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Management it - Slovenija

  1. ISKRA D.D.


    Iskra is a globally recognized provider of intelligent Industrial solutions and cutting-edge electrotechnical products. Strategic business areas: - Energy sector - Electrotechnical components - Efficient installations - Traffic - Telecommunications - Security, supply and facility management Our solutions: ENERGY SECTOR: - Power System Protection and Control - Power and Industrial Automation - Power Factor Correction - MiSMART Instrument Remote Monitoring Software - Electrical Measuring Instruments - Medium Voltage Automation and Protection ELECTROTECHNICAL COMPONENTS - Capacitors - Professional Batteries - Cores - Potentiometer EFFICIENT INSTALLATIONS - Low Voltage Switchgear TRAFFIC - Motorway Traffic Automation - Road Traffic Automation - Railway Traffic Automation FACILITY MANAGEMENT - Electronic security - Maintenance and Management of Business Premises - Thermal energy - Electric Energy Supply - Business Logistics SERVICES - Certified Calibration - Uncertified Calibration - Electroplating Our Products: Capacitors Low Voltage Switchgear Electrical Measuring Instruments Professional Batteries Antenna Systems Cores Potentiometers



    HIT PRELESS - HOTEL AND OBJECT FURNISHING Our common path to perfect furnishings EXPERIENCED, PRECISE, RELIABLE Our carpentry company has a state-of-the-art machine park for wood processing, its own upholstery shop and an innovative engineering office in the area of factory planning and project management. Our loyal employees follow the philosophy of the company HIT PRELESS and have been there from the start. Thanks to highly qualified German and English-speaking specialists, projects of any size can be taken over and carried out on time in cooperation with external contract partners. FAMILIAL AND DOWN-TO-EARTH The parent company HIT PRELESS d.o.o. is located with the production facility in Slovenia. With our in-house fleet, we are extremely flexible and can guarantee timely deliveries across Europe. We can offer professional project handling with our subsidiary HIT PRELESS GmbH in Germany. 34 UNIQUE ROOMS We look forward to any challenge you pose to us and welcome you at any time to our own NOX Hotel in Ljubljana. A boutique hotel or showroom with 34 different rooms, which offer visitors an unforgettable stay and, at the same time, an insight into our work. Clients, architects and site managers trust the qualitative and reliable furniture production and are among the loyal partners of HIT PRELESS.



    VOUK is the leading management consulting firm in Slovenia specialising in investment banking and advisory services. Our investment banking division assists clients in raising funds for their activities, most often through credit facilities with a bank. We work with both start-ups and established businesses across a broad range of industries, including leisure and hospitality, manufacturing, construction, agriculture, retail, technology, transportation, telecommunications and healthcare. Our advisory division provides consulting services to our clients to help them solve complex problems, devise tailored strategies and improve the financial and operational health of their organisations. With many years of experience, VOUK provides a highly-resourced network of support personnel in order to help customers arrive at the perfect financial solution for their projects.

  4. MAAR D.O.O.


    We are a contemporary, steadily growing company that produces diverse, high-quality packaging material for a multitude of purposes and applications. Our production programme covers virtually all packaging needs, and for packaging nets in particular. As one of the few manufacturers in the world we offer extruded, as well as knitted nets, which allows us to satisfy all our clients’ needs. Our investment in development means we continually improve our products. We guarantee that our nets are safe, of high quality and suitable for all types of packaging machines. We have the means to respond quickly to any special requests of our partners. Always in step with global social trends we look for solutions within our product and service range. We were one of the first companies to introduce organic packaging materials that meet requirements for contemporary, environmentally-friendly products. Environmental responsibility is at the core of our development and production. We therefore use environmentally-friendly plastic (PP, PE) as well as 100% biodegradable cellulose material and have introduced the environmental management system according to the ISO 14001 standard. The waste generated during the production process is properly disposed of without adverse impact on the environment. We are proud to have the ISO 9001 quality certificate. Also testifying on our behalf are the references from our clients from around the world, which exports comprise 95 % of our production.



    CMS svetovanje is a company specialising in category management. Active for 10 years, we have helped our clients reach their aims, such as increase in sales volume, decrease in OOS (out-of-stock) related sales shortfall, selection of optimum range of products, making of layouts.. Based on our past experience and specific expert knowledge we also contribute to maximising your profits while also meeting the needs of your customers maximally in the long term. We train our clients and suppliers as well as manufacturers in the specific field. It is our greatest pleasure to have warranted the trust of our clients, not only by providing excellent work but also by being flexible and operating-oriented. Rather than thick books full of strategies, we provide our clients with proactivity and action! It is the vision of our company to provide our clients with excellent category management, thus optimising their range of products, store shelf shares and sales on markets of South-eastern Europe.

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  1. ŽEJN D.O.O.


    Are you missing important documents and data in a multitude of emails? Don't know which version of the contract is the latest? Did everyone add their contributions to the report you are preparing? Choose our information and document system. We completely adapt our software solutions to companies, thus optimizing the management of internal processes. This will increase the resources to carry out your core business. With the help of our tools, which represent the introduction of uniform procedures, all employees will follow the operational processes. Don't waste any more documents and information. Systematization, document management, accessibility and storage of information are key to effective work and value creation. With our help, you will overcome these challenges as soon as possible. _________________________________________________________ Co-Financed The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.

  2. INDEN D.O.O.


    Inden ponuja napredne in sodobne programske rešitve za industrijo in energetiko. Na področju industrije smo specializirani za dobavo programskih rešitev za proizvodno odličnost (Manufacturing Execution System - MES), zagotavljanje kakovosti (Computer Aided Quality - sistem CAQ), optimizacijo skladišč (Warehouse Management System - WMS) in integracijo proizvodne opreme, kjer uporablja se pristop od primera do primera. V skladu z novo direktivo 2019/68 ponujamo tudi rešitve za sledenje in sledenje orožju in eksplozivom. Na področju energetike je Inden specializiran za zapletene zapletene rešitve za upravljavce trga, trgovce, operaterje prenosa električne energije in druge ključne številke. Ponujamo implementacijo Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), ki temelji na skupnem informacijskem modelu (CIM), opredeljenem s strani IEC, rešitev za upravljanje portfelja, sistem za upravljanje bilance, sistem za spremljanje prenosne zmogljivosti, uporabniški portal za operaterja trga, sistemi armaturnih plošč (Big Data) in platforme IoT . Inden ponuja tudi razvoj po meri s sedežem v Ljubljani, od koder lahko zelo učinkovito pokrijemo velik del Evrope. S partnerji in referencami ponujamo stroškovno učinkovit način sodelovanja za podjetja, ki potrebujejo podporo strokovnega razvoja.



    FAKULTETA ZA MANAGEMENT, članica Univerze na Primorskem, je bila ustanovljena leta 1995 kot Visoka šola za management v Kopru. Je poslovna šola, katere poslanstvo je izobraževanje in raziskovanje na področju družboslovnih in poslovno-upravnih ved s poudarkom na managementu. Je prva in edina fakulteta za management v Sloveniji.Sedež fakultete je v univerzitetnem mestu Koper. Z regionalno zastopanostjo je tako bolj dostopna vsem, ki si želijo dobiti ali nadgraditi znanje managementa.Center za razvoj in prenos znanja je organizacijska enota Univerze na Primorskem (UP). Deluje v vlogi pisarne za prenos znanja in tehnologij. CRPZ je član pisarn za prenos tehnologij v Sloveniji in Združenja profesionalcev za prenos tehnologij Slovenije (Združenje SI - TT), to je osrednji povezovalni člen med slovenskimi izvedenci za prenos tehnologij. Učinkovit prenos tehnologij in znanja ustreza inoviranju in s potrebami napredne digitalne ekonomije in na znanju temelječe družbe. Zahteva sočasno obvladovanje pravnih vidikov prenosa tehnologij in znanj, razumevanje relevantnih ekonomskih pravic, ob tem pa še smisel za učinkovito komuniciranje inovacij širši javnosti. CRPZ deluje v konkurenčnem okolju, kjer je soudeleženih več ustanov, raziskovalnih centrov in zasebnih subjektov. CRPZ prepoznava dejstvo, da igrajo pomembno vlogo pri prenosu znanja in tehnologij sledeči subjekti: Univerze in raziskovalni centri, pisarne za prenos tehnologije, podjetja, vlagatelji (premožni zasebniki, skladi, banke in



    We are importers of konjak noodles and hearts of palm pasta products to Europe and distribute them within Europe. We also offer private label. Besides organizing products in the origin our role as an importer is to buffer demand peaks with our warehouse. We support your stock management and you can pick konjac and hearts of palm products from our warehouse as much as you need. We offer competitive wholesale prices and top-quality products.



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    Content preparation for online promotion is co-fnanced by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund. LEAN REŠITVE is a business consulting company from Slovenia. At Lean Solutions (Lean Rešitve), we train and motivate staff how to use lean approaches, implement lean methods, with the help of different workshops, coaching’s, and trainings we improve the efficiency of staff and processes in production and logistic. The benefits of the Lean approach result in different areas of the company, such as increasing productivity, minimum losses of the production process, lower costs with higher quality, and more efficient solutions and most important we motivate and support staff to daily improve and grow. As Lean Solutions, we listen what our client's specific needs and preferences! As a result, with Lean Solutions, our customers get more sustainable and measurable results. Our methods for achievement are divided into three main areas. 1.Foundation (Basic metohods such as KPI, SFM, 5S, KAIZEN, S.M.E.D., Standard work, ...) 2.JIT (Kanban, VSM, Leveling, ...) 3.JIDOKA (TPM, PDCA, 8D, 5 Why, ...) BUSINESS PROCESS OPTIMIZATION USING LEAN METHODS •A tidy and safe workplace •Optimization of processes (procedures), increase of OEE •Maximum utilization of machines (equipment) •Quick tool change on the machine for the following product, operation •Effective communication •Reducing losses •Useful suggestions •Problem-solving •The flow of mat



    ITS company sells refurbished computers and servers, which means they were surplus in production or they were returned for various reasons. These are not products with any kind of defect - which is often misconception among many people -, but it is true, that these products are not completely new. So, as mentioned, in the set of refurbished products, there are returned unsold stock, exhibits or products returned under warranty for any defect. In some cases, these are also products that were damaged during the transport process, for example damaged computer case etc. Such products are inspected, upgraded or some of its components are replaced. In the case of a damaged computer case, the case is replaced.

    Vsi izdelki za "management it"


    Dormito.re (http: //www.dormito.re) vam omogoča da privarčujete veliko časa na mesečni ravni z enostavnim vodenjem zadev povezani z oddajanjem namestitvenih enot. Omogoča vam tudi da z lastno promocijo zapolnite prazne kapacitete in vodite vse goste na enem mestu in jih boljše spoznate. Že za 22€ / mesec: - Rezervacijski sistem s pregledom zasedenosti (brez provizije) - Vodenje vseh gostov na enem mestu (prijava / odjava) - Komunikacija z gosti na enem mestu, optimizacija v pogledu hitrosti s predpripravljenimi sporočili - Izdaja računov - TODO lista dnevnih opravil (menjava posteljnine/brisač...) - Virtualna recepcija in pregled celotne ponudbe - Pošiljanje specialnih ponudb vsem gostom - Vremenska napoved, tečajnica, iskanje najbližje poti do željene destinacije

  1. STELEM D. O. O.


    At Stelem, we manufacture sustainable self-regulating ceramic heating elements and temperature sensors of various shapes and sizes. In accordance with the wishes of our customers, we create a wide range of products for different levels of voltage and temperature ranges. As a global company, we are present in the automotive industry, industrial applications, control technology, heating systems, white goods, control systems, medical technology, temperature protection of electric motors and transformers, and many other devices and machines. The development of our products takes place in close cooperation with customers. Together we develop quality and technologically advanced solutions. Stelem products are distinguished by proven top quality, which is achieved through precise manufacturing, careful processing and control at various stages of production. Most of the production is fully automated, and certain operations are still performed manually. We are focusing our development on sustainable solutions for a green future, which is why we are also entering the field of electromobility and smart homes with our products. The values that connect our employees are a guarantee of our mission as a global provider of smart and sustainable solutions. The preparation of Stelem's presentation at Europages was co-financed by EU funds (www.eu-skladi.si).



    Consilue združuje strokovnjake specializirane na številnih ozko usmerjenih področjih finančnega in poslovnega svetovanja, ki podpirajo stranke v procesu njihovega informiranega odločanja. Med svetovalne stroitve se tako uvršča(jo): cenitev podjetja / ocena vrednosti podjetja, finančni / komercialni / organizacijski / proizvodni skrbi pregled, prevzemi in združitve podjetij oz. nakup podjetja / prodaja podjetja, strategija podjetja, tržna raziskava, strategija vstopa na tuje trge, poslovni načrt, neodvisni pregled poslovanja, urejanje financiranja, iskanje strateški B2B partnerjev itd. Svetovalne storitve so vir informacij, inspiracije in motivacije za najuspešnejše podjetnike, managerje, investitorje in številne druge. Stranke nas povezujejo s pojmi kot so znatna podpora, popolna predanost, kreativno razmišljanje, sveže perspektive in vodenjem, ki se odraža v pragmatičnih rešitvah. Močna baza znanja in povezav nam omogoča, da realiziramo obljubljeno in kot taka predstavlja enega izmed ključnih stebrov v partnerskem odnosu s stranko. Trudimo se ustvarjati trajno vrednost ne samo za naše stranke, pač pa tudi za lastnike, zaposlene in širšo družbo. Razumemo, da je zaupanje nekaj, kar si je potrebno izboriti dan za dnem. Ste korak od vašega uspeha? Kontaktirajte nas!

  3. WINTEH D.O.O.


    Winteh je aplikacija za mobilne naprave, s pomočjo katere lahko tudi na terenu oblikujete natančno ponudbo za izdelavo oken. Uporabniki so lahko registrirani s strani proizvajalca oken in imajo omogočeno uporabo razširjene verzije ali si kot navaden uporabnik (stranka sama) oblikujejo povpraševanje in dobijo ponudbo le v nekaj minutah.



    SOLVERA LYNX D.O.O., je podjetje tipa Ponudnik storitev, ki deluje v panogi Telekomunikacije in prenos podatkov - oprema in sistemi. Deluje tudi v panogah Energetski management, energetski pregled, upravljanje energije, programska oprema za upravljanje energije. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Maribor, Slovenija.



    SMARTBIT D.O.O., je podjetje tipa Ponudnik storitev, ki deluje v panogi Svetovanje za podjetja. Deluje tudi v panogah Aplikacije za upravljanje uporabniških razmerij CRM, Business Intelligence, Programi za industrijo, Production40, WMS, MES, ProductionScheduling, Aplikacije za upravljanje uporabniških razmerij CRM, Business Intelligence, Programi za industrijo. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Lovrenc Na Dravskem Polju, Slovenija.

  6. MEDAS D.O.O.


    MEDAS D.O.O., je podjetje tipa Multi-Category, ki deluje v panogi Špediterji, pristaniški. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Grosuplje, Slovenija.

  7. VI NOVA D.O.O.




    METRA INZENIRING D.O.O., je podjetje tipa Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec, ki deluje v panogi Nadzor dostopa - sistemi in oprema. Deluje tudi v panogah smart lockers, smart locker system, workplace lockers, delivery lockers. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Trzin, Slovenija.

  1. HYB D.O.O.


    HYB D.O.O., je podjetje tipa Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec, ki deluje v panogi Medicinska in kirurška optika - instrumenti. Deluje tudi v panogah Uvoz - izvoz - medicinski in kirurški material, Medicina in kirurgija - instrumenti, Medical apparatus and equipment, Uvoz - izvoz - medicinski in kirurški material, Disposable medical and surgical products, Medicina in kirurgija - instrumenti. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Šentjernej, Slovenija.



    ADVANSYS D.O.O., je podjetje tipa Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec, ki deluje v panogi Igralni avtomati. Deluje tudi v panogah Prodaja vstopnic, Prodaja vstopnic, Casino Management System, Slot Management System, Player Tracking. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Solkan, Slovenija.



    TIKO PRO, je podjetje tipa Ponudnik storitev, ki deluje v panogi Investicije - svetovanje. Deluje tudi v panogah Svetovanje za podjetja, Poslovodstvo - svetovanje, Svetovanje za podjetja, Poslovodstvo - svetovanje. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Maribor, Slovenija.



    FIRMICA D.O.O., je podjetje tipa Agent/ Zastopnik, ki deluje v panogi Računovodstvo, revizorji in skrbniki. Deluje tudi v panogah business accounts management, administrative accounting, fiscal accounting, accounts management. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Ljubljana, Slovenija.



    SERVERSHILL D.O.O., je podjetje tipa Ponudnik storitev, ki deluje v panogi Upravljanje in podpora informacijskega omrežja. Deluje tudi v panogah remote monitoring systems, system and network administration, Computer security auditing service, Operation systems administration. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Ljubljana, Slovenija.



    KRAJNIK D.O.O., je podjetje tipa Ponudnik storitev, ki deluje v panogi Programska oprema za upravljanje podjetij. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Škofja Loka, Slovenija.



    IZDELAVA SPLETNIH STRANI MULTIMEDIJA, je podjetje tipa Ponudnik storitev, ki deluje v panogi Programska oprema za upravljanje podjetij. Deluje tudi v panogah Website creation, E-commerce website creation, website development. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Maribor, Slovenija.

  8. TVN D.O.O.


    TVN D.O.O., je podjetje tipa Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec, ki deluje v panogi Mednarodni prevoz. Deluje tudi v panogah Logistic management consulting, frakttransport, Lastbilar. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Ljubljana, Slovenija.

  9. ADVANT D.O.O.


    ADVANT D.O.O., je podjetje tipa Ponudnik storitev, ki deluje v panogi Upravljanje in podpora informacijskega omrežja. Deluje tudi v panogah Data center equipment, network cabling. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Ljubljana, Slovenija.



    GORA D.O.O., LJUBLJANA, je podjetje tipa Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec, ki deluje v panogi Programska oprema za upravljanje podjetij. Deluje tudi v panogah bank, software. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Ljubljana, Slovenija.

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