Slovenija, Ljubljana
... different forms. Backed by extensive knowledge of the health benefits of cannabinoids, a background in the cosmetic and food industries, and expertise in technological processes, we pride ourselves on providing innovative CBD solutions that contribute to a healthier everyday life for all. ...
Francija, Le Sen
... in prizadetih skupnosti. Naša dejavnost je osredotočena na BtoB, naši kupci pa so hiše za sestavo, kozmetični laboratoriji, kozmetični in prehranski podizvajalci, blagovne znamke parfumov in kozmetike, blagovne znamke aromaterapije in prehranskih dopolnil. S 13 tovarnami po vsem svetu ponujamo katalog z več kot 700 izvlečki, od katerih je veliko certificiranih kot bio in/ali fair for life...
Slovenija, Novo Mesto
...We are always striving to find the highest quality materials offering maximum safety and minimum maintenance. Akrobat is One-Stop-Shop for trampoline parks investors and owners all over the world. We believe active play enriches children’s lives and allows them to build a healthy body that will contribute to their overall development and help them achieve their full potential in adult life. We worship diversity, that’s why our complete range of trampolines comes in all shapes and sizes and covers a wide spectrum of needs for different customer profiles.
Slovenija, Maribor
... innovators and forward-thinkers with the drive and wherewithal to update and improve ageing and health processes constantly. Our philosophy: "We create a healthier and better tomorrow," is based on a solid commitment to our customers to provide scientifically proven high-tech products that offer quality and productive life. The company has two research groups participating in domestic and international projects to develop innovative products and solutions.
Slovenija, Sentjanz
...shipbuilding, medical, and aerospace. At CNC Kovine Gorsek, we're driven by a commitment to excellence, customer satisfaction, and harnessing the power of advanced 5-axis CNC technology. Partner with us for exceptional craftsmanship, precision, and dependable results that define our reputation. Choose CNC Kovine Gorsek as your trusted partner for bringing ambitious projects to life with CNC milling, CNC turning, and 5-axis CNC machining. Contact us today and experience the difference that dedication, expertise, and cutting-edge technology make in your industry.
Slovenija, Šempeter v Sav. Dolini
... receive the absolute best support in the industry - We will always want to hear from you and your opinion will always matter GUARANTEED TO LAST TermoPlus’s very first heat pump built in 1984 is still fully operational. The minimum life expectancy of all our heat pumps is 25 years and they are covered by a 2+3 year warranty. This means that with a quick check-up every year you are guaranteed 5 years of absolute peace of mind. We’ll support our products for their entire lifetime and guarantee spare part availability.
Slovenija, Žalec
We are one of the leading companies for moulding plastic masses (rotomoulding) in Slovenia and its direct vicinity. Our basic task is a development of high-quality plastic products that contribute to maintenance of a healthy planet, environment and raising the quality of life. We are building the position of one of the leading plastics transformation companies in Central and Eastern Europe. We...
Slovenija, Murska Sobota
...Galex Ltd is a reputable production company with a rich history and experience in the cosmetics (Beauty) and food supplement (Health) industry, headquartered in Murska Sobota, Slovenia. Our dedicated team of experts are reliable and quality-focused partners in the area of R&D and production/packaging and will bring your product “from idea to life”. We are constantly on the lookout for innovative...
Slovenija, Vače
... and LVD testing, thermal design and analysis, photometric measurements, prototyping, mechanical design CAD/CAM, Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (DFMEA), accelerated life testing/load testing, industrial design, packaging design. Rapid growth in business volume has enabled the company to be competitive, innovative and flexible on the European market. The company meets the highest standards...
Slovenija, Loski Potok
... well-known producers (Parker, Bucher, Poclain), PLC controler is SIEMENS simatic. - Wear-resistant internal coating made by HARDOX Wear-resistant plate coating - HARDOX - allowing to extend the machine’s service life.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
In our dynamic everyday life it is never easy to find a delicate balance between pleasure, family and career. gives you a chance to make time for yourself and enjoy it. We also believe that “Mens sana in corpore sano” (A healthy mind in a healthy body) is the correct way to a happy life. That is why we invite you to leave behind your daily routine and spice up your life a little. By...
... situations. We strive to incorporate elements of sustainable tourism in our business whenever possible. We promote energy efficiency and apply the “reduce, reuse and recycle” principal in managing internal resources. One other initiative toward sustainability is to actively develop products that are smaller in scale, locally and environmentally friendly. Through this engagement, we aim to raise...
Slovenija, Koper-Capodistria
Maton d.o.o. offers products and solutions for homes. Using local materials of the highest quality, Maton designs and constructs durable solutions with long expected life span. The company offers wide range of products that include different types of windows, such as PVC, wooden windows and windows made from aluminium. The company is famous for offering the combination of those materials in their...
Slovenija, Kranj
... ensures a significantly longer life span of devices, which means that investors can save money. In last years we have specialized in repair and service of servo motors, spindle motors and in rewinding of spindle motors. In the future, we intend to expand our offer to services ensuring a highly efficient preventive maintenance, and continue to create success stories together with our customers.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
The importance of cleaning service in our environment is increasing since the number of people, who hire others for help, is increasing as well. Due to the fact that we are competitive and innovative, the number of our clients is rising. We help people to perform their daily errands in the tempo of modern life. The number of cleaning services in Slovenia is increasing; however there are few that...
Slovenija, Trzin
... of Ekopel 2K Pouring Method:1. Ekopel 2K Bathtub Coating is odourless, there is no discomfort while using it.2. Service life of the resurfaced bathtub is 20 years (providing that you follow care recommendations)3. Resurfaced bathtub is washed with a simple soap solution and does not require expensive detergents.4. Resurfacing takes around 2 hours and you can use bathtub again in 48 hours! *5. The method does not require the use of a brush, roller or an airbrush* at normal bathroom temperature of 25-26CPartnership with us will bring you a good profit!
Slovenija, Portorož-Portorose
... through a uniquely fresh and creative approach.The hotel Residence Celigo offers you intimate accommodation including 34 comfortable rooms with custom-made furnishings and unique décor, exceptional breakfast room, lavish lounge bar and exquisitely decorated a' la carte restaurant Papa' Giovanin offering the finest gourmet Mediterranean cuisine … and many other thoughtful little pleasures that make life beautiful.At the hotel Residence Celigo we are committed to ensuring that your holidays in Slovenia will be memorable, relaxing and enjoyable beyond your expectations.
Slovenija, Celje
... presently the destination for as much as 70% of its export. In Klima Celje we are aware that clean, fresh air is an essential part in quality of life, as well as an element of business success. We therefore know, that constant investment in our engineers and their education, supported by the latest information technology, is the right way to achieve the set objectives. Our hallmark is constant and...
... izdelane rešitve na ključ z zapletenimi zahtevami po procesih, montaži, logistiki in storitvah. Kot ATS Life Sciences Systems Europe z 400 zaposlenimi in več kot 10000 m² proizvodne površine se lahko pohvalimo z dolgo zgodovino več kot 60 let izkušenj na področju avtomatizacije. Naši dve nemški proizvodni lokaciji ter naše središče odličnosti storitev sta specializirana za visoko inteligentne avtomatizirane montažne in obdelovalne sisteme za medicinske naprave, medicinsko diagnostiko in farmacevtske izdelke. ATS München - ATS St. Georgen - ATS Urbach...
Turcia, Sivas, Merkez
...³ prostora za shranjevanje. Zadovoljstvo strank in močno sodelovanje z našimi partnerji sta naši najpomembnejši prioriteti. Osredotočamo se na ekipo z odličnim znanjem in dolgoletnimi izkušnjami na področju proizvodnje vzmetnic in postelj. Naša blagovna znamka Evita Life® se je že izkazala in uveljavila na domačem trgu. Od takrat naše ime pomeni zadovoljstvo strank, storitev in izjemno razmerje med...
Danska, Aarhus C
XPLORE LIFE JE STRASTNA POTOVALNA AGENCIJA Radi imamo potovati in raziskovati vse kotičke sveta. Ali želite tudi vi biti del tega in uresničiti sanje o tem, da se odpravite in doživite svet? Potem je potovanje z nahrbtnikom z Xplore Life popolna priložnost, da se resnično približate kulturam in državam. Skupaj z skupino drugih mladih imate priložnost, da kulturo doživite povsem od blizu. Želimo vas popeljati na skupinsko turnejo. Tja, kjer gre najmanj ljudi, onkraj konca poti. Tukaj prihajajo največje in edinstvene izkušnje. Upamo, da se vidimo na vznemirljivi turneji!
Slovenija, Poljčane
For the last forty years our company is specialized in designing and producing wooden childrens furniture. The products introduced in our website are the fruit of our long lasting experience. The birth of a baby is the most important and one of the more beautiful periods in your life. This is why we are trying at our best to offer you a selection of the finest, best quality products which every...
Švica, Rüti Zh
Life Resonance AG, Švica: Proizvajalec naravne in energijske kozmetike Life Resonance, biološko nadzorovani rastlinski izvlečki, obogateni z energizirajočimi impulzi za lepoto in dobro počutje.
Nemčija, Herrsching
... s certifikatom IFS. Poleg tega je LIMBUA certificirana tudi za Fair for Life, Bio Suisse, NOP, košer in halal. Poleg celih in polovičnih makadamijinih oreščkov portfelj vključuje koščke, pasto, moko in olje. Prav tako je mogoče oreščke pražiti, soliti, začiniti ali sladiti z medom. Nadalje ponujamo tudi avokadovo olje ter suhe mango iz lastne proizvodnje.
Nemčija, Mannheim
Life Safety Systems GmbH je ustanovil direktor g. Peter Groß. Že leta 1986, pred več kot 30 leti, je začel svojo kariero na področju tehnologije za opozarjanje na plin pri podjetju Zellweger Uster GmbH, ki ga je kmalu zatem prevzel Honeywell Analytics. LSS GmbH je zdaj pooblaščeni prodajni partner Honeywell Analytics in svojim strankam ponuja tudi celotno produktno portfelj podjetja Teledyne Gas...
Romunija, Satu Mare
... rodila želja po ustvarjanju. Zgrajena je bila tovarna, privabljeni so bili zaposleni, iskani so bili dobavitelji in Design For Life je bil rojen. Nova oblikovanja, osredotočenost na trende, centralizacija strank in ekološka miselnost so privedli do eksplozivne rasti. Kmalu bo zgrajena naša nova tovarna v Satumareju. Lep kraj, kjer lahko naši zaposleni varno delajo in kjer lahko izpopolnimo in izboljšamo naš proizvodni proces za naše stranke.
Španija, Agüimes
...V podjetju Love Life Smoothies & Fruit Solutions smo distributerji smoothiejev, sadja in zamrznjenih IQF frappéjev visoke kakovosti po konkurenčnih cenah. Smoothieji in frappéji so na voljo v enkratnih vrečkah po 150 g, kar omogoča enostavno pripravo zdravih in okusnih napitkov, v škatlah po 15 vrečkah. Prav tako ponujamo široko izbiro sadja (mango, mešanica gozdnih sadežev, mešanica eksotičnega...
BLP Better Life Products GmbH je avstrijsko družinsko podjetje, ki se dodatno ukvarja z: ČISTIM ALOE VERA GEL-om in SOKOM ter različnimi obveznimi materiali.
Nizozemska, Lijnden
... izdelke. Vsak izdelek temelji na treh osnovnih načelih: Kakovost, Učinkovitost in Čistost. Premium, znanstveno potrjene formulacije Life Extension® so prehranska dopolnila, ki jih preprosto ne boste našli nikjer drugje. Znanstveniki Life Extension® vsak teden analizirajo tisoče znanstvenih študij, da zagotovijo, da njihove formule za spodbujanje zdravja vključujejo najsodobnejše sestavine za...
Portugalska, Lisboa
A Life is a Mesh tiskamo reciklirane tkanine na meter z vzorci ali vzorci strank, brez obveznih minimalnih količin, da ustvarimo in razvijamo kreativne ter trajnostne projekte. Pomagamo našim strankam, da so agilne na svojem trgu, da ustvarjajo kolekcije (minimalno 400 kosov) in da so vedno v skladu s trendi na trajnosten in učinkovit način, brez nepotrebnih stroškov. Nudimo naslednje možnosti...

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