Italija, Milano
...2 AUTOMATIC 665x540x510 13,5 L 54 kg 3000 W 220-240 Vac 1N 380-415 Vac 3N 50-60 Hz Automatic coffee and hot water portion control Bodywork all stainless steel, possibility of painted side panel (black / white / red) Stainless steel steam and water wands Coffee pre-infusion system and thermosiphon system Copper boiler (Cu 99.5) with anti-oxidation treatment The drip tray can be set on two different levels to accommodate different size of cups / glasses...
Združeno kraljestvo, Lymington
...Centralni Guy Control (CGC) se lahko uporablja z drogovi System 75 in System 100 za dosego brezprimernih enostavnosti, hitrosti in prilagodljivosti pri postavitvi. S prenosom nadzora s tremi kabli v roke ene osebe, CGC omogoča postavitev sistema drogov do 10 m le s 2 osebama, namesto običajnih 4. Tukaj je na voljo video, ki prikazuje uporabo CGC pri montaži droga SYSTEM 100.
Nizozemska, Zaltbommel
... oglasnih predmetov, električnih naprav in avtomobilskih delov. Laser power: 750 W Height control system: BCS100 Control system: FSCUT2000 Laser power control: Program Laser head: WSX XY Engine power: 750-1500 W Working area: 1300 x 2500 Additional gas: Kisik Electronics: Schneider Z Engine power W: 400 W Software: ZYPERN...
Slovenija, Bostanj
...Noise Protection System (NPS) with extremely precise sound reading keeps the saw performance under strict surveillance and checks whether it ids operating optimally. The product continuously communicates with the machine control system and uses fast adaptive algorithms to detect even the smallest anomalies in the sawing process. Before the quality of your product is affected, stopping the work process quickly, or reducing the feed speed, protects your saw from damage and noticeably extends its life span. ...
Slovenija, Krsko
...With various sensors, we provide feedback loops that allow us to automate the system. Digitization, however, represents a step towards modern management of control systems. Each of our systems is included in the customer's smart factory solution at the customer's request. We easily integrate our systems into your Industry 4.0 solution.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...Utilizing our trusted DBS Plus membrane system, our newest dome ensures low energy consumption and high energy efficiency. Incorporated in its design is the state-of-the-art DBS Smart dome system, which allows users to monitor and remote control the air dome from a tablet or smartphone. A special advantage of this advanced system is the snow defense mechanism, which ensures that there is as...
Slovenija, Markovci
...We have been active in the industrial automation segment for many years. We offer integrated digital system and process management services, i.e. control, system integration and support. In industrial automation, we follow the latest trends and needs in the market. We implement complete projects with the latest technology and tools on the market. We are a company that can carry out a project from conception to commissioning, whether it is automotive, logistics, process technology or automation of buildings.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...The supply of electrical energy occupies an important position in the life of modern society. Operation of commerce, industry, transport, health service and private household are all dependent on regular and dependable supply of electrical energy. The quality of supplied electrical energy also depends on information about the state of power system. A successful power system operation therefore requires the use of state-of-the-art secondary equipment, which enables protection, monitoring, supervision and control of individual devices as well as whole power system.
Cosylab je slovensko globalno tehnološko podjetje, ki razvija in integrira najsodobnejšo programsko opremo in elektroniko za najbolj kompleksne in napredne sisteme. Smo vodilni in največji na svetu v razvoju krmilnih sistemov za znanstvene in medicinske pospeševalnike delcev, fuzijske reaktorje, radijske teleskope, in "supermočne" laserje. Sodelujemo pri največjih mednarodnih projektih s področj...
Francija, Strasbourg
... prilagajanje, prokliv/decliv in ponastavitev. Dodatna kontrolna plošča nudi redundanco ukazov Vzmetnice so izdelane na osnovi tehnologije Tempur-Pedic®. Sistem "Advanced Control Pad System™" (ACP) stimulira točke pritiska med dolgimi posegi v ležečem položaju na trebuhu Olajša prehod iz hrbtne v trebuh Aplikacije: Laminektomije Dekompresije Osteotomije Spajanja spredaj/zadaj Kirurška korekcija deformacij Cervikalno spredaj in...
Italija, Cassola
...FCS (Fluid Control System) RAASM je integriran sistem, ki omogoča upravljanje in nadzor nad izpusti tekočin, ki se uporabljajo v avtoservisih. Zelo vsestranski in intuitiven, omogoča prilagojene konfiguracije, da se popolnoma prilagodi potrebam strank.
...The machine is with 8 disc brushes, roller brush, subwashing brush, rake brush with scraper. Control panel is manual, max. carpet width is 3000 mm, movement system is mechanical control, engine power is 14.77 kW, daily capacity is 1250 m2, belt speed is adjustable, washing speed is 0.5-1 m/min, material is galvanized, voltage is 380 V.
...{"Electrostatic Powder Coated Body":"Ohišje s elektrostatiko prašno prevlečeno","Electrical 2 Hotplates":"Električni 2 kuhalni plošči","Black":"Črna","Thermostat Control":"Nadzor s termostatom","FEATURES":"LASTNOSTI","Ignition System":"Sistem vžiga:","Type":"Vrsta:","Body Material":"Material ohišja:","Colors":"Barve:","1000 watt + 1500 watt":"1000 vatov + 1500 vatov","Model":"Model:","Hotplates":"Kuhalne plošče:","Tabletop":"Mizni","Ergonomic Design":"Ergonomska zasnova"}...
Ukrajina, Kiev
... foreseen":"- predviden je avtomatski sistem doziranja surovin","- humidity and temperature in the dryer are maintained automatically":"- vlažnost in temperatura v sušilniku se vzdržujeta avtomatsko","Control system":"Nadzorni sistem se izvaja s krmilnikom in DOTIKALNO PLOŠČO","Key features of the production line":"Ključne značilnosti proizvodne linije:","- bag tilting device":"- naprava za nagibanje...
Turcia, Adana
...1500 mm","18-Automatic Paper Tension Vector Control System":"18-Automatski sistem za nadzor napetosti papirja. (Blagovna znamka nadzornega sistema Unity, zavorni sistem Sia Mechatronic)","11-Paper Bobbin Lift Stand Width":"11-Širina stojala za dvig papirne bobine: 1500 mm","12-Automatic Edge Control":"12-Automatska kontrola roba (s senzorjem) premik papirne tuljave desno in levo (opcijsko)"}...
Slovaška, Malacky
... control panel, accurate correction program temperatures\n\nPLC nadzorni panel, natančno prilagajanje programskih temperatur\n\nthe unique design of the scaler and discs guarantees uniform mixing\n\nedinstvena zasnova merilnika in diskov zagotavlja enakomerno mešanje\n\nmanufacturing material AISI 304 or 316\n\nproizvodni material AISI 304 ali 316\n\nConstant viscosity glaze\n\nGlazura s konstantno...
...Mobilne dvigalne stebre od Stertil-Koni ponujajo obsežno uporabniku prijaznost in jih je mogoče po potrebi premikati po delavnici, ne da bi zasedale dragocen delovni prostor. Na voljo so v širokem spektru funkcij, do 32 mobilnih dvigalnih stebrov pa je mogoče povezati v en sklop in so popolnoma sinhronizirani. Z edinstvenim sistemom za nadzor na dotik Stertil-Koni EBRIGHT SMART CONTROL SYSTEM ima vsak dvigalni steber 7-palčni zaslon v polni barvi, na voljo je tudi različica s kablom, ki jo poganja visokokakovostni nadzorni sistem Stertil-Koni.
... Starting System Hitra kontrola / Speed Controller Zmogljivost rezanja / Cutting Capacity 18-28 m2/ Ura Sprememba glede na trdoto marmorja in diamantne žice 18-28 m2 / Hour Change by Marble Hardness and Diamond Wires Glava / Head 270o stopinj vrtenja z možnostjo 3-smernega rezanja 3 Ways Cutting Capacity with Rotating 270o Namestitev / Setup Hidravlične noge z joystick krmiljenjem Hydraulic Legs with Joystick Control Kapaciteta žice / Wire Capacity 80-140 mt Dimenzije / Dimensions 120 cm x 600 cm x 200 cm Teža / Weight 3.500 kg Lastnosti / Specification Premik jermena, ustavi se ob pretrganju žice, zagon...
Nemčija, Wildau
...Predelava in pakiranje","•,IP56 Control panel":"•,Nadzorna plošča IP56","•,Piston Homogenizer":"•,Pistonski homogenizator","•,Pasteurization Holding tubes":"•,Cevke za zadrževanje pasterizacije","•,Available documents up on your request I.Q (Installation qualification), O.Q Operational qualification), P.Q Performance qualification.":"•,Na voljo dokumenti na vašo zahtevo I.Q (kvalifikacija namestitve...
Nemčija, Karlsruhe
Cognex Corporation razvija, proizvaja in trži izdelke, ki temeljijo na industrijski obdelavi slik in strojom omogočajo "inteligentno vid". Ponudba podjetja Cognex vključuje bralnike črtnih kod, vizijske senzorje in vizijske sisteme, ki se uporabljajo po vsem svetu v proizvodnih obratih, skladiščih in distribucijskih centrih. Med aplikacijami so različne preizkusne, identifikacijske in nadzorne apl...
Finska, Naantali
Inovativne rešitve za pametno infrastrukturo. V Pusatec smo znani po naši vrhunski razvoju programske opreme in proizvodnji strojne opreme. V koreninah finskega obrtništva so naše inovativne rešitve za "Smart Storage", "Point of Sale", "Access Control" in "Public Transport" postavile standarde zanesljivosti v industriji. Ustanovljeni leta 2001, Pusatec Oy ohranja močno tradicijo finske strokovno...
Vaš partner za raznolike rešitve na področju valovitih cevi. WPS – Water Pipe System GmbH je bila ustanovljena 13.01.2011 v Vechti. Proizvodni in prodajni sedež je v podružnici v Rain am Lech / Bavarska. WPS proizvaja valovite cevne sisteme v preizkušeni konstrukciji kompozitnih cevi. Naš dobavni program vključuje med drugim drenažne cevi, cevi za odvodnjavanje, cevi za deževnico, odpadne cev...
Nemčija, Rehling
...Razvili smo Smart Control System za LED aplikacije, kjer je dosego natančnega, preverljivega rezultata ključno, kljub vsemu preprostosti.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Pharma Hemp d.o.o. is a leading company, specializing in a wide range of premium CBD and hemp-based products, based in Slovenia. With a strong commitment to quality and innovation, we have established ourselves as a trusted name in the industry in more than 65 countries all over the world. Our own laboratory, apart from serving as an internal quality-control system, also performs quantitative...
Slovenija, Ig Pri Ljubljani
... products, complemented by pre-casting services such as product design consultation, tool design, manufacturing and post-casting processes like trimming, sanding, deburring, grinding, CNC machining, washing, product assembly, measurements, quality control, packaging, and delivery. In addition to casting, we are involved in the production of various metal and plastic products. We offer a variety of...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...• System integration with renowned manufacturers of IT equipment and solutions• Knowledge and experience in the IT field• Highly educated workforce• ISO certification ISO 9001Fields of activity:1.) NETWORK SERVICES (Active LAN / WAN EQUIPMENT Wireless networks and VoIP telephony)2.) UNIVERSAL CABLING (copper and fiber optic installations)3.) BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM- General control of energy...
Slovenija, Murska Sobota
... windows and doors with specific requirements (drywall, sliding, fire-resistant,...), canopies, fences, walk-in windows, stairs, conservatories, balcony railings, windbreaks and other glass products according to your needs and ideas. 2. Jansen fireproof glass doors and facades with different types of glazing. All integrated control systems and drives form a single system solution. The program...
Slovenija, Radomlje
We are one of the few companies in Slovenia and in Europe with our own entire and high-quality supply chain for the production of teas, infusions and dietary supplements, from conceptualisation and development of recipes, laboratory testing of products, mixing of raw ingredients, to the packaging and graphic design of the final products. We established a highly efficient traceability system and keep track of quality control records. With such strict control over the entire supply chain, we managed to obtain numerous quality certificates and long-term customer trust.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... following companies: Ingersoll-Rand, FCI, K-TEK, UE Systems and Gemini. With over 15 years of successful service in compressed air systems in Slovenia and former Yugoslavia, HPE has earned our customer's recognition as "The Compressed Air Expert". We are proud of our continuoslly investing in technical skilled employees and searching for new energy efficient breakthrough technologies. With extensive control system development and laboratory testing facilities, HPE maintains exclusivity in the compressed air solution market by finding sollutions that saves money to customer and increases reabillity.
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