Slovenija, Ljubljana
...Agroinspekt d.o.o. is an independent Inspection Company founded thirty years ago in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We are a team of professionals who understand what our client's needs are and we try to fulfill those requirements in an appropriate span of time. Head office in Ljubljana, Slovenia, covers inland Slovenia, neighboring countries and Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Kosovo with...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Magnus INT (Cyber Bee) is a Software Development company, that provides custom solutions for enterprises all over the world. Advanced Blockchain Applications, Smart Contracts, DevOps Services, Product Management, Custom Software Applications – our expert team will deliver the technological solutions that suit your needs the most.
Drugi izdelki
Razvoj blockchaina
Razvoj blockchaina
Slovenija, Vače
... diagnostics method developed by Aikon professional team, that incloudes in-depth examination of all skin layers and a personally tailored therapy program. The therapy program consists of dietary supplements, medical cosmetics for both professional and extended skin care at home, and guidelines for a recommended lifestyle according to the condition of the skin.The AIKONThe AIKON brand name comes from...
Slovenija, Semič
TS METAL d.o.o. was founded in 2011. We specialise in welding and assembling industry. In Dolenji Suhor we have 3500 m2 of production surfaces and offices. We also do a lot of business abroad where our team works on projects of our business partners, which are companies mostly from European Union. Our team is highly qualified, reliable and has a lot of working experiences. We employ different...
...The company FB&Marketing was established in 2016 by a team of young digital experts and international traders with one common goal: making international trade easier, more efficient and most of all safe. We were once in your shoes The real start of our story goes back to 2010, when we, as a team of digital experts, started selling on Amazon. Even though we had no problems in the sales aspect of...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
We are the best value massage in Slovenia! We appreciate your time and money. Our team is specialized in giving Chair Massages and Table Massages tailored to your specific needs. Alleviating stress, tension, and creating a renewed state of mind. Discover the Best Way to Rejuvenate and Ease off Pain with Home massage in Ljubljana Is your body deadly tired from long and busy weekday work? Are you...
Slovenija, Šentjur
...-to-day basis by the General Manager, Frenk Trobec.The company was founded with a small highly experienced core of people from the PCB assembly industry with the vision to professionally assemble clients ideas. As the Company has grown in statue, the Team has expanded in its knowledge, as has the services now offered to its client base; from straight assembly: to adding a design capability: costing department: to sourcing and purchasing the materials and components: before final production and assembly of the complete electronic modules.
Slovenija, Lenart V Slovenskih Goricah
Elastis is the team of experts with many years of experience with development and production of products made from rubber or thermoplastic elastomers and their combinations with plastic, metal or ceramic. Elastis offers innovative development of rubber products, development and production of prototypes, production of serial tools and first samples, production of rubber products (also in small...
We work with love and care to enrich life through travel. For us traveling is not just about destinations, but also about physical and emotional journey we experience, the culture we embrace and the stories we bring home. Dedicated, service oriented and multilingual team is always at your disposal. Creative, passionate and knowledgeable team members will be able to face the most challenging...
Slovenija, Maribor
... team currently consists of 100+ workers with many years of experience who are able to work independently. We collaborated on projects with companies such as Amazon, Otto GmbH, BMW Future, Porsche, Daimler and many others. ------------ Content preparation for online promotion is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund...
Slovenija, Celje
... excellence is bolstered by a strong network of licensees, distributors, technical representatives and installers who respond quickly to the needs and expectations of customers. Our long established core values continue to guide every Xypex interaction and to define the conduct and behaviour that enhances the trust, confidence, and longterm relationships with our customers and our international team of licensees and distributors. Content preparation for online promotion is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.
Slovenija, Koper
ETHERNA proposes itself as a Design international agency for the most important groups with innovative ideas in the visual communication.ETHERNA works as intermediate for the leader international brands for the concept design paying particular attention to the trends, chromatic aspects and shape of the object to develop. We are supported by a designers’ team specialized in renderingimages with...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
ART-LEG d.o.o. deals with the designing and manufacturing of pretentious medical devices. At our work we confronted with a lot of new challenges, which require from us a high degree of innovation, speciality, accuracy and flexibility. We are directed to the user’s needs and we want that the final satisfaction is on both sides. In the context of our team, in addition to certified prosthetists and...
...-made for you, and include door-to-door transportation, plus meet and greet at the airport. One of the main advantages of booking your private transfer in Slovenia with us, you will be taken care of by a highly experienced and reliable team of our drivers. Airtrail Slovenia is in the private airport transfers & tours business since 2013, but the owner itself started as a taxi driver in Ljubljana all...
Boat and yacht transport in EU, United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Balkans, Turkey and former Soviet union. Our company is based in Slovenia, the heart of Europe, and is ideally located for transport to and from the Adriatc and Mediteeranean sea. With our experienced team and our business partners, your vessel is guaranteed to be delivered fast, safe and problem free. Although we specialize in vessel transport, we are able to transport various oversized loads. Contact us for a free quotation.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... central) emergency management application. We have developed it for fire stations and municipalities. With our application dispatchers can handle single calls and a big scale emergency. Fully integrated into control rooms or clouds. Managing units, teams, locations, etc.; with possibility to alert citizens via SMS or Social Media that has been developed by our team of experts. We also develop...
Slovenija, Gračišče
iLussori multimedia specialises in providing advanced multimedia solutions that include high-quality panoramic photos, videos and finalised multimedia web design. The company takes pride in its creative team of experts, who use their knowledge, experience and expertise in top technologies to design innovative, original and technically perfected solutions. Our vision comprises fully accomplished...
Slovenija, Bled
... services. Rapid development and effective growth are the result of highly qualified employees, their loyalty to the company and team work. Today, Perftech employees more than 100 professionals from all fields of information and communication technology who with their extensive experience deliver effective solutions to our customers. High quality fulfilment of commitments and the responsibility of individuals to fulfil their duties and vital objectives ensure satisfied customers and the possibility of investments in new knowledge in the field of technological and business novelties. ...
Nemčija, Stuttgart
Postanite močna blagovna znamka kot obrtnik z dobičkonosnimi strankami in ustreznimi zaposlenimi - ekipa Issler, ustanovljena leta 2000, vam pri tem pomaga. Zahteve za uspešno spletno prisotnost so danes obsežne in kompleksne. Tisti, ki želijo biti na vrhu, potrebujejo najsodobnejše marketinške metode, kot so avtomatizacija trženja in performančno trženje. Visoko specializirana ekipa strokovnjako...
Italija, Prato
JINCO Srl è un’azienda di Fast Fashion B2B uomo che grazie al suo team di designer interno, propone settimanalmente novità e capi di tendenza in continua evoluzione. La nostra azienda ha sviluppato la propria filiera di produzione con l’obiettivo di rifornire negozi e catene di negozi, sia italiani che esteri, attraverso rapporti di collaborazione stabili stilistici e produttivi. Le nostre...
Drugi izdelki
Združeno kraljestvo, Leicester
Želite najti najboljše aktivnosti v Leicesterju? Oglejte si vodilni VR izkušnje center v Veliki Britaniji, kjer se popolnoma potopite v razburljive akcije in avanture, ki vključujejo vse vaše čute. Ne glede na to, ali ste s partnerjem, majhno skupino ali veliko zabavo, imamo vse, kar potrebujete. Od korporativnih team building dogodkov do rojstnodnevnih zabav, fantovskih zabav, dekliških večerov ali preprosto zabavnega dneva s prijatelji, naš prostor ponuja vse. Poleg naših VR izkušenj ponujamo tudi hrano in pijačo, pa tudi eDarts in golf.
Francija, Paris
Pri Arcane Expérience smo strokovnjaki za ustvarjanje dogodkovnih iger. Naša šibka točka je gamifikacija. Navdihujemo se z mehanizmi iger, da bi prikazali vaše podjetje in prenesli vaše sporočila. Od leta 2015 smo se odločili, da postavimo človeka v središče naših scenarijev in izpolnimo vaše cilje po koheziji in komunikaciji. Naš tipičen dan je team building ob zajtrku, kosilu, malici in večerji...
Španija, Alaró
... ponujamo, bodisi vodnih bodisi gorskih športov. Primer tega, kar počnemo, bi bil: kanjoning, coastering, pohodništvo, plezanje, spodbude, team building, snorklanje, kolesarjenje, multiavantura, zipline, vodne jame, suhe jame, suhi kanjoni, psihobloc, torrent de Pareis, kajakaštvo in še veliko več! Pridite in odkrijte vse čarobne kotičke, ki jih skriva naš čudovit otok. Sierra de Tramuntana, razglašena za...
Turcia, Izmir
V letu 2003 je začela delovati A-TİM TEKNİK GEMİ TAMİR DONATIM VE ULUSLARARASI KUMANYACILIK PAZ. TIC. LTD. STI. v pomorski industriji. Nudimo popravila in vzdrževanje, opremo za varnost, namestitev in popravilo vseh alarmnih sistemov, servis naprav na mostu, letno certificiranje in zamenjavo baterij za epirp in druge pogoje, vzdrževanje in popravilo glavnih in pomožnih motorjev; vzdrževanje in pop...
Francija, Châtillon-Sur-Chalaronne
Specialist in custom formulation, the laboratory SPLP supports you in the development of your dietary supplements in soft capsules and gummies. It is a dynamic and experienced team that conducts all your projects with you at 360°. We expertly follow the entire process of creating your product and advise you on sourcing raw materials, using claims, the regulatory framework, manufacturing...
Italija, Concordia Sagittaria
CHI SIAMO Ricerchiamo, studiamo, proviamo e continuamente sfidiamo i limiti posti. Creativi ed innovativi, curiosi ed originali, ci entusiasmano le nuove sfide tecnologiche. Lavoriamo in team perché le belle cose ed efficienti non vengono mai da una persona sola. Ci impegniamo con tenacia e passione per offrire al cliente tecnologie sicure, efficaci e su misura. Spaziamo dalla comunicazione alla...
Francija, Montval Sur Loir
... postati idealna rešitev za organizatorje festivalov, šole, agencije za dogodke, turistične operaterje in zasebne ustanove. Partnerji : ARS Pays de la Loire, Team for the Planet, Box Design, Altitude Création, Cerp Bretagne Atlantique, Studio Étincelle - Crédit Agricole Normandie...
Francija, Lyon
... celotno obravnavo vaših projektov in se širi na različna področja dejavnosti: korporativno, zdravstvo, nevladne organizacije, storitve… Vsakodnevno vas spremljamo pri ustvarjanju vaše identitete. Naše ekipe se angažirajo, da oživijo vaše dogodke. Od organizacije kongresov, seminarjev, podjetniških večerij, delavnic do izvedbe team buildinga, lansiranja izdelkov, se MC’Com zavezuje, da bo ob vašem...
Turcia, Ankara
...V naši tri nadstropni stavbi v Ankari je Team Kaplama edini naslov za tiste, ki želijo kakovostno in ugodno opraviti postopke prekrivanja vozil/avtomobilov. Medtem ko izvajamo postopke prekrivanja avtomobilov, svojim strankam nudimo čiste in prostorne prostore za počitek. Postopki prekrivanja vozil so med najpomembnejšimi postopki, ki zahtevajo natančnost in spretnost, da se vrednost vozil ne...
Avstrija, Jenbach
Smo varnostno podjetje Detektivska agencija - varovanje trgovina z video nadzorno tehniko trgovina z zaščitno opremo za varnostne sile Smo na voljo 365 dni v letu, dosegljivi smo vam 24 ur na dan. Imate vprašanja: Potem nas kontaktirajte, ne oklevajte, z veseljem vam bomo svetovali! Od osebne zaščite do prireditev Od varovanja objektov do prevozov vrednosti Od preiskav do ločitvenih postopkov in š...

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