Združeno kraljestvo, Manchester
...Provider Europe ponuja odlične blagovne znamke baterij DDP z več kot 500 različnimi izdelki, prepričani smo, da imamo prave izdelke za vaše podjetje in stranke. Oglejte si naš celoten spekter baterij in povezanih izdelkov v naši spletni trgovini. https://providereurope.com/en-gb/collections/batteries...
...Working at height can be very difficult with inappropriate equipment; therefore, it is not wise to do it on your own. We are a provider of height works with many years of experience, with our own top-quality equipment for height work (safety belt, ropes, work baskets, ladders, scaffolding, lifts and other equipment). Leave window cleaning, tree felling, roof cleaning and similar height work to our experts. Various height works; pruning and felling trees; height installation works; street lighting; lighting of sports facilities.
Belgija, Pont-À-Celles
...Od svojega nastanka Uniwan daje prednost partnerstvu z: svojimi strankami, svojimi dobavitelji in drugimi akterji v informacijski tehnologiji, v sinergiji, na projektih. Danes je Uniwan močno investirala v izjemno rešitev PSA (Professional Service Automation), kar je ekvivalent ERP-ju, posebej namenjenemu delu podpore informacijski tehnologiji, da ponudi storitev MSP (Managed Services Provider...
Južna Koreja, Seongnae-Ro 6-Gil, Gangdong-Gu, Seoul
...://cnanfc.com","CNA CO., Ltd":"CNA d.o.o.","FOD : Do not respond light or unnecessary moving while driving":"FOD: Ne odzivajte se na svetlobo ali nepotrebno gibanje med vožnjo.","Easy Pick-up : When electricity cut off, XV-320 opens its wing.":"Enostavno prevzemanje: Ko pride do izpada električne energije, XV-320 odpre svoja krila.","CNA Co., Ltd is a provider of innovative smartphone cradles. The...
Nemčija, Krefeld
... podatkov, popravke, posodobitve, vzdrževanje, popravila ali varnostne kopije. Z Vemas.Cloud se lahko popolnoma osredotočite na svoje ključne procese in stranke. V sodelovanju z našim partnerjem I/P/B/ Internet Provider Berlin vam nudimo delovanje in vzdrževanje Vemas.NET na enem mestu!
Portugalska, Oeiras
... upravljanje projektov. Nazadnje je bila XPM prvič odobrena s strani Project Management Institute (PMI) kot Registered Education Provider leta 2008. Formati tečaja certificiranja CAPM PMI Tečaj certificiranja CAPM – Certified Associate in Project Management je na voljo v treh formatih: prisotno, virtualno in e-učenje. Tako se lahko udeležite enega naših tečajev Certified Associate in Project Management...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Iskra is a globally recognized provider of intelligent Industrial solutions and cutting-edge electrotechnical products. We are inspired by tradition. Enlightened by professional knowledge and motivated by know-how. With Iskra you will be able to improve existing applications and introduce new technologies in following strategic business areas: Energy sector Electrotechnical components Efficient...
... became a leading provider of industrial solutions. Our customers come from different fields such as automotive, electro, white goods, hydraulic, pneumatic and machine building industries. We use a wide variety of materials : stainless steel, aluminium, carbon and hardened steel or brass for example. We are also specialized in plating, heat treatment and griding. We develop products based on...
Slovenija, Krsko
We are a global provider of air filtration systems, technological equipment for quarries and separations, equipment for the insulation materials industry, equipment for glass furnaces and equipment for the transport and storage of powder materials. We produce comprehensive and innovative turnkey solutions for our customers. The development of solutions takes place in close cooperation with the...
Slovenija, Ilirska Bistrica
... maintenance on the assets of the company to make sure that both - the drivers and customers are safe. On top of that, Laris sees itself as a sustainable transport provider who takes care of the environment. Most of the vehicles in the driving park have Euro 5 and Euro 6 type of engines, which are recognized to be highly environmentally friendly. Another great asset of Laris are their drivers. Most...
Slovenija, Ajdovščina
... shirts and working suits. In the future, the company aims to further increase innovation as its long-term plan is to transform from manufacturer of fabrics to provider of various services using innovative materials. The company has two divisions. Tekstina Fashion provides it customers with unique and innovative products which are developed in accordance with the latest fashion trends. Tekstina...
Slovenija, Velenje
... provider of educational products, toys and play toys in Slovenia. We focus on business excellence and new ideas. The society keeps forgetting that children are our biggest treasure. We are aware of that and we make toys from various materials which are nature friendly and children friendly. This way we provide comfortable living and playing to children. AJA LINA PRODUCT CATALOGUE 2019 http://online.fliphtml5.com/kcvz/kbtn/ Aja-Lina web side has been produced in Slovenia and was co-funded by Republic Slovenia and the European Union from European Regional Development Fund. http://www.eu.skladi.si ...
Slovenija, Jesenice Na Dolenjskem
...we expanded our scope by expanding into a production program of plastic product through the purchase of 3D metal printer (EOS M280). This was a huge milestone for the company as we became the only provider of this service in Slovenia and the west part of Ex-Yugoslavia. In 2019, we expanded even further, we added a brand-new facility to our arsenal and are now operating on more than 3000 square...
Slovenija, Murska Sobota
REFLEKS SERVIS is a leading regional provider in the field of metal-glass products for facades and interiors of modern buildings and buildings in need of renovation. We advise you in the selection and implementation of all our products: 1. Supply and installation of ALU-glass parts of buildings: facades (classic, structural, semi-structural), glass roofs, custom winter and smoking gardens...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Iskra is a globally recognized provider of intelligent Industrial solutions and cutting-edge electrotechnical products. Strategic business areas: - Energy sector - Electrotechnical components - Efficient installations - Traffic - Telecommunications - Security, supply and facility management Our solutions: ENERGY SECTOR: - Power System Protection and Control - Power and Industrial Automation...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
LEOSS d.o.o. is a major provider of auto identification and data collection hardware, software, accessories, labels and solutions with over two decades of experience in the AIDC market and over 3.000 customers. We constantly focus on providing the total package for our Customers. Divided into departments such as Labeling, Identification, Mobile Computing, Accessories and Solutions, LEOSS provides...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... help you to focus on your core business 5. Reduce your cost by 50% and time to go to market by 40% to 60% What We Do We are a custom software service provider focused on web applications using Ruby on Rails, PHP and mobile applications on iOS, Android. We also provide support to our clients in front-end design. Ruby on Rails framework involves rapid development cycle and a strong ecosystem. You can get a lot of things done in a very limited time and budget. This is especially helpful for fast growing startups.
Slovenija, Žužemberk
...careful processing and control at various stages of production. Most of the production is fully automated, and certain operations are still performed manually. We are focusing our development on sustainable solutions for a green future, which is why we are also entering the field of electromobility and smart homes with our products. The values that connect our employees are a guarantee of our mission as a global provider of smart and sustainable solutions. The preparation of Stelem's presentation at Europages was co-financed by EU funds (www.eu-skladi.si). ...
Slovenija, Mežica
Isomat has been a leading provider of tailored insulation solutions for the European market since 1992. With highly customizable insulation solutions, we successfully serve insulations specialist with tailor-made solutions for HVAC, industrial and OEM settings. How we help: 1. Specialization in CNC forming (2- and 3-dimensional) and further processing of various insulation materials - such as...
Slovenija, Grosuplje
Company Medas is a full - service and costumer focused logistic provider of innovative supply chain services and integrated logistic solutions. Medas provides total value chain solutions, from orders to fulfillment. Our supply chain solutions have been specially engineered to improve flexibility and reduce risk for its clients. We can improve customer satisfaction, decrease costs and reduce...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
HPE D.O.O. searches and provides energy efficient solutions of compressed air in all industries. HPE is known as total compressed air audit solutions provider, including project, delivery, installation and maintenance of compressed air systems. One part of HPE is covering also measuring, registration and control equipment for temperature, flow, level and pressure. We are distributor of the...
Združeno kraljestvo, Darlington
Smo najljubši ponudnik usposabljanja za frizerstvo, brivstvo in lepoto v Združenem kraljestvu. Že več kot 20 let nudimo ODLIČNE frizerske, lepotne in brivske štipendije vajencem in salonu po vsej Angliji. Kleek štipendije so mnogi označili za najboljšega ponudnika usposabljanja v državi, saj smo dosegli oceno OFSTED Outstanding Provider z vsemi enicami med inšpekcijo in bili nagrajeni kot...
Združeno kraljestvo, Westcliff-On-Se
Podjetje Service Provider Limited Company se posveča zagotavljanju najboljših kakovostnih izdelkov in storitev našim strankam ter sodelovanju na globalnem trgu in iskanju boljših partnerstev za povečanje našega tržnega deleža. Z našimi dolgoletnimi izkušnjami pri dobavi izdelkov po vsem svetu smo spoznali, da je zadovoljstvo strank naša najpomembnejša prednostna naloga, in to smo si prizadevali ohranjati že desetletja, saj lahko zagotavljamo vrhunske izdelke po najboljših možnih cenah.
Portugalska, Guimaraes
...Cables Systems Provider (CSP) je specializiran za razvoj in proizvodnjo prilagojenih rešitev sistemov kablov za tržne niše v avtomobilski industriji (avtobusi; karavane; tovornjaki; električna vozila; čolni) in vse ustrezne povezane/novonastajajoče trge. CSP je začel delovati oktobra 2010, pri čemer se lahko pohvali z več kot 15-letnimi izkušnjami in ozadjem v nemškem multinacionalnem podjetju za...
Nemčija, Lüdenscheid
Lasertechnologie Winter GmbH - Specialist for lasers and laser technology. With over 30 years of experience as a manufacturer of laser systems and service provider in the laser technology field, we are one of the pioneers in this area and have extensive experience and corresponding know-how for various challenges. As a specialist in laser processing of surfaces, we played a significant role in...
Nemčija, Marburg
... Logistics vas svetuje in podpira pri oblikovanju vaše logistične obdelave znotraj farmacevtske in biotehnološke industrije. Logistika za farmacevtsko industrijo Pharmaserv Logistics kot Lead Logistics Provider: farmacevtska logistika in rešitve za predprodajo. Zračni transporti Od izbire primernega zračnega prevoznika, priprave tovornega lista do prevoza do letališča, pri Pharmaserv Logistics prejmete...
Avstrija, Vienna
...#smeloanlender, #realestateloan, #realestateloanlenders, #realestateloancompanies, lease sblc providers, genuine sblc provider, top sblc provider, leasing sblc, Real SBLC Providers worldwide, real estate loan, real estate loan lenders, real estate loan companies, commercial real estate loan, lease bg, lease bg providers, lease bank guarantee provider, top Bank Guarantee Providers, lease bank guarantee providers, genuine bank guarantee provider, international bank guarantee providers...
Nemčija, Wilnsdorf
... mehanizirano plazemsko rezanje za debeline rezanja do 65 mm. Na začetku je bil uveden sistem 105 A, kasneje so se pridružili še sistemi 65 in 85 A. V naslednjem letu bodo na trg prišli dodatni sistemi med 30 in 125 A. S to nadaljnjo razvojem se je Thermacut še bolje prilagodil zahtevam svojih mednarodnih strank in postal celovit OEM. Prepoznavanje teh nenehnih sprememb je pomembno. Zato je skupina Thermacut modernizirala svoj logotip, spremenila svoj slogan v "The Cutting Company" in ponovno opredelila svojo vizijo z "Global Provider of Thermal Cutting Technology".
Nemčija, Düsseldorf
... kot "nadomestna naložba" (tj. obnova obstoječega sistema) dosežejo amortizacijo v 3-5 letih. Značilna dodana vrednost naših sistemov je, da imajo manjše obveznosti glede preverjanja v skladu z 42. BImSchV in VDI 2047, del 2. Kot "Turnkey Provider" za naše stranke razvijamo celovite sisteme, ki so dostavljeni in nameščeni "iz enega vira". Od načrtovanja sistema do montaže in usklajevanja izvedbe...
Združeno kraljestvo, Harlington
Smo neposredni ponudnik za izdajo BG/SBLC/MTN prek HSBC London/Barclays ali katerega koli drugega AA ali najbolje ocenjenega banke v Evropi, na Bližnjem vzhodu ali v ZDA. Naš bančni instrument se lahko uporablja za PPP trgovanje, diskontiranje, podpis projektov, kot so letalstvo, kmetijstvo, nafta, telekomunikacije, gradnja jezov, mostov, nepremičnin in vseh vrst projektov. Prav tako nudimo financ...
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