Inženirsko podjetje Köckemann GmbH si je zadalo cilj, da podjetjem pomaga pri številnih varnostnih zahtevah na področju gradnje naprav in strojev, ki izhajajo iz številnih direktiv EU in nacionalnih predpisov, s standardnimi in praktičnimi rešitvami. Nudimo: - CE-ocenjevanje naprav, opreme in strojev - CE-ocena tveganja in CE-domneva skladnosti po usklajenih standardih - Oblikovanje in izračun m...
Nemčija, Herrenberg
...Polsni varnostni čevelj FS662 britanske blagovne znamke Amblers Safety je primeren za vse vrste dela, ki zahtevajo varnostne čevlje z ESD opremo po standardu EN 61340-5-1. Narejen je iz vodoodpornega mikrovlaken. Antibakterijska notranja vložka in podložen ovratnik zagotavljata udobje tudi po več urah nošenja. Opremljen je s plastično kapico in izpolnjuje varnostno kategorijo S2. Poleg tega nudi...
Združeno kraljestvo, Leeds
VSWD se specializira za varnostne in opozorilne izdelke za vozila. Dobavljamo trgom predelave in gradnje vozil ter ponujamo visokokakovostne opozorilne rešitve, ki ustrezajo lokalnim specifikacijam in zahtevam za odobritev. Na voljo v Združenem kraljestvu, nenehno razvijamo izdelke, da zagotovimo, da ustrezajo potrebam naših strank in da je namestitev čim hitrejša in lažja. Naročamo neposredno iz...
Turcia, Sehzadeler / Manisa
Zakaj bi izbral Polly Boot? Delovni in varnostni čevlji Polly Boot na osnovi poliuretana so bolj fleksibilni in uporabni s svojo strukturo z zračnimi mehurčki. Ti mehurčki, ki omogočajo prenos zraka, ohranjajo vaša stopala topla in preprečujejo vdor hladnega zraka pozimi ter preprečujejo kopičenje vročega zraka v vaših čevljih, kar hladi stopala poleti. Tudi pri -30 °C čevlji Polly Boot ohranjaj...
Veture LED je eden izmed vodilnih profesionalnih proizvajalcev in dobaviteljev v Shenzhenu na Kitajskem. Od leta 2010 se Veture LED nenehno osredotoča na razvoj, proizvodnjo in prodajo inovativnih, visokokakovostnih LED-osvetlitvenih izdelkov. Naši izdelki: LED-delovne luči, LED-svetlobni trakovi, LED-avtomobilski žarometi, LED-ustrezni luči, LED-luči za tovornjake in prikolice, prenosne LED-delov...
Poljska, Piaseczno
...9 ml epruveta s natrijevim citratom Vacuette za pridobivanje plazme bogate s trombociti. Epruveta je prilagojena za zaprte sisteme, vakuumsko odvzemanje krvi. Izdelana je iz visokokakovostne, netrajne plastike. Pokrovček tipa Safety Cap z oznako v modri barvi.
Združeno kraljestvo, Plymouth
Vodilni domači električarji v Plymouthu in industrijski ter komercialni elektroinštalaterji v Plymouthu, Devon. NICEIC domači inštalaterji in NICEIC odobreni izvajalci. Z več kot 25-letnimi izkušnjami nudimo celovito paleto domačih elektro storitev strankam v Plymouthu in okolici, vse do Saltasha v Cornwallu, do Tavistocka in čez South Hams, vključno s Kingsbridgeom, Salcombom, Modburyjem in Dartm...
Smo vodilni proizvajalec standardnih, ojačanih in popolnoma zaščitnih kirurških halj ter zaščitnih kombinezonov tipa 3-4 in tipa 5-6 (CE certificirani) v Turčiji. Imamo CE certifikat za naše kirurške halje in imamo raven 3 AAMI za ojačane halje ter 14126 za halje s popolno zaščito. Naša proizvodna kapaciteta znaša 100.000 na teden. Vse naše kirurške halje so ultrazvočno varjene in lahko te izdelke...
Združeno kraljestvo, Ystrad Mynach
...Rokavice Stop'N'Go Safety so bile razvite za obvladovanje teh vrst nesreč z vključitvijo zelo vidnega barvnega dizajna dlani, ki močno izboljša vidnost in jasnost ročnih signalov, ki jih uporabljajo uslužbenci in pomočniki pri vzvratni vožnji. Preprosto povedano, naše rokavice so učinkovita rešitev, ki lahko močno izboljša komunikacijo na vašem delovnem mestu in tako prispeva k varnejšemu delovnemu okolju.
Ujemajoči se izdelki
Varnostne rokavice
Rokavice za varnost Stop'N'Go
... nalaganje manjših strojev in vozil, kot so npr. traktorske kosilnice, kvadri, motocikli, minidumperji itd. Rampne plošče Safety niso primerne za gosenice. Poleg običajne ravne oblike so na voljo tudi ukrivljeni modeli, ki olajšajo nalaganje vozil z nizko oddaljenostjo od tal, kot so npr. traktorske kosilnice. Debelina materiala: 200 mm Širina: 3 mm ali 260 mm Širina: 4 mm...
Italija, Granarolo Dell'emilia
...{"WITHOUT SAFETY BRAKE (CONDUCTIVE)":"Koda 240","STANDARD PACKAGING":"STANDARDNO PAKIRANJE\nKartonasta škatla cm. 40x27x48 h.\nVsebina: n. 150 kolutov\nPlastična folija ovita paleta, ki drži 16 kartonastih škatel\ncm. 120x80x110h","WITH SAFETY BRAKE":"Koda 570","WITH SAFETY BRAKE (CONDUCTIVE)":"Koda 678","WHEELS":"Ojačani kopolimer mehki profili Tip – W\nStranski kovinski diski","WITHOUT SAFETY...
Uvoz, odobritve, veleprodaja, neposredna prodaja, servisne storitve za varnostne znake, izdelke, ki svetijo v temi, načrte za evakuacijo in reševanje ter protipožarne izdelke.
... optimal dosage and superior cleanliness, compromising is never an option. We are a trusted and well-experienced brand that focuses on providing high-end lab dropping supplies which are meant to make your job easier, without interfering with your safety or comfort. We rely exclusively on premium materials and carefully screened manufacturers, in order to live up to every customer’s rigorous quality expectations. Don't hesitate to contact us for more!
Slovenija, Koper / Capodistria
... domestic language where the action is taking place. 2hm logistics is recognized and appreciated member of more than 10 international and domestic logistics organizations, associations and networks. With vast range partners in every major city in every country, we offer not only competitive solution, but also safety by choosing "the local champion" on destination or pick up place. Our services include...
Slovenija, Novo Mesto
...We are always striving to find the highest quality materials offering maximum safety and minimum maintenance. Akrobat is One-Stop-Shop for trampoline parks investors and owners all over the world. We believe active play enriches children’s lives and allows them to build a healthy body that will contribute to their overall development and help them achieve their full potential in adult life. We worship diversity, that’s why our complete range of trampolines comes in all shapes and sizes and covers a wide spectrum of needs for different customer profiles.
Unimare Unione Agenti Marittimi deluje že več kot 60 let na področju pristanišč. Leta 2014 je podjetje pridobilo certifikat OSHAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series), kar pomeni spoštovanje sistema upravljanja varnosti in zdravja pri delu. Ukvarja se z organizacijo pomorskih prevozov in predstavlja številne italijanske in tuje ladjarje, ki delujejo v pristaniščih Olbia in...
Slovenija, Murska Sobota
... also in a smaller batch sizes. Depending on the product, we can implement your project from the idea to the shelf in a period of about 3 months. What we do: - product development (R&D), - contract manufacturing, - contract packaging, - private/white label, - preparation of documentation. We are committed to quality and safety: - Cosmetic GMP, - GDP Certificate, - FSSC 22000, - FDA Certificate. ...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...The Company's activities are:• Design and engineering• Static calculations for all types of buildings (residential and commercial buildings, industrial buildings, silos and tanks, roads and rail bridges, beam antennas, sports facilities, concrete structures)• Reinforcement plans• Mechanical workshop plans of steel structures• Fire safety design• Supervision• Testing of materials (destructive and non-destructive methods)• Manufacture and installation of all types of steel structures (commercial, industrial and sports facilities, staircases, fences, roofing and plumbing works)...
Slovenija, Celje
... into final product, from development of the recipe to the final packaging and documentation. We supply our clients with high-quality products. The quality and safety, higher than statutory requirements, are most important task and responsibility to us. This is proved by certified production according to ISO 22000, ISO 22716 and GMP FOOD. In our portfolio you will find products like general body care products, active cosmetics, natural cosmetics, facial cosmetics, intimate care, 100 % organic skincare oils and butters, child skincare, tatoo care cosmetics, massage gels for joints and athletes, etc...
Slovenija, Ajdovscina
We are a team of professionals with over 25 years of experience in the field of metalwork. Our ISO 9001 and ISO 14002 certificates prove that we have an excellent quality management system and that our important value, besides modern and innovative products, is also our concern for the environment. Our key products include road safety, noise and wind barriers, and in recent years, with the...
Slovenija, Ilirska Bistrica
Laris d.o.o. is a Slovenian company. Their main activity is offering bus transportation services. They have been participating in the market since 2002. The main priorities of the company are comfort and safety of their customers. On top of that, the company gives great importance to being transparent and perfectly fulfill their obligations. Hence, the people of Laris perform regular checks and...
Slovenija, Murska Sobota
... includes protection: E30; Ei30; E60; Ei60; Ei90; Safety class: RC4 Ei60; RC4 Ei90 3. Quality custom shower cabins and glass shower walls, with a modern design suitable for any bathroom, even for demanding customers. 4. Servicing and repair of all types of glass products - all interior and exterior glazing - fences, doors, wall coverings, partitions, mirrors, picture framing, canopies, balcony railings...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...GS Composite Carbon Gangways With the numerous testing's and searching for operation designed to insure the safety for it's users GS Composite has over the years developed perfect structure hi-tech ultra light and resistant carbon gangway. Gangways are an innovation in the nautical area, as they are the first gangways, which are manufactured by VARTM system. It is a unique manufacturing...
Slovenija, Bostanj
...NEST Systems develops Innovative solutions in the field of acoustic signal processing and acoustic monitoring. Our products are developed for: - wood industry, where we offer autonomous and user-friendly products for diagnostics and control of band and circular saws, - environmental monitoring, where we offer both simple and advanced systems with 24/7 environmental monitoring, - work safety...
Slovenija, Slovenske Konjice
ECHO manufacturea high quality, innovative instruments, software and integrated systems for biotechnology, biology, medicine, industry and environmental research. ECHO is specialized in consulting and measuring physical and chemical parameters in the occupation and safety, control of technological processes, environmental emission and immission measurements. We offer instruments for measuring gas, dust and water pollution (drinking, technological and waste waters). We perform installation, service and expertise advice on the correct selection of measuring principle and equipment.
Slovenija, Teharje
...unique range of adhesives, sealants and adhesive tapes give new possibilities to random manufacturing and service leaders.If you want to have the right tools, to increase productivity, to increase safety and to reduce costs - you take ProTeam solutions. We settle for nothing less than perfect!
Slovenija, Maribor
... transportation and warehousing services are the demands and needs of our customers, who need good and comprehensive transport solutions.A quality service with the lowest possible cost is important, that's why we strive to find professional and affordable solutions for our partners. Another reason for our cooperation. Everything is in your hands. Our task is to ensure your safety on the road and in line with development of your needs to develop new transport solutions that are oriented to a successful future.

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