji iz Bristola z več kot 40-letnimi izkušnjami pri dobavi in namestitvi različnih varnostnih sefa, trezorjev in drugih izdelkov vodilnih proizvajalcev za domače in komercialne prostore. Ne glede na to, ali potrebujete majhen denarni sef za vaš dom, komercialni depozitni sef ali potrebujete odstranitev ali premik sefa, vam lahko pomagamo. Naša...
Belgija, Courcelles
Varnost se ne improvizira, temveč se pripravlja. Naše ekipe so vam na voljo, da zaščitimo vaše zgradbe, pisarne, gradbišča, dogodke, industrijske objekte, konference ali katerikoli drug potreben vidik zasebne varnosti in varovanja. Imate potrebe po varnosti, zaščiti, nadzoru, varovanju, filtriranju, preprečevanju? Mobilne patrulje, patrulje ob odprtju in zapiranju... posredujemo na vaših lokacijah...
... resnimi podjetji v regiji, vedno si prizadevamo zagotoviti najbolj učinkovite, natančne in pravočasne rezultate. New Security ima posebno vladno dovoljenje za izvajanje preiskav v skladu z novim Zakonom o kazenskem postopku, čl. 38 in 222 D. Lgs. z dne 28/07/1989 št. 271 in S.M., ki mu omogoča izvajanje preiskav za pridobitev dokaznih elementov na zahtevo zagovornikov v okviru kazenskih postopkov.
Zelo aktiven v svetu varnosti, ESG Security je podjetje, specializirano za široko paleto storitev, med katerimi so: varovanje, industrijska varnost, organizacija dogodkov visoke kakovosti in prestiža ter osebna varnost.
Slovenija, Zabnica
... work hard on progressive technology and we pay attention to our client’s demands to be able to offer the very best GSM device. Our mission is to provide reliable security systems and products to a growing security market.
Francija, Viry-Châtillon
Naša agencija za osebno varovanje je ekipa usposobljenih strokovnjakov za varnost, moških in žensk, ki imajo ustrezne poklicne kvalifikacije in izkušnje ter so pripravljeni takoj odgovoriti na vaše potrebe po varnosti. Osebni varnostniki so visoko usposobljeni strokovnjaki, ki skrbijo za osebno varnost posameznikov. Pogosto delajo za znane osebnosti, poslovne voditelje, politične osebnosti in ljud...
...Aquila Security & Brandwachen je varnostni ponudnik za visoko kakovostno varnost po vsej Nemčiji. Naše podjetje ima sedež v Frankfurtu a. M., naše ekipe pa so na voljo po vsej državi. Kot certificirano varnostno podjetje pokrivamo vsa področja z izkušenim, profesionalno usposobljenim varnostnim osebjem. Sem spadajo zaščita gradbišč, požarna zaščita in požarne straže, varovanje objektov, varnost v...
Nizozemska, Velserbroek
... varnostni industriji od leta 1998. Povpraševanje strank je v središču pozornosti Weisz-Security uporablja poslovno strategijo, ki se osredotoča na specifične potrebe strank. Z natančno politiko zaposlovanja, kritičnim upravljanjem kakovosti in jasno izbiro kakovosti pred količino si Weisz-Security prizadeva za 100% zadovoljstvo. Delujemo pregledno in z medsebojnim zaupanjem. Vsi naši zaposleni so usposobljeni in imajo večletne izkušnje, poleg tega delujejo usmerjeno v storitve, diskretno in jih preverja policija Severna Holandija v Alkmaaru glede zanesljivosti in integritete.
Združeno kraljestvo, Yateley
...Yateley Locksmith & Security Ltd je podjetje za mobilno ključavničarsko storitev, ki nudi celovite storitve. Večletne izkušnje naših tehnikov vam omogočajo, da se lahko zanesete na naše sposobnosti za izvedbo vašega specifičnega opravila. Vedno smo le telefonski klic stran, ko ste zaklenjeni iz svojega doma, podjetja ali avtomobila. Če ste izgubili ključe za avto, za katerega trgovec pravi, da je prestar, da bi ga lahko naredili, nas preprosto pokličite! Prav tako smo sposobni ponovno programirati ECU/ICU za določena vozila, ki zahtevajo ta postopek, ko so vsi ključi izgubljeni.
Združeno kraljestvo, Scunthorpe
V podjetju Focal Point Security smo prijazno družinsko podjetje s sedežem v Scunthorpu. Strastni smo do vsega, kar počnemo. Ponujamo vrsto prilagojenih varnostnih rešitev. Vse je prilagojeno vašim potrebam, od CCTV do alarmov za vlome. Prav tako ponujamo nadzorovane sisteme, ki so povezani z ARC (Center za sprejemanje alarmov). Prav tako lahko vzdržujemo in servisiramo vaš trenutni varnostni sistem, da zagotovimo, da deluje v polni zmogljivosti, če ga kdaj potrebujete.

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