Nemčija, Schwäbisch Hall
... in zavrnitev","5 separate servo driven belts":"5 ločenih pasov, ki jih poganja servo","Output::up to 120 Packages/min":"Izhod::do 120 paketov/min","Size range product (LxWxH)::max. 600 mm x 540 mm x 300 mm":"Obseg velikosti izdelka (D x Š x V)::max. 600 mm x 540 mm x 300 mm","Modular design for easy service":"Modularna zasnova za enostavno servisiranje"}...
Turcia, Ankara
...enostavna rotacija tudi pod obremenitvijo","Equipped with 2 Parking brake devices":"Opremljen z 2 napravama za parkirno zavoro","Easy to move, ergonomic use":"Enostavno premikanje, ergonomska uporaba","Height adjustment up to 250 mm":"Nastavitev višine do 250 mm","Single-person operation":"Enostavna uporaba za eno osebo","Suitable for Truck, Ship and Industrial engines":"Primeren za tovornjake...
Nemčija, Schwäbisch Hall
... pozicioniranje za konstantno težo/volumen polnjenja","Dosing/Weighing:":"","- Good visibility and accessibility":"- Dobra vidljivost in dostopnost","- Compact design with low space requirement":"- Kompaktna zasnova z nizkimi prostorskimi zahtevami","- Secure and sturdy mechanical system":"- Varen in trden mehanski sistem","- 100% tare/gross weighing":"- 100% tare/bruto tehtanje","Design:":"","- Standard version with up to 2 working stations":"- Standardna različica z do 2 delovnima postajama","Format change time::max. 5 minutes":"Čas spremembe formata::max. 5 minut"}...
Proizvodnja in distribucija osvetljene reklame, LED zaslonov, plakatnih sten, stojal za stranke in predstavitvenih sistemov za oglaševanje, merchandising in predstavitve izdelkov.
...-resolution graphic display with backlight":"Visoko ločljiv grafični zaslon s osvetlitvijo","Output signal 4…20 mA with HART® protocol":"Izhodni signal 4…20 mA s HART® protokolom","Comprehensive parameterising, simulation and diagnostic functions":"Obsežne funkcije parametizacije, simulacije in diagnostike","Measuring rate up to 100 Hz":"Hitrost merjenja do 100 Hz","Output functions: linear, invers...
Avtomobilski dodatki / Deflektorji pokrova / Stranske obrobe / Usnjeni robovi sprednjega odbijača / Lamelni okni za četrtne okna Umtech Design je podjetje za proizvodnjo avtomobilskih dodatkov, ki uporablja tehnologijo termoformiranja, posebej zasnovano za avtomobilski sektor in druge sektorje v svojem proizvodnem obratu, ki se nahaja v Istanbulu. "Kakovost je naš standard" in sestavni del poslov...
Združeno kraljestvo, London
...Pogodbeniki in oblikovalci po meri za razstavne stojnice, po meri izdelana mizarska dela z obsežnimi storitvami upravljanja projektov, pop-up prostori, maloprodajne in komercialne namestitve. Vse razstavne prostore po meri na nacionalnih in mednarodnih prizoriščih Razstavne stojnice po meri Maloprodajni in pop-up prostori Maloprodajni pop-up prostori...
Ujemajoči se izdelki
Razstavni paviljon za Uber Eats
The London Display
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... production of final products, and we adapt to our client’s wishes, specific needs, focusing in particular on quality and function. Our objective is to become one of the leading companies in Slovenia in the field of design and die production, to ensure the highest standards of quality of our products and keep up with innovations in technology. We focus on the satisfaction of the users of our...
Slovenija, Celje
... made from high quality tool steel and can satisfy most demanding customer’s expectations. We are specialized in accomplishing specific customer requirements from design, development and rolls production process (turning, milling, grinding, polishing, tempering and thermal processing). We offer technically sophisticated solutions enabled by the application of CNC machinery with CAD-CAM support...
Slovenija, Sentjanz
... Solidworks for seamless design and production. We specialize in CNC milling, CNC turning with capabilities for 1100mm diameter and 4000mm length, tooling for the auto industry, and manufacturing Pelton, Francis, and Kaplan runners. We ensure flexibility across various materials, catering to diverse industries such as electric, food, mechanical engineering, mining, construction, automotive, wood...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... improve the way they do their best products. Chocology and technology. We are experts in bean-to-bar production and our sollutions are powered by knowledge and practice. We set up a chocolatier business school to explore the science of chocolate, to test our innovations and to teach and inspire people to do genuine refined chocolate. Now you decide, how delicious your chocolate is. Taste is...
Slovenija, Kranj
...lightning or health and cooling. Through investments, we conducted research and development to modernize our process and keep up with new technologies, thus enabling us to increase our competitiveness on the European market. We offer complete services thanks to our team's experience and knowledge. Our company is certified in accordance with ISO TS 16949, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 standards, which...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
We are trailer manufacturer from 1963 (weight up to 3,500 kg, width 2530 mm, length to 12,000 mm). We are specialized for SPECIAL TRAILERS. Chassis and body of our trailers are welded from steel profiles and then electrically or. hot galvanized. This design allows excellent mechanical properties and the best protection against corrosion. The sides of trailers may be of aluminum profiles, waterproof sheets, or from hot galvanized steel. All of our products have 3 years warranty.
Nikl Design is primarily focused into the design of production powerboats in the range of up to 80 feet. We can provide a complete 3D CAD geometry, ready for CNC milling, with all necessary production plans, calculations and presentations. Boat development features: Hull and deck design General arrangement Interior design Exterior design Hull speed and Hydrostatics Stability calculations...
Slovenija, Murska Sobota
... conclusion is that you want to convert them into your paying customers. Also, your goal is to know how to nurture relations with your visitors, your leads and your existing clients.Now combine all that together and add our passion for online solutions. You get a winning combination that will drive growth to your business.Traditional web design isn't working anymore. You need a website, that will attract...
Slovenija, Gorisnica
We have a rich experience on the field of manufacturing springs and other wire products. A wide product range, a production in small quantities, a quick response to our customers requirements and a short delivery time are our main competitive advantages. Our products are in use in practically all branches of industry. We design and manufacture a wide range of compression, tension and torsion springs. We produce springs of wire with the diameter from 0,5 up to 32,0 mm. Standard springs on stock.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
We are a start up software development company providing complete development and maintenance support for building custom applications tailored to meet specific business needs. How We Can Help You We will convert your idea to a cloud-based web and mobile applications. We will take care of all the intermediate steps i.e. requirement analysis, wireframe design, UI design, coding, testing...
Slovenija, Cerknica
... business partners and possible long term cooperation. We offer further processing of products by the customers needs: CNC processing, product development, design and manufacturing. Models, designs, dimensions and choice of timber are adapted to the requirements of the customer. Our references are some of the most prominent furniture companies from around the World...We also offer: upholstery, surface leach and coating if requested. Our advantage is flexibility and prices with special regards to quality and lead times.We can also take up the challenge of supplying the complete chair.
Slovenija, Šentjur
...-to-day basis by the General Manager, Frenk Trobec.The company was founded with a small highly experienced core of people from the PCB assembly industry with the vision to professionally assemble clients ideas. As the Company has grown in statue, the Team has expanded in its knowledge, as has the services now offered to its client base; from straight assembly: to adding a design capability: costing department: to sourcing and purchasing the materials and components: before final production and assembly of the complete electronic modules.
Belgija, Liège
Up Design je studio za grafično oblikovanje s polno storitvijo, specializiran za vizualno komunikacijo in spletno oblikovanje. Od zasnove vaše identitete do izvedbe vseh vaših oglasnih materialov, vključno s kreacijo vaše spletne strani. Spremljali vas bomo skozi vse vaše projekte, ter vam nudili odgovore in rešitve za optimalen in prilagojen končni rezultat. BRANDING - TISKANJE - ZNAK - SPLET Up Design, vaš nov partner v komunikaciji!
Slovenija, Gornja Radgona
... made with our oun dies. Surface treatment, welding and assembly are also included. We have an In-house Development department. Development, design, manufacturing and testing of dies is performed in an integrated CAD / CAE / CAM / CAQ computer environment and our own experts. This enables effective designing of dies and adaptation to the individual needs of each customer. Separate control department with modern CNC coordinate measuring machine allows us various measurements with accuracy of 0.003 mm. All product sampling can be carried out according to VDA standards. ...
...Blow Up Design - Sodobno oblikovanje pohištva. Ukvarjamo se s prodajo na debelo in drobno stiliziranega pohištva, kot so; kuhinjske stole, konferenčne in pisarniške stole, udobne počivalnike, usnjene sedežne garniture, steklene kavne mizice ter talne svetilke. Izvajamo naložbe za opremo hotelov, pisarn in konferenčnih dvoran. Navdih črpamo iz projektov Panton Chair, Lounge Chair, Tribecca Table, Elliptical, Egg Chair, Louis&Victoria Ghost, znanih oblikovalcev R&Ch. Eames, Starck, Jacobsen in drugih. Vabimo k sodelovanju oblikovalce, arhitekte in investitorje.
... na prvo mesto; in vlagamo svoje nenehne napore v ohranjanje lepega okolja za prihodnje generacije. Nekateri naši izdelki so: POSLOVNE OSNOVNE STVARI: Vizitka – Črno-bela glava – Revija – Katalog – Koledar – Agend; MARKETING PRODUKTI: -Plakat -Letaki -Tiskanje po meri menija -Rol up -Samostoječa tabla -Obeski za vrata -Zastavice za zobne palčke -Papirna okvirna kartica -Novice -Tiskanje na platnu...
Belgija, Zaventem
Oblikovanje in tiskanje transparentov, praktični roll-up banner prikazi, najbolj uporabniku prijazni pop-up stojali, enostavno kombinirane razstavne stojnice v kompaktnih kompletih, stabilne in funkcionalne predstavitvene mize ter razstavni materiali, ki so na voljo na zalogi, kot so mize, pulti, nosilci za brošure, okvirji za plakate, pull-up bannerji. Poleg tega ponujamo tudi ponovno uporabne modularne razstavne stojnice, naredite razliko z močnim oblikovanjem razstavnih stojnic in dinamičnimi expo-multimedijskimi možnostmi.
Romunija, Bucharest
... različne sisteme prikazovanja in oglaševanja, kot so Pop Up Textile, Pop-up Spider, prilagojena oglaševanja in zastave, Rollup banner, mize za vzorce, pult, stojnice in druge razstavne podpore. Na zahtevo zagotavljamo prevoz in montažo ter druge nujne zahteve, da bi zadovoljili potrebe strank in ustvarili prednosti za partnerska podjetja. Nudimo dodano vrednost in pomagamo strankam učinkovito komunicirati s promocijskimi izdelki.
Francija, Versailles
... je postavljena! Modularna stojnica Panoramic, ekološka modularna stojnica, izdelana v Franciji z digitalnim tiskanjem velikega formata na ekološkem tekstilu, ki daje enak rezultat kot tradicionalna stojnica in ohranja minimalno težo! Tradicionalna stojnica po meri z razporeditvijo stojnic, montaža stojnic - vrhunske storitve. Prenosna stojnica, ki jo je hitro in enostavno postaviti - roll-up totem...
Nemčija, Potsdam
...New Swedish Design, neodvisni start-up iz Potsdama, razvija in prodaja dodatne izdelke za IKEA pohištvo, s katerimi lahko kupci IKEA popestrijo svoje pohištvo. S temi, tako imenovanimi pohištvenimi aplikacijami, lahko obstoječe IKEA pohištvo oblikovno spremenijo in/ali razširijo funkcionalnost. V ponudbi izdelkov so na voljo npr. police za IKEA Toprunner izdelke Billy in Expedit, pa tudi...
... increase your reach.Learn more Website Development.We develop visually engaging websites from scratch for every project. Our talented developers create an authentic web design to highlight your brand’s strong points and keep you ahead of your main competitors. Website development with SMMJAM is easy!
Francija, Saint-Étienne
Nahajajoč se v središču Cité du Design v Saint-Etienne, je inovativna komunikacijska agencija. Strastna, pozorna in inovativna, si zamišlja in realizira, od A do Ž, učinkovite naprave. Naša start-up je nastala iz skupne strasti do komunikacije, inovacij ter ljubezni do znanja in deljenja. je mlado inovativno podjetje, ki ponuja številne vire za podporo vsem...
Italija, Uta
... gestionali, e occuparci del SEO e delle campagne pubblicitarie orientate al mondo del web, offrendo, di fatto, un servizio a 360° per i nostri clienti. Siamo in grado di realizzare anche delle soluzioni personalizzate e integrate, con sito web, applicazione mobile e gestionale che lavorano all’unisono. I nostri siti web son tutti realizzati con la tecnologia del Responsive Design, che permette al sito...
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