Slovenija, Ljubljana
... organisations and regulators in numerous guidance documents. In Billev pharma we have hands on approach to help our clients to manage their data in the most efficient way. Together with our partners we can provide a comprehensive set of services related to data and document management: - Analysis of your current IT landscape - Advise on implementation of new IT systems, including RIM and Document management systems - Regulatory data identification (from documents to organised data) - Data migration - IT validation - IT audits ...
Nemčija, Massenbachhausen
...Kaj ponuja podjetje UVVPlus Safety Management GmbH? Nova uredba EU o varstvu podatkov prinaša podjetjem, društvom in praksam številne nove obveznosti, ki jih je treba upoštevati. Pomembno je, da se najprej seznanite s povzetkom, da dobite pregled nad tem, o čem gre in ali ste prizadeti. Slaba novica je: Vsako podjetje, vsako društvo in vsaka (zdravniška) praksa se mora držati novega zakona o...
Slovenija, Krsko
...With various sensors, we provide feedback loops that allow us to automate the system. Digitization, however, represents a step towards modern management of control systems. Each of our systems is included in the customer's smart factory solution at the customer's request. We easily integrate our systems into your Industry 4.0 solution.
Slovenija, Markovci
...We have been active in the industrial automation segment for many years. We offer integrated digital system and process management services, i.e. control, system integration and support. In industrial automation, we follow the latest trends and needs in the market. We implement complete projects with the latest technology and tools on the market. We are a company that can carry out a project from conception to commissioning, whether it is automotive, logistics, process technology or automation of buildings.
Slovenija, Maribor
...SIMARINE NEREIDE represents a huge design and technical improvement over existing distribution panels on the market. It is as easy to operate as any standard distribution panel, but also allows remote management via Smartphone Apps. It's made of HQ anodised aluminum, making it sleek, stylish and waterproof. Safety and reliability were our main concern, that's why the digital side is protected with manual overrides on the back. Integrated PICO battery and tank monitor. DAME AWARDS 2017 Category Winner.
Francija, Noisiel
...Kaj je Community manager? Animátor skupnosti ali upravljalec skupnosti, tudi community manager (CM), je poklic. Animacija skupnosti, upravljanje skupnosti ali community management vključuje animiranje in povezovanje skupnosti na internetu v imenu podjetja, blagovne znamke, znane osebe, institucije ali lokalne skupnosti. Globoko povezan z web 2.0 in razvojem družbenih omrežij, je ta poklic še...
...{"Best For:":"Najbolj primerno za:","Grassfish's end-to-end digital signage solution runs on robust and reliable digital signage software, supporting dynamic content controlled by intelligent real-time rules, and suitable for use with all major device technologies and operating systems. The award-winning Grassfish Content Management System makes it easy to manage your digital signage network...
Ujemajoči se izdelki
Nemčija, Eggolsheim
...{"- Exchange Server":"- Exchange strežnik","- Mobile Device Management":"- Upravljanje mobilnih naprav","- Passwortsicherheit":"- Varnost gesel","Cloud-Infrastrukturen:":"","- SQL Server":"- SQL strežnik","- Authentifizierung":"- Avtentifikacija","Network:":"","- System Center":"- Center za sisteme","- Endpoint Security":"- Varnost končnih točk","Storage & Backup":"Shranjevanje in varnostno...
Belgija, Mouscron
... vzdrževanja ... Kako vam lahko Power Lube IT Management resnično pomaga? - Avtomatizacija nadzora mazanja in vzdrževanja - Učinkovito načrtovanje in upravljanje - Racionalizacija in učinkovitost mazanja - Zapisovanje anomalij pri mazanju strojev v realnem času - Poročanje o okvarah, alarmih itd. - Standardizacija nadzorov mazanja ...
... engine":"Preprečite toplotno škodo na motorju","The New DIESEL SWITCH is a fuel management system which helps you to comply with MARPOL regulation.":"Nov DIESEL SWITCH je sistem za upravljanje goriva, ki vam pomaga pri spoštovanju MARPOL predpisov.","It controls fully automatically the changeover and blending process on board your good vessels and will manage additional processes within your fuel...
Francija, Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines Cedex
...Optimizirana za uporabnika, ta platforma vključuje NuGenesis SDMS, podatkovni repozitorij, ki zagotavlja skladnost z regulativami, NuGenesis ELN, prilagodljiv in uporabniku prijazen elektronski laboratorijski dnevnik, ter sistem za upravljanje vzorcev NuGenesis Sample Management. NuGenesis brezhibno povezuje vse laboratorijske podatke z drugimi dejavnostmi podjetja. Vključuje funkcionalnosti, kot...
ufs.country_names.RU, Moscow
... provide translation services in accordance with ISO 900 and ISO 17100 International Standards. We carry out terminology management, source and translation proof and review within an integrated approach aimed at ensuring high quality of provided services. 24/7 hotline and a personal manager are available to our clients. We also provide: Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpreting Translation of Legal Documents Software Localization and Linguistic Testing Marketing Translation Translation of Technical and User Documentation Localization of the UI and UI strings Notarized Translation.
Digitalizacija in podatki – oboje je neločljivo povezano. Analiza podatkov danes velja za enega od ključnih dejavnikov uspeha vašega gospodarskega uspeha! To spodbuja naraščajoča količina podatkov v podjetju in vključevanje novih virov podatkov. Vendar pa količina podatkov ni odločilna za pretvorbo podatkov v dragoceno znanje. Pravilna izbira in integracija podatkov odločata o uspehu vaših podatk...
Nemčija, Dortmund
...Kot logistični IT strokovnjak vas podpiramo pri uvajanju logistične programske opreme, pri dodeljevanju naročil pravemu ponudniku sistemov in med celotnim procesom realizacije in zagon.
...Ciljna slika z master planom za delovne strukture ali njihove dele, za postopno uresničitev, da bo ustrezala tudi čez 10 let. Načrtujemo, optimiziramo in implementiramo – tako v obstoječih sistemih kot tudi na 'zeleni travi'. Spremljamo vas od začetka do konca. S svojo bližino in empatijo smo tesno povezani s projektom in razumemo pomembne podrobnosti, ki so na koncu ključne. Poleg tega smo sposobni popolnoma integrirati povezovanje IT sistemov v naše delo – s tem zagotavljamo, da se izvedba vedno odvija #brez težav.
Sem interim managerka, vodja projektov in svetovalka za eBusiness: eCommerce, strategija, restrukturiranje internetnih področij, spletne trgovine, B2C, B2B, extraneti, intraneti, vodenje projektov.
Svetovanje o sistemih vodenja kakovosti DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 + 2015 & funkcionalni tehnologiji površin - obraba, trenje, korozija, drsne lastnosti, trdota, kaljenje, peskanje, tehnologija brizganja...
Slovenija, Solkan
... regular consulting to its customers. It grants optimal support to business processes with the NEXIO CMS, which can be upgraded according to the customer’s needs and wishes. NEXIO is advanced CMS platform delivering ultimate user experience across all system modules. Supported modules are: Accounting&Cage, TITO, Jackpots, Player Tracking, Cashless, Reception, MultiSite. Advansys products meets...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... and beverage, chemical, petrochemical, plastics, pharmaceutical, medical and automotive industries. Our quality management system is ISO and ASME certified. A highly skilled and motivated team of R&D engineers perform fundamental research, product design, electronic design, prototype development, tool design and testing. It is this that makes us one of the world's leading manufacturers of...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... consumption- Control of heating, cooling, blinds or shades,- Access control, burglary operation- video monitoring, parking management,- Lighting control,- Fire protection,- Condition monitoring via computer and telephone network4.) UPS - Uninterruptable Power Supplies - A small network and server UPS- Larger UPS systems for data centers5.) SAFE DATA CENTERS- Planning- Power- Cooling- Security and surveillance- Careful selection of a contractor and equipment OUR PARTNERS:- APC By Schneider Electric- AST Secure IT infrastructures- Brand Rex - LANCOM Systems - Raritan...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... meeting the needs of your customers maximally in the long term. We train our clients and suppliers as well as manufacturers in the specific field. It is our greatest pleasure to have warranted the trust of our clients, not only by providing excellent work but also by being flexible and operating-oriented. Rather than thick books full of strategies, we provide our clients with proactivity and action! It is the vision of our company to provide our clients with excellent category management, thus optimising their range of products, store shelf shares and sales on markets of South-eastern Europe.
Slovenija, Šempeter Pri Gorici
... technology—from engine systems, filtration, and electrics/mechatronics through to thermal management. The group supports manufacturers as early as in the development of new vehicle generations, not to mention the continuous improvement of series production applications. Proof of our technological leadership is not least to be seen in our successes in motorsport—be it in Formula 1 or in Le Mans...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...IPRC has a network of international experts from different segments of Intellectual Property which enables us to connect and widen our clients Intellectual Property protection quickly across entire European Union and beyond. Our mission is to provide qualitative, up-to-date and innovative IP Management services across South and Eastern Europe. This is being achieved through establishing qualitative long-term cooperation with various clients within European Union and beyond.
Slovenija, Grosuplje
... delivery times. Supply Chain Management is an integrating function with primary responsibility for linking major business functions and business processes within and across companies into a cohesive and high-performing business model. It includes all of the logistics management activities noted above, as well as manufacturing operations, and it drives coordination of processes and activities with and across marketing, sales, product design, finance and information technology.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Banking business and information engineering, developing comprehensive and integrated information systems by using various tools of modern technology, continuous improvement of our own solutions, implementation of new products; Integration of diverse solutions, representation and advice about the implementation of leading foreign IT systems; Building data warehouses and developing advanced analytical solutions in the area of financial management; Optimal transfer of knowledge through the education of users; Maintenance and user support.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... central) emergency management application. We have developed it for fire stations and municipalities. With our application dispatchers can handle single calls and a big scale emergency. Fully integrated into control rooms or clouds. Managing units, teams, locations, etc.; with possibility to alert citizens via SMS or Social Media that has been developed by our team of experts. We also develop...
Nemčija, Düsseldorf
...V podjetju Contacts & Management je naš cilj najti in zaposliti usposobljeno osebje, ki bo pomagalo vašemu podjetju uspeti v Nemčiji z uporabo headhuntinga (direktnega iskanja), oglaševanja in naših številnih lokalnih stikov. Postavljamo vodje držav, vodje prodaje, finančne direktorje in prodajno osebje v podjetja iz industrij, kot so IT, medicina, gradbeništvo, finance in še več. Poleg tega smo pomagali več mednarodnim podjetjem pri združitvah in prevzemih po vsej Nemčiji in Evropi v industrijah, ki segajo od medicinske opreme, trgovine in gradbeništva.
Združeno kraljestvo, London
ITIL je najbolj priljubljen okvir za upravljanje IT storitev na svetu. Uporabljajo ga vse večje korporacije, vlade in večja podjetja po vsem svetu. ITIL Foundation certifikat je najbolj priljubljen ITIL certifikat za strokovnjake za upravljanje IT storitev. ITIL Foundation certifikat je osnovni ITIL certifikat in je pogoj za opravljanje katerega koli od višjih ITIL certifikacijskih izpitov. ITIL...
Estonija, Tallinn
...IT Service Management OÜ je strokovnjak za računalniško pomoč / IT-pomoč in storitve vzdrževanja IT. Poleg tega našim strankam nudimo storitve varnostnega kopiranja podatkov ter trgovanje z računalniki in napravami. Naša glavna dejavnost je v Talinu, Estonija, vendar z oddaljeno namizno pomočjo lahko zagotovimo zadovoljivo podporo IT-pomoči našim strankam po vsej Evropi in še dlje (imamo izkušnje z oddaljeno pomočjo iz Talina v Bangkok, Miami, Jordan itd.). Smo ITIL usmerjeni in usmerjeni na rezultate. Naše storitve so na voljo v estonščini in angleščini.
Luxemburg, Grevenmacher
SCHNEIDER IT MANAGEMENT vam nudi neodvisno svetovanje o licencah in prodajo licenc s poudarkom na programski opremi Microsoft, Adobe ter številnih drugih proizvajalcev programske opreme. Zagotavljamo in upravljamo pogodbe vseh programov prostih licenc velikih multinacionalnih podjetij ter srednje velikih podjetij in organizacij. Pri nas prejmete licenčno rešitev, prilagojeno vašim potrebam...
Priljubljene države za to iskalniško poizvedbo

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