Slovenija, Logatec
... and new technologies. We are ecologically conscious and want to make an important contribution to the low-carbon economy. For that reason, we strive towards successfully completing at least one development project in the field of low-carbon technology per year, in addition to other market activities. We enthusiastically share our experience with you and utilize them to accomplish your goals. A challenge motivates us, by overcoming it, a company learns, develops, and grows. ...
Private Vitamin Lab is contract manufacturing for food and feed supplements in powder form and capsules with various packaging options: jars, pouches, sachet. We offer low MOQ and high-level boutique production with GMP certification. If you need clinical studies, help with formulations, or personalized consultations, drop us an e-mail or visit the website. We are always happy to support you.
... target market/price, and refine products to meet that need. Once created, we can support your brand with marketing, catalogs, trade show displays, and sales channels needed to raise brand awareness. Benefits: -The ability to produce smaller quantities -Low production costs(existing machines,molds)... Light bulbs, lighting, luminaries and lamps for business and domestic use, planning of light. We ship worldwide every day. Large stock and low prices. We believe you will find the products you are looking for and that you will also find all the answers to your questions. So take advantage of our skills for the best solution. The illumination is a very important part of your living...
Slovenija, Ravne Na Koroskem
...Ravne looks back at 400 years of tradition in steelmaking and casting. Throughout its development, shifts have been seen from a simple geometry of castings made of unalloyed steels into more demanding and complex product constructions using low & high-alloyed cast steel. Croning livarna d.o.o. has 40-years long tradition in production of carbon and alloyed cast steel, wear-resistant cast steel...
Slovenija, Markovci
... technology, in the automotive industry, rack storage, postal centres, airports. In the workshop we assemble and perform the wiring of switching blocks and individual assemblies, and in the field we carry out the assembly of low-voltage and medium-voltage devices, which includes installation, testing and commissioning. We also carry out on-site overhaul and repair work, including maintenance...
Slovenija, Rače
... expansion of business. This has been predominantly achieved through cooperation with major retail chains such as Lidl Slovenia LLC, Jagros LLC, Eurospin Eko LLC and SPAR Slovenia LLC. These retail chains are characterised by strong sales growth as well as very low occurrence of overdue payments. Approximately 95% of our revenue is generated from the manufacturing of biscuits while the remaining 5% comes from our wholesale business of pasta and other trade goods.
Slovenija, Materija
ATech is active in electronics design and manufacturing specializing in:- combusiton control electronics for biomass boielrs and stoves; brand FUMIS- custom electronics designs for the home appliance sector;- electronics manufacturing services including box-biuld of high-complex, low and mid volume batches...
Slovenija, Celje
...Allbatron provides a wide range of services, which includes the construction and maintenance of websites and IT solutions and designing different applications and databases. We also design desktop applications tailored to the client's wishes, software applications for graphic design and different applications and programs for e-learning.In today’s market the benefits of having a professionally made web page are immense for any thriving business. We offer quality services and solutions at a low cost and gladly accept any new challenges coming our way. ...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Eko produkt is a company with rich experiences in the field of passive and low-energy houses. Our specialty are timber frame houses whereas we take care that the buildings are made of natural materials. Beside building we are also a merchant - we are licenced to sell Agepan wooden panels in Slovenian market.Besides building materials we also offer a wide range of decorative solutions for the furniture manufacture. We can provide melamine surfaced particle boards, MDF, laminates, edge bands etc.
Slovenija, Limbuš
We are a fast growing company from Slovenia (EU). The subject of our business is development, production and sales of power transport equipment intended exclusively for electro-distribution. These products are intended for construction, set-up, maintenance and renewal of electro-energy systems up to 52 kV. Our most important products are low and medium voltage surge arresters, medium voltage...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...Wholesale and retail trade company. We are selling different types of dates (Saidi, Azwai, Frehi), and the 100% natural Saidi Date syrup of different density( from 64% Brix - up to 74% Brix) from the oasis siwa. Date Syrup 100% natural Date syrup is not just sugar — it's actually a food made from a fruit. Date syrup is both low on the glycemic index due to its high fiber content and lower in...
Slovenija, Ancaran/ancarano
... competition would be different and more productive. Focusing on services with the highest price difference and defining those services that should be avoided due to low income. • How to organize salon employees in such a way to increase their work productivity and spend as little time to perform that work as possible. Each procedure is based on specific calculations. How to work with clients so that they themselves opt for using new or additional services or products. The presented ways of working in salons completely transform the business to the next, higher level.
Slovenija, Celje
With our 30 years of development and experience we manufacture electrical natural stone radiators of our brand Biotherm. They are used for heating rooms in domestic and commercial buildings. Such heating is effective and economical due to very high accumulation of heat in natural stone slab, they run on low power- electrical consumption. The heat is evenly transmitted from the plate into...
Slovenija, Ravne Na Koroškem
...We are a small CNC company located in Slovenian. We do mainly 3-axis milling and turning. We adapt to every customer's needs, we excel in the production of low batch size product with high tolerances.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
WEKER WATER ECONOMIZER, is an world patented apparatus designed for recuperating and cooling water flowing out of coolers with temperature up to 80 oC and reutilising it cooled on 10 oC. It eliminate the cost of water. It change open water cooled system, to closed glycol cooled system.Advantages: easy to install, low electricity consumption, eliminate water consumption, resolves problems of...
Slovenija, Šempeter v Savinjski Dolini
... ML Dom d.o.o. (reference, vision, standards). Also We are performing low energy renovation of older buildings. On our web-site You can see some of our type-houses and technical details. We are looking for a business partner for the territory of the EU. With ours products would like to increase presence in the EU. With potential business cooperation between Your and Our firm we can give reality to Your and Our ideas.
Združeno kraljestvo, Low Fulney
Fenflow Engineering Ltd, prej znan kot Shoebridge Engineering, je specializirano inženirsko podjetje s sedežem v Spaldingu, Lincolnshire. Z več kot 50-letnimi izkušnjami v industriji črpalk in ventilov se naša predana ekipa inženirjev in monterjev specializira za popravilo, servis in obnovo širokega spektra črpalk, varnostnih ventilov, motorjev, reduktorjev, mrež proti plevelu in toplotnih izmenje...
Združeno kraljestvo, Corby
... kontaktirajte, in storili bomo vse, kar je v naši moči, da izpolnimo vaše specifične zahteve po cestnem prevozu. Low Loaders Europe se specializira za nizka tovorna vozila, pol-nizka tovorna vozila, nenormalen tovor in prevoz izven standardnih dimenzij med Združenim kraljestvom in celinsko Evropo. Za več informacij o dimenzijah prikolic obiščite našo spletno stran: ali pokličite našo pisarno v Združenem kraljestvu na +44 (0)1536 271 543.
Nemčija, Düsseldorf
... - Digitalna transformacija - E-trgovina - E-učenje - IT in programska oprema - Umetna inteligenca (UI) - No-Code / Low-Code - Spletni marketing - Spletni sestanki - Projektno vodenje - Avtomatizacija procesov z roboti (RPA) - Inženiring programske opreme. Neprestano širimo našo svetovalno ponudbo. Več kot 300 svetovalnih storitev imamo na voljo za vas. Seveda je mogoče posamezne teme kombinirati. Tako boste prejeli natančno tisto svetovanje, ki ga želite in potrebujete.
... individualno zasnovo (minimalne količine po dogovoru) - Mineralna voda z okusom in brez - Nearwater - Šorle - Energijske pijače - Športne pijače (ISO) - True Functionals: pijače z dokazano pozitivnim učinkom na človeško zdravje - BIO-pijače - LOW Cal in LOW GI - alkoholne pijače - pijače z kofeinom - Cold Brew Coffee - Pijače iz sadnega soka - Pijače za nadomestitev mleka - Proteinske pijače - in še več. Polnjenje poteka v različnih certificiranih nemških proizvodnih obratih.
Nemčija, Pforzheim
...Vse za vašega notranjega opico! Da lahko izjemno uživate v izjemnem. Vašo različico izdelamo po željah strank, preprosto se obrnite na našo storitev "Private Label". Naš "Low Carb", zmanjšan sladkor in sol, bogat z vlakninami "Monkey Ketchup" se preprosto poda k vsemu. Naše specialitete: dim, "Liquid smoke", "Hickory", BBQ omake, čili omake, omake za žar, omake, "Soßen", "Sossen", "Eigenlabel", majhne serije, velike serije, "Eigenes Etikett", proizvajalec, produkcija, distribucija, razvoj izdelkov, "Food Truck", prigrizek, restavracija...
... za zahtevne medicinske in industrijske aplikacije. Ponudba vključuje: • Visoko kompleksne fleksibilne, trdno fleksibilne in trde HDI/Microvia tiskane vezja • LCP in rešitve za čip-substrate • LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic) substrate • Pakiranje polprevodnikov, vključno s proizvodnjo stacked die BGA • Najsodobnejši procesi montaže za SMT in Chip & Wire • Izjemno zanesljive baterije...
Nemčija, Karlsfeld
... velikosti delcev na osnovi štetja posameznih delcev - Prodaja predčistenih "Low TOC Vials", ki se uporabljajo za TOC-laboratorijsko analizo in za "validacijo čiščenja" - Distribucija, svetovanje in servis analizatorjev sledi amoniaka za okolja čistega prostora in za okoljske aplikacije - Rešitve za merjenje nanopartiklov - Svetovanje in servis sistemov ionizacije zraka za zmanjšanje statičnih nabojov ...
Nemčija, Dortmund
... direkte Kontakte zu Herstellern in Europa und Asien bietet Ihnen PHOENIX PHD Lieferungen zu besten Preisen innerhalb kürzester Fristen. Eine Spezialität sind hochkomplexe Multilayer, die kurzfristig in Low - oder High-Volume geliefert werden können. Gerätemontagen: Zu unserem Leistungsumfang zählt die Implementierung der elektronischen Baugruppe in ein Gehäuse, die interne Verkabelung und die kundenspezifische Beschriftung. Auf Wunsch fertigen wir kundenspezifische Gehäuse.
Nemčija, Babenhausen
Prihranite čas in denar pri obdelavi ali zaščiti vaših podatkov z našo preizkušeno Low-Code rešitvijo za upravljanje podatkov in maskiranje. Povezujemo najsodobnejšo tehnologijo z desetletji izkušenj pri obdelavi proizvodnih podatkov na različnih platformah in v različnih panogah. Z našo programsko opremo lahko: • Pospešite velike naloge razvrščanja in ETL • Pospešite nalaganje, praznjenje...
... Vodja obratov in prokurist Matthias Hunkel Proizvajamo kompleksne elektronske sklope in sisteme v majhnih in srednjih količinah (High Mix/Low-Middle Volume) v najvišji kakovosti na proizvodnem mestu v Nemčiji, od ustanovitve podjetja leta 1988. Naša ponudba vključuje ne le proizvodnjo, sestavljanje in montažo, vključno s testiranjem in preverjanjem, temveč...
...laminirano steklo in varnostno steklo v svojem obratu. Zdaj smo ponosni, da kot vodilni predelovalec stekla oskrbujemo vse vrste gradbenega stekla po vsem svetu. Akasya steklo lahko ponudi kaljeno steklo in laminirano steklo s posebnimi vrstami, kot so Low-E, reflektivno, tonirano, fasadno steklo. Našim deležnikom nudimo storitve z našo tehnologijo, ki lahko prenese vašo domišljijo na steklo...
Nemčija, Schleusingen
...) • enosmernih nadzornih magnetov • magnetnih ventilov (tudi „Low Power“ magnetni ventili) • lepilnih magnetov • Voice Coil aktuatorjev • posebnih magnetov KERN magneti predstavljajo certificirano kakovost, saj je popolno zadovoljstvo strank naš merilo. „Najboljši v razredu“ – za naše stranke! Ne glede na to, ali v robotu ali športnem avtomobilu, v kombajnu ali v mikrotehniki, lahko prilagojeni...
...Trifon Vida Česani, Hi-Low Česani, ki so izdelani v skladu z zahtevami naših proizvajalcev. Thread Rolling Die, Drugi Punchi, Glavni Punchi, Obrezovalni Kalup, Orodja za Pritrditev, Vijaki, Pritrdilni elementi, Karbid, Knock Out Pim, Ekstrudni Pim, Končni Rezkarji..

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