Slovenija, Krmelj
Druzina Vidmar je dejavna v gostinstvu že več kot 45 let. Zaradi skupne strasti do zdravega načina življenja smo razvili lokalne, ekološke in vegansko pridelane testenine iz različnih mok, ki ne povzročajo utrujenosti in "kipenja tvojega trebuščka". Naše poslanstvo je osveščanje ljudi o zdravem načinu življenja preko zdrave prehrane, zdravih receptov, ekologije in hkrati izpolnjevanje želja naših...
Slovenija, Rence
Since 1991, we have been engaged in the implementation of compleate logistics solutions, currently covering with our two branches port of Koper and port of Rijeka, and soon we will also be present in Trieste, and with an international agent network we cover the whole world. We are primarily specialize in the following areas: • customs brokerage for all types of procedures for all types of goods ...
BSource provides you with a complete solution in the area of ​​product creation, sourcing and branding from start to finish. Our services :1.PRODUCT -Product manufacturing -Product design -Product development -Product packaging -Branding-product branding 2.SERVICE -Sourcing suppliers and manufacturers -Quality control of the product -Production control -Packaging control 3.IMPORT-EXPORT OF PRODUCT...
Slovenija, Maribor
Intrade d.o.o. is a leading Slovenian wholesaler in the consumer electronics and home appliances market by selling world-renowned brands such as Samsung, Bosch, LG, Sony, Dyson, Fitbit, Gorenje, Apple, WT2 Plus etc. We are focused on wholesale in foreign and domestic markets. We are located in Maribor, Slovenia in our brand new building designed to offer highest standard working place for our empl...
Slovenija, Aerodrom
We are the leading Distributor , Institution Sales Exporter of Branded FMCG with products ranging from : Lavazza Coffee beans, Illy Coffee, Dallmayr coffee, L'or coffee caps, Nescafe, Jacobs Kronung Instant Coffee, Instant & Ground Coffee, Tassimo Costa Americano Coffee, Nestle Coffee-Mate, Food Products, Beverages , Home Care Products, Personal Care Products etc. Please contact us for short and ...
Slovenija, Vodice
...Prevozniška družba je podjetje, ki organizira prevoz med dvema podjetjema ali posamezniki. Tukaj pri Seršen transportu nudimo mednarodno prevozništvo iz/do Slovenije. Ne skrbite, poskrbimo za celoten postopek, kot je priprava vse potrebne dokumentacije za uvoz in izvoz blaga ter shranjevanje vašega tovora v varno suho skladišče. To vključuje vso potrebno dokumentacijo, da se tovor lahko izvozi...
Slovenija, Šempeter Pri Gorici
...Smo pooblaščeni za carinsko posredovanje, svetovanje in davčno zastopanje v carinskih postopkih za izvoz, uvoz in tranzit blaga.
Slovenija, Stranice
...Za prevoz večjih tovorov priporočamo možnost popolnega tovornega prevoza. Popolni tovor omogoča največjo tovorno površino in kapaciteto. POPOLNI TOBAK Prevoz popolnega tovor je naše osnovno poslovanje, ki nam omogoča, da se tako časovno kot transportno popolnoma prilagodimo zahtevam strank. O ZBIRNEM PREVOZU MANJŠIH POŠILJK Glavna prednost tega prevoza je, da omogoča uvoz in izvoz manjših...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
GEAPRODUKT d.o.o. je družinsko podjetje, ustanovljeno 1.3.1990, specializirano za trženje sadja in zelenjave. Svoje funkcije in poslanstvo opravljamo iz treh poslovnih centrov v Sloveniji: Ljubljana, Ankaran in Maribor; V Italiji iz Verone in v Španiji iz Barcelona. Za svoje delovanje uporabljamo tudi storitve Luke KOPER. Naše glavne storitve so: 1. uvoz in izvoz sadja in zelenjave, 2. oskrba...
Slovenija, Mengeš
Podjetje DFVU je spletni trgovec iz Slovenije, ki omogoča nakup artiklov po veleprodajnih cenah za podjetja. Svojim poslovnim partnerjem omogočamo širok nabor preko 600 različnih izdelkov v kategorijah: Dom in vrt, Mame in otroci, Vse za avto, HIšni ljubljenčki, Kuhinja, Lepota in zdravlje, Modni dodatki, Oblačila in obutev, Orodje, Potrošniški material, Šport in prosti čas in zabavna elektronik...
Slovenija, Šentjernej
We have five decades of globally recognized experience in the production of thick-film hybrid circuits, pressure sensors, custom-made products and medical devices. We provide a full range of services covering processes from development to series production to create custom products based on our customer’s needs. The hybrid technology used in the HYB manufacturing process combines different technol...
Slovenija, Maribor
Uvoz in izvoz šivalnih strojev za gospodinjstvo, kakor šivalni pribor. Zastopamo svetovno znane blagovne znamke šivalnih strojev Pfaff, Husqvarna Viking, Bagat, Carina, Gritzner. Prodaja šivalnih strojev - izvoz šivalnih strojev in pripomočkov za šivanje. Pri nas lahko dobite stroje za gospodinjsko uporabo, šivalne stroje, overlock stroje, coverlock, šivalno-vezilne stroje in vezilne stroje.
Slovenija, Vipava
We are dedicated to growing high quality grafted vines, a specialized grapevine - growing cooperative Trsnica Vrhpolje was founded in 1994 and today consists of 50 members. Independent, but closely cooperating with Trsnica, Selekcijsko trsničarsko središče Vrhpolje grows virus-free clonal planting material. It has been in this field of work since its foundation in 1991. Selekcijsko trsničarsko sre...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
PANDASSPOT.COM is an online apparel distributor for the business-to-business market that currently provides appeal for well-known Slovenian businesses including PIRNAR, ELEKTRO GORENJSKA, FROMITAS, MITRAS and numerous other smaller businesses. Our primary goal is to provide clothing and accessories at the greatest costs available, and we accomplish this by sending orders straight from factories o...
Slovenija, Maribor
Extra Forge d.o.o. is a service-oriented company, headquarteded in Maribor, Slovenia, specializing in serial die-forging of steel and aluminum, along with forging semi-finished products from copper, brass, and titanium alloys (0.05 kg to 8 kg). With a focus on high-tech manufacturing, we offer comprehensive services, quality production, and short lead times. Our advanced machinery and processes al...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
We raise your brand’s value in the eyes of your customers, employees, and business partners by creating made-to-wear customized promotional apparel that speaks your brand’s story. We create premium merch for B2B companies in any industry. From retail to forrest machinery - we serve a wide variety of clients. Gone are the days when simply printing your logo on a shirt was enough to make a statement...
Slovenija, Lendava
Podjetje HABCO je veletrgovinsko in svetovalno podjetje, ki je začelp z poslovnimi aktivnostmi še ko je bila ustanovljena prva družba HINCO. Po dolgoletnih delovnih izkušnjah na področju mednarodne trgovine in svetovalnih storitev, danes delimo osnovno dejavnost družbe na: - VELETRGOVINA ( paraffin, mazut, petrokemikalije, umetna gnojiva) - AGRO BROKER ( ječmen, pira, pšenica, koruta, grašek, pros...
Drugi izdelki
Plinski Kondenzat
Plinski Kondenzat
Slovenija, Ljubljana-Šentvid
Manzara in an European online shop that sells high quality fashion clothes and accessories. We have been working for many years to provide the best quality at the best prices. We sell mostly woman clothing, but have also a category for men and baby /children. You can everything you need for each season and each tastes.
Slovenija, Kamnik
Nektar Natura gostincem, hotelirjem in ostalim ponudnikom gostinskih storitev nudi celostne rešitve točenja pijač. Razvoj pijač in naprav za točenje pod eno streho nam omogočata ponudbo vrhunskih sveže pripravljenih pijač, ki jih za svoje goste natočite iz aparatov tako za hladne kot tople, po novem pa tudi (delno) zmrznjene napitke. V mednarodni ekipi vsakodnevno odgovarjamo na potrebe trga in us...
Slovenija, Slovenska Bistrica
Podjetje ArPoS International d.o.o. vam omogoča dostop do kakovostnih in cenovno dostopnih storitev in blaga kar nakazuje, da za profesionalno opremo ali storitev ne potrebujete zapraviti celega premoženja. Pokrivamo izredno širok spekter dejavnosti, pa naj bo to za domačo ali za profesionalno rabo. Naše rešitve in storitve so zaradi različnih področij delovanja zelo raznolike in se med seboj prep...
Slovenija, Šoštanj
TRGOVINA IRMAN MTP D.O.O is a family business based in Slovenia, with 60 years of tradition in designing, manufacturing, and selling high-quality personal protective equipment (PPE) for different types of use such as: metallurgy, welding, building, shipbuilding, and other industries. We specialize in manufacturing gloves from natural leather (velour, cattle skin, pig skin), textile, and aprons f...
Slovenija, Slovenska Bistrica
Company TRADING & CONSALTING, d.o.o. is an established family business whose roots go back to 1995. They have successfully used their experience and knowledge gained over the years and focused on the export of tools for the transformation of plastics and sheet metal and the export of adhesives for the manufacture of windows, metal parts for manufacture of radiators and metal parts for the manufact...
Slovenija, Markovci
We are a slowly growing company, which today has more than 80 employees, among whom the predominant personnel is technical, mainly electrical engineers, electrical technicians, electricians and fitters, who professionally and reliably perform work in our business and production premises and in the field at the customers. Our field of work is the automation of industrial systems in transport techn...
Slovenija, Murska Sobota
REFLEKS SERVIS is a leading regional provider in the field of metal-glass products for facades and interiors of modern buildings and buildings in need of renovation. We advise you in the selection and implementation of all our products: 1. Supply and installation of ALU-glass parts of buildings: facades (classic, structural, semi-structural), glass roofs, custom winter and smoking gardens, windo...
Slovenija, Trzin
Softproject is a Slovenian fast-growing distributor of accessories for mobile devices and technical aids. With over 30 years of experience, we constantly pursue network uniqueness, stylized and innovative products with which our customers complement and upgrade their own offer, with which enabling their customers to find a solution to even the most unusual desire within a diverse selection. Our o...
Slovenija, Radomlje
We are one of the few companies in Slovenia and in Europe with our own entire and high-quality supply chain for the production of teas, infusions and dietary supplements, from conceptualisation and development of recipes, laboratory testing of products, mixing of raw ingredients, to the packaging and graphic design of the final products. We established a highly efficient traceability system and ke...
Slovenija, Koper
Since our establishment we have been able to provide the best quality truffles to our costumers from all over the world. Gold Istra served the global cuisine with the best quality fresh truffles on the market, constantly focusing on the demands of our customers, who wish to be supplied with good quality fresh truffles, in a longer season, and with new delicacy species, that were unknown in the cul...
Slovenija, Maribor
Smo podjetje, ki se ukvarja z uvozom in izvozom steklenih okovij. Naši izdelki vključujejo vse, kar potrebuje steklarija: okovja za steklena vrata, drsna vrata, nadstreške, steklene ograje, tuš kabine, zložljiva drsna vrata in WC stene. Iščite naše izdelke na naši spletni strani:

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