Slovenija, Lasko
...Nano-quality processing of highly polished surfaces. The single crystal diamond is the perfect cutting tool for achieving highly polished and precise surfaces with a geometrically defined cutting tool. Obdelava visokopoliranih površin v nano kvaliteti. Monokristalni diamant je odlično rezilno orodje za doseganje visokopoliranih in natančnih površin z geometrijsko določenim rezilnim orodjem.
...rendendolo ideale per sostanze sensibili alla luce come oli essenziali, sieri, profumi e altri prodotti per la cura della pelle o l'aromaterapia. Il colore ambrato scuro aiuta a preservare la potenza e l'integrità del contenuto bloccando la luce dannosa. I flaconi sono dotati di contagocce assemblati, comodi e facili da usare. I contagocce sono progettati per erogare liquidi in modo controllato, consentendo misurazioni precise e prevenendo gli sprechi.
Nemčija, Köln
... designed to be fastened with 2 screws. A precise alignment of the bearing housing is not required as the spherical bearing automatically compensates for error.":"Namestitev igubal® ležaji s podložko so zasnovani za pritrditev z 2 vijakoma. Natančna poravnava ohišja ležaja ni potrebna, saj sferični ležaj samodejno kompenzira napako.","When rotation speeds in excess of 0,5 m/s should be implemented...
Portugalska, Montemor-O-Novo
...Silicone molds are essential tools in the world of sculpture and reproduction of pieces. They allow you to create precise copies of sculptures, decorative objects and other items. Here is some information about silicone molds: Molds are used to create copies of the original wax sculptures. Silicone molds are made from a flexible and malleable material such as silicone rubber from an original...
Italija, Ponte Trebbia, Calendasco
... rovesciati. Realizzati in acciaio di alta qualità per garantire durata e precisione. •Matrici: Offriamo un'ampia gamma di matrici standard, tra cui matrici a T, matrici a inserto e matrici 2V. Le nostre matrici sono realizzate con tolleranze strette per garantire piegature precise e uniformi.
Slovenija, Postojna
...The XPX-LINE model is a highly precise and powerful 3-axis CNC machine, specifically designed for machining soft materials such as plastics, aluminum, and various composites. It is equipped with components from leading manufacturers, including HIWIN for linear technology and DELTA for motion control, ensuring durability and excellent performance. User-Friendly control program UCCNC makes operating the machine exceptionally simple and easy.
Združeno kraljestvo, Halifax
... pour cartographier les contours du terrain et les caractéristiques existantes afin de faciliter la planification de l'itinéraire et les modifications nécessaires pour les projets de transport de charges exceptionnelles et de poids lourds. Les données recueillies par nos soins à partir des visites de sites et de l'analyse de la trajectoire de balayage, couplées aux données recueillies lors des relevés topographiques, fournissent l'indication la plus précise des besoins en terrains de tiers, de l'élargissement des routes ou des points de pincement le long de l'itinéraire.
Nemčija, Kernen
...Popravimo vretena naslednjih proizvajalcev: Blombach Bridgeport Capellini Deuschle DMG Fadal Faemat Fischer Fortuna Gamfior Grob Heller Henninger HS-Tec Ibag IMT Jukomet Jung Kessler Lidköpping Mikron Mori Seiki Omlat Precise Reckerth Renaud Siemens SKF SLF SNK SPL Steptec Tacchella Unior UVA Voumard Weiss...
Slovenija, Bostanj
...PLH88 system is designed for professional evaluation of hearing protection devices (earplugs, ear mufflers) and the determination of the hearing threshold of humans according to ISO 4869-1 and ISO 4869-2. The measuring system is a coordinated and precise operation of hardware and software that ensures accuracy and ease of use when measuring, storing data and generating reports. It is supported by an user-friendly interface that gives you a seamless and efficient procedure when testing all types of hearing protection devices.
Švica, Alpnach
AUROVIS združuje kompetence robotike in industrijske obdelave slik v modularne, inovativne avtomatizacijske rešitve. Dosežene izboljšave učinkovitosti in kakovosti prinašajo našim strankam trajnostno rast in uspeh. AUROVIS avtomatizacijske rešitve omogočajo, da se delovna mesta in procesi iz držav z nizkimi plačami ponovno vrnejo. Produkti: - AUROVIS-Line: Inteligentna avtomatizacijska platfor...
Francija, Saint-Germain-En-Laye
... konstrukciji. Kapaciteta vezave: 111 listov Kazalnik premera vezave, ki ga je treba uporabiti Nastavljiva papirna opora Enostavno dostopen predal Ohišje iz litine aluminija Mehanizem perforacije iz nerjavečega jekla Stroj za kovinsko vezavo RAPIDE PRECISE EFFICACE Lastnosti stroja za vezavo Karo 40Pro GBC A4 vezava Ø 4.8 do 14.3 mm Dimenzije (mm): 420 x 305 x 190 Delovna širina: 340 mm Metoda perforacije / vezave: Ročna / Ročna stiskalnica Korak: 3.1 – 34 zank Kapaciteta vezave: 11 listov A4 Vezava Ø 4.8 do 14.3 mm Delovna širina: 340 mm Perforacija: Kvadratna – 15 listov 80 g A4 Teža: 11 kg...
...steril, 25 sponk (ukrivljenih) (12 kosov) ArtikelnrDMM DS-25 Sistem Precise™ DS (ukrivljen) ponuja vse prednosti zaklepanja kože: hitrost, varnost, dobro prenašanje, dobre estetske rezultate, zmanjšano tveganje za okužbe, enostavno odstranjevanje sponk.
Nemčija, Leinfelden-Echterdingen
...Kompaktna vretena z asinhronim motorjem za mikron obdelavo s hitrostjo do 60.000 vrt./min. Zaradi razporeditve ležajev se lahko PRECISE SC3162 uporablja za lahke frezarske in vrtalne aplikacije ter tudi za aplikacije brušenja. Vretena niso na voljo v spletni trgovini, vendar sprejemamo povpraševanja po vretenih. Spodaj na tej strani so navedeni razpoložljivi dodatki in perifernih naprave.
... una maggiore sensibilità rispetto alle tecniche spettroscopiche convenzionali. ETG QE-PAS utilizza un laser come sorgente luminosa, eliminando le interferenze. Sono possibili misure precise nel range ppb e anche ppt, implementando algoritmi al segnale grezzo. Sappiamo quanto sia importante avere uno strumento facile da usare, intuitivo e veloce da imparare. ETG Risorse e Tecnologia dota i propri analizzatori di un monitor touchscreen e di un'interfaccia intuitiva. Basta un dito per accedere a tutte le sue funzioni. ETG QE-PAS è accessibile da remoto in tutto il mondo.
Avstrija, Wels
....":"EPDM tesnilo.","Installation must be carried out according to our instructions.":"Namestitev je treba izvesti v skladu z našimi navodili.","Every HAGODECK Type BVHS cover comes with a set of lifting keys and precise installation instructions.":"Vsak pokrov HAGODECK tipa BVHS je opremljen s kompletom ključev za dviganje in natančnimi navodili za namestitev.","For use in vehicle traffic areas in...
Belgija, Zellik
...Les plates-formes de pesée de la série IF sont des bascules surbaissées disponibles avec différentes dimensions, versions, étendues de pesée et résolutions. Elles sont équipées de capteurs de pesage à jauges de contrainte d'une résolution extrêmement précise. Elles peuvent être configurées comme appareils à haute résolution (15.000d ou 30.000d), ou bien pour l'usage en métrologie légale (1 x...
Francija, Thann
...ManuLine se spécialise dans la conception de solutions de vidange rapides et sécurisées pour les conteneurs souples tels que les Big Bag et les G.R.V.S, visant à prévenir les pertes de matière. La station pour vidanger les conteneurs souples à vanne diaphragme permet une régulation précise et aisée du flux lors de la vidange. Cette station permet également le remplacement du Big Bag en cours de...
Turcia, Mersin
...Z type bucket elevator is used for highly precise vertical transportation of all types of granular products. They are the most suitable carriers, especially in the seed sector. Low power allows to save money thanks to high efficiency technology. It is manufactured as C and Z types.
Italija, Desio
...Il marcatore Inkjet da tavolo JetBox-700 è un esclusivo marcatore a getto d’inchiostro desktop che utilizza la tecnologia Tij 2.5 per offrire marcature precise e affidabili su un’ampia gamma di substrati. Sia che tu stia marcando imballaggi di prodotti, etichette o altri materiali, Packin Jetbox-700 è una scelta eccellente per chiunque cerchi un marcatore a getto d’inchiostro di alta qualità...
Južna Koreja, Seongnae-Ro 6-Gil, Gangdong-Gu, Seoul
...{"1. Features":"1. Značilnosti\nNa voljo so dodatni visoko zmogljivi dodatki za priročne aplikacije\n- Protivratni ventili\n- Filterna noga\n- Priključki z obroči, T-ji, kolena\n\n2. Precise Valve Structure\nStopnja natančnosti je maksimalno povečana, saj je v strukturi ventila sprejeta dvojna kroglica ali tip s pomladnim vložkom\n\n3. Gas Locking Prevention\n- Oblika tekočega konca zmanjšuje mrtvi prostor.\n- Ventil za odvajanje zraka je lahko na voljo za plinasto tekočino. (opcijska postavka za KS 51~32)\n\nBrand Name: CHEONSEI IND. CO., LTD.\nOrigin: Južna Koreja"}...
Belgija, Auvelais (sambreville)
...Fraiseuse à batteries pour l'usinage d'entailles pour "biscuits", idéale pour la réalisation rapide et simple d'assemblages d'équerre, en T ou d'onglet à fixation invisible. Butée d'équerre à réglage à crémaillère pour une adaptation rapide et précise à l'épaisseur des pièces à joindre lors de l'assemblage de pièces d'épaisseur différente. Distance standard de 10mm entre le centre de la rainure...
Kovinski izdelki Hrast d.o.o. is a company that can be qualified as a development supplier. When it was founded in 1985, we were based in Borjana. Since 2012, we are based in Breginj due to our increasing activity. We manufacture and supply CNC turned parts and machined components. Our skilled workforce, our precise work, our experience and the high quality of our products explains how Kovinski...
...At AB ANDOLŠEK ALEŠ CNC INŽENIRING S.P., based in Slovenia, we excel in precise milling and CNC processing. Our 3- and 5-axis simultaneous CNC machining centers with CAD/CAM software - Mastercam experts deliver high-quality precise parts for control lines, assembly, robotics and more. Specializing in medical, electronic, automotive, aerospace and industrial sectors, we offer advanced custom parts, working with aluminium alloys, plastic, metal and steel. By client's request we do surface treatments. ...
Slovenija, Skofljica
...MOH DOO is a European CNC engineering workshop specializing in the precise processing of high-quality components and prototypes for automotive, agricultural and hydraulic industries. In addition, we manufacture custom parts for the aerospace&defence, automotive lightning, and motorsport industry. As MOH DOO, we offer CNC milling services in the most modern, high-precision 5-axle and 3-axle CNC...
Slovenija, Medvode
HIT PRELESS - HOTEL AND OBJECT FURNISHING Our common path to perfect furnishings EXPERIENCED, PRECISE, RELIABLE Our carpentry company has a state-of-the-art machine park for wood processing, its own upholstery shop and an innovative engineering office in the area of factory planning and project management. Our loyal employees follow the philosophy of the company HIT PRELESS and have been there...
Machine processing. We specialise in precise machine processing and production of productswith modern CNC milling and turning machines out of all types of commonly used materials(steel, stainless steels, aluminium, bronze, brass...) according to your plans. Our services arebased on the quality of products, high production rate and delivery in due time. We offer:CNC turning, CNC milling, drilling...
Slovenija, Ravne
... precise processing of steel products. From the very beginning, we have intensively invested in technological equipment to maintain the highest level of quality. We also take care of customer satisfaction after performing the service for them, as we believe that only through close cooperation can we achieve the highest level of quality and satisfaction. Quality assurance and environmental protection...
Slovenija, Žužemberk
...white goods, control systems, medical technology, temperature protection of electric motors and transformers, and many other devices and machines. The development of our products takes place in close cooperation with customers. Together we develop quality and technologically advanced solutions. Stelem products are distinguished by proven top quality, which is achieved through precise manufacturing...
Francija, Peillonnex
...Ustanovljeno leta 1971, podjetje PRECISE FRANCE SA se ukvarja z uvozom, prodajo in vzdrževanjem visokohitrostnih elektrobroš na Francoskem, blagovnih znamk PRECISE, FISCHER in SYCOTEC. S pomočjo teh treh podjetij PRECISE FRANCE SA pokriva hitrostni razpon od 0 do 160.000 vrt/min in moč od 125 W do 100 kW. PRECISE FRANCE SAS je specializirano za vse, kar zadeva obdelavo pri visokih hitrostih...
Nemčija, Ostfildern
HESTGO GmbH, član ITS skupine, češke delniške družbe, predstavlja različna podjetja v DACH regiji, med katerimi so HESTEGO a.s., KSK Precise Motion a.s. in IDEAL-Trade Service spol. s.r.o. HESTGO zaščitne prevleke za stroje se proizvajajo v Vyskovu, Češka, in nudijo prilagojeno zaščito za različne komponente strojev, kot so vodila, vodilne tirnice, stebri in prečne grede. Poleg obdelave...
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