Kot vodilni proizvajalec hotelske kozmetike oskrbujemo hotele z našim trajnostnim sistemom razpršilcev ter dermatološko testiranimi šamponi za lase, roke in telo ter telesnimi losjoni. Različne vrste šamponov 3-v-1 v 330 ml steklenicah za stenske nosilce v beli, črni in kromirani barvi, za privijanje in lepljenje. - Enostavna montaža in uporaba - Stenski nosilec brez težav nadomesti stare sistem...
Belgija, Braine L'alleud
... ml z dudami z nizkim tokom, 2 x dude Easi-Vent Closer to Nature z zmernim tokom, 1 x skodelica First Sips. Stekleničke so opremljene z edinstveno dudo, ki posnema obliko dojke, kar je enostavno za prijemanje s strani dojenčka. Super občutljiva ventilna tehnologija easi-vent™ odpravlja vse odvečne zračne tokove. Mehka silikonska duda z naravno občutkom, ki posnema dojenje. Vse brez BPA, za popoln mir.
Nemčija, Detmold
...First Degree je eden vodilnih proizvajalcev fluidnih veslaških naprav. Dobavljamo vam vse izdelke First Degree. Originalni patentirani sistem Fluid-20 Technology za fluidne veslaške naprave in ergometre za zgornji del telesa. Robusten, nizko vzdrževalen, zatesnjen dvojni rezervoar itd.
Nemčija, Goslar
Kompetenca na področju stekla Smo podjetje, ki se aktivno ukvarja z različnimi tehničnimi možnostmi, povezanimi z materialom steklom. First Glass Optics je pravi partner za vaše projekte iz stekla: od pravega materiala, preko vprašanj o konstrukciji ali optični izračun, do najučinkovitejše metode proizvodnje in obdelave površin. Lokacija podjetja v Goslarju ter mreža proizvodnih partnerjev omogoč...
Bolgarija, Silistra
"Der Erste Mai" AG je ena vodilnih družb na področju predelave oljnic v Bolgariji in vodja v trgovini z žiti in oljnicami. Glavna sestavina trgovskih dejavnosti je proizvodnja, nakup in prodaja kmetijskih pridelkov - žit. Podjetje ima moderno skladišče - silose za shranjevanje žitnih proizvodov s kapaciteto 200.000 ton, kmetijske stroje za obdelavo tal, mlinarski kompleks ter tovarno, ki uporablja...
PRVA KLASSA BAND = Moderna Plesna in Party Glasba v Živo = AKTUALNE LISTE = ŽIVAHNI OLDIES = PARTY HITI = Pokličite nas, če potrebujete dobro glasbo. Tel. 0421 371358 ali 0171 6007807...
...Securitas GmbH dokumentne rešitve ponuja kompleksne storitvene rešitve po vsej državi, ki se osredotočajo na upravljanje in shranjevanje nosilcev podatkov v prostorih za varovanje podatkov in posebnih sefa. Securitas DataSafe® - storitev nosilcev podatkov z učinkovitostjo Vaši nosilci podatkov se lahko menjajo dnevno, tedensko, mesečno ali po načelu First In First Out. Prevzem in dostava vaših...
Nemčija, Niederkrüchten
... stiskanju v oljarnah se surovo olje nadalje predela v rafinirano. Pridobljeni izdelek imenujemo Ricinusovo olje 1. stiskanja, oziroma Ricinusovo olje First Special Grade (FSG). To pridobljeno olje se neposredno uporablja v številnih aplikacijah (v velikih do srednjih deležih) poliole. Poleg standardne kakovosti, Ricinusovega olja 1. stiskanja, obstajajo tudi druge kakovosti, ki glede na tehnične zahteve naših strank vsebujejo nizko vsebnost vode, pa tudi nizko kislost...
Nemčija, Geyer
Ujemajoči se izdelki
Italija, Sant'antimo
Ujemajoči se izdelki
srebrni okvir za fotografije
srebrni okvir za fotografije
Slovenija, Dolenja Vas
... custom solutions. CNC machining Griffing is a first-class specialist in CNC metal machining, working mainly for the automotive, pharmaceutical and robotics industries where top quality is required. Our machinery encompasses as many as 18 CNC milling and turning machines. Besides milling and turning, we also offer other types of metal processing (such as polishing, grinding, welding) and custom...
Slovenija, Maribor
... the ageing process, firm the body, strengthen the immune system, maintain vitality for all ages, and diagnose the condition of the organism. All our products are available on the webshop. GoStarlife is an online store offering our first-rate anti-aging products and exceptional customer service to shoppers from the comfort of their own homes. We are a European company based in Slovenia, made up of...
Španija, Torrejón De Ardoz
First Cargo España je podjetje, specializirano za prevoz tovorov po kopnem s sedežem na Švedskem. Izvajamo pošiljke po cesti, zraku in morju po vsej Evropi. Naša specialnost so Nordijske države, Velika Britanija in Irska. Naš cilj je ponuditi zanesljiv in točen prevoz od vrat do vrat. To nas postavlja med vodilne v kopenskem prometu med Španijo in Nordijskimi državami. V First Cargo nudimo...
Nemčija, Aschaffenburg-Nilkheim
... tega imamo na voljo tudi Powerbanke in kakovostne polnilnike. Imamo lastno skladišče, kar nam omogoča, da vam zagotovimo hitre dobavne roke. Zahvaljujoč hitri prodaji in sistemu skladiščenja first in first out imamo vedno sveže blago za vas. Vaša zadovoljstvo nam je pomembno. Zato v naši ponudbi najdete le izdelke, ki smo jih testirali in katerih kakovost nas prepričuje. Naša celotna ponudba z trgovino je na voljo na www.akkuteile-b2b.de.
Slovenija, Celje
... quality of products and services. An integral part of the quality of services are also relationships with customers, to whom we have already paid a lot of attention and we intend to further improve, enhance and upgrade them. The company's goal is to make customers feel comfortable and safe when they come in contact with us - so that they will want to do business with us again. Their satisfaction remains our first concern. we want and we will become the BEST IN THE WORLD !! And at reasonable prices. Our main products are: rubber discs, toothed discs and graphic rollers.
Slovenija, Šempeter v Sav. Dolini
... receive the absolute best support in the industry - We will always want to hear from you and your opinion will always matter GUARANTEED TO LAST TermoPlus’s very first heat pump built in 1984 is still fully operational. The minimum life expectancy of all our heat pumps is 25 years and they are covered by a 2+3 year warranty. This means that with a quick check-up every year you are guaranteed 5 years of absolute peace of mind. We’ll support our products for their entire lifetime and guarantee spare part availability.
Slovenija, Šoštanj
Turna d.o.o. was established in 2007. The company is continuing a long tradition of manufacturing components for white goods, since the first hinges were manufactured at this location in 1975. The production of gaskets, heaters and vacuum insulation panes began in the 1990s. We employ more than 170 employees at our premises in Šoštanj. The needs of clients and the goal of providing maximum...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... first in the world which made easy to clean design mats without traditional square shape and our new rubber trunk mat system, which protect your trunk and bumper. Family Gledj with their co-workers make great company, which is now working in 40 countries all over the world with growth every year. We are happy and proud that tradition continues from generation to generation and that we are getting...
Slovenija, Cerknica
At LINGVA d.o.o., we initially only produced printed circuit boards but we decided to make stencils in 2004, based on growing customer demand. Today, we manufacture single-sided and double-sided printed circuit boards and SMD laser stencils. All production is made to order, which can be done in one day. We are the first and so far the only manufacturer of a combination of prototype printed...
Slovenija, Vipava
... središče Vrhpolje is a name for successful cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and Trsnica which has already borne fruit –a collectional vineyard was planted with fifty-two different grape varieties in Lože, next to Vipava. During the grafted vine production, most attention is given to rootstock and scion material. They have to be first-class. In order to achieve that, we carefully...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Billev Pharma East was established in Ljubljana in 2007 by Mr. Peter de Mayo Billev. The company was at that time a sister company to Billev Pharma ApS, Denmark, with the same owner. Peter established Billev Pharma ApS as one of the first regulatory affairs consultancy companies in Europe in 1978. Mr. Billev has retired and the ownership of the company was transferred in 2022 to two employees...
Slovenija, Skofljica
...we have the advantage of greater efficiency in providing services for our customers. We stand by every project and manufactured part. With our expert knowledge, we offer reliable and fast support as standard. We want to be your first, reliable partner for all your CNC machining needs and requirements. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information! ...
Slovenija, Zalec
...Our company HMEZAD exim d.d. was established in 1952. We are based in Zalec, Slovenia. It was first considered as a hop farmer's cooperative and became a stock company, the growers thus being very much involved in the company. We are specialized in hop trade and hop processing. We are also specilalized in the malting process, which applies to ceral grains. It is a combination of the srpouting...
Slovenija, Koper
...Import & Export - Food/Seafood - Vitamins - Chemicals products and Petroleum derivates International Business Consultant - Commercial Advisor International Finance Financial Investment - Financial Credit - Soft Commodities Commodities Major markets BRICS and first world...
Slovenija, Slovenske Konjice
... of our first truck 2005 Purchase of the first truck for international transport 2016 Construction and relocation to new business premises (Warehouse, parking, and offices) 2018 Purchase of a helicopter and establishment of a flight school Content preparation for online promotion is co- financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund. www.eu-skladi.si...
Slovenija, Kranj
... sunlight. With that, paragliders became interested in the Oudie platform. Then a large battery and sensors that detect vertical speed were added. We diversified into the paragliding market with that. First in-house development in the company was done when Naviter diversified into hang gliding, creating the Blade instrument. At present we employ 14 people. We invest heavily in creating seamless...
... cellists, electric violins…First and foremost, we meet the needs of end users and musicians. In addition, the possibility of a guarantee and obtaining additional or spare parts. The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.

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