Slovenija, Ljubljana
... complexity and elegance. The wine stays fresh, fullness of taste and vitality thanks to the micro-terroir and the natural production method. A complex, full-bodied wine made from selected grapes of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon grown in terraced vineyards. Muse is a blend that only matures in the best vintages. The wine is dark ruby red in colour. Noble and intense bouquet. Complex aromas of...
Francija, Auxerre
...Languedoc La Muse - Vignerons D'Alignan Neffies - LANGUEDOC Domaine: Vignerons d'Alignan Neffies Appelacija: Languedoc Letnik: 2018 Sorta grozdja: Grenache Roussanne Pridelava: Razumne Oznaka: Kontrolirana oznaka porekla...

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