Turcia, Istanbul
Kot Balamir Medical dobavljamo medicinske izdelke našim strankam po vsem svetu. Naša glavna prioriteta je kakovost naših izdelkov; zavedamo se, da izdelki, ki jih dobavljamo, vplivajo na življenja ljudi. Ponujamo široko paleto izdelkov v medicinski industriji, saj se trudimo izpolniti vse potrebe naših strank. Naše temeljne vrednote so zadovoljstvo strank, profesionalnost in zanesljivost.
IUQ je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1992. Ustanovitelj in izvršni partner je dr. Dietmar Krengel. Kot znanstvena in inovativna zasebna storitvena ustanova delujemo na lokaciji Grevesmühlen. Tri glavne usmeritve našega dela so inženirske, analitične in raziskovalne storitve. Inštitut se nenehno prilagaja spremenjenim tržnim razmeram na področju okolja in hrane ter ustvarja temelje za odpiranje novih po...
Nova generacija vodne NANO TEHNOLOGIJE OD DEZINFIKCIJE DO TRAJNE ZAŠČITE Kot Pürtem Cleaning Institutional Disinfection Services zagotavljamo higieno z vodno osnovo, močno in učinkovito zaščito do 30 dni, ki je prijazna do človeškega zdravja, brez kovinskih in kemičnih ostankov, razvito z nano tehnologijo. Poleg tega to najnovejšo tehnologijo dezinfekcijskega sredstva naredimo bolj dostopno s pro...
Združeno kraljestvo, Dorset
Zagotavljamo napredne avtomatizacijske sisteme in storitve že več kot 20 let - ohranjamo proizvodna podjetja na vrhuncu inovacij in izboljšujemo produktivnost. Automated Production Ltd je specialist za oblikovanje, razvoj in podporo prilagojenim proizvodnim rešitvam. Smo vodilni partner mnogih največjih svetovnih proizvajalcev v raznolikih industrijskih in geografskih trgih. Raste podjetja od inže...
Združeno kraljestvo, Birmingham
Mednarodna avtomatizacijska skupina, ki proizvaja posebne namenske stroje, sisteme za hranjenje, usklajevanje in obravnavo. REŠITVE AVTOMATIZACIJE: RNA je razvila vrsto avtomatizacijskih rešitev, ki so dovolj fleksibilne, da zadostijo zahtevam sodobne industrije. Hitre in prilagodljive, naše rešitve ponujajo hitro vračilo naložbe in zagotavljajo 'prihodnostno varnost' vaše naložbe. ROBOTSKI SI...
iiM AG measurement + engineering je razvijalec, proizvajalec in ponudnik visokokakovostnih in zmogljivih izdelkov za industrijsko obdelavo slik. V Suhlu (Tiringija) iiM AG razvija in proizvaja pod blagovno znamko LUMIMAX® zmogljive in visoko funkcionalne LED osvetlitve za aplikacije strojnega vida v različnih industrijskih panogah, npr. za avtomobilsko, polprevodniško in farmacevtsko industrijo t...
...Z Quality-Monitorjem hitro, enostavno in zanesljivo identificirate vse geometrijske konflikte v vašem digitalnem produktu. Programska oprema prevzame celoten proces VGA. Quality-Monitor je zmogljiva rešitev za geometrijske konflikte v digitalnem produktu: QM vključuje npr. popolnoma avtomatsko izračunavanje vseh možnih konfliktnih točk in inteligentno upravljanje nalog z izračunom na osnovi...
Avstrija, Wien
...{"Lower Diameter":"34,5 mm","Status":"izdelek na zalogi","Description":"Za kratke pijače in koktajle!!! 50ml #shooter #glasstic #glass #PC #quality #unbreakable #plastic #40gr #safe #party #pool #partyglass #longterm #pool #productNO1 #catering #alcohol #tequila #rakija #manufacture #summer #candy #rum","Article Number":"01","Size":"50 ml","Color":"prosojno","Feature":"odporen na lom!","Weight":"40 gr","Type":"PC","Upper Diameter":"52 mm","Volume":"50 ml","Height":"87 mm","Filling Line":"ni na voljo"}...
Ujemajoči se izdelki
Drugi izdelki
Starem načinu
Starem načinu
Italija, Villorba
Kar trgujemo, je Handshield, patentirana večkratna naprava, ki se pritrdi na nakupovalne vozičke, vozičke na letališčih, ročaje javnega prevoza (avtobus, podzemna železnica, vlak), kar uporabnikom omogoča, da zaščitijo svoje roke pred koronavirusi in ostanejo vedno sanitizirani. Naprava je obdelana s Si Bac Pure, patentirano formulacijo, za katero je znano, da je učinkovita proti koronavirusom.
MESAS q.i.s. razvija in proizvaja strojno in programsko opremo za večtočkovno merilno tehnologijo, avtomatizirano testno tehnologijo, rešitve CAQ, povezane z napravami, ter optimizacije MES in SPC.
HQT je del mednarodno delujočega družinskega podjetja, ki od leta 1914 proizvaja trakove za različne namene.
... optimal dosage and superior cleanliness, compromising is never an option. We are a trusted and well-experienced brand that focuses on providing high-end lab dropping supplies which are meant to make your job easier, without interfering with your safety or comfort. We rely exclusively on premium materials and carefully screened manufacturers, in order to live up to every customer’s rigorous quality expectations. Don't hesitate to contact us for more!
Slovenija, Žalec
We are one of the leading companies for moulding plastic masses (rotomoulding) in Slovenia and its direct vicinity. Our basic task is a development of high-quality plastic products that contribute to maintenance of a healthy planet, environment and raising the quality of life. We are building the position of one of the leading plastics transformation companies in Central and Eastern Europe. We...
Slovenija, Dolenja Vas
... manufacturing. Griffing combines the ability to supply products in large quantities with precision engineering. Griffing is an ISO 9001-certified company working with 3.1-certified materials to ensure the very best quality. We maintain a stock of machined products, guaranteeing short delivery times.
Slovenija, Maribor
Toroid d.o.o. is a dynamic, flexible and constant growing engineering company est. 2013 with roots back to 2006. Our team of 10+ engineers is highly educated and trained, motivated and focused,to provide you the best engineering services. Due to our direct approach, we can offer you significant reduction of engineering costs and schedules, without compromising the quality. Based on your needs, we...
Slovenija, Celje
... improve the efficiency of staff and processes in production and logistic. The benefits of the Lean approach result in different areas of the company, such as increasing productivity, minimum losses of the production process, lower costs with higher quality, and more efficient solutions and most important we motivate and support staff to daily improve and grow. As Lean Solutions, we listen what our...
Slovenija, Cerknica
... circuits and laser stencils in Slovenia. In addition to the production, we also offer customers technical support, which includes designs of printed circuit boards, preparation of the necessary data, advice on the choice of materials and the organization of soldering. We thus offer our customers an extremely high-quality and comprehensive solution - all in one place and in an extremely short period of time.
Italija, Frosinone
... katerem mora biti nameščen vgrajeni kompaktor. Fratelli Mazzocchia je eden redkih svetovnih proizvajalcev tehnologij Side Loader tako za prevoz odpadkov kot za pranje kontejnerjev. Nov projekt Mazzocchia E-Quality 4.0 ponuja rešitve, povezane z zeleno mobilnostjo in industrijskim internetom, usmerjenimi v zmanjšanje emisij, zmanjšanje teže v korist uporabne obremenitve z uporabo inovativnih materialov, zmanjšanje hrupa, povezljivost in oddaljeno spremljanje za optimalno upravljanje flote.
Slovenija, Stari Trg Pri Ložu
...security, and energy efficiency. The brand radiates reliability under the umbrella of a certified quality, Lifetime Warranty, business excellence, social and environmental responsibility. ARX certificates present company dedication to the verifiable quality standards for processes and products. In every certificate, undisputed proof of long-term commitment to partners, employees, and...
Slovenija, Stari Trg Pri Ložu
... Kovinoplastika Lož is an international company with a 70-year tradition, headquarted in Slovenia. We aim to meet our customers' demands for functional and quality products with the possibility of tailor-made components. Our "ONE-STOP SHOP" approach ensures customized solutions from research and development to final product output. Operating in compliance with internationally recognized...
Slovenija, Kranj
... is baes on many years of experience in the field of tank transportation. During this period, we have gained experience in cooperating with European leading companies in the bussines and successfully working with companies within EU and outside of EU. In enabling whole logistic service we are offering knowledge, trust and tradition which also includes tank container and road tanker transportations throughout Slovenia and ex Yugoslave republics. Our task is to provide great customer service and quality transportation. We'll be pleased to answer all your questions. Contact us for more information! ...
Slovenija, Kranj
... experience and a deep understanding of user needs allow for a broad offering of professional spraying equipment and spare parts. A strong development department ensures high quality, continuous progress, and new functionalities for our products. The second product group comprises AGT compact tractors, designed specifically for steep terrains, vineyards, and orchards. With additional equipment, the tractors can also be used for municipal tasks, forestry, and other specific work. Agromehanika has its own network of sales and service centers in Slovenia, Croatia, and Hungary.
Slovenija, Radlje Ob Dravi
...quality, and making our customers’ wishes come true has been passed down from one generation to the next. We do not see ourselves as just another producer but perceive our role as creating elements for a unique and balanced living environment that improves the quality of people’s living and being. What this means in practice is that Gašper produces high-quality components, such as windows, sliding and panoramic walls, balcony and entrance doors.
Slovenija, Stranice
... services in short deadlines at competitive prices. Among our references we can count the most prestigious leading brands in the automotive industry such as Daimler-Mercedes, Audi Group, Volkswagen Group. We also collaborate with well-renowned companies of various sectors including aviation, nautic, medicine and the military. Our production is managed in accordance with the highest quality standard...
Slovenija, Izola
... babies, children, adolescents and adults from knitted materials. We are certified according to OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 and GOTS for organic cotton clothing. At the customer's request, the quality is checked by Bureau Veritas or another third party. Our customers are specialized children's stores, hypermarket chains in Europe and online retailers. We are open to hearing and satisfying your needs by sending an offer upon your request. We are looking forward to cooperating with you. ...
Slovenija, Novo Mesto
... a ready-made kits or individual components. Our silencers are always compatible with all car accessories and compared to original spare part they prived savings at the same o reven higher quality standard. At extremely high degree of production automation we can daily produce up to 2700 exhaust pipes.
... importantly, buyers are guaranteed to find unique, comfortable footwear that’s of exceptional quality. In the other words, the shoes are not designed to follow trends but are designed to suit the wearer’s personality. Likewise, Milenika Shoes aims to put a smile on the faces of the people who wear the shoes.

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