Poljska, Warszawa
... pravem razmerju, da zagotovi velikanski udarec, ki ga lahko ponudi le Monster. Monster ponuja močan udarec, a ima gladek in enostaven okus za pitje. Atleti, glasbeniki, anarhisti, študenti, cestni bojevniki, metalci, geek-i, hipsterji in motoristi ga obožujejo - tudi vi ga boste!
Nemčija, Andernach
IVG Energy Solutions GmbH je inovativno podjetje, specializirano za trajnostne energetske rešitve. S svojo strokovnostjo smo zanesljiv veletrgovec s kakovostnimi fotovoltaik proizvodi za zasebne, komercialne in industrijske stranke, da bi znižali stroške energije in uresničili okolju prijazne koncepte. Podjetje se osredotoča na razvoj in namestitev sodobnih fotovoltaik sistemov ter učinkovitih si...
Slovaška, Košice
Dobrodošli v MILKYLAND, vodilnem podjetju v industriji distribucije hrane z desetletnimi izkušnjami na področju veleprodaje, uvoza/izvoza in učinkovitega upravljanja logistike. Naša glavna specializacija so mlečni izdelki, še posebej raznolika izbira sirov in alternativ, obogatenih z rastlinskimi maščobami. Ponosno ponujamo izbiro vrhunskih sirov, kot so Mozzarella, Edam in Trappist, ki so znani p...
Poljska, Brzozów
...> Nutritional values ​​​​in 100g </strong> Energy value 955KJ/290kcalthusze 11.3GW, saturated fatty acids 1.3Gwębnodany 22.9Gw 22.9Gw </strong> Chocorella will work as a product for lubricating bread, as well as an Ajout à la cuisson et à divers types de desserts. La pâte peut être ajoutée aux crêpes et aux gaufres. Une alternative saine aux crèmes au chocolat populaires. & Nbsp; <strong> commentaires </strong> stockent à une température allant jusqu'à 20 ° C. Après l'ouverture, stockez dans le réfrigérateur et consommez dans les 48 heures.
Francija, Perriers-Sur-Andelle
...Gamme LFE-4124 L : ENERGY - L - Število nadstropij : 4 - Število vrat : 1 vrata - Dimenzije zunanje (Š x P x V) : 1200 x 3250 x 2150 mm - Dimenzije prostorov (Š x P) : 820 x 2450 mm - Površina za kuhanje : 8.05 m² - Električna moč : 39 kW - Aparat za paro : 14 kW - Teža : 2800 kg - Maksimalna temperatura kuhanja: 300°C - Odporniki so zaščiteni v jeklu AISI 309 - Zunanja...
Avstrija, Vienna
...Kostal Energy Meter KEM-P je 3-fazni energetski merilnik, ki podpira do 63A. Povezan je lahko le z inverterjem in ne podpira polnjenja EV. KEM-P je idealna dopolnitev za PV sisteme, da se spremlja in upravlja poraba energije ter vnos. Z natančnim merjenjem porabe energije je mogoče prepoznati in optimizirati vzorce porabe. KEM-P je enostaven za namestitev in uporabo ter nudi zanesljivo delovanje. Številka artikla: 10541550 Nazivna napetost: 230 - 400 V Nazivna frekvenca: 50 Hz Maksimalni tok: 100 A Dimenzije: 100 x 72 x 66 mm...
Slovenija, Maribor
... - enhance memory and combat cognitive decline. Starlife supplements NMN Powder works as an energy booster, metabolism booster and supports mitochondrial health in the body. NMN may support heart health, increase energy & decrease recovery time, promote muscle quality & strength and improve muscle endurance. It may also improve skin function, increase skin elasticity and decrease premature signs of aging. If you add the NMN supplement to a healthy diet, you can contribute to the increase of the longevity gene Sirtuin and thus enjoy all the capabilities your body has.
Necron Elektronik Yazılım Mühendislik A.Ş., ustanovljena leta 1989, je specializirana za neprekinjene industrijske napajalnike in ponosno ohranja vodilno mesto kot eden vodilnih proizvajalcev Combi-UPS v Turčiji. Naša družba, znana po svoji vizionarski inovativnosti, je postavila pomembne mejnike v industriji. Začeli smo z obratom na 4.500 m² v Tuzla Organize Sanayi Bölgesi in se preoblikovali v u...
KB Schmiedetechnik GmbH je podjetje v lasti lastnika, ki se ukvarja s kovinsko obdelavo in ima približno 100 zaposlenih, specializirano za majhne serije varnostno pomembnih kovinskih delov iz vseh vrst jekla - tudi Duplex in Titan. Imajo obsežne odobritve za tlačne naprave, ladjedelništvo ter jedrsko tehnologijo. Teža surovih delov od 200g do 130Kg in Lmax: 600mm Izdelujemo po naslednjih odobritv...
... jagode (divje jagode, jabolko, črni ribez, borovnica), - Yuzu in zmajeva sadna (pitaja in azijska citrusa), - Original (podoben receptu, znanemu po vsem svetu, a bolj zaokrožen in manj sladek), - Meta limona in sladkorni trs (Mojito brez taurina), - Tropski (recept brez sladkorja). Od ustvarjanja do proizvodnje smo ob vaši strani, da vas vodimo in zagotovimo uspešno lansiranje. Prav tako ponujamo storitve bele oznake za prehranske dodatke (minimalno naročilo 300 kg: primer trenutnih trendov: elektroliti, kolagen, kreatin itd.)...
Italija, Campo San Martino
... pico Vino Mekano 400 je hladilnik za shranjevanje rib iz družine Mekano Green, kompakten po velikosti, a velik po funkcijah. Vsestranski in enostavno prilagodljiv tudi za manjše prostore. Idealno za shranjevanje svežih rib zahvaljujoč sistemu hlajenja s penasto tuljavo na treh straneh in notranjim odtokom za lažje čiščenje. Zaslon brez stekla razpon:-2/+7 °C Zaslon brez stekla Dodatki:3 plastične...
... (short tem +125°C).":"Delovna temperatura: ‐40°C do +95°C (kratkoročno +125°C).","Excellent resistance to environmental extremes.":"Odlična odpornost na okoljske ekstremne razmere.","Bonds a wide variety of similar and dissimilar substrates.":"Lepi široko paleto podobnih in različnih podlag.","Suitable for difficult splicing applications, especially low surface energy substrates like polyethylene and polypropylene.":"Primeren za zahtevne spajalske aplikacije, še posebej za podlage z nizko površinsko energijo, kot sta polietilen in polipropilen."}...
Slovenija, Ljubljana-Polje
...Our offer includes a variety of cabinets, including vertical, semi-vertical, and combined cabinets, alongside serve-over and self-service counters and islands. The complete range of WSL cabinets, both remote and plug&play, is designed to create a visually unified refrigeration line with smart and functional attributes. Moreover, we are specialized in crafting product customizations, tailored to your unique requirements. ...
Španija, Manlleu-Barcelona
... for external energy input. The cooling process is based on the evaporation of water, which extracts energy from the air, releasing sensible heat and cooling the environment. This phenomenon is known as evaporative cooling and is commonly used in industrial premises where conventional air conditioning systems are not economically viable. They are systems with very low energy consumption and therefore produce cold at a very economical cost.
Francija, Villeneuve d Ascq
...V industrijskem kontekstu dvostranski polnilci RossiniEnergy omogočajo optimizacijo samooskrbe s sončno energijo. Kako ohraniti energijo po nizkih stroških? Baterije, ki so trenutno na voljo na trgu, ne omogočajo hitrega vračila naložbe. Zakaj ne bi uporabili obstoječih baterij električnih vozil? Iz te razmisleka in opazovanja razširjenega, a malo znanega električnega vozila — viličarja — so se rodile ideje Cloudino in EDI, sistemov za shranjevanje energije brez namenskih baterij.
Slovenija, Koper
...There’s nothing better than to sweeten your day with your favourite vice. While drinking coffee or juice, at home or outdoors, at work or during your leisure time, a biscuit is still one of the most popular sweet snacks that does not only feed the soul, but also successfully staves off hunger and gives some energy. Since we are taking care of the needs of sweet tooth, our sweet offer includes products by renowned and high-quality brands that never let us down. Brands are: Grancereale,Baiocchi, Ringo Famiglia, Rigoli, Macine,Togo ...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... little as possible snow accumulation on top of the dome, making it safe for use during the harsh winters. Our intuitive smart dome system can also reduce energy consumption by up to 40% as it implements a variety of sensors that regulate and monitor energy consumption.
Slovenija, Ljutomer
...With advanced computer control, we effectively control the heating and cooling of the furnace. We use natural gas as heating energy. The furnace can reach a temperature of 1000°C. Annealing or normalisation can be performed three times a week.
Slovenija, Markovci
...Our range of services also includes integrated automation for residential and commercial buildings. The goals of a good automation of a building are: one control system for all systems within the building, to ensure comfort, to reduce energy consumption, to create an intuitive control system.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
...The supply of electrical energy occupies an important position in the life of modern society. Operation of commerce, industry, transport, health service and private household are all dependent on regular and dependable supply of electrical energy. The quality of supplied electrical energy also depends on information about the state of power system. A successful power system operation therefore requires the use of state-of-the-art secondary equipment, which enables protection, monitoring, supervision and control of individual devices as well as whole power system.
Slovenija, Grosuplje
...Each product presents a big challenge. While planning the production process and selecting the production procedures with innovative approaches we aim to ensure the lowest amount of input energy, time and material, and guarantee quality repeatability and minimum material discharge. We are aware of the need for constant learning, therefore we organise various forms of employee trainings and education events in the company. Teamwork and internal trainings are the means of transferring knowledge among ourselves. We also collaborate with external partners, companies and universities. ...
Belgija, Beringen
...Osvežujoč kot brezalkoholna pijača, napolnjen z isto energijsko mešanico, ki naredi Monster za najmočnejšo energijsko pijačo na planetu. 100 kalorij na 8 oz. porcijo. Monster Assault je revolucija v pločevinki, vendar z enako polno energijsko močjo Monster in drzkim, osvežujočim okusom. Monster daje močan udarec, a ima gladek in enostaven okus za pitje.
Ciper, Peyia
... did you like cheese, lemons, wine or coffee the first time? Certainly not. So taste is learned. Don't you have to have tried everything first to say: "That's my thing?" We think: Yes, definitely! Because facing new adventures always means expanding your own horizons. "What the farmer doesn't know, he doesn't eat?" Not a particularly royal attitude!
...JCP 400 Frekvenca (Hz): 50 / 60 Napetost (V): 230, 120, 120 / 240 Tok (A): 21.7, 41.6, 41.6 / 20.8 StandBy (Kw): 5 Prime (Kw): 5.5 Neto teža (kg): 51.5...
Kdo smo? "SUNTIER ENERGY IMPORT AND EXPORT COMPANY" Mednarodno trgovinsko podjetje je mednarodno trgovinsko podjetje, znano po svoji izkušnji, številnih dejavnostih in razlikah na mnogih področjih od svojega ustanovitve v Turčiji. Podjetje Suntier se specializira za izvoz vseh vrst blaga in izdelkov iz Turčije po vsem svetu, ne glede na to, ali so blago lastne proizvodnje, proizvedeno za sebe ali...
... žarnica / cca. 50 W Lightbulb Nazivni polovični kot / Nominal beam angle: >36° Dimenzije / Dimensions: ø 50 x 54 mm Električni podatki / Electrical data: Delovna napetost / Operating voltage: 220 - 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz Električni moč faktor / Power factor: > 0,4 Cikli preklapljanja / Switching cycles: 40.000 Razred energetske učinkovitosti / Energy efficiency class: A+ Svetlobni tehnični...
Francija, Yffiniac
...*100 mm":"Premer valja*hod bata : 90*100 mm","Nombre de cylindres : 4":"Število valjev : 4","Puissance à 1500trs/min : 24 kW":"Moč pri 1500 obr/min : 24 kW","Puissance permanente PRP : 22 kVA / 17,6 kW":"Stalna moč PRP : 22 kVA / 17,6 kW","Cylindrée : 2,5 L":"Delovna prostornina : 2,5 L","Nombre de phases : 1 ou 3":"Število faz : 1 ali 3","Type de régulation : mécanique":"Vrsta regulacije : mehanska...
Avstrija, Königsdorf
...PROPERTYUNITS LIMITSTEST METHOD (NOTES)MINMAX appearance – clear, bright, free from solid matter and undissolved water visual check (note 2) density @ 15°c kg/m3 750.0 840.0 bs en iso 3675 or bs en iso 12185 gross specific energy (or net heat of combustion) (a) mj/kg 42.80– bs 200012 / bs iso 15911 / astm / d3338 / astm d4809 smoke point mm 19– bs 200057 flash point °c 38.0– bs en iso 13736 char...
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