... centered on sketching each design by hand. The sexy cut, fashionable design and exceptional craftsmanship has definitely struck a chord with a huge clientele. In the other words, it’s not hard to identify Milenika’s handmade footwear from anywhere. They have the signature black & white striped heels with hypnotic power. Milenika Shoes encompasses a variety of both women’s and men’s shoes. Most...
...- Laserbeschriftung mit Nd-YAG und CO2 - Etikettenherstellung auf PE- und Acrylatfolie - Mechanisches Gravieren und Teilen - Siebdruck von Hand und mit Maschinen - Tampondruck - Gleitschleifen und Polieren - Pulverbeschichtung - Spritz- und Handlackieren - Montage von Baugruppen - Komplettfertigung - Vorrichtungsbau...
Slovenija, Gomilsko
Our company Fiš d.o.o. was build in 1977. We are manufacturing oil and gas burner products. However we are specialized in buying and selling tractor-heads, trucks, vans, cars and machines of second-hand. We have been on the worldwide market since 1999. We often have more than 100 vehicles in stock. If your request is not satisfied you can ask for a quote. We are present in different sectors such...
... longer transport, which can lead to large temperature fluctuations. - whereas the flowers are harvested by hand, so only the most suitable shrubs are selected for each distillation, and so it can be stated with certainty that only the flowers have been distilled (a large percentage of green parts of the plant, grass, soil, and insects may be present in the machine harvest, grazing on lavender). - ECO certificate assures you that the quality of this product is exquisite.
Nemčija, Zeithain
...SCHUSTER – DER BIEGER Že 65 let je SCHUSTER „DER BIEGER“. Mi „BIEGEN, LASERN & SCHWEISSEN – ALLES AUS EINER HAND“ Vaše unikatne izdelke, prototipe in serije. Odlično kakovost dosegamo s svojim dolgoletnim znanjem, kompetencami in ustvarjalnostjo. MI BIEGEN Cevi, profile in posebne profile iz vseh materialov, primernih za hladno upogibanje, s premerom od 4 do 324 mm. Za upogibanje z jedrom in...
Slovenija, Slovenske Konjice
Company Trgopek is a family business with the aim of producing a line with which it will take part in the baking, glass and iron idustry. Our basic activity is production and supplying bakeries with durable goods.Our line and product involve a wide range of quality products, among which we would especialy like to mention protection gloves, bread baskets, hand peels and many more. High quality products, punctuality in meeting deadlines and recognising the needs of costumers are the characteristics of our business with which we fulfil the needs and expectations of customers.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... stepping into one of our stores you will step into a magical dream or in a fairytale where you will enjoy warm welcome and service and will pamper you senses with the broad variety of nourishing spa products with exquisite scents. All of our cosmetic products, soaps and candles are hand made. All are manufactured with love and care in our own factories where we use unique aromas and ingredients, gift...
Slovenija, Tržič
... and most reliable hand control on the market. 162 carefully designed or selected components = B.D.F. hand control. The hand controls are made of anodized aluminum and stainless steel. B.D.F. hand controls are available in different colors. Assembly or disassembly of the hand control does not leave any traces on the car.Expect only the best from us! We are looking for dealers for the sale and installation of our B.D.F. hand controls worldwide.
...-conditioning equipment including air ducts and ventilation systems following strict specifications and norms. We will always work to meet our customer's requirements. We work hand in hand with them to determine the best solutions according to their objectives and the space offered. We use the most modern equipment and accompany you in all the steps of your projects, from the planning to the final...
... from the tree cone, fruit or plant. An incredibly high level of detail, care, attention and time is devoted to every bottle produced, with each labelled and sealed by hand with the date of manufacture. The fact that the Krucefix range are living, natural products necessarily results in slight changes in colour, taste and aroma. All the ingredients used in spirits and liqueurs are locally sourced.It...
Slovenija, MARIBOR
... forklifts; repair and overhaul of gas appliances for all types of forklifts (IMPCO, LAVATO, Algas); installation of forklift tires (solid rubber); repair and sales of hand pallet trucks and their spare parts; repair of electric motors for forklifts; general repair diesel and gasoline engines for forklifts ; repair chargers for forklifts; restoration rod for forklifts; exhaust gas measurement; regulation of security checks for forklifts; renovation of all types of contactors brands: ISKRA INDOS, ALBRIGHT, and CABLEFORM; other services .
Slovenija, Koper
We sell ties that are 100% hand-made in Italy (0% elsewhere!), from the fabric (silk 100%) to the finishing. Amazing design and meticulous handicraftsmanship result in top quality ties. The producers are specialized workshops, some of whom work as contractors for top designer brands. These ties will satisfy men who look for elegance and style and are not willing to compromise with cheap quality...
Nemčija, Hiddenhausen
... vprašanja. Seveda naše partnerje tudi po vstopu na trg še naprej svetujemo in uresničujemo vaše individualne želje. Tudi manjše serije, npr. za testne trge, so vedno možne. FULL SERVICE - ALLES AUS EINER HAND Ponujamo vam obsežen paket celovitih storitev! Od razvoja do obsežnih logističnih storitev, lahko skoraj izpolnimo vsako željo. ZERTIFIZIERT NACH ISO 13485 Smo certificirani po ISO 13485. Ta...
Estonija, Tallinn
...).","Our company with help of local people carefully forage wild mushrooms and herbs by hand, this way the ecological purity of our raw materials is guaranteed.":"Naše podjetje s pomočjo lokalnih ljudi skrbno nabira divje gobe in zelišča ročno, s čimer je zagotovljena ekološka čistost naših surovin.","Location":"Lokacija","Raw materials are obtained in outlying Siberian areas, far away from urban civilization.":"Surovine pridobivamo v odročnih sibrskih predelih, daleč od mestne civilizacije."}...
Slovenija, Zrece
Slovenija, Ancaran/ancarano
This training program is based on the education of beauticians, aestheticians and hairdressers with the aim of gaining knowledge which is the extended hand of formal education, especially in the field of entrepreneurship. The training program is fully adapted to the business in beauty salons, spa centers and so that the training course participants acquire specific knowledge which can be used in...
... •Adjustable Connectors •Balcony and Stair Hand Rails •Balcony and Stair Hand Rails Supports •Balcony and Stair Hand Rails Accessoires Bertaş deluje v organizirani industrijski coni Ankara İvedik s svojim osebjem, specializiranim za industrijo nerjavnega jekla že 20 let. Naši izdelki so tudi nerjavne cevi, plošče, profili, palice, kotne železa, heksagoni in druge vrste. Intenzivno delamo na tem, da izpolnimo zahteve naših cenjenih strank na najhitrejši in najbolj natančen način.
Nizozemska, Nieuw Buinen
... iščejo vintage dragulje. Vintage ali second-hand oblačila umazana in stara? Sploh ne! Industrija second-hand in vintage oblačil ima za mnoge še vedno zastarelo podobo. Res je škoda! Vsak dan prejemamo najbolj edinstvene in lepe vintage in second-hand predmete. Kako zabavno je nositi nekaj, kar ne nosi vsakdo? Predmeti so pogosto visoke kakovosti, kar pomeni, da trajajo dlje in so popolni za drugo življenje. In kako zabavno je biti prijazen do okolja? Hitro modo je danes izjemno priljubljena, vendar ni trajnostna izbira. Z nakupom vintage ali second-hand oblačil prispevate k boljšemu okolju.
Združeno kraljestvo, Birmingham
Čistila za roke ponujajo široko izbiro sredstev za čiščenje rok in osebne zaščitne opreme za osebno in profesionalno uporabo po vsej Združeno kraljestvo. Na voljo so izdelki za razkuževanje rok na osnovi alkohola ter brezalkoholni izdelki, ki jih lahko kupite v večjih količinah iz širokega spektra znanih blagovnih znamk, da zadovoljite svoje potrebe in zahteve. Hand Cleaners deluje od leta 1991 in so strokovnjaki za higieno, ki svojim potrošnikom zagotavljajo kakovostno raven storitev.
Turcia, Istanbul
V skladu z našo misijo smo izvedli intenzivno raziskovalno in razvojno delo, da bi podprli duševni in kognitivni razvoj naših otrok. Leta 2017 smo uradno začeli s proizvodnjo naših prvih izdelkov, lesenih igralnih hišic. V tem procesu smo se preselili v našo delavnico na Triko industrijski coni, da bi odgovorili na naraščajoče povpraševanje strank zaradi 100-odstotne zadovoljstva strank. Nadaljuje...
Slovenija, Maribor
...We are specialized in production of decorative leather products for furniture and home decor, base in Maribor, Slovenia. Our products are made from finest Italian vegetable-tanned cow skin leathers, available in numerous colors and sizes. Biggest part of our production are leather pulls / handles. We are making them with great care, we hand-picked leather to make sure we offer you the best...
Dobre naprave, dobre cene, dobra storitev – to je geslo PTF. Kupujemo in prodajamo regionalno in po svetu dobre, mlade rabljene naprave za obdelavo kovin. Odstranjevanje materiala z nami je cenovno ugodno. PTF deluje na področju trgovine z rabljenimi napravami že več kot 20 let. Številne rabljene naprave imamo stalno na voljo. Poleg tega imamo dostop do še enega velikega bazena naprav. In če imat...
Nemčija, Rödermark
hand-made je že več kot 10 let neodvisen, močan in zanesljiv partner v tiskarski in oglaševalski industriji.
Nemčija, Gelenau
Vaš ponudnik rabljenih oblačil iz Saške. ZT Second Hand je podjetje, specializirano za zbiranje in prodajo rabljenih izdelkov, rabljenih oblačil, čevljev, igrač in podobnih tekstilnih izdelkov. Naša ponudba je večinoma sestavljena iz originalnih izdelkov, ki izhajajo iz presežkov, preostalih zalog in iztekajočih se modelov. Poleg tega ponujamo zbirne materiale, ki so bili zbrani po vsej državi (od vrat do vrat). Izvažamo po vsem svetu. Na željo strank razvrščamo glede na povpraševanje. Zaradi naših dolgoletnih izkušenj lahko zagotovimo visoko kakovost in zanesljivost.
Poljska, Kłodzko
Helping Hand Pomocna Dłoń je čistilna služba, ki pokriva območje Kłodzka in okolico do 50 km. Nudimo celovite storitve čiščenja hiš, stanovanj, pisarn, hotelov, zdravniških kabinetov, poslovnih prostorov in drugih na območju Kłodske doline. Zagotavljamo visoko kakovost storitev z uporabo najboljših sredstev in profesionalne opreme. Sodelujemo z individualnimi strankami ter podjetji, institucijami...
Belgija, Wavre
... omogočili izboljšanje učinkovitosti, angažiranje vaših potrošnikov in zagotavljanje odlične uporabniške izkušnje. Strokovnjaki Nice Hand so izkušeni v raziskovanju, analizi in ustvarjanju optimalnih spletnih strategij. Lahko vam pomagamo pri vašem digitalnem prizadevanju, vključno s spletnimi stranmi, spletnimi trgovinami, intranetnimi stranmi, ekstranetnimi stranmi, spletnimi storitvami, spletnimi aplikacijami in mobilnimi aplikacijami.
Združeno kraljestvo, Sheffield
Več kot petdeset let Crown Hand Tools izdeluje tradicionalna ročna orodja za obdelavo lesa. Ročno izdelana z najvišjo kakovostjo, je Crown našel popolno ravnotežje med tradicijo in inovacijami, kar naše orodje naredi tako lepo kot funkcionalno. Opremljeni z ročno kovačnico mojstra, Crown Hand Tools obdelujejo in brusijo orodja, kot so to počeli njihovi predniki, hkrati pa uporabljajo tudi sodobne procese in materiale, kot so kriogenika in prašna metalurgija.
Srbija, Beograd / Zemun
Gummi Baur Ihr Traditionsfamilienunternehmen in Mindelheim Fachhandel vor Ort ohne lange Wartezeiten breites Sortiment von delovnimi oblačili preko pasov do čevljev Familienunternehmen nun schon in der 3. Generation in Mindelheim aus einer Hand Beratung, Verkauf und Fertigung Unser Service - Unsere Firmenphilosophie stützt sich auf hohe Produktqualität und Zuverlässigkeit - Unsere große...
KOPF. HAND. WERK. Pri nas ste na pravem mestu, če potrebujete zmogljivega in zanesljivega partnerja za storitve. Naša ponudba: Visokokakovostne blago in storitve za industrijo, trgovino in obrt. - Pakiranje - Elektromontaže - Plastika brizganih delov - Plačano sortiranje - Plačano pakiranje majhnih delov - Montažna dela, montaže sklopov - Preverjanje po DGUV - Specializirano podjetje za...

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